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File: 53 KB, 720x480, donald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49741283 No.49741283 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49741329

I want to cum inside of a woman.

>> No.49741340

>types like a nigger
checks out

>> No.49741369


>> No.49741378

I prefer someone who didn't coup the government, thanks.

>> No.49741640

Me too anon.. Me too..

>> No.49741702

I'm not American but I miss when he was president because he was funny and cute, he walked and moved funny and stuff. Idk he's kinda hypnotic. Biden just emanates pure evil and it's not entertaining whatsoever.

>> No.49741723

Folks, the bourgeois, they're no good, more and more people are saying it. All these workers— the biggest, we have the biggest workers— very handsome workers come up to me and say, Comrade Trump there is a specter haunting Europe, and you know what, they're right. These bourgeois are very nasty people, very very rude, and very unfair to the workers. They are stealing our surplus value and no one is doing anything about it. The proletariat comes up to me every day and says, Comrade Trump will you lead the revolution? And I gotta turn to them and say look, the instruments of capitalism will be used to bring about its destruction, believe me. The means of production, Obama never wanted to seize them. Well guess what? I'm seizing them. Landlords? They're done for folks. Everyone told me— they said, Comrade Trump you won't be the vanguard of the revolution and they would laugh, the media laughed the democrats laughed, guess who's laughing now?

>> No.49741756


>> No.49741771


>> No.49741783

you paste licker, open your eyes.

>> No.49741857
File: 15 KB, 600x900, 092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless you're israeli, he did nothing for you

>> No.49742837

yes Jidf, sure thing

>> No.49742898

>Signs away Jerusalem to israel
>Signs away chunk of syria to israel
Wonder who is behind this post

>> No.49743481

He served Israel more than USA.

>> No.49743551

>copypaste jidf bots while the thread gets flagged
I wonder why kikes don't want us to talk about the orange man

>> No.49743554
File: 38 KB, 470x545, #shad0wprez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden is a puppet.

Donald J Trump is the greatest leader we have ever had. Without his selflessness in service to the nation, his love of the USA and his business acumen, Operation Shadowprez would never have worked.

All the things Biden is doing are for show. DJT never actually handed over power. Biden's inauguration was a farce. His EOs will never actually go into effect. Haven't you heard? WE HAVE NOT LOST. IN FACT, WE HAVE WON.

Donald J. Trump is STILL PRESIDENT.


The plan was enacted over the weekend… Only you never saw it.

Biden, his cabinet, and tons of both Dem and Republican senators and other officials were arrested. Proof of their vast crimes was shown. They were court martialed and found guilty. However, it was decided this was too much for the American people to accept. Overturning the election and showing the crimes of these politicians could lead to Civil War.
So an agreement was reached: Biden and other deep state elements will be allowed to move freely and serve their terms. President Trump would "concede" and leave office. But this is all for appearances. Behind the scenes, Donald J. Trump is still President.

This plan, known as Shadowprez, was seen as a last resort. But it worked. Anything that happens in the next 4 years is actually President Trumps doing.


>> No.49743558

lmao you're a faggot who will die from your AIDS

>> No.49743615
File: 1.11 MB, 1816x1336, You Rejected This.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 seethe

>> No.49743691

Truth hurts, he basically gave Israel everything it wanted on its wishlist.

He fucking pardoned Jonathan Pollard's ISRAELI SPY HANDLER, but not HIS OWN FUCKING SUPPORTERS after the january 6th protests

he was owned through and through by the jews, i will never trust another american politician until i see them explicitly call out the jews

>> No.49743707

so........... you prefer Trump?

>> No.49743741
File: 158 KB, 1500x500, Capitol finally a return to normalcy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Law and order is restored

>> No.49743749
File: 108 KB, 864x864, reformer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only 39% of Americans approve of the job Biden is doing as president.
>A stunning 47% "strongly" disapprove; just 16% "strongly" approve.
>More than seven in 10, 71%, say the United States is "on the wrong track;"
>16% say it's headed in the right direction.
>Even most Democrats say the country is on the wrong track, 46%-34%.
>Three of four independents and nearly every Republican agree.
How do I make money off the Democrats being slaughtered in the midterms?

>> No.49743793
File: 78 KB, 933x595, 1654082725871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get over it chud, the future is progressive neocuck.

>> No.49743795

Implying one has to choose between disabled sleepy joe shabbos goy #1 or orange man retard shabbos goy #2

the greatest trick the jews ever played was convincing the goy they don't own every fucking american politician

>> No.49743818

Agreed, fuck Biden.

>> No.49743830

I wonder if Biden will be assassinated, the dudes a retard and needs to be put down like a dying dog.

>> No.49743833
File: 338 KB, 2500x1667, trump-scouts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, anon.

Faggots signed their own death warrants when they stole the election from him. 2024 gonna be wild

>> No.49743840

I guess his family owe great money to Jews, because all that bootlicking started with his dad

>> No.49743851

Wasn't he just putins little bitch boy selling out USAs national interests because Putin had indecent photos and videos of him with his own daughter?

>> No.49743900

he didn't do shit for russia, he gave ukraine tons of weapons and sanctioned russia

funny how no one talks about him being an israeli asset when he literally did everything israel ever asked for, he even set up a "anti-semitism czar" in the department of state

>> No.49743976

That's literally the deal. Now go back to /pol/ unless you offer a realistic alternative. Or at least answer my fucking question.

>> No.49744049


Probably the most ultra bluepilled, 5 year old take you could have on him possible

>CNN said he's Putin's friend!!!!!

and yet Putin didn't dare invade Ukraine until Joe Shitpants took office

>> No.49744078

i don't know you (((international hyena))), probably invest in gun companies because midterm R win will 100% lock-in zero D action on gun legislation until at least 2024

>> No.49744143

go back to /pol/..you are not welcome here

>> No.49744215

>and yet Putin didn't dare invade Ukraine
You aren't in theme. It's Ukraine didn't dare to attack Donbass in full scale while Trump was in office, he was the one who signed Minsk treaties 2.0, so Putin has no casus belli to attack them

>> No.49744475


Everything happening now is a direct result of fuckups during the end of his administration.

He tried to buy the election with stimulus packages even though everyone knew it would cause insane inflation and destroy the markets.

and he did it anyway.

and that’s before we talk about him fucking up Covid causing supply chain issues that we STILL have not solved.

Trump was the ultimate Republican. A greedy conman who bankrupted America like all of his shitty businesses.

The only good thing he did was convince his followers to catch a preventable illness and die in heaps so that they won’t have the voting power to matter ever again.

In that sense, he truly did Make America Great Again.

>> No.49744488
File: 111 KB, 1078x1067, HsHYS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes
The energy
The dreams
We will never see another shitposter in chief

>> No.49744641
File: 3.72 MB, 503x490, 1609469407440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the flu faggot
Go back to your safe space and have a little cry mate
Rent free :)

>> No.49744673

Stop destroying the capitol

>> No.49744708


Insane, backwards garble

>> No.49744813
File: 111 KB, 1200x630, b22ae3001f142a69a0b671243386797f15-29-president-trump-american-flag-cpac-20.rsocial.w1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop destroying the capitol
Brought to you by the mincers who looted every major city for a year because a felonious drug dealing nigger got rightfully justed...
This is your brain on leftism