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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4974936 No.4974936 [Reply] [Original]

Livestream from the HST team doing a AMA with the community


I'm still sold on this being a sleeper coin.
Working product, solid team, transparent.
Main thing they're lacking is being on larger exchanges which they're working on now.

>> No.4974975

Only holding 2k HST, hoping to swing some tonight during ama and get up to 3 afterwards when some more ETH frees up for me.

Can't wait to retire kappa

>> No.4974976

almost bought it. then etherdelta fucked up

>> No.4975274


Buy it on Kucoin, friend, comfy exchange - www.kucoin.com - referral code from me.... (they share fees with users/holders of their coin) - E3lEd3

>> No.4975693

ED was slow for me earlier but it's back up and running great right now.

>> No.4976092


Do you still have to use 50+ gas for shit to go through? That is getting way too expensive.

>> No.4976272

>60 watching now

Though the coin is held more widely

>> No.4976329

autists, all of them.

the coin will 10x

>> No.4976345

Team is payed in part with HST as well as minor startup salary. So they do have incentive for the price to rise

>> No.4976396

It's 10am Aussie time, and on top of that I don't think it's been widely advertised? I hold and look for news but didn't see this til now.

>> No.4976397


Some thoughts on this coin:

- I don't really understand clearly what the value of the token is and why it would expect to go up in value.
- Why would an organisation choose to use the ETH network for voting? Most places would not want who voted for who to be visible. They would also have to pay gas fees for using the network. Partnering with a consultancy that used hyperledger would be far more sensible.
- Just having the product wouldn't be enough I'd imagine, there would need to be a consultancy style sales delivery team. This makes it difficult to scale, and the cost of acquiring each sale really expensive. Therefore I'd imagine the break even price they'd need to charge becomes prohibitive to the customer
- Selling to the public sector is horrible. Procurement processes are a nightmare, and getting adoption will be difficult, with long long sales cycles. Sales would be infrequent, complex, and low priced. Not a great business mix
- Governments and public sector extremely slow to adopt technology

Dare I ask /biz/ to give some answers into what I'm missing here?

>> No.4976448

I was using ED a couple hours ago and was playing around with the gas price to get it to fucking work, I found that upping it to 20 GWEI was the minimum to get it to work and the tx to be confirmed in ~1 minute.

I've seen a couple anons post in the past hour that said ED is being less shitty now though, so you might be able to get away with <= 10 gwei, might even be able to go back to the default 4.

>> No.4977265
File: 1.39 MB, 1000x1000, 4real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I don't understand value of the token

Limited amount and the fact that it makes voting itself cheaper. Read whitepaper if you want a more in depth of why this needs a token

> Why would you use ETH network for voting

This is valid but I mean eth is one of the most promising blockchain systems. Sure there are better alternatives but this coin has been around for almost no time now there is a lot of time for change. But even still if the ETH network was at its full potential I don't see why it wouldn't work out.

>Having a product blah blah

They have had a voing product called Mivote and scaling is pretty much not an issue as opposed to mere adoption. This coin won't be having as much traffic as a true crypto just because of its usecase.

> Selling to public sector is horrible

I don't even understand this one and or how this is an HST issue as opposed to an overall altcoin issue.

> Governments slow to tech

Partnered with UN kek. I'm gonna vote with HST that I'm gonna go to lambo land by feb