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49754317 No.49754317 [Reply] [Original]

You VILL die for ze European perspective.

>> No.49754357

what's the european dream to be surrounded by niggers? or is that the american dream

>> No.49754390

ESL bitch

>> No.49754443

That's a man.

>> No.49754513

Buttsex and Islam is what Charlemagne would have wanted.

>> No.49754571

Right now we all share the dream that Putin leaves office and the russian people get to vote for a non warmongering president that doesn't pay internet trolls to divide the west. It's pitiful, really

>> No.49754596
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We will crush the European perspective by defaulting the entire €urozone. Sorry not sorry

>> No.49754601

I fucking hate von der faggot like you wouldn't believe

>> No.49754607

who the fuck is we ?

>> No.49754623

>the west can be collapsed with internet trolls
Holy shit imagine admitting this. What the fuck is wrong with white men?

>> No.49754629

France's imperial larp mixed with Germany's autistic liberalism

>> No.49754638
File: 53 KB, 600x800, 1624373653792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right now we all share the dream that Putin leaves office and the russian people get to vote for a non warmongering president that doesn't pay internet trolls to divide the west. It's pitiful, really

>> No.49754671

Not /pol/ apparently, but what else is new

>> No.49754686

God i hope we do it and bring the germans with us.

>> No.49754687

This entire board is for European losers who aren't able to trade options on the US stock market. Period.

>> No.49754705

>not not the blacks NOOOO
Look at the absolute state of modern Europe run by whites. I think if we were given control of Europe, Europe would be much better off. Whites would be better off too.

>> No.49754707

White pride is literally a cardinal sin now. The jews at the top have made sure white men will not band together because they would most certainly lose and be overthrown, ala hitler. The only difference is now the internet lays bare all their tactics, all their tricks, all their lies and the world would be more ready to accept their destruction. You can't be proud of being white by jewish design.

>> No.49754713

would coom till she stiffened up

>> No.49754722

So long as Russia bleeds out I don't care about recession. Remember, we are getting opportunity to buy low next year, while Russia will never recover.

>> No.49754744
File: 162 KB, 800x823, 1649476524708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ukraine is literally "Hillary Clinton, the country"
>NATO support
>international banking support
>corporate support
>Hollywood and music industry support
>enormous budget
>army of paid shills
>cringy astroturfed memes on Reddit and Twitter
>daily fake news
>daily fake polls
>constant media shilling
>still manages to lose

>> No.49754759

No one is forcing them to fight so hard. They could dissolve and surrender like the Afghans if they so wished.

>> No.49754783

she's so hot. i love her.

>> No.49754811

At least American niggers are able to speak English ....

>> No.49754813

You see, it's pitiful because Putin thinks everybody is as easily influenced as the russian people. But they don't fall for it either, he just has too much power over them. But he has no power outside his country, and the capable workers are leaving Russia as well because they don't want to die for his delusions. His position is getting weaker and his measures more desperate. Just look at the end of the cold war, russia pretended that they were all powerful until the end, turns out it was in shambles. History repeats itself

>> No.49754846

They are selling oil to china they don't give a fuck about sanctions while we need their gas because muh green transition.

>> No.49754848
File: 356 KB, 800x1050, 1641602808834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not /pol/ apparently, but what else is new

>> No.49754850

I don't remember voting to allow ukr*ine in.

>> No.49754851

Ukraine is about as poor as Egypt.
Ukraine is more corrupt than russia.
Ukraine is number 116 in the democracy index. countries like dubai, Iran, Thailand are more democratic than this fucking piece of shit Ukraine.

>> No.49754883
File: 116 KB, 1019x1024, 1632759459309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You see, it's pitiful because Putin thinks everybody is as easily influenced as the russian people. But they don't fall for it either, he just has too much power over them. But he has no power outside his country, and the capable workers are leaving Russia as well because they don't want to die for his delusions. His position is getting weaker and his measures more desperate. Just look at the end of the cold war, russia pretended that they were all powerful until the end, turns out it was in shambles. History repeats itself

>> No.49754899
File: 186 KB, 640x640, 1645013248932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eurobros, we just keep winning. Somehow it never gets old being the most culturally significant continent in the history of mankind.

>> No.49754918


>> No.49754923

the eternal tony

>> No.49754934

The European dream is to be surrounded by Muslims with Jews in control of everything
The American dream is to be surrounded by Niggers with Jews in control of everything
Both dreams also involve tranny, gay butt sex and women worship. Welcome to current year, in the worst timeline possible

>> No.49754937

You got to vote for representatives and their agenda. You voted, right?

>> No.49754959


>> No.49754984

You've failed your own countries so many times. You were given perfectly working countries founded by Europeans with Rhodesia and South Africa. And you fucked those up so bad the only business you can get is filming the Judge Dredd movies because you look like a dystopia.

>> No.49754988

The Portuguese Prime minister was right, all this virtue signalling will cause an unprecedented sense of betrayal when it becomes obvious that EU membership is a pipe-dream.
I perceive this type of western liberalism (?) if that is the right word for it, as really insidious and disingenuous.

>> No.49755063

They can't move enough oil to China to makeup for lost trade. Russia is hurting in every possible way

>> No.49755082

Why don't you go back to your containment board? Is it because you can't bear the people there? That's how everybody else feels about you as well.

>> No.49755352

Anon look at the world map. See all the countries that are not northern America and European union ? They either don't care one bit about the Russians invading Ukraine or they even support the invasion. The West is more and more isolated on the world stage.

>> No.49755416

>all the countries that are not northern America and European union
Who? South Korea and Japan? The rest are thirld world countries.

>> No.49755418
File: 392 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20220617-124207_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shun cheap russian gas
>make deals for expensive israeli gas
What's the euro perspective, exactly?

>> No.49755460

We're ready to kill Russians for European perspective, teach them where the border is through evolutionary pressure through violence

>> No.49755545
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, 1654384061179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest makes up 85% of the population and growing. It's also where most natural resources are. Think long term, and stop being arrogant.

>Israel end up winning again
Pic related

>> No.49755691

Yeah i'm sure that Congo not caring about ukraine is relevant.

>> No.49755721

I hate this smug cunt whore. I wish that she would die first

>> No.49755730

What about China and India ?

>> No.49755821

There's always retards which will use grandiose talking points to avoid the fact that they've been duped by an ideology that considers them useful idiots.
It would be funny if it weren't so petty.

>> No.49755826

China wants this war to stop, they need western money and Russian oil, they are stuck in between

>> No.49755878

do you vote on every law that gets passed in your country, or do you vote for a representative that does? brainlet.

>> No.49755950

She actually unironically wrote this? How fucking delusional you have to be. Can someone bitchslap this cunt

>> No.49755977

>China wants this war to stop
its funny to imagine that Putin promised Xi a short, victorious war

>> No.49756000

>european dream
>chromatic aberration

More like a nightmare.

>> No.49756048

fucking jews again

>> No.49756059

I'm still confused, is this female Joker impersonator ENTIRELY unelected? How is everyone okay with this, even Putin pretends to have an election

>> No.49756155

EU is rotten to the core. The sooner or collapses the better it will be.

>> No.49756165

It's not only Ukraine. They are including Moldova too.

>> No.49756216

Ahh yes look at africa the worlds superpower and an economical powerhouse kek

>> No.49756249

EU is a very bad mess.. Till you put Russia in same frame

>> No.49757583

basedboys, roasties, numen and other npc cattle. Untermenchen, really.

>> No.49757616

Kek why did this self-centered bitch post her own picture with this statement?

>> No.49757661

I support three halvings of the entire humanoid population of this planet.
Including the eradication of every apocalyptic religion.

>> No.49757817

You fucking gorilla nigger. Your iq is literally that of a fucking monkey. Britain and Europe did everything they possibly could to help the African continent but you fucked it up as soon as independence happened. Fuck you, you stupid nigger, if Europe still ruled Africa it would be a semi-livable place. You rejected colonial rule and the modern Africa is what you got, so stay there you god damn retarded gorilla nigger and don't even think about trying to come to Europe, you are not welcome here.

>> No.49759197

Go back

>> No.49759219

Since when was 'not being invaded' the European dream?

>> No.49759353

Your average actual Ukrainian is pretty much as conservative as your average Russian, all that shit is just Amerilards projecting their own gay tranny nigger political shit flinging onto the rest of the world.

>> No.49759496

She or her successors will probably die by the guns that were shipped to Ukraine.
Just something related that black market thing. Remarkable.

>> No.49760299

I think you mixed up Germany and France there.

>> No.49760347
File: 887 KB, 320x171, tumblr_n3uvn3DzZJ1t2pbgvo1_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and benigni pilled!

>> No.49760363

I am quite enjoying watching the EU impotently seethe as the Russian Federation goes kinetic where it pleases. The Amerifats will do nothing (except make things worse) and you will pay through the nose for gas and you WILL be happy.

>> No.49760379


>> No.49760408

You guys just don't get it. Zelensky is Harry Marvel and Putin is Thanosmort. We need to assemble the justice team to defeat Putler's army.

>> No.49760465

>the justice team in question

>> No.49760476

they're understandably unable to see the bigger picture since they're in the thick of all this

>> No.49760555

The only thing khohols are in the thick of is as much foreign cock as they can swallow.
Khoholinas especially took any excuse to leave their fellow ukropigs behind and begin their Eurocock fellation extravaganza in earnest.
>ukropig men forced to stay and die
>khoholinas flee into the arms of eurochads and impale themselves promptly for pocket change
What a life

>> No.49760632

I wonder how much money the west spends on internet trolls to tell people to worry about russian internet trolls