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49762583 No.49762583 [Reply] [Original]

I think the collapse of the US economy is planned, specifically for the purpose of forcing us into default ASAP against our debt to the Chinese. This collapse will destabilize the rest of the world, but China in particular, and in my opinion the people who control the US believe we'll bounce back more robustly than the Chinese or anyone else will once the dust settles. Obviously this result is predicated on the idea that global nuclear war doesn't result from this strategy; the elite are hedged against that to the extent it's possible to be and none of the rest of us can either meaningfully prepare for or prevent it. Given that China is probably aware of this, and given that the collapse, in this scenario, is assumed, how does a moderately wealthy American plan to come out on top?

>> No.49762631
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lol, you think the US/FED is going to let its own country default


>> No.49762640

ser this is a wendy's

>> No.49762677

short btc

>> No.49762716

If you're a wealthy American and you haven't married your daughters off to the jews (like Trump and Biden) then the decision has already been made to cut you out/cut you loose. If you have a fortune to spend, use it on political and legal activism and help take your country back. Bail some of these guys out who are sitting in jail for protesting drag queen story hour. There's a start.

>> No.49762723

Why did the US loan money from China in the first place? The ECB prints all the money we want, it has no limits.

>> No.49762896

We don't borrow money from China. We issue debt and China buys it. The government issues treasury bonds and people/companies/foreign countries buy them using U.S. dollars. This takes dollars out of circulation and shrinks the money supply. The Chinese love buying U.S. debt because it ensures our currency is worth more than theirs. This makes sense when you realize their role as a manufacturing base and Americans being able to afford all the shit they make means they get to keep manufacturing and exporting. Exporting goods to the U.S. also means that the Chinese have a steady supply of U.S. dollars with which to buy more U.S. debt. That's how I understand it at least.

>> No.49762921

>I think the collapse of the US economy is planned, specifically for the purpose of forcing us into default ASAP against our debt to the Chinese.
no it's to implement CBDC with adjustable interest rates, vaccine ID system, and social credit scores. aka complete enslavement of the human race.

>> No.49762964

But why not? If the actual value of the US is in its natural resources and what its citizens can produce with them, why not put that to the actual test sooner than when the current crop of teenagers is in their thirties? I mean, if you're the 40-something scion of a mega-wealthy family, which generation do you want rebuilding society in a race with the Chinese?

It's not just the oldest generation of the turbo-elite who have influence. The younger ones in their forties and fifties who know more about the web may well be more influential than the geriatrics living in a bubble of the old world.

>> No.49762981

No one is doing vaccine shit anymore. The vaccine was security theater, a grift, and a conspiracy off ramp to divert people away from talking about anything that matters. We already have a social credit system. If you're white and right wing, you're at the bottom.

>> No.49762994

there are no countries

>> No.49763008

I don't doubt some parts of that are the goal. I think the vax ID system was tried and ran into too much resistance among a heavily armed population. I'm not saying this move will be GOOD for Americans; quite the opposite. I think they'll inflame unrest among the US populace to destabilize our economy, crippling China's.

>> No.49763084
File: 105 KB, 610x535, ponder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have one like China's. I'm white and right wing and I can still buy plane tickets and real estate. My case is that it's tough to know whether the US elite want that or pretend to want that. They might know the hatred caused by their suggesting it and legions of the brainless parroting their demands might be enough to knock the US economy unconscious for a while. If it does, China goes down too, and they're betting on the US getting up faster.

>> No.49763105

>No one is doing vaccine shit anymore.
lol. chimp pox is around the corner and will conveniently become the next plandemic as midterms draw near and as the economy begins to collapse. globohomo plays the long game. vaccine mandates will return. they had to back off but they didn't trash the idea. they want us getting mRNA injections regularly in order to live a human life. they will try again and again to get us to take vaccines just so we dont starve.

>> No.49763204

If they do bring back vaccine politics it will be to draw attention away from mass immigration (250,000 "refugees" arrived at the southern border in May), the economy, the absolute out of control levels of black crime, and the successful conquest of the Donbass region by Russia. And of course the conservatards will be out in force screaming about masks and shots as their country burns around them.

>> No.49763286

well i think its a valid complaint, for example, to mandate that every company with over 100 employees must force their workers to get an experimental injection that has no safety data, a ton of harmful side effects, and literally zero benefit in order to keep their job. that is something worth making a fuss over

>> No.49763326

The point is that the collapse itself, everything you described, may be deliberate in a bid to default on our debts to China.

>> No.49763342

this game was awesome.

>> No.49763418

That whole plan sounds too smart for our leadership class. I genuinely believe the people running our country are a bunch of midwit LITERAL FAGGOTS surrounded by hordes of diversity hires. Everything is getting worse because they have no clue what they're doing nor do they care.

>> No.49763994

one of my favourites bro

>> No.49765593

Look, the reality might shock you.

I just think the ruling class is just dumb and they're making their final mistake right now.

Yes, I think they will be ousted violently from power in the next few years and we'll get into a new type of society.

They just have been doing mistake after mistake for no reason whatsoever.

>> No.49765609

its all to suppress chainlink