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File: 221 KB, 1080x1662, Screenshot_2022-06-17-13-20-11-350_com.instagram.android-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49754750 No.49754750 [Reply] [Original]

The bottom is in


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Financials podcasts/channels
https://www.youtube.com/c/CameronStewartCFA - Fundamendals analysis
https://www.youtube.com/user/BenzingaTV - Various themed livestreams
https://www.youtube.com/user/KitcoNews - Mainly PMs and crypto

>Live Streams:

>Educational sites:

>Free charts:


>Pre-Market Data and Live data:

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

>Boomer Investing 101:

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:

>List of hedge fund holdings:



>> No.49754767

First for GME!!!

>> No.49754770
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How did you do today?

>> No.49754799

My puts lost a bunch of money, but I bought more so it will all work out next week just fine

>> No.49754802
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>> No.49754816

Even that shitter AMD couldn't keep me down.

>> No.49754830
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Up .14%

>> No.49754839

Fuck niggers and their nigger holiday.

>> No.49754845
File: 1.28 MB, 1125x2079, 96565973-7819-4337-802B-BE8EFCA92604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tiktok is worse than porn for the mind

>> No.49754858

>gf's AI created index is up 20%

>> No.49754859

> Speaking of being out of touch, this permanent A list rapper and the former bird CEO are making promises daily to groups of lower income brackets that they can get rich overnight through crypto and to hand over their money to the pair and just trust the process. (Jay-Z, Jack Dorsey)

>> No.49754861
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>green day on opex and before a 3-day weekend
extremely bullish

>> No.49754874



>> No.49754903
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My face when father's day was replaced with nigger day.

>> No.49754906



PaJEet Our friend!

Crypto moon and we get to set the price! It's over for you boomers! Powell just said he's going to adopt all my shitcoins as the central currency! COPE N SEETHEEEEE! BTC is the future! The future is a decentralized blockchain! It totally makes sense! And they're going to have to buy it from me! I own the WORLD now! WAGIE WINS! BOOMERS LOSE!

and you said it was all a ponzi...hah, me and pajeet so smurt

>> No.49754930
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i don't want to talk about it.

>> No.49754935
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>> No.49754936

My $43k account for long term investments went up by $2. Very crabby day.
My $28k fun money account went up $240, so that's good.

>> No.49754953
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My mind has already been destroyed by two decades of internet usage for 10+ hours every single day.

>> No.49754960
File: 39 KB, 828x531, 636429C7-33B3-45F3-81CC-9333090B56A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost $1200 today for a grand total of $5000 for the week or roughly 45% off of last week. My calls got wrecked and I almost don’t even care if I lose the rest.

>> No.49754964

I think it's time to sell

>> No.49754969

same. i don't even want to talk about my porn addiction...

you think the market is going to keep going down? kinda has to, right? more rate hikes and so forth?

>> No.49754972

I’m down 20% all time, but I expected economic clownery and went with companies and sectors that at least have a chance of surviving.
t. energy and manufacturing chad

>> No.49754975
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>> No.49754981
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I love the CEO of SIGA

>> No.49755000

You sound really angry. Who knew making money was so political.

>> No.49755002

Green. REV, UUUU, TQQQ, SQQQ and ADN offset my oil spill.

>> No.49755010

you think natural gas and oil going down recently is a long term thing because of a recession or just a bump in the road higher?

>> No.49755015
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ASMB stock ladies!

>> No.49755019

Presumably you're in your late 20s, early 30s? So if, you got off easy. I'm seeing kids as young as 5 who have their own cellphone.

>> No.49755026

i can't believe 1 in 4 black people own crypto, that really explains a lot.

>> No.49755037
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winter is coming, if you arent long in energy companies you are doing something wrong

>> No.49755047

See >>49754859
They probably got grifted by some celebrity they like

>> No.49755054


>> No.49755061

>Oil always goes up during the summer!
>Oil always goes up during the winter!
Which is it? It's definitely not both

>> No.49755071

I’m in energy. It hasn’t been working out lately, anon.

>> No.49755072

>How did you do today?
I came out even because I sold everything. I even put more money into my brokerage account and did not spend any of it.

>> No.49755077

I'm pretty fucked in the head, I can't imagine a kid. the porn/instagram addiction alone for sure is fucking with my boners with real girls.

i feel the same way, but, it's scary being upside down. i fell for the uranium meme too which was dumb.

I can't wait for the crypto lawsuits, it'll be pure entertainment

>> No.49755113

It is winter in the southern hemisphere and summer in the northern hemisphere.

>> No.49755119
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>I can't wait for the crypto lawsuits, it'll be pure entertainment

>> No.49755123

with the shortages it is both, russia cutting off gas to europe. poorer countries cant pay the oil/gas bills anymore.
it will have to get a lot worse first
or maybe biden's retarded extra tax idea for oil companies

>> No.49755132

oh no, i'm just comfy throwing more of my nonexistent wagie wages into it. Indian told me that, "Crypto is the future, doothe". I just know so much about it too. Blockchain, smart contracts, cryptography, zero knowledge proofs, some seriously cutting edge stuff that I, the wagie, definitely have a strong grasp on and totally isn't being used to hoodwink my low IQ ass. So see! You don't get it like I do because we're smarter than you boomers! Crypto to the moon! It's digital gold! It can only go up...the tech, it's so useful. So useful that I used it yesterday to buy more on coinbase! anonymous as fuck too. How could they possibly regulate it?!

>> No.49755135

prices are going up everywhere and stocks are coming down as everything is being priced in according to the new bidenconomy

>> No.49755142

Whatever sand niggers want, by Allah snackbar.

>> No.49755144
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I'm -78% but trying to recover slowly, not gonna fucking give up

>> No.49755154
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Is this hitting $44?

>> No.49755165

Thank fucking god this week is over.
It'll be better next week, haha r-right brothers?

>> No.49755170

>uranium meme
We all fall for something. I put $1,500 into Bayhorse. Was $500 when I pulled it out. Kek

>> No.49755181

1.23 up today :)

>> No.49755183

haha ye


>> No.49755193
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>> No.49755195
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At this point I'm only still holding TBLT to get a payout from the eventual lawsuit
lol lmao

>> No.49755206

I have $15k in shorts and $15k in longs. The rest in cash. I have no fucking idea where we are headed

>> No.49755228
File: 41 KB, 641x530, Pepe Removing Glasses - Dear God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-78% *today*?

Post trades?

>> No.49755230

I normally hate watching retards fall for ponzi schemes and act irresponsibly because I assume that I'll end up paying for their stupidity some way or another. Then I just remember that poor losers and Pajeets don't get bailed out- only the banks do- and that brings a smile to my face. Labor is about to get so cheap when these tards have to file my toe nails for a nickel.

b-b-but the tech! It's high level math! It must be useful! The governments of the world were adopting! b-b-b-but El Bagholderino! Y-y-you boomers are all so stupid. You just don't get it! We were going to make it without working! The Jews! Damn those JEWS! ELON MUST PAY! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.49755243

I still own some gold and silver stocks, those have been performing like shit also. I didn't buy any of the juniors though

>> No.49755257

EOM we get our recessions boys

>> No.49755262

Good news: You'll win
Bad news: The payout is just one of their crappy bags

>> No.49755273

>Labor is about to get so cheap when these tards have to file my toe nails for a nickel.
lmao you telling me it won't be a debate about working from home or the office? I can't wait to hear "see you monday" again.

>> No.49755281


>> No.49755295

Recession this summer, depression in winter.

>> No.49755305

Oof I own 3 of those. This has been a bad week.

>> No.49755309
File: 216 KB, 1912x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robinhood is having a shareholder meeting soon.

Don't forget to vote for questions.

>> No.49755312

Brave, powerful.

>> No.49755313

based banned for the weekend anon, enjoy your time off and happy fathers day

>> No.49755325


>> No.49755333
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>reset IP
>ban disappears

>> No.49755342

I meant more like when did you buy them.

>> No.49755350

they have no leg to stand on. They got scammed by fucking Pajeets lmfao

Wagie will do whatever we tell them. Regardless of their, "well I wouldn't want to live in a world like that anyway!" We all know they're too stupid and cowardly to rope, so back to work I say! I actually can employ them to reload ammo for me. Thing is: They got scammed by Pajeet so can they even do simple tasks like operate a press for reloading? Can they even measure powder properly? Maybe we just turn them into human fertilizer?

>> No.49755364
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Top fucking kek.
The oil baggies cope is hilarious.

>> No.49755369
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No not today, on my initial investment. I may have recovered around 2% today, too lazy to look it up. Until I recover what I lost I don't wanna get too cocky looking at numbers cause then I get too motivated and do stupid shit again

>> No.49755373

we also get a dead president

>> No.49755375

Q1 2021

>> No.49755382

I did absolutely nothing

>> No.49755392
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Up 1%

>> No.49755421

Harby, what’s wrong my man. How much did you lose today, you seem to be in emotional distress.

>> No.49755432

I hope so. God willing.

>> No.49755463
File: 472 KB, 590x753, tough like a toolbelt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought a bag of toolbelt today

>> No.49755466

Kamala would be 1000x worse.

>> No.49755469

Yeah, makes sense to claim some profit. But if you're being shook as a long term holder that means we're closer to the bottom here than if you were a johnny come lately.

>> No.49755472
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While you're correct you're also letting the crypto niggers make you seethe with their stupidity. Ponzis will keep suckering people forever. It will always work and there will always be a new one.

You can't save or help them so take a deep breath and let it go. The greedy and stupid will perish, the patient and clever will thrive.

>> No.49755480

Checked yes. Accelerate bloodshed/war.

>> No.49755517

My stance is pretty simple, even if hell invades those companies are inherently valuable because they produce things all of modern society literally runs on. I know that for most of them they would actively have to try and go under by this point, especially after the recent news of companies like Exxon and others telling Biden to fuck off with his dementia ridden bullshit. I’m not saying its gonna be easy street or that tomorrow morning its gonna be a complete 180, what I am saying is that down the line those companies have the best chance of coming out of this mess and actually giving you a future profit. Thats not all I invested in, but they do make up more than half of my portfolio.

>> No.49755534

correct, biden is dead you immediately up up 100+ otm shorts on Spy and then start prepping because she is either tongueing putins anus on live tv or we would get nuked because she is a cold unlikable evil cuntsicle.

>> No.49755588

Just wait a bit. Europe hasn't restored its reserves yet and is unlikely to be able to. Short term they are going to drop hammers weekly until it catches a bid and people realize they will pay any price for gas and the mass entire industry wide lay offs begin.

>> No.49755596

No, I'm sure it's JUST about to MELTUP!..................................................................................

>> No.49755619

Not much would actually change between Biden and Kamala, the policies would be the same because they're both puppets. But what would be so much worse is her gaffs and inability to speak which is somehow worse than Biden. The market would get spooked by her even more than Biden.

>> No.49755639
File: 131 KB, 496x699, 5A5F5846-ECCB-49FB-8A2B-FF6DB70FCC78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto is the future, only because it’s so much easier to control a simulated society, and money is a key factor in that simulation. 99% of the shit people are mad about these days, including on this website, came from robots posting scripts to different communities. In another 20 years, people will be complacently sitting inside living entirely simulated lives, words thoughts and energy will be thrown into the void of this simulated society. Its no mistake we’re turning into a society of neets.

>> No.49755652

up 1% gang!

>> No.49755661

i was gonna sell my hedge temporarily to make some play on the opening. didnt and the play could have worked better than the loss i got on oil.

so not good overall

>> No.49755666

You seriously trust a company who goes by bofa?

>> No.49755693
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>> No.49755742
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that lil nibba is gangster
Who else /down 5 digits/ now?

>> No.49755750


>> No.49755754
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Is triple witching the most over-hyped nothingburger in the stock market?

>> No.49755759


>> No.49755767

Always is.

>> No.49755779
File: 135 KB, 500x500, 1432183052548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are going to have fun this year

>> No.49755780

Man mannarino is fucking cracked in this video. Capitulating into cash doesn't seem to be taking it well with him. Thought I really doubt he is entirely in cash. Someone like him who has been into stocks for decades has to be holding millions of unrealized gains at any point in time. Or maybe he is actually incompetent and is no more richer than any average /smg/ user here which I kind of doubt.

>> No.49755788

I have roughly 35k in metals but had never before or since bought paper metals. I got snookered kek

>> No.49755802

At least deez nuts was able to correctly predict that stocks would get heemed back in January, unlike those kikes at JPM who have been saying we're still in a bull market the entire way down

>> No.49755822
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Nvm only 4 digits kek. cause I sperged on microcaps. But seriously buy CCXI no bamboozles

>> No.49755823
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The SIGA stocktwits page is pretty comfy

>> No.49755825
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Ultimately it'd still be the triumvirate of Blinken-Sullivan-Yellen calling the shots and making the big decisions.

Though yes she would absolutely tank sentiment.

>> No.49755830

options play a role in short-term movements but people assign far too much importance to them, most likely because they don't value the derivative market correctly.

>> No.49755836

he's becoming a cramer sort of thing where he just makes bad moves kek

>> No.49755838

No, that was Evergrande

>> No.49755844

I use RH for 80% of my portfolio. It's funny how it has such a bad rap because the UI is second to none and it has no fees/commissions. People get it in their heads something is bad there's no recovery

>> No.49755858

He needs a break. Should have sold in may and gone away.
>I'm in this market every day
>I'm loving it

>> No.49755870

There's 2000/2008 type recessions, then there are 1974 type recessions.

Is Garbage Don still dumping on the homos there?

>> No.49755882

i leaked the twitter slack messages to project veritas the other day at the recommendation of an anon

>> No.49755893
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So /smg/ I just inherited some mutual funds from my grandfather who is now suffering from Alzheimer. I have no fucking clue what to do with them if I should hold or cash them out? Issue is they have lost a considerable amount of money since I have been sitting on them - like $100k. It consists of 2 large holdings - 1214 shares VFIAX and 921 GABAX? Your thoughts?

>> No.49755894

postem frendo

>> No.49755912

I'd just hold them at this point

>> No.49755920

He sure is and some guy just called him a racist for shitting on Africa lol. I am not sure how he isn't banned

>> No.49755926

China still hasn't fully reopen, but yes there will be a recession so it's 50/50.

>> No.49755930

Sell them all for CCXI and come back in 1 year to 10x

>> No.49755934

They are at parity with the market.

>> No.49755940

hold for 10 years and you'll have 200k, if you don't have to sell maybe move it to a retirement account and it will be probs 4x in a global stock index

>> No.49755948

Those are good holdings, just keep them for 20 years. If you have to ask, it means you should not touch it.

>> No.49755959

>it's extremely bearish so you should buy
lmao great way to lose all your money

>> No.49755964
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>> No.49755965

fuck these boomers. you can either be rich or live in a pod. CCXI to the moon.

>> No.49755970
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Forgot image

>> No.49756028
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Greg panic sold all his stocks. Bottom is in.

>> No.49756039


>> No.49756047
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My sides.

>> No.49756056

god bless gay sex, bros

>> No.49756058

Just hold them. We're at or very close to the bottom here

>> No.49756065

Unironically, talk to a financial advisor.
Or, ironically go all in on SOXL. Only options.

>> No.49756088

I thought the same around the time when he switched into commodities. He will either be right for getting out now, or he will go the the way of Der Cramer.

>> No.49756094

If people just lost money he wouldn't be seething, he'd be feeling quite smug. The reason he's seething is he has realized he should be in crypto, like the rest of us on this website with one small exception, some general about stonks whatever it's called.

>> No.49756097
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Get some money out of it so you can afford a nice day out with your grandpa. Cherish the moments before they're too late.

>> No.49756114
File: 463 KB, 828x1052, 7BE0DB47-C4D5-4839-A887-69DDC046C4B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49756127

>take grandad out
>he forgets
>he hates you until the end of your days because you never did anything with the money

>> No.49756128
File: 119 KB, 680x549, 1652409427328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do condoms stop mpx? Silly question to ask when dealing with homosexuals I know, but just wondering.

>> No.49756152
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>Markets are really closed on Monday

>> No.49756170

i've got iron/manganese stains in my toilet and I just tried the vinegar/baking soda method. Didn't do anything. Guess I am going to try the coca cola method now wtf bros

>> No.49756184

I’m watching his last video, he’s right this bond rally is fucking unbelievable. This is government money 100%, Jerome fucking Powell is hunched over his desk sweating bullets taking another hit of his crack pipe will hunched under his desk so he can rip up and start buying some fucking bonds. It’s truly insane, fuck the tranny scum masters at the fed, fuck tech bros, collapse the fucking market already and let’s live in a toxic wasteland this shits fucking so ridiculous I can’t even emphasize it properly.

>> No.49756204


>> No.49756215

I think he got carried away following the MMRI and and tricked himself into believing this is the debt market implosion.

>> No.49756220

I think you might be implying this but homosexuals dont use condoms.

>> No.49756239

Sometimes I think about those days of the jontron era game grumps and how I miss it slightly. But then I am glad I moved on after he left and was replaced by some jew and I got into oneyplays and never looked back

>> No.49756256
File: 61 KB, 976x850, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Juneteenth isn't a paid holiday
Can I accuse my company of racism to get an extra paid holiday?

>> No.49756271

It's spread either by contact with sores or bodily fluids. Condoms only stop some of that but not all of it.

>> No.49756277

>collapse the fucking market already
Not gonna happen anon. This is just the beginning of the melt-up before the gigacrash but it won't be for a while. The fed will keep kicking the can as long as possible

>> No.49756279

I’m considering selling most of my stocks as well. It’s dead money and this market is going to plummet further.

>> No.49756310

Remember when Baggie said this guy makes more off his videos than he does the market. Baggie was actually right.

>> No.49756313
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Thanks for the advice thinking of going this route.
Interesting. May grab a small stack
Thanks, anon. I have been planning on it. Got a baseball game in the works for us both.

>> No.49756351

The math no longer adds up, fundamentally doesn’t add up. The federal reserve is fucking INSOLVENT. If they were a bank, they would be INSOLVENT right now. This shits ridiculous really, this is tax payer money they are backing the markets with.

>> No.49756392
File: 781 KB, 828x720, 1655422955851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So its just a std. Gays truly are filth if its that easy to avoid

>> No.49756393

boy hittin them macros too hard mmmmhmm

>> No.49756416


He's not wrong about the 10 year getting potentially out of control and forcing the Fed into YCC. It's just that the Fed is trying to avert that day by crashing stocks to crush inflation expectations.

It will work for a little while, until it becomes too painful for them when the Treasury needs money. Afterwards IMO they'll try to do YCC and hide that they are doing it. Maybe force more people to buy bonds so the Fed doesn't have to put it all on their balance sheet, idk.

>> No.49756428
File: 28 KB, 794x587, image_2022-06-17_172607726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who thinks the pox is an STD and doesn't have at least a suicide stack of SIGA is going to rope

>> No.49756476

No it is, gays are just that degenerate

>> No.49756497
File: 18 KB, 244x199, Screen Shot 2022-06-09 at 10.26.50 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is ccxi
SIGA's is 88% institutional

>> No.49756516

yall are overthinking it, inflation means we only need to crash half as hard in nominal dollars, 30% off highs plus inflation means we're basically done already. bonus is the demand destruction is new normal with esg. this was the soft landing already, except for real estate anyway

>> No.49756517

I went all in on DRV (3x short REITs), in anticipation of existing home sales numbers for may being released on this upcoming terrible Tuesday. Bobo is blowing down the RE market

>> No.49756535
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actually I lied, SIGA apparently dropped significantly, might need to sell some shares

>> No.49756568
File: 315 KB, 1002x1264, Screenshot_20220612-214906_Stocktwits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still? Oh sweaty this is the fud right now. This shit is highly contagious with 40+ mutations. This smallpox variant is being coomed in thousands of blown out asses an hour. Its being left on surfaces where it can last for years. Its in almost if not every country now. You are guaranteed to get it if you have close contact with someone. This ain't your grand daddys killer virus but it will kill and is just as contagious

>> No.49756579

yes, the crash is over. please buy back in, goyim. my bags are 20% off!

>> No.49756584

>So its just a std
Basically yes but it's pride month so don't be a bigot have have gay butt sex with a monkey pozzed brave and powerful transfemale.

>> No.49756612

Up $3000, but down 60k overall.

>> No.49756629
File: 1.84 MB, 4032x3024, 5555E558-A349-430F-B4D6-766590A2EBD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see it now. The Bobos are right. S&P is headed into the 2000s. Wow I don’t know why I didn’t get it before. I’m retarded.

>> No.49756638
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amen brother

>> No.49756646
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How low does it go? and if you can only go in 100% TQQQ or 100% SOXL, which one are you picking?

>> No.49756650

my pee does get a funny smell since I don't pee all day. I think I need to drink more water during the day. I usually just have my coffee in the morning (dont pee at all during the day unless I drink water) and then come home eat and have a beer and immediately I am gushing piss that smells strong af.

>> No.49756655
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Fucking stupid phone.

>> No.49756663
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check in about 2 weeks from now and re-evaluate

>> No.49756677

the Pajeet cope is unreal. Everyone I fucking know who touched crypto got burned. Check the net value of crypto NEETs and Pajeets vs. this sub. No one of value fucks with your stupid ponzi scheme shit. Keep losing. It'll go back up, right? It has to, right? Especially with zero demand and zero money XD

>> No.49756683
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All you have to do is stop watching the sexy TikTok dancers and the app will stop recommending them to you!
up 14% had some UXVY puts i sold around midday and swapped over to puts on airbnb, meta and TECS to hold through the start of next week. Still down this week after that buying frenzy on weds raped my puts.

>> No.49756690

California? Pretty sure that's the only state with +$6 gas

>> No.49756696

Last time SOXL was this low was november 2019. At that same time SOXX was 230. SOXX is currently 350. owning soxl is another form of foreskin removal. I would know since I still have it.

>> No.49756730

The market won't bottom until TSLA and all the other trash is at or below fair value. This is a dot com style crash. SPACs/NFT/Crypto were an obvious sign of wild speculation

>> No.49756734
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>> No.49756735

no no no, it's just that I realized I missed the opportunity of the future, doothes (Indian for "dudes"). Sir, this high tech money of future! Get in now! Do thankful and quit job McDonald, Apple Gift cards.

It has zero use value. Zero. We have digital USD. Blockchain has zero scalability. Congrats Pajeet, you just tried to reinvent the wheel and failed lmfao

>> No.49756796

It’s just a picture of 666 gas faggot. The market is going dooooowwwwn.

>> No.49756806

Someone explain to me how some of those REITs like Broadmark Realty Capital or ARMOUR Residential REIT can have such high dividend yields.

>> No.49756815

401k down 20% I'm going to be working when I'm 75

>> No.49756820

>this is the bottom
>we have only begun to crash

I wish I could see into the future so badly. This constant back and fourth speculation for 11 months straight is taxing on the mind. Though this could just be like this always since the concept of a stock market first began and I've only just started to pay attention to it.

>> No.49756830

Imagine not buying. Enjoy the poverty.

>> No.49756835

Kek fuck you boomer

>> No.49756847

6 is a holy number in certain cultures, like Judaism. Don't be so Anglo-centric.

>> No.49756857

Because they are REITs and required by law to pay out 90% of the income to shareholders.

>> No.49756859

Oh no you'll have to sell your 600k house and live with all those nasty brown people

>> No.49756895

Good ending for a week, slightly green, not enough to make a difference, just enough to cause a dump on Monday

>> No.49756905

>Market isn't open on Monday

>> No.49756914

But most of them have yields <5%. Why wouldn't I dump all my REIT money in the high yielding ones.

>> No.49756932
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>GME +7.48%
>SPY +0.22%
Nice squeeze baggies

>> No.49756934

I will assault the next brown or whatever fucking retard I encounter who admits to being into crypto, holding crypto, or trying to fucking shill stupid fucking ponzi crypto. Can we take back this board to have serious discussion about real fucking things like the looming depression and not stupid fucking ponzi shit. No GME, no shitcoins, no fucking SOXL. Stop being dicks.

>> No.49756945

There no way inflation is going away while intrest rates are below neutral, not possible

>> No.49756948

stop fucking each other in the butt holy shit how hard is this

>> No.49756958

stock market is a ponzi scheme too, it's just backed by the american government

>> No.49756966
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>American parents, grandparents, and children refuse to live together in a single house, instead everyone is eager to leave home as soon as possible in pursuit of some arbitrary sense of independence
>some American parents even kick their children out when they turn 18
the housing bubble won't pop until this absurd American concept dies

>> No.49756967

Look at how they make their money. I don't know about those funds in particular, but the real estate market hasn't crashed too much compared to the S&P lately. See if it's commercial real estate, apartments, housing, land, etc. If it's in a more risky area, such as traditional housing right now, I'd probably stay away in fear of a crash. Commercial has been shit for the last few years so it can't get much worse. If those are commercial, slurp them up.

>> No.49756972

I thought that was a joke, they're not really going to close it are they

>> No.49756980

Do I need to worry about money-pox if I'm stright?

>> No.49756981
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>> No.49756994

How do i politely ask the girl I'm seeing to trim her bush? It's a bit much.

>> No.49756997

The only problem is it comes from more prosperous times and the standard of living has only fallen since

>> No.49757007
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buy KFC stock

>> No.49757013

You say "sheeeeeesh shawty on god ya gotta trim dat bush u gotz down der frfr no cap", or at least that's what I think kids say these days.

>> No.49757015

He went all in PDBC earlier this week and now oil fucking tanks. Im laffing

>> No.49757036
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SIR, This is Joe Biden's America, and it will worship the negro! Why do you think he wants to raise taxes? Someone has to pay for the gibs!

>> No.49757038

It's a triple dipper.
Wild leveraged speculation on top of uncontrolled inflation on top of social unrest and growing labor non-participation. There's elements of dotcom but it shouldn't be taken for the pattern of what will unfold.

NFTs will be remembered as the historical top of this shit at least.

>> No.49757042

The only way me, my brother (and his gf), and my mother will be able to move from the town house we live in is if we pool money together. We're fully prepared to have generational housing desu.

>> No.49757048

I'd rather live in a rented wardrobe than living together with my parents.

>> No.49757064

Might is right. Taking shit by might is not a ponzi- it's an absolute and a guarantee.
I'm just sick of retards thinking they can somehow shirk the laws of this world. That they're "clever" and beating the system. It's disgusting. Seeing stupid fucking retards believe that they're winning infuriates me. Complete detachment from reality is dangerous. I used to feel sorry for them because they're desperate but I'm fucking sick of it.

I go thinking the thread is about rate hikes and Boom: CRYPTO, SIRS! WAITING ROOM WAITING ROOM WITH MY OTHER 50 accounts all responding to each other to make you think there's actual interest. Big opportunity for wagie zoomers!

Criminal. How fucking low do you have to be to rope people via a ponzi scheme? At least with the ponzi schemes of old the bagholders would get stuck with beauty supplies or something tangible. Here, the money just evaporates into the hands of Pajeet in Bhar, Indian.

>> No.49757065

Have you tried reading their prospectus? It has to come from somewhere. Whether that be renting to podtenants in sanfagsissyco or trading derivatives secretly in the fine print.

Captcha: GYASS

>> No.49757067
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>> No.49757071
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30% of the workforce is government related. That can't be healthy

>> No.49757100
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Hey! I made that Pepe! That's for /turnleft/ threads only!

>> No.49757102

yeah, people have been pretty worried since 2018-2019, and it's only gotten worse and more sketchy since.
really, the only thing speaking against a prolonged crash is that everyone seems to be aware that it's happening. i wasn't investing during the dotcom bubble, but maybe it was similar?

anyways, i expect people to be bullish when the fed reverts. this in turn depends entirely on inflation, and it's difficult to tell where that's going (well they also said that they were gonna pivot when it crashes, but it'll already be too late by then). rate hikes don't seem to help, and it's difficult to tell whether the energy situation will stop escalating further and how much the russian shenanigans in europe will affect it. similarly, it's hard to tell how much inflation still needs to be passed on to customers and whether the monetary component of inflation will ease up.
and even when they pivot, there's no telling whether the period of rate hikes already set laggy things in motion that will cause more trouble down the line. demand destruction always lags behind fed decisions, even if the markets will react immediately. so there's also the option of a pivot, a short bullrun and then collapse.

to me, there's enough downside risk to be bearish, not bullish, and to think that this is far from the bottom. but i wouldn't stake my life on it, it just makes me hedge much more conservatively than on average.

>> No.49757118

And on top of that it is occurring after the FED absolutely blew its entire load in 2020

>> No.49757119

wtf is juneteenth even? I though the uone posters were making a tree fiddy joke.

>> No.49757144

Unless your parents maliciously abused you, there's no reason for you to feel this way.

>> No.49757145

We really need flags on this board. Let's solve this right now. WHERE the fuck do we go to complain about it? Seriously. I may have to make my own /biz/ 2.0 (I have the skills).

>> No.49757154
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>you did buy put options for the upcoming melt down while everything was up, right oppa?

>> No.49757160

Poos can just use VPNs

>> No.49757161
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>> No.49757164
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>> No.49757168

Is this racist or just 2k IQ?

Growing up in the midwest, I knew a lot of black folk, went to a lot of Juneteenth celebrations (both white and black) and can confirm: There is always friend chicken involved. Some people go as far as getting collard greens as well since it was Dr. King's favorite food.

If I gambled options (I only do longs), I wish there were a friend chicken EFT or something to throw some $$$ on for just the week. Something that included KFC, Popeyes, Chick-fil-a, etc. Would probably make a profit but I think KFC is mostly driven by China as of late (their KFC is WAY better btw).

Shiiieeeeeeeetttt, imma grab me a bucket on monday too. You got me feelin

>> No.49757169
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Alright lads post em, your soxl bags avg price,


>> No.49757175
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I believe its the celebration of technological progress - mainly how we replaced the negro slaves with tractors thanks to the hard work of John Deere with the help of a healthy investment from Cathie Wood's ARK space exploration ETF.
Too late, now I'm going to use it in smg every day and there's nothing you can do to stop me!

>> No.49757179

Something about slaves being freed or something. Pretty sure it's mostly a yuppie and boomer holiday, with some blacks celebrating.
I agree 100%.

>> No.49757204

The Fed rate is at 1.75, I'm mean that is still a loose policy, they are not even neutral yet, how does the market react to fucking restrictive rates.

>> No.49757212

Even if it was easier to get a house 50 years ago, why move out? Everyone, no matter when they're born or how prosperous the times, should remain at home only until necessity compels them to move out.

>> No.49757226

Shitty family, school, work

>> No.49757229

It ain't arbitrary. Being able to walk around naked while jerking off makes you feel powerful.

>> No.49757234

>zero usability
Programmable money has extreme usability. You will sit in the pod and watch pornagraphic simulations while on a treadmill and eat the bugs while doing what you’re told. And if you’re happy about it, you’ll get some btc to purchase a new gender for your virtual space with. Cuck

>> No.49757240

good job anon, youve inherited your parents inability to look past differences and fail to recognize there are still things you can learn and benefit from people decades older than you. intergenerational wealth is more than dollars

>> No.49757258

and they'll just show up there to shill I bet. Idk, early on the fucking Pajeets figured out that 4chan had a lot of gullible Libertarians or was used for illicit activity or idk. Not sure why this is their home. I know they also shit up reddit and everywhere else (once saw them in some Canadian Trucker Telegram trying to shill .IN projects).

They've basically ruined the internet. Maybe we could just pay them to go troll trannies on /b and put their work to good use.

That or they dig old fucking phones and computers out of the trash. It's very nice having Indians online most of the time, but the fucking scammers from Bhar make the whole world suffer. Probably makes the Brits regret teaching them English. Maybe we all just learn Swedish or something? Start using Ebonics?

>> No.49757270
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Looks like the gays are stopping the spread. Pack it in boys

>> No.49757271

We should be going to 3850 over the next week or two.

>> No.49757284
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It's fine if housing isn't outrageously manipulated by government. If we didn't have the price of debt being manipulated and government interference to command banks to lend infinity dollars to morons, this problem would sort itself out right quick.

>> No.49757295

Not buying what? SQQQ?

>> No.49757302

the market is going down after the 3 day weekend ends and everybody realizes once again that nothing has changed and we are still headed for a recession

>> No.49757304

Americans value space and freedom, the whole reason people were moving here was to leave shitty governments that couldnt control themselves, back when there was no welfare or safety net. Leaving your parents is how you make a name for yourself.

>> No.49757306
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I refuse to believe you'd pay $2,000 a month just so you could jerk off into the kitchen sink

>> No.49757331

>i am from the future
>member me I called all of this?
>well, stock market is going to have a real crash BUT it will rebound to about where we are now in less than 4 weeks

>also crypto about to crash hard asf this weekend. Sell now not joking it's all down from here
>Check your Jewish calendars like I said before
>the Jewish calendar is the only thing Jewish that never lies

>> No.49757342
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Guess the CDC really did solve it with their infographic. Now instead of licking the anus of a man for a hit of meth in a SF bathhouse they use a dildo on a 6' pole. Genius really.

>> No.49757350

There's also not having to put up with other people's habits. And I like the silence.

>> No.49757399

bros is GUSH gonna bounce? oil stocks have been heemed recently. bought at the close today

>> No.49757450


>> No.49757456
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Say what you want about BTC but it does have value in the freedom of who I send money to. As an example if I had BTC in my personal wallet (my keys, off an exchange) and an internet connection, I could send money to someone in ISIS.
Yeah they could punish me after the fact but the point is that unlike the traditional financial system they can't stop me from sending it or freeze my wallet.
>inb4 muh blacklist or freeze
They can block bank accounts and stop me from using normie exchanges like Coinbase and anything under their influence, but they can't directly block my personal wallet from transacting with other personal wallets.
>inb4 how will the other person cash out
If you're not a nigger and have the slightest bit of creativity there's ways via dexes, ATMs, p2p, or if they're in a based country an exchange that doesn't answer to the US.

>> No.49757483

americans have a problem with shutting the fuck up and cant stand eachother

>> No.49757506

Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.

>> No.49757508

>That perfect bart
I should have seen the signs...

>> No.49757535

Oil companies go down during the summer. Winter in the northern hemisphere is when they go up. I'm not sure if a major recession this fall will change that though.

>> No.49757536

its a way of gettiong fathers day off without reminding the spooks that papa was a rolling stone. went out to buy fentanyl and never came home

>> No.49757576

>only until necessity compels them to move out.
Like what?

>> No.49757600
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>> No.49757602

lol and how are they going to move it to real money...you know, the stuff you use to buy things. Say, it it's so inherently useful and valuable by itself, then why do you still care about its price in USD???

b-b-but they're P2P it into real value! Yeah...with who? I wouldn't trade you anything but an asswhooping if you tried to offer me stupid fucking shitcoins. You think goat fucker is going to find a P2P baggie to trade that shit with?? No electricity...

Also, Feds would be at your door because BTC is an open ledger, non-fungible, energy destroying ponzi.

Oh, you did think a little I see-not enough.

"country that has exchanges"
there it is again. You fucking baggies act like it's dark web XMR and P2P is easy despite having never done it yourself. There's no ATM in Syria or exchange taking shitcoin. Ultimately, it goes through an exchange unless you find a baggie loser willing to P2P and even then it's extremely difficult and involves a shit ton of trust. You don't know what you're talking about with those heavy bags, do you?

You mean to tell me that my crypto hating ass (used to be about it) knows more about this shit and I realize it was a scam after like a week of research??

>> No.49757609

Oh and also
>inb4 the miners won't take your transaction!
I haven't heard of Western miners rejecting transactions because the government said so. But even if they did a miner in a based country would take it to get paid network fees.
>inb4 muh anonymity
Find a way to fund the wallet via cash or prepaid cards you bought with cash. Or through XMR. This gets talked about on Dread if you need more details. Only access the wallet from Tails or Whonix. If you're still worried use Tails with public wifi from a distance with an antenna or a burner phone's data.
But again the main point is that it's amazing you have the freedom to send money to whoever you want in the first place.

>> No.49757655

anyone else long natty gas? I ate some shit today on it, as I am an expert at catching falling knives, but I don't see how it doesn't rally through the rest of the year.

also wtf is up w/ the Texas explosion dropping the price? doesn't make sense this price action. grateful for the dip, but it's counterintuitive.

>> No.49757692

If we dont we are unironically in capitulation

>> No.49757703
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>> No.49757738

lmfao you act like this shit is easy. Look into money laundering with XMR. It's a bitch and involves eventually paying yourself via an S-CORP

t. I'm smarter than you and already have looked into it.

in b4:
It's so easy sirs! just P2P with another goat fucker or human who doesn't value useless lines of code or use some exchange! But, it's a DeFi exchange that eventually involves...well, you don't get it. This is too high IQ for you Westerners!

How are you so fucking stupid. There's no fucking exchange to be had. No one wants your stupid fucking internet money but stupid fucking NEETs and Pajeets who are waiting for them to pump their bags. There is no exchange. The exchanges here are doing it to con your stupid asses while taking your real USD and spending it immediately. Wait till they lock those exchanges and you and the other NEETs try to get out. "It's so easy! J-j-just find and excha...oh, ok, P2...THE JEWS DID THIS AAAHHHHHHHHHHH"

>> No.49757755

ive lost tons in stocks and crypto so im going to use jewnteenth weekend to ready The Art Of Computer Programming. Will that put me on the road to be a developer

>> No.49757756
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What will happen to OIL on Monday
Gettin' kinda.... fearful

>> No.49757761

wtf bros
russia is demanding payment in gold now

>> No.49757808
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>> No.49757810
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>> No.49757818
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>friday night
Why are you here?

>> No.49757826

>this sub

>> No.49757833

It’s Friday afternoon here. I’m at work still.

>> No.49757836

Cheaper than a bar

>> No.49757861

Every step does my friend

>> No.49757878
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I'm here for the cold beer.

>> No.49757894

>inherently useful and valuable by itself
I never said that I just had it has value. Under that logic USD has no value because you can't use it for anything or eat it. They could still in theory pay someone else in BTC from their wallet. Obviously you need internet and electricity.
>with who
If anybody at all in your country wants to buy crypto with cash.
>Also, Feds would be at your door because BTC is an open ledger, non-fungible, energy destroying ponzi.
Reread the post you're replying to, nigger.
>muh Syria
Google "bitcoin exchange syria" liar. And I didn't say every single country has ATMs available. If other methods fail the point I was making is I don't think an exchange in the Middle East is going to answer to the US.
And this is all ignoring that a non-nigger could clean BTC to look legit and then find a way to cash it out anywhere maybe with the help of someone else.
>knows more about this shit and I realize it was a scam after like a week of research??
No, you're just retarded and can't read.

>> No.49757897

What are your SPY targets? 2700?

>> No.49757905

what is your end goal?

>> No.49757923

I swear the motherfuckers who post shit like this are always from very white, non fob families whose parents gave them free reign to do whatever since birth. (Not that that is a bad thing)
On the flip side, immigrant parent(s) can often be neurotic and controlling, (likely due to the way THEIR parent's raised them/traditions from the home country), and surprise surprise they create home environments that can be just as toxic to live in as a young person. Also you will remain a child mentally because you will always be treated like one in your parent's house.

Everyone is from a different culture, with different home environments and different family dynamics, it's much more complicated than "independence bad!".

>> No.49757954

Oh shit.

>> No.49757957

What do you guys think of the monkey pozz situation. The numbers are starting to climb and reminds me of the early coof, along with the whole "no big deal pls ignore but we're actually having an emergency meeting about it" garbage. What companies would you invest in if it turns out to be part 2 economic shutdown boogaloo

>> No.49757958

You wouldn't need to pay yourself with an S-corp if you were in a country where it doesn't matter. You're acting like other countries don't have crypto exchanges and not every single one of them will give a fuck about what the US thinks.
In any case if you were in the US people still clean the BTC by mixing it or running it through XMR then cash through mail via something like localmonero or an ATM with a fake ID.

>> No.49757960

Talk about the stock market faggots.

>> No.49757986

Its closed

>> No.49757995

I think it’s going to be used as a scapegoat for where the economy is heading and demand destruction. It’ll be used to curb inflation. No stims, no QE. You will just eat bugs.

>> No.49757997

awesome ty!

>> No.49758003

I cant blame him I don't see a bottom. The only reason bond yields dropped is because ((someone)) bought them

>> No.49758008
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im sure some siggers will be along soon to let you knowwh02g

>> No.49758060

are you stupid? I said USD is backed by a run away budget military. Didn't you understand that might is right? You and the DeFi NEETs have zero might, and therefore zero right. I alone could take all the BTC in the world because everyone would surrender it at gun point. Boom.

Internet and Electricity aren't useful when you're super rich off anit-boomer lines of code, SIRS!

NO ONE WANTS TO BUY IT. Do you understand that in the real world, where ISIS is, people trade via trust (Hawala) and physical goods. No one is selling you a fucking rug for a ledger of wasted electricity you stupid fuck. You'll learn this as you slowly starve to death for wasting electricity to create nothing.

lmfao totally legit. Would be in English. There are exchanges everywhere! Just send your $$$
I have a BTC exchange to send your coins to as well if you're interested.

This cope. "I don't think they'll answer". You don't think...

again, you keep saying it's easy, I explained why it isn't and you refuse to list off the steps required to scrub BTC without P2P (which still has a trail). I'm not going to spoil the answer for your monkey brain.

Am retarded hahaaaa that's why I fucking hate you loser, poor NEETs so much- the arrogance.

Literally bag holding till death. Go buy some GME while you're at it. You're too smart to work, right? Who needs food or physical calories? It's digital! Someone will but it...right? Imagine asking the Taliban to spare you with a fucking ledger full of fake shit internet money.

>> No.49758066

Yep. Shit is fucked. How long until everyone shifts their sentiment? When will the real fear set in?

>> No.49758088
File: 91 KB, 228x231, 1419694335842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i go all in on NRGU in post market?
i expect a massive oil dump when recession is confirmed and we capitulate, but im starting to think that isnt going to happen until september numbers
alternatively i could go all in on SARK

>> No.49758093

If your fulfilling career (read: not a gainless job) forces you to move, for example. In a perfect world, however, you'd take up your family's business.

>> No.49758098

someone post some holocaust pasta memes

>> No.49758117

Fuck brown people. I wouldn't visit the areas they indwelling. Sure as fuck wouldn't live there kek. Actually moving from my upper middle class subdivision into the sticks because the 2nd nog family moved in and I'm not putting up with their 8 cars along the road and loud music. I ain't going to jail for murder

>> No.49758168

They will because the US will sanction them, you stupid fuck. Do you understand how the world works?
Also, why would they ever want something inherently stupid and valueless? If I were offering enriched uranium or heavy water, they might take the sanctions. Why would they ever hahahahaha

Hey dumbass, that doesn't work. If you knew XMR, you'd know that like trash Z-cash, they can follow it in, and out and infer what went where. You're only completely safe if you're using mined XMR and entered P2P (which is still possible). You guys aren't very smart, are you? YOu wouldn't make it a week as criminals (apart from your criminal shilling).

Fake ID...yeah dude, fake passport to? Have you ever tried to get a Danish passport? Are you all 15? Have you ever done business on the dark web before it was a pot?

Again, why are you losers so concerned with BTC price to USD if it's the future? Shouldn't it be the other way around? I thought it has value? Where does its value come from again??>>49757894

Cmon retards, squeeze those little braincels and think about what's valuable in the world and how we do exchanges.

>> No.49758226

I got fucked on XOM I feel like auch a retard buying at 94

>> No.49758285
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>> No.49758320
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I bought a couple hundred OXY at $70

Two weeks ago I had some oil fomo real bad.

>> No.49758328
File: 304 KB, 960x1280, 66967095266__155DDB37-EDC9-4001-B4F8-BEB2DBACB06B Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasha's Six Digit Club WWA

>> No.49758371

>Decided to play some safe money and invested in a Japanese small cap fund
>-4.24% today because he did a currency contract on the Yen

I've never seen something so reckless from a fund manager before. He's never actually done currency contracts for all the years I've let him fondle my money for me and he's been a good boi who has made money over market.

>> No.49758370


>> No.49758536
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this thread is dead

>> No.49758580
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what the line doin?

>> No.49758583

I bought in to the sigger movement. Next week should be a great week for gaybros

>> No.49758608

FOMO is such a bitch ain't it. I feel like I never learn lol

>> No.49758649

Sulfur bros wya

calls been printing but I'm thinking of selling since the fear seems to have calmed down

>> No.49758656
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>> No.49758668

Nigger are you for real. The military industrial complex can adopt other currencies, including the NSA glowie shit coin that may or may not solve the issue of a information economy stuck dealing with mass consumption economy’s like China. Bitch, sit the fuck down you’re retarded

>> No.49758669
File: 9 KB, 236x236, 1655247814079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aint fool me boyo

>> No.49758676

i think im done studyin and esp reading books about trading etc. feels good.

i got one book i want to finish then i can read whatever. ill keep studying but wont be so pressed with it.

>> No.49758701

At the start of the pandemic, the Canadian government advised people to use gloryholes to have sex to limit the spread of Covid

>> No.49758752

It feels like when things are overbought and you've been waiting forever for it to dump... it's not time to buy.
t. bagholder

>> No.49758817

I lost $32,000 over the past 6 months in penny stocks. Never again will I touch the OTC.

>> No.49758864

yeah but oil just shit the bed
meaning equities, not the commodity

>> No.49758918

we hit the bottom didnt we?

you kill the retail traders, make the think the bottom is near 0, then rug pull and buy everything halfway down

fuck me, glad I kept my calls - I'll get rich eitherway

>> No.49758926


>> No.49759463

If you aren't buying oil after the latest dip you hate money. It's going to bounce. Ride the wave then sell and buy puts. This market is easy if you don't overhang it. After a massive move in any direction once it levels off buy the inverse

>> No.49760558

I've been buying small caps for a year in anticipation of all of this and small caps are STILL getting fucked by the Jews.