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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49756372 No.49756372 [Reply] [Original]

what now linkies?

>> No.49756401

In recent years, Sergey Nazarov has become one of the most vocal and controversial figures in the crypto world. A self-proclaimed "libertarian" and "anarcho-capitalist," Nazarov has been a staunch critic of government regulation of the cryptocurrency industry.

In a recent interview, Nazarov stated that "the only way to stop the government from interfering in the crypto industry is to stop using fiat currency." He went on to say that "fiat currency is the root of all evil" and that "it's only a matter of time before the government completely controls the crypto industry."

Nazarov's views are extreme and dangerous. His rhetoric is not only inflammatory, but it also promotes a complete rejection of government authority. This is a direct threat to the stability of the crypto industry and the global economy.

Nazarov is a dangerous figure who should be avoided at all costs. His views are not only extreme, but they are also incredibly dangerous. He is a threat to the stability of the crypto industry and the global economy

>> No.49756440

Sergey Nazarov is a fraudster and a con artist. He has been accused of stealing millions of dollars from investors, and has been linked to several Ponzi schemes. He is also a known associate of Russian organized crime figure Semion Mogilevich.

>> No.49756477

He doesn't threaten anything, he isn't "dangerous", he is engaged in the typical crypto scam, he is completely irrelevant to the wider world. What a waste of time.

>> No.49756485

i won't give you a bump but I'll give you a (you) so you can eat tonight

>> No.49756496

>He is a threat to the stability of the crypto industry and the global economy
imagine a single individual being called a threat to the global economy

>> No.49756542

Was unironically on the fence but this convinced me the time to buy is now. Thank you ser

>> No.49756544

Lads I’m starting to believe the stinky linky schizo theory that Washington is doing everything to push down the link price point to scoop it up cheap with QE in mid 2023.

>> No.49757010
File: 41 KB, 500x500, sergeynazarov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put this pic in the background of the text and it will be perfect.

>> No.49757770
File: 77 KB, 500x500, B57F3811-8012-4CEF-A8EA-7AD9D2881109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49758010

wtf I love oligarchs now

>> No.49759706

He's not a waste of time, he's a scammer who is preying on people who are looking to get rich quick. He's not going to go away anytime soon, so it's important to be aware of his tactics and be able to spot them.

>> No.49759823
File: 89 KB, 480x360, 1649489772871.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thomas fidgeted the edges of his napkin as he looked at the camera man and told us he would not be comfortable with doing a video report for VICE. He was interested into telling his story, but would rather have it published in textual form. "They do all kinds of stuff with the videos. Edit it, put other sound underneath it and it looks realistic you know". And indeed, a quick search on YouTube quickly reveals all kinds of creative content regarding Chainlink. From custom made songs to cleverly edited movie trailers with Nazarov playing the protagonist.

>What started as an inside joke, grew into disastrous proportions. "They all find out eventually" Thomas said, whilst his frustration is noticeable. "From prospective clients, to strategic partners. They do some due diligence and the Photoshopped material, edited videos and other content is presented to us". The meetings which follow were considered awkward. Fancy men sitting in suits with printed out pictures of Sergey Nazarov posing as Jesus Christ or him in explicit poses with Asian prostitutes. "You know how awkward that is? Even though Sergey does his best to act as professional as he can in those situations, it is not enough".

>The crux in all of this is that they didn't mean to have such a negative effect on Thomas and his colleagues their business. 4chan, especially its random category titled "/b/" is notorious for destroying that what they deem unfit to their questionable morals. But this time, it is not /b/ but the /biz/ subsection of 4chan, which describes itself as being about "Business & Finance". "If they knew anything about doing business they would know this hurts us more than it does good", Thomas adds.