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4975048 No.4975048 [Reply] [Original]

Take notice /biz/, and let it all in and savor the moment. We are witnessing a new generation of bagholders before our very eyes.

>> No.4975075

1k by february

>> No.4975077

LTC $3,000 EOY 2018

>> No.4975087

Watching people buy now hurts... at least when IOTA bagholders were buying the top you could laugh at their lack of researching the obvious flaws.

>> No.4975099

ETH to $800 by the end of June 2017!!!!

Oh wait....

>> No.4975103

Remember when we were called shills?
Who’s the shill now, faggots?

>> No.4975116

I don't think you know what a shill means.

>> No.4975142

people here got it all wrong.

if bitcoin can go parabolic thousands of dollars in literally a few hours with minor repercussions...litecoin in should be able to do the same with a couple hundred dollars at a time pretty soon

>> No.4975182

Once the masses realise that there's more to Cryptocurrency than just Bitcoin, Litecoin is going to take off. I suggest everyone to get in now if they haven't.

>> No.4975255

Worse... normie bagholders.

People who bought in that have no concept of what a blockchain is and likely believe they'll be able to get out with huge profits whenever they want

I like LTC and Charlie but I hope it goes bloodbath

>> No.4975298

Digits say LTC will be giving the gift of bags this Christmas.

>> No.4975343

This is in for a correction so bad. I'd say we'll at least retrace back to $150 if not lower.

>> No.4975404

>"There's no possible way Bitcoin will go over $500"

>> No.4975471


No, seriously. Look at the bollinger bands mate. This shit can fall as low as $160

>> No.4975492

will either stay at current price or rocket up even more. Don't underestimate coinbase.

>> No.4975511

reminder to sell your LTC gains to buy BTC. use profit to make profits desu.

>> No.4975569

Yep, I think i'll sell something going up 50% a day to buy something that goes up 10% a day

>> No.4975625


>> No.4975713
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>sold at 183
fuck me

>> No.4975723

So all these people that are like "people dont know what theyre doing and dont understand blockchain" what the fuck does that matter when theyre buying for $50 a coin and selling at $200 a coin and cashing out. How exactly does that mean they lost? Cryptocurrency is literally a retarded degenerate gambler's dream, and people are cashing out with huge gains while others sit pathetically analyzing "but muh investors dont know what a blockchain is!"

Someone explain this to me, have people had trouble with getting money when they cash out?

>> No.4975759

>he thinks you can cash out

>> No.4975763

Prove you have more than 1 LTC. I bet all the kids making these LTC threads think their gains of $20 are worth getting excited about.

>> No.4975843

Why wouldnt they be able to cash out exactly? Ive brought and sold BTC before without issues getting my cash

>> No.4975871

haha fuck

>> No.4975902

But also compare the Schwartz dip. Surely a linear feature with that inclination would not surpass the anticline of the last blue moon.

>> No.4975906

because the 10% gain of a bitcoin exceeds the 50% gain of LTC, meaning with bitcoin in it's current plateau before a rise, there's no doubt that it wont increase significantly in the near future, and profits from that increase will be able to be reinvested into litecoin, it's all a cycle desu.

>> No.4975938

See this is exactly what my original post was referring to, all the naysayers xan do is say "haha" and "you dont know how blockchain works" while everyone else is buying and selling and cashing out

>> No.4975947
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i bought 8 LTC @ $100 am i gonna make it goys?

>> No.4975961

Sold at 160. Hate myself.

>> No.4975979

I bought 1.09 ltc at 90 and im on aone way trip to honda civic land

>> No.4975986

Yeah not really. The amount of money it takes to move bitcoin 10% at this point is way more than it takes to move litecoin 10%.

Litecoin will go up more percentage wise for the foreseeable future.

>> No.4976010

Sell in percentiles or HODL and sell in like .10s. I think HODLING is the best since nobody can fucking predict these pumps, but we all want to be right. Why not be right with .10 s, in the end we all profit.

>> No.4976039

I literally sold all my 50 LTC yesterday before this pump
bought btc tho

>> No.4976078
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i could have accumulated 20 ltc before this madness happened and im only at 7

instead i bought "promising alts" but they don't move for shit

>> No.4976099

Do I keep hodling LTC or use the profits to buy BTC? What's best in the long term?

>> No.4976134

whatevers clever bb, id hodl the LTCs tho if i were you

>> No.4976144
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>promising alts

>> No.4976171

Selling LTC for BTC isn't a bad move really

You can make a lot just by moving your money between LTC, BTC and ETH (the big three)

>> No.4976174


Yeah, I'd hate to FOMO if BTC keeps going up but I don't want to be too greedy

>> No.4976175

there are only 3 coins you can hodl and those are btc ltc and eth. for the simple reason that they can be bought directly with usd.
without coinbase, litecoin wouldn't be even 40$ by now

>> No.4976177

>tfw i sold at $200 and got locked out of my account
>tfw i will probably safe money because of the incoming dip

Gonna buy back at $12

>> No.4976204

50 ltc bought between 48 and 98. Been a cool couple of days

>> No.4976216

>bought at 50
>sold at 230
>only bought 1 LTC

why do I even bohter

>> No.4976231

I should have bought LTC instead of BTC last week.

I still don’t have my fucking BTC, fuck coinbase

>> No.4976243

treat yourself to a nice dinner friend youve earned it :)

>> No.4976255

this, normie money will blindly pump anything

>> No.4976326

They'll be able to get out with Monero, which by the way is going to be the next big pump this spring, fyi.

>> No.4976362


> not using gdax

it's like you want to lose

>> No.4976376

Aren’t they both coinbase?

>> No.4976451

thrusters engaged