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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 706 KB, 1226x2167, C89A4167-2D24-4CCC-9B3E-197E9F45488C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49738280 No.49738280 [Reply] [Original]

It’s fire sale. And youre not buying

>> No.49738284


>> No.49738291

but op, i AM buying. I have no money left since I bought everything I could. Repeating next month.

>> No.49738293

Because we run out of money. Learn what accumulate means. It does not mean sit on your money.

>> No.49738295
File: 815 KB, 656x770, 7A52CE8F-E5A0-4053-9BB8-F5C9E5A6C6B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if it becomes an even greater firey sale?

>> No.49738299

the 'basically a fire sale' band covers around $10,000 variation. why buy for 20k when you can buy for 10k in a month

>> No.49738308

The rainbow didnt see a depression yet, rainbow will be fucked

Buy at the bowl of gold, at the bottom of the rainbow

>> No.49738341

How is that different from stalking and offering candy to unsupervised children from a van spray painted free candy on the spoilers

>> No.49738365
File: 73 KB, 678x564, 72814A82-88B9-4AEC-BCC3-3B4E0BEAA91E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rainbow meme chart was already invalidated this bullrun.

It never even touched the red part

>> No.49738381

The rainbow chart does not mean shit when the Fed is not even close to being done with rate hikes and they are only 2 weeks into QT. Simple as

>> No.49738401
File: 70 KB, 860x504, 84-848921_transparent-rainbow-clouds-clipart-printable-rainbow-with-clouds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoom out.

>> No.49738430
File: 6 KB, 249x249, 1631392818865s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me or has the rainbow chart become PlanB's new Stock to flow? Everyone is talking about it now and saying to buy. Same thing as in November when everyone said we were going to $100k...

Looks like the normies still haven't learned their lesson

>> No.49738455

Buy orders already at 3k

>> No.49738480


>> No.49738497

>As long as its between 1,000 and 100,000 the prediction is correct!
Who fucking swallows this shit ?

>> No.49738505

wow placing those orders was a genius use of your time wasnt it

>> No.49738739
File: 34 KB, 287x295, 6954EA8D-F6E3-44F7-88F6-02E4647C9AC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only buy purple

>> No.49739670
File: 9 KB, 208x242, 6811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I haven't experienced firsthand a meximum bubble territory
it's not fair

>> No.49739697

t. happy as a pig in shit buying ethereum at 4k, wont touch it with a barge pole at 1k

>> No.49739794


>> No.49739812

exactly, if op actually does believe in his chart he should believe it could go lower to around 10-15k as the chart says, i'm not sure op does though..

>> No.49740027
File: 205 KB, 1939x1405, 380k-to-the-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never know if you're at a top or a bottom and how far. Better just DCA. Even if you think these are amazing bargains.
They won't look like bargains if BTC goes to 1000 bucks and doesn't get back to 20k for 10 years.
Keep DCAing.
Unless you believe pic related we are headed to 380k. My astrology, er i mean TA, is no better or worse than yours.

>> No.49740048

I think it's gonna fall a bit more so I'm waiting

>> No.49740671

Terrible shitpost. Try harder neufag

>> No.49740736

Never trust a graph that uses log.

>> No.49740762

The graph makes the diminishing returns very obvious. Looking forward to btc breaking through the bottom of the rainbow.

>> No.49741685

btc bottoms at a price you are too afraid to buy in at
it happened last time during the final crash people and euphoric bobos were calling for sub 1000 btc again and fudded people into shorting the absolute bottom

right now the point of max fear is right here in the 19-22k frame, everybody is scared shitless that we will break 20k and go straight down to sub 5 digits
completely ignoring the firesale buy in prices

also the fed fud is done its not relevant anymore, all the retard trading outfits that traded on tradfi patterns got burned out of the market already
i am not saying to go all in here, but this is a very good spot to start your accumulations

>> No.49741726

It doesn't work

>> No.49741755
File: 48 KB, 480x480, 33A74FC5-C230-4A52-9424-97C035E56C73.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire Saaaaaaale

>> No.49741774
File: 36 KB, 479x264, 1646673685519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

etfler wünschte bestimmt gerade er hätte auf mich gehört

>> No.49741805

Yeah come on goys, keep believing and pump the price. As you see from this official chart Bitcon is destined to go very high indeed!

>> No.49741812

wrong thread sry

>> No.49741824
File: 25 KB, 500x498, pepega-pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pigs get slaughtered

>> No.49741861

this, is safer to buy at green or yellow

>> No.49741890

>we topped out at "is this a bubble?" territory

>> No.49741891

The /biz/ tradition has always been to buy high and sell low. Don't like it? Go back to plebbit.

>> No.49741963
File: 1.09 MB, 873x1013, 74-0597-079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you clearly have a great understanding of humanity

>> No.49741993

Nigger, the Fed is shitting itself every single week/month for the last 2 years and you want me to buy internet coins? Fuck off I am shorting everything under the sun except for energy.

>> No.49742102

Because that LGTV faggot chart is outdated. We're nowhere near the bottom yet.

>> No.49742144

tired of all these faggots

>> No.49742155

According to this dumbass chart you weren't supposed to sell since 2018 top kek.

>> No.49742180

Also that one has the goalposts moved. BTC dipped to 3k in Dec 19 and below 2k during the pandemic crash. You can shove that gay chart up your ass and catch some monkey virus in the process, OP.

>> No.49742307

I unironically believe in this chart
But remember that we were in a "fire sale" for a whole year back in 2016, now it will be worse

>> No.49742364

not buying your bags
99% stupid money still flying around

>> No.49742391

This is no fire sale.
This is a fire.

>> No.49742410

You know it's funny how rainbow charts have been around for like 8 years yet I have never seen one in a bull market.

>> No.49742440

this math guy on youtube with little hair spammed it all bull market

>> No.49742489

I am buying , BTC XPRESS MANA and will sell them in next bull cycle

>> No.49742499

it didn't reach the top but it will stop at the bottom of that range? Why? Pray tell.