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4974478 No.4974478 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me how I cannot become rich if I always sell as soon as I my coins made some profit

>> No.4974499

You can. Aim for 7% gains a day, don't get greedy, and you'll make it OP.

>> No.4974548

/biz/... stop

>> No.4974574


>> No.4974586

How do I gain against bitcoin

>> No.4974626

you're assuming that you're going to instantly profit on every coin you buy

>> No.4974646

Pick alts that you think are going to outpeform btc in the short run. Commit large parts of your stack but then simply set stop losses and remember to actually take your gains

>> No.4974673

You cannot get rich feom bitcoin at this point period.
>ib4 100k by February.

>> No.4974690
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Its no coincidence BTC is at ATH while LINK is approaching ATL. Swift just finished its PoC on the Chainlink testnet in November with updates coming this month, and at the same time Chainlink will be releasing their announcements soon.

This was all planned as far back as 1988 friends. The banks see they're being challenged by BTC and want to end it now. Over the course of the next 3 months they will suck 80% of the entire cryptocurrency market cap into LINK because they now sit on over 80% of all LINK. LINK is the one world coin the banks will aim to position as the replacement for the petro dollar, because through LINK they maintain control of the flow of information in the blockchain age.

LINK will be society's demise, but your gain anons.

>> No.4974691

i am curently aiming for 2% per day, making about 250 USD per day. Isn't 7% a bit.. high? Do you ahve consistent returns this way? (serious question)

>> No.4974751

What happened to his hair?

>> No.4974757

this litecoin pump is making me suicidal. i sold 2k of these fucking things for $13. god fucking dammit

>> No.4974793

of course he doesnt. and aiming for a percent will fuck you over, you really should not be trading every day

>> No.4974830

why not? I have consistenc returns for 9 months now and making a living off of it oO`? percentages are everything. Please dont respond if you ahve no idea what you are talking about. I know you dont trade every day, ergo you ahve no idea what we, the grown ups are talking here. now gtfo of this thread

>> No.4974865

nice larp bro

>> No.4974894

Never sell anything.

>> No.4974928

If you invested 1 penny and gained 7% per day then you would have over $1,000,000 in 273 days.
>0.01(1 + 0.07)^273

>> No.4974935

kek this is all you have to offer? FFS is there literally noone here who is making consitent daily gains?

>> No.4974952


take it from someone who has been trading 5 years
you dont know shit. larping about your gains wont help you

>> No.4975025

nice larp bro

>> No.4975034

$13 each ltc or $13 for all of the 2k combined?

>> No.4975035

You're a shit trader then. ETH has several ~10% bounces a day and they are predictable as fuck.

>> No.4975085

Let him be, he has been trading for 5 years and still hasn't made it, nothing to see here ;) ^^. Fucking sad desu :S

>> No.4975115

so predictable. why arent you a millionare yet then?

>I aim for 2 percent a day
best trader in the whole world right here folks. future Billionaire

>> No.4975169

Ty m8, the only thing you got wrong was the "future" but nonetheless, nice try. Dude just stop it :S you failed super hard it's ok you are anon here, you dont have to protect your very fragile ego it's ok :S. I just want some input from someone who knows his stuff not some 5 year fail-brainlet ty

>> No.4975173

Look at the top of his head.

>> No.4975313

Funny how you accuse people of LARPing when you OBVIOUSLY don't know what you are talking about. I'll answer your dumb question anyways:

A) I don't trade more than 20k at a time, to limit my risk, which is a very common practice. If you know your shit in TA you will be able to predict safe trades, but nothing is 100% and losing percentage points always hurts than gaining them does good.
B) Taxes, my friend. Fucking taxes.

>> No.4975397

How many % per day are you making on average with that 20k stack? I dont want to use too much for obvious reasons but i could see myself going down to 1% per day with a 20k stack.

>> No.4975453

I’m going for 50% a week. Compounding. Starting with $1500. 25 mil in 24 weeks

>> No.4975483
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>You can't make daily gains a day by trading
>Yes you can you fucking larping brainlet

>> No.4975515

Could you elaborate my dude? I really want to get into compounding myself actually.

>> No.4975535

Ill talk to you since you dont use those annoying smilie faces...

What exactly is your point? You just described basic trading. You arent making 2% a day or even 1% a day on your capital

>implying I didnt make a shit ton from crypto this year like everyone else

yeah its easy this year at the height of the bubble with full volatility in action.. if you were smart you would be pulling as much possible out of crypto right now

>> No.4975593

yeah its easy this year at the height of the bubble with full volatility in action.. if you were smart you would be pulling as much possible out of crypto right now

please do this :) pull everything out m8 :). what are you even doing here? shouldnt you spam your coinbase app to get thise sweet usd out?

>> No.4975600

Reinvesting all profit. Compounding profits rather than compounding interest

>> No.4975621

I only trade ETH and I only buy in on big cracks after solid support lines. Some days I don't make a single trade others I make 3-5. Think I average about 3.5% per trade.

>talks to day trader
>tells him to pull out of crypto
Yeah, you don't know shit.

>> No.4975664

oh yeah, what I had in mind was the latter. how will you do it ?

>> No.4975720

Im a swing trader by the way, you daytraders all get fucked eventually and become swing traders. so talk to me when youve matured

>> No.4975766

you are retarded and for >>4974928 this reason. Professional traders get 8% returns per month. There is no fucking way you are getting 7% per day.

>> No.4975862

Bless this post

>> No.4975895

transaction fees, fucking idiot
next question

>> No.4975916

You can become rich - just join this discord https://discord.gg/5DjF5Nd and follow the whales. They give signals for free on mooning alts. I made 100% in 5 days, trust me, this ain't no scam.

>> No.4976043

To answer your question...there's a 100% chance of failure in the long run because eventually you will run out of people to sell to.

>> No.4976343
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Dude, are you trying to impress me or something? I know you are pretending. Let's make this even funnier though. Please elaborate what you meant by "if you were smart you would be pulling as much possible out of crypto right now" in relation to day trading.
>Oh noes, the 0.2% are ruining my gains.