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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4975665 No.4975665 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when your life was normal?

When your money was safe in your bank account?
When your days weren't consumed by nervously watching charts?
When you weren't afraid to go to sleep, fearing you'd miss a moon mission?
When paranoia didn't eat away at your psyche?

It's not too late to go back, /biz/.

>> No.4975688

Sorry, I just installed Vertcoin and have started mining at a pissant hashrate.


>> No.4975721


yes i do...

lately its really hard. my portfolio is nearly 100% ark and im getting so frustrated. its hell

>> No.4975767

You're right. It's not too late to go back. So get aboard the ARK.

>> No.4975799

Where I didn’t watch my net worth shoot up over $23k in 2 months for purchasing magic beans on the internet?

Im fine with this, anon

>> No.4975813

I lived like that for four days. It got annoying ao now I just hold. Ill start trading a couple days a week when I start working again

>> No.4975844

fuck off normie

>> No.4975876

>be me
>this time last year
>happy in my new job
>working hard, long hours in the office
>impressed my colleagues and manager
>fast track to promotion, lunches and dinners at fancy restaurants with bossman
>invest in alt coins and some btc with big bonus
>forward to today
>work has slowly gone down hill
>do 9-5 no less no more
>been moved into another larger team but not promoted
>up till 2am looking at my coins so tired at work
>motivated only by the endless ebs and flows of the crypto charts
>put on 2 stone of fat(still in ok shape as was a rower before)
>portfolio work 500k and growing
>only I know
>dream of quiting work but I'm only 24 and don't know what I'd do if I retired

I was happy before this. Had friends, girls, social life. Now I only get slight happiness from the green I wake up to.

I have to get off this ride soon. My life is drifting past me as I drag up the refresh on blockfolio for the 40 time in a minute.

>> No.4975915

Cash out?
You can always come back.

You'll tip into outright suicide if there's a massive dip next week and if it skyrockets...hey man, you've got 500k
And you've already done a smart thing and not told anybody.

>> No.4975990

from 2010 to 2017 I had around 10k just sitting in my bank doing nothing
I want to kms because of this

>> No.4976072

I don't want to miss out on a potential once in a lifetime opportunity. Thought I'd made it when I worked hard to get this well paying job, only to realise even my six figure colleagues weren't actually rich. I don't even care when I goes down 20/30/50k in a day. Just become more obsessed until it goes back up

>> No.4976073

There are a thousand other places you could have invested and made money and didn't because you didn't know, same with bitcoin.
Why be so hard on yourself.

>> No.4976109

Well cash something of it out, geez.
Do you have enough to live alright now?

Got a girlfriend? (don't tell them about this of course)

>> No.4976137

I never leave positions open. Liquidate before I sleep. I miss gains but I also am not a nervous wreck.

>> No.4976148

Don't need the money for anything. Got a high paying job and live frugally (out of choice). Life really won't change unless I get millions or lose it all.

>> No.4976170

>not just setting some ridiculous sell when you go to bed
You're never going to make it.

>> No.4976205

I only come here for the laughs because crypto is hilarious. I have like $3 worth of FirstBlood.

>> No.4976266
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NO. I'm already too deep into this rabbit hole to go back now. LEAVE ME ALONE WITH MY COINS. This is my life now... and I LITERALLY can't cash out.

>> No.4976411
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I'll only go with you if you can take me back to the 90s.

>> No.4976570

Just don't cash out all of it

>> No.4976635
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OP is trying to buy the dip

>> No.4976699

But any money taken out could be worth 10x or 100x in a year. It will never be worth that much to me as cash today because other than a house I don't need to buy anything & atm I'm working in another city and live in a serviced apartment for free.

>> No.4976729

Actually I really wouldn't want to go back. I'm not being a fuckwit and throwing my money all over hoping to make a couple extra bucks in a day. I'm letting what I can afford to lose sit in various places, not paying attention to dips or whatever and enjoying the gains. I'm up like $400 over the last month. This was the first Monday in 2 years that I didn't make some unnecessary outburst of anger when I got in my car to go to work.

>> No.4976799
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I cashed out my initial investment + 50% in profits just to relieve stress. I roughly tripled my initial investment in 3 weeks but I literally don't work out anymore, am distracted at work and hate thinking about it all the time.

Now that I've gotten my initial investment and a decent chunk of profit cashed out, I've felt a lot a better, like trading monopoly money. It no longer feels like "my" money. It just werks.

>> No.4977179

I'm exactly the same
multi millions or nothing
500k won't change my life

>> No.4977223

Will we make anon. That's what keeps me up.

Getting there though. Holding mainly fundamental value coins

>> No.4977243

you're here forever


watch jealously as coins moon


constantly nervous checking blockfolio every 5 seconds

the only escape is death.

>> No.4977246

Dude screw normal life. I discovered Premium Signals group https://discord.gg/5DjF5Nd on this discored. Free moon missions with fuking whales.

>> No.4977275

>Remember when your life was normal?
not since 9/11, the invention of social media, and the rapid decline of moral values in todays society. i blame nothing on myself and everything on those in power. only thing left to do, acquire online tokens of wealth, and dismantle those in current positions of power.
only then, will the rest of us be able to live normal lives again

>> No.4977278

I cashed out when Bitcoin was at 11k hoping to go back to a stress free life. But then Bitcoin kept going up and I started worrying that my actual fiat dollars would become worthless while crypto became the future.

I lasted like four days cashed out before I bought back in. In the time Bitcoin went from 11k to 17k. I bought back in all in ETH though because I'm not a retard and Bitcoin is going to correct soon.

The point I'm trying to make is you will never sleep again no matter what you do.

>> No.4977286

This. Ever since I left for fiat i've felt like shit watching stuff moon. When people just randomly start talking crypto near me irl I feel a sharp pain.

>> No.4977287
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>sit at home money roll in
>make fun of shitcoin holders losing money
>have the same happen to you
>feel better than any drug when a huge green spike happens
>shitpost with fellow future elite
>making it with your anon bros
this is a comfy life desu

>> No.4977308

watching money roll in*

>> No.4977324

never leave crypto or commodities that cant be inflated. fiat is a lie

>> No.4977350


like literally
i said kek out loud

>> No.4977352

Now you see why all those stereotypes about guys on wall street all being on Xanax, are stereotypes for a reason.

>> No.4977483
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this. so much stress involved in trading it's not wonder this career leads suicide stats. it's either that or drugs, or both.

>> No.4977506
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take me back

>> No.4978424

sounds like you're doing the right thing. Sometimes life has hard stretches that you'll be thankful you withstood. My advice would be to throw some money into promising projects like LINK and REQ, keep a little money aside for trading shitcoins, and diversify the rest between eth, bct, monero. Don't let yourself spend too much time on the charts. start exercising for an hour a day, at a real gym, and learn to cook some good food. the charts will do what they were going to do regardless of if you're watching them or not, so make some smart long term investments and work a bit on improving your lifestyle with exercise, cooking, and a hobby or 2. get off the computer