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49743958 No.49743958 [Reply] [Original]

Enjoy your cat and dog piss and shit investment properties Landcels hahabahhahha

>> No.49743974

They will raise rents to pay for the extra costs. This is not a win for renters.

>> No.49743992
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>They will raise rents to pay for the extra costs. This is not a win for renters.

Holy fucking cope

>> No.49744006

fucking this. if I have to pay more rent because of some disgusting cat owner I will an hero

>> No.49744027

get cucked landtards

>> No.49744045

>This is not a win for renters.
her and her cats? 4th floor apartment, couple next door have pittbulls. Enjoy. It sucks renting is what it is but this is not a help to people, if you are renting it is cruel to keep a pet, you don't have a place for it

>> No.49744070

Dogs are x100 times more stinky, filthy, and damaging. A dog will ruin any location in which it lives. They are digusting, repulsive things.

>> No.49744118

You will always be poor and addicted to drugs and in a recession you may end up putting things you don't like in your bottom for money while people watch. This is your own fault for trying to interfere with more intelligent people running your life for you.

>> No.49744149

Landlords are seething. It's not just meow-meows, now they can't refuse benefits scum, and if they want to remove their tenant- FOR ANY FUCKING REASON AT ALL!- They have to go to a tribunal and argue in front of a judge as to why they should be allowed to take possession of their own property. The reason is simple; the government hammered contractors, particularly IT contractors, because big money backers wanted to get rid of the competition and outsource to the third world. Now they want to kill the casual landlord to bring renting under the control of the big boys. Casuals are selling up or letting the property stay empty. It's impossible to find a rental now, competition is through the roof

>> No.49744199


Awww Mr wandword wupset awwwww u wanna cwyyyy!???

>> No.49744214

Will they be allowed to charge different rent based on pet status?

>> No.49744212
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>> No.49744218


>> No.49744296
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>an hero
Hello nufag.

>> No.49744518

don't just go out revealing you're a newfag like that

>> No.49744585

That means your security deposit will be 2x-3x higher.

>> No.49744589

fuck off

>> No.49744622

pretty much

>> No.49744669
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i prescribe 2 more years of lurking

>> No.49744731
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I will just not rent you my property

>> No.49744794

Hi newfriend, how is your summer going?

Sent from my IPhone

>> No.49744800
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Musk father did owned a emerald company, but he was already making a lot of money very early on.
People forget that Musk was an excellent programmer, and made fortune very early on WITH HIS SKILL.
But yeah, one could argue that Musk would never had a quick start at the age of 10 if his father did not brought pic related to him.
I still think it's just cope from people who pretend that if their parents where rich, they would not be a complete failure.

>> No.49744835

Everyone wants small time landlords to fuck off. They are the worst. Retarded boomers who leveraged themselves up to the tits so they have no budget for when the roof leaks. Everyone despises them.

>> No.49745050

Isn’t this how the Bubonic Plague started?
People bringing their farm animals inside during the winter or something and having the fleas kill everyone
History repeats

>> No.49745374

the law doesn't say anything about not charging people $2000/mo extra for it, and then another $2000 as a "pet deposit" and the hit you with another $2000 in damages anyway on exit

>> No.49745442

You have no real estate you are the one coping and seething. You are a literal nigger slave who has to work to pay to line somebody else’s pockets. Rent has increased by the way, pay up you faggot nigger

>> No.49745506

Your parents own investment properties, you don’t.

>> No.49745557

Why do rentoids own pets?

>> No.49745574

can you even own a cat or a dog in the UK without a license?

>> No.49745651
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Imagine owning several properties, at least one apartment building, and not having at least 6 figures in crypto in current market. Also imagine having kids and a loving wife. Imagine the smell of happiness security and love.

>> No.49745683

if i don't have that then the government should take yours away

>> No.49745768

/biz/ is the most reddit board on 4chan

>> No.49745807

Goodbye carpet

>> No.49745825


So they can let little FeeFee poop and pee everywhere for years and then act like landlords are still the evil ones as they move out and leave a disgusting smelling ruined house behind them

>> No.49745974

Fuck you my dog can hold her piss for 12 hours. Litter boxes hit you the minute you walk into some lonyely cat faggot shithole.

>> No.49746109

that's why new construction puts that wood colored plastic mat directly over concrete

>> No.49746171

The only acceptable pets to have are those that can be confined to a cage or tank, like hamsters and fish. "People" that let filthy animals roam around in their homes should be lined up and shot for the betterment of the human race.

>> No.49746369

Like the opinion, but the method seems a bit harsh. (((Pets))) are a tool to suck up young peoples' time and resources to lower fertility rates.

>> No.49746400

You sounds like a nigger or a jeet. Those are the only two types of people that absolutely despise domesticated animals. Which is funny considering their culture and behaviors.

>> No.49746670

>dog poos outside
>doesn't wipe because dog
>comes back inside
>rubs its sticky behind everywhere
How can you be this ignorant of hygiene?

>> No.49747298

indoor dogs are filthy they piss everywhere, spread diseases, and stink.

>> No.49747344

Clean it up landies

>> No.49747544

The cope is palpable

>> No.49747585


>> No.49747623

Based Bongs. The US should do this too.

>> No.49747740

doesn't make the slightest difference to me because the freeholder/leaseholder terms prohibit pets. i do not take tenants with pets, end of story. government hasn't got a clue

>> No.49747765


>> No.49747966

apartheid South Africa was way safer and cleaner than post apartheird SA.
Just compare the murder rates alone.

>> No.49748079


>> No.49748104

I've got no issue with landlords, but this is good

>> No.49748128


>> No.49748180
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I'm gonna have to go ahead and revoke your posting privileges, there bucko
nothing personnel

>> No.49748233



Dogs are nasty
I've lost multiple potential mates because their maternal instincts were hijacked by their stupid cats and dogs.

Holding a dog doesn't make someone happy, it's a replacement for holding children or embracing your friends/lovers.

They are a burden similar to children but without the benefit of having a family.

An easy way to have a child with your 'partner' without risking pregnancy, finances, or child support.

Just evicted some rentoid because he had a bunch of cars outside his dogs. Almost got his animal put down also. Fuck pets.

>> No.49748310

Based, not my problem.

>> No.49748453

Animals should not be kept inside the home desu
Farm dogs and farm cats are based though

>> No.49748592

What mentally ill faggot even passed this law
Who the fuck looked at this proposal and thought “yeah, I wanna give my citizens toxoplasmosis”
Fuck animal lovers man

>> No.49748736

>partner picks and animal over you

Now think deep. What does that say about you as a person

>> No.49748763


Its not lords that getting fucked here. Its non-pet owners who now have to share the costs of damages that pets do to apartments, even though they have no pets.

>> No.49748831

This, and some landlords will stop renting to tenants entirely and either opt for AirBNB or commercial leasing.
Renties never learn though, so you'll have to wait a few years to hit them with an "I told you so", just like every other time.

>> No.49748980

>dog in owner's owned flat: good
>dog in owner's rented flat: bad
Based retard

>> No.49749016


Right, its giant fuck-you to non pet owners who now have to essentially help pay pet owner rates now. So next time they are in their apartment hallways smelling their neighbors dog piss they can know they are helping paying to clean up the piss and shit as well.

>> No.49749091

>"Owned" flat
If you share walls with someone else, you don't own shit.

>> No.49749170


This isn't the own you think it is. I could not connect with certain women because of their connections with their animals. It is 10 times easier to date a single mom than it is to date a fur baby. A single mom prioritizes her child which is expected, a fur momma is shackled by her dog and cannot travel with you, does not want to go out at night to be with her dog, and if you do have sex with one her animal is fucking annoying.

Pets occupy resources meant for children - maternal love and shelter.

I was able to find a wife when I told a woman to get rid of her cats and move in with me and she did. Now I have first of hopefully many children.

If you young men knew enough of these animals and their relationships with your brood mares, you would kill the pets and make space for your children every chance you got.

>> No.49749173

You are a faggot and should kill yourself

>> No.49749225

Jokes on you, I only hold actual utility projects like ALBT or their partners like OCEAN, LINK, AVAX etc.

>> No.49749244
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>akkkkkctually any negative news for landlords just means I’ll be increasing the rent

Why do landcucks always respond with this ?

>> No.49749289

No thanks, I love life and have real friends that enjoy my company! I don't have to pretend a shitbull is my lover or a cat is my child.

Garbage people can't connect with their fellow man and instead need emotional basedport animals because an animal is the only thing stupid enough to love you people.

>> No.49749312
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Yup. It's good to be landed gentry.

>> No.49749412

>nothing personnel

>> No.49749414

Get the fuck out of my board

>> No.49749625

Precisely why I only invest in commercial real estate. Residential renters are the scum of the earth.

>> No.49749693

They wont charge more rent, they'll ask for a bigger deposit if you have a pet.

>> No.49749946
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Fuck landlords. In my last apartment the owner refused to change out a weird specialty lightbulb in the bathroom that would have cost me over $60, this was on top of the already exorbitant rent the owner was charging me. Her refusing to change the lightbulb was a BIG mistake.

One month prior to my lease ending I moved all my stuff to my new apartment and began to think of ways to fuck the landlord over. I began with small stuff such as taking a razor the the caulking in the shower, I loosened the pipe fittings to a very slight drip and cut a hole in the dry wall by the kitchen sink and let a hose drip into it for a few days, I introduced some black mold spores after turning it off and patching the hole. I shaved my head and sprinkled hair and drizzled fish oil in the baseboard heating coils. My ultimate payback for landlord insubordination was collecting bed bugs and their larvae from some junkies house I knew and sprinkled it on the bedroom carpets just before the final walk through.

I drove by the place a few times after moving out and saw a work truck parked outside of it several times as well as an exterminator. I'm pretty sure I rotted out a whole section of drywall. I feel somewhat bad but change the fucking lightbulb when I tell you to landie. I got my whole deposit back because the dumb bitch didn't even look under the sink on the final walk through. Renting can be a very liberating experience if you accept you will not get the deposit back. She called back multiple times asking about the sink but I never returned the calls.

>> No.49749951

Toxoplasmosis hands wrote this post.

>> No.49749976

The pet psyop has ruined girls and women. Every fertile-age female is obsessed with dogs nowadays. Their cars have fur all over the seats, their apartments and houses smell like wet dog and urine, these nasty animals sleep in their bed, they kiss them on the mouth (after they just got done eating their own shit or a rotten carcass), and substitute taking care of these animals for having children. I’m a married oldfag and am so thankful my wife hates animals as much as I do. I feel sorry for young guys trying to date right now. Every fuckable girl has two giant golden retrievers in her house that she kisses on the mouth and she’s noseblind to the disgusting stench that sticks to everything she owns. You have to love these “fur babies” and walk them and clean their shit off the carpet and take them to piss outside at all hours of the night and let them climb all over you and stomp on your nuts and get their stinky breath on your face or you will get no pussy. Fuck that.

>> No.49750218

You just know

>> No.49750228

The pets women have In the way you describe them are substitutes for marriage/kids

Usually it’s career women who were too much of a bitch + focused on muh career to find a husband and have kids in their 20s and thus get dogs as a replacement

>> No.49750286

Name of the game is to swoop the girl heavily, and as soon as things start getting serious immediately start pressuring her to get rid of dogs.

I am young and married, but before getting married I had to deal with this shit, one girl I know is now running an at home dog rescue and it’s the most disgusting shit I’ve seen.

Dogs and cats need to be culled.

>> No.49750289
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The SMELL from the pets is fucking horrible, it lingers in the house long after the pets are gone.
Some pet lovers are insane.

>> No.49750355

nice bait, 9/10 the image makes it a bit obvious

>> No.49750525

This is already a thing, in the US at least. Non-refundable deposits and pet rent. I've never even heard of pet rent up until about a year ago, just another way for landlords to jew a couple more sheckles out of renters.

>> No.49750787

>why yes I enjoy living somewhere that smells like piss and poop

if you want to own a pet buy a house
shit like this makes me not want to live in an apartment ever, I'd rather live with my mom than put up with that shit

>> No.49750936

based and redpilled opinion

>> No.49751046

>yay rents will be higher for people without furbabies as insurance against those who do
i wish it was time to buy a house

>> No.49751157

Lol, cry harder faggot, I bought in 2011 20% down and my bags 3x since then. You losers are priced the fuck out!