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File: 187 KB, 900x900, back_948_38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49737115 No.49737115 [Reply] [Original]

>Buys fake internet World of Warcraft gold that isn't used for trading
>Thinks it is more valuable than gold.
kys, You deserve to be a poorfag kike slave.

>> No.49737200

>20 x 30 = 600
I uh, Well, I'll take the BTC since its worth about 19,400 dollars more than the coins

>> No.49737328

Dumbass like you can't even math right. They are about 2000 USD each, and that is for a real physical ounce of gold. Just quit life already, if you are that retarded to buy an internet chucky cheese token that has no utility, purpose, or trading volume in real goods to justify its existence. All the inflated price proves is that dumbasses like you way over payed for practically nothing at all.

>> No.49737354
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What does it matter when both are speculative assets with out intrinsic value (utility)
Why does it matter if its real world material or not?

Boomers are so salty about bitcoin, but, I am perfectly fine with diversifying my portfolio. only a retard throws all his eggs in one basket.

>> No.49737385

I meant when BTC was at 69k you could've bought a whole fucking kilogram of gold. I can't believe how fucking manically stupid you'd have to be to not cash out when you could a literal KILOGRAM OF REAL GOLD. Just die already, or have fun sucking a dirty kike's mutilated cock.

>> No.49737405

You are retarded for paying any amount of good money for literally and actually nothing at all. Diversifying into something that is less than tulips is retarded. The only ones who are salty are idiots like you that could've sold their bags for 69k.

>> No.49737506

So I am retarded for also buying stocks and bonds? Boomers are so fucking retarded. Go to bed gramps its past your bed time.

Would explain why you are grumpy. Did you forget to take your meds?

I'll give you that 99% of crypto is tulips but bitcoin is a currency, so.

>> No.49737569

Yeah, if you consider World of Warcraft gold a currency. A real apple will always carry more value than a "metaverse" apple. I'm not a boomer, just not delusionally retarded.

>> No.49737604

It is literally an imitation and mockery of the real thing. "Miners" When there is no mine. "Coin" When there is no coin. Literally the faggiest tranniest faggot shit I've ever heard in my life. It is about as real as unicorn and just as faggy.

>> No.49737612

Umm.. ur a fag + nice returns on gold? As an investor I invest in where I see the most potential growth (growth = returns) which is btc by a margin that is too big for me to calculate. U can hold ur gold and u probably won't get poor but ur not gonna get any richer u dumb retarded monkey nigger? You are a stupid retard I do believe

>> No.49737629

Yeah, because a lot of very stupid people over payed. They also over payed for tulips back in the day in the Netherlands, but no one, unless you are a fucking idiot mongrel would argue that a tulip is more valuable than an ounce of gold.

>> No.49737654

Hi retard nigfag. Btc isn't a tulip? Not sure if anyone has told u that or if u have done any research on what tulips are and what btc is and if they are different in any way. Btw ur a retarded retard monkey ooh ooh aah aah poor ape

>> No.49737694

Ok, let me break it down so a retarded faggot can even understand. You invest in something because you think it will be more valuable long term, correct? Ok, so where do you think that perception of value comes from in the case of bitcoin? The idea was that it would be used in trading, and guess what? It failed. It is digital gold they said, a hedge against inflation, they said, and guess what? This too, it failed. Therefore there is no fucking reason to get trannycoin, unless you meet two conditions:

1. You are faggot that likes to bleed from too much BBC in the ass
2. You are retarded enough to think an internet chucky cheese coin will save you from waging.

>> No.49737695

This thread is now a monkey thread banana banana swing from tree

>> No.49737719

Seethe, you know its true.

>> No.49737733

Hi again nigtog. I'm not going to tell u where the value comes from because 1. Ur a monkey 2. U wouldn't understand it (result of monkey behaviour and intelligence) and 3. I want to see u watch ur worth decline over the coming years just to think of me when you finally succumb to buying btc (u will be paying for my yacht and car and hooker monkeys)

>> No.49737770

>When everyone thinks the same way
When everyone thinks WAGMI, that means only (TAGMI) it really is that simple, but retarded apes like you need to suffer to learn that simple truth as old as an ancient AU 79 king's crown.

>> No.49737799
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World of warcraft hasn't been relevant for 20 years grandpa so that isn't the insult you think it is.

Also I can't buy armor on WOW with bitcoin retard. I can, however, buy shit off the internet with bitcoin, kek.

All money is fake. Anything can be money as anything can have exchange value. Money is the universal equivalent of all possible exchanges on the market.

Literally all money is mad up. Fiat is no different and arguably less tangible than bitcoin as we can just magic trillions of dollars out of thin air.

>mining when there is no mine

My absolute fucking sides. Tech illiterates shouldn't have a word in this conversation, kek. Bitcoin is based and here to stay, cope.

>> No.49737827

The wagmi crowd are retarded monkeys just like you, the only difference is one loses money daytrading btc and the other loses money being priced out. If you weren't a monkey you could research yourself on what btc actually is and maybe you could become less of a monkey, however I doubt that. Everyone screaming wagmi is in their first year of trading and are likely 20 year old shutin losers. I am different, and you are a monkey

>> No.49737826

>Losing 80 percent is based
kys retard.

>> No.49737832
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Where does the value of gold come from?

>> No.49737854
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Bitcoin is still young, lol.
Amazon had the same levels of volatility back in the early 2000s with the dot com bubble.

Why do you guys hate bitcoin so much?
I think it's cool.

>> No.49737866
File: 579 KB, 933x1239, 20220616_170801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, you're right, they could just MELT my crypto! What am I thinking? Gonna start hoarding handy METAL right away! God forbid we have a colossal blackout and electronic monies are useless. Shiny rock will DEFINITELY be a much better choice to carry around! So light and doesn't require passwords. Just a tank and plenty of ammunition.
>kys yourself boomer

>> No.49737890

Because I've seen this (game) before. It is called Bitconnect, Theranos, Bern Sterns, Bernie Madeoffwithmoney, and now Buttcorns and Tesla. When will you faggots learn? You can't win against the (house).

>> No.49737914

You unironically typed based reason to hold metal instead of hodl like a LARPing faggot tranny would.

>> No.49737924
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bitcoin is decentralized and has no controller or creator. bitcoinnect was a ponzi scheme, kek; with out bitcoin there couldn't have been a bitconnect. It's apples and oranges.

Shit blame Etherum for retarded shit like luna and bitconnect. All that shit came out of the Etherum network.

>He seriously believes society is going to collapse with in our life times

>> No.49737930

>Imagine the insanity of HODLing something so banally stupid that it needs to reward fat greasy neckbeards across the world 24/7 to "secure" itself with expensive computer hardware

cope more faggot.

>> No.49737932
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Sub zero IQ glowie tranny gold buttplug wearer spotted.

>> No.49737961

It doesn't need to is my point. Metals are real. I'm not falling for the troon shit, because I'm not a gay retard.

>> No.49737972

>Computers aren't real.

>> No.49737979

I've seen this thread 100 times kek
gold jews going to commit suicide before 2040 when they realize their rock can't be used to pay anything online

>> No.49737992

gold buttplug is what you wish you had right about now. Losing 80 percent isn't based, it is the humiliating cuckoldry possible.

>> No.49738004

>Computer Money isn't real.
Nice try faggot with your fallacious reasoning.

>> No.49738012

Are you going to answer me?


>> No.49738024

So you agree it is real?

>> No.49738041

Gold Kikes are just going to whip you harder as based money gigachad holders. Buttcorn is just a cope, please understand my retards.

>> No.49738061

Yes! Because in any place that isn't populated by a bunch of uncivilized dirt niggers it has value. That is why Kikes keep winning. They are internationalists and it isn't rare to know of them speaking 5+ languages fluently.

>> No.49738079

It is literally kike cryptonite and you guys want to buy some internet troon shit, good night my retards.

>> No.49738090
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Indeed, you'll end up with plenty of it into your skull eventually, as niggers pick up your literal bags of useless female's trinkets in a manner of literal minutes while even if I'm caught they could never retrieve my mathematically impregnable private keys because I hid them elsewhere other than my asshole in the cloud itself, as long as a piece of timeless centuries old literature can be retrieved. And pain or dizziness isn't conductive to recollections and humanly done decryption necessary even for myself to reassemble the coordinates to them.

>> No.49738100

Whatever you say Mr. Dc Universe. Back on the real world, I can't differentiate between .0000000001 of nothings and 21 million nothings.

>> No.49738109
File: 106 KB, 749x399, Screenshot 2022-06-17 at 10-45-44 Gold Price History.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had bought 10k of gold back in 2012 I would have 12k today. That's less than enough to fight inflation.
If I had bought 10k of BTC in 2012 I would have 40 million dollars.

Tell me, why should I invest in something that makes me lose money?

>> No.49738124

>magic rocks
okay boomer

>> No.49738133

I mean, i'm not Boomer op, I was arguing against him, but, I invest in things cause I like them more than anything, desu.

I want gold to have gold cause I like it and if I make money on the side that's ok if not that's also ok.

>> No.49738137

Because it is not some fake faggot internet troon shit. The gig is up guys, we had fun while it lasted, but everyone knows these two things by now:

1. It is not a reliable efficient robust vehicle for trade.
2. It is clearly not digital gold losing 55 percent of its value in a year

>> No.49738145
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crypto nerds will seethe

>> No.49738161
File: 728 KB, 1440x1140, 20220616_165029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, we all
at your super gold, you shiny pile of teeth loot.

>> No.49738167

>magic rocks with a track record of thousands of years
I understand it is a fetish, but at least I can literally hold mine. It just isn't the same as buttcorns. I can bite into a real apple, and I prefer real pussy, not your troon shit.

>> No.49738171

Again, all money is fake.

Cope, seethe, and dial8

>> No.49738186

I can literally open up my wallet and look at my bitcoin, lol

>> No.49738213

Yeah, I can log into Runescape too. You just don't have any to understand Gollum, and that is okay all fools become wise, if they live long enough.

>> No.49738231

That's an ok thing to do, but in that case you're not investing, you're just buying gold as a normal product. Which is cool.

So if they made real bitcoins out of paper and they sold for 20k, would that solve your problem with it?

>> No.49738247

>All money is fake
Is the real world fake too then? Last time I checked, gold is based money by definition.

>> No.49738252
File: 536 KB, 904x1822, 20220612_182540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future generations will be born directly into cyberspace and not merely bite but exploit plenty more of yet undisclosed senses in a reality that's just as virtual as this one, since our cognition is entirely an epiphenomenon since inception and our present beyond obsolete notions of "physical" "reality" are collapsing faster than your bladder and bowel, boomer.

>> No.49738265

No, if it was accepted at major retailers' Point of Sale in an efficiently in terms of speed and price then it might be worth considering.

>> No.49738277

>Didn't watch Serial Experiments Lain
>Thinks physical existence can be scoffed at
>kys troon piece of shit

>> No.49738307

The only useful cryptocurrency would literally take armed statehood that is why I say no. Anything that could be a threat to the (country's) currency would be (shutdown) violently.

>> No.49738316
File: 133 KB, 712x694, 1652657139369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy gold
>pay premium over spot
>if you need to sell it at all in the next decade, you lose because you're selling to a dealer (you won't ship some 2k gold coin on ebay knowing it'd be easy to get fucked and you probably still lose after PayPal and eBay fees)

Physical gold only makes sense under the conditions:

1) collapse is near and imminent
2) you already have a prepared compound to survive the anarchy
3) you believe you'll survive through it long enough to be alive in the rebuilt stable economy where your gold would be traded rather than the worthless currency of the previous collapsed government.

Given that the US Dollar's demise is dependent upon the demise of the US Government, and that is dependent upon the military defeat of the US by another major power, and that would be dependent on a nuclear war, gold is stupid, and cash is king...

... in our lifetime, anyways. The only person who should be buying gold is someone with 9 figures net worth and children, because they'd be the ones possibly needing the gold. But if you have kids now, they'll likely end up LGBTQ, so they're just going to lose their gold in some post-apocalyptic gay bar.

>> No.49738325

why is there always a debate between one historic constant asset and new volatile virtual money
they dont even serve the same purpose

>> No.49738348
File: 598 KB, 1063x1809, 20220612_183234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All armies are nothing but an assembly of .mercenaries.
>we'll buy them

>> No.49738350

I can exchange BTC in my Binance account for 20k dollars with the click of a button. It instantly deposits in my debit card.
I can move around with 100 kilos worth of gold ready to spend.

>major retailers
>armed statehood
>physical reality
>I can touch it
I don't know how to explain this better than the others did but dollars aren't real.

>> No.49738351

Because virtual money needs the backing of an armed state to be of any real world trading money holding value, whereas gold only needs your backing of keeping it.

>> No.49738355

hello again nignog you are a monkey never forget these words. monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey. buy at the ath out of panic like a monkey just like you did with gold at 2k/oz. you are a freaky freaky monkey man maybe u should hold bonds instead of gold monkey boy

>> No.49738369

No you won't. You'll get thrown in the slammer and Fleece Johnson only cares about one buttcorn between your legs.

>> No.49738370

Why is BTC trading at 20k if it isn't backed by an armed state?

>> No.49738374

>He doesn't understand how price speculation works.

This is why all money is fake you tard. Because "value" is subjective. Gold has a separate utility value, but, as a currency and a medium of an exchange its prices go up and down because it's all subjective human interpretation.

Fuck you are dumb. All money is literally fake.

>> No.49738384

Because wealthy dumbasses over payed for it. What is Tulip Mania?

>> No.49738390

This guy knows his shit on monetary theory. Everyone who claims "Hurr Durr it's not real" is just fucking retarded. Whoever thinks like that will never make it.

>> No.49738395

Why not own both?

>> No.49738399

So as long as enough people are willing to pay for it, it will keep holding it's value at 20k?
Very interesting. I bet we could use it as a way to conduct transactions. Some kind of "currency"...

>> No.49738402

Yeah, but the gold itself is real. Buttcorn isn't even a tulip and some dumbasses bought it for 69k USD a buttcorn. Top kek!

>> No.49738414

Because I am not interested in holding your bag.

>> No.49738433

What is based money? Think long and hard about this one, if you answer with some troon shit you will be cursed to eternal kike servitude.

>> No.49738454

no online payment, shut up cuck kek

>> No.49738463
File: 770 KB, 878x2506, 20220612_182823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik has a billion USD worth to buy his own private army himself alone. The new wave of crypto billionaires will join him. Face it boomer, you're as obsolete as your trivial toys. You're literally unironically incapable of thinking. Your mental resources consist of parroting and pretending. We're not as asleep as our predecessors. You're already an artifact of an already forgotten ancient past. Too bad you'll never see it.

>> No.49738472
File: 219 KB, 436x610, y6u65tu657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally true of ALL investments.


God you have to be trolling, why am I wasting my time on this retard?

Tulips have actual value too you moron; The use value of the tulip. it's utility.
Gold also has utility but the utility of a good is detached from its exchange value.

That's why gold in the Weimare Republic can be incredibly Volatile as well.
Being "real" doesn't fucking matter when your price valuation is inherently intangible itself.

>> No.49738473

>No major retailers, prefer the kike network crypto, for its unmatched speed and trust, sorry baggie.

>> No.49738481

I meant a billion USD per year of life above, obviously.

>> No.49738485

money that can be transferred instantly to anyone on the globe without any kind of hinderance. no third party. no government. no security risk. no language barrier. nothing. you are a monkey ass retard if u dont get why it has value, which we know you are

>> No.49738491

Billion USD, Gee, I wonder where he got all that from. Again, kys retard.

>> No.49738502


>> No.49738508

Why is it being "real" so important? It's a line of code. It's information. It's electrons swirling in a transistor.
This post you're seeing right now is not real. But it has 12 kilobits worth of data, 0.1 cents worth of electricity and infrastructure and 0.01 cents of ad revenue behind it. If I wrote a way for you to make 100k dollars, would this post still be worthless because it's not "real"?

Again, why is it being "real" of any value to me?

>> No.49738520
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He got it from no one, bowel hodler.
>he built it

>> No.49738523

It isn't money. I have to convert it back into whatever bullshit the region is using and that process costs (fees), very slow, and needs fat greasy neckbeards such as yourself running expensive GPUs 24/7 across the world to (secure) itself. I can theoretically barter with gold, a villager with some goats gives zero fucks about your faggot troon coin.

>> No.49738525

It's because the internet is scary to boomers.

>> No.49738527

retards like you make btc look like a coin for retards i hate you stupid fucks so much. u completely miss the point but try to sound smart.

>> No.49738535

Didn't they just found a mass of gold deposits at the end of the nile that has more gold than all the gold currently in both savings and circulation? How is my investments secure when 2000% of the current market is primed to flood into it?

>> No.49738542

It's not about btc. It's about his idea of "real"=good, i cant touch it=fake.

>> No.49738544

ok monkey man and that is different to gold how? ooh ooh aah aaah. theoretically barter with gold lmao take out your nailfile and give the villager some shavings you stupid monkey retard. also good luck getting your gold to the village/out of your country ever

>> No.49738551

Because I prefer the real thing as apposed to the (fakeshit), how are you this willfully stupid? A virtual apple can't satiate your appetite, it is that fucking simple.

>> No.49738558

again i must reiterate this is a monkey thread banana banana banana banana

>> No.49738563

>A virtual apple can't satiate your appetite
Neither can gold to be fair. Sure, it's technically edible in small amounts, but it's not going to give you any actual nutrients or calories.

>> No.49738577

>I can't touch atoms so they aren't real

>> No.49738579

>I can theoretically barter with gold
good luck with that

>> No.49738584

>I prefer the real thing
Who cares about what you prefer?

>> No.49738591

Because it is a (scheme) in which I am benefiting the (schemer) with my hard earned (fiat) as apposed to having the real thing which is what the thing aforementioned is a complete failure of an imitation of. Physical manifestation is important, I shouldn't have to explain this to you. Virtual things are nice and help facilitate trade, but they aren't based in of themselves, they always relate to the real world to have any lasting value.

>> No.49738601

this debate is retarded bitcoin isnt comparable to gold vice versa whats the point

>> No.49738610

> Virtual things are nice and help facilitate trade
That's so cool. I wonder if that utility is worth anything. I would pay good money to facilitate my company's trade.

>> No.49738615

Ok, now do the same with buttcorns.

>> No.49738623

im going to physically manifest my cock in your asshole the moment u hit buy at 500k monkey boy. remember me monkey monkey

>> No.49738633

I would take the 1 btc and sell it for a profit in the coming weeks after a few green days. The gold will be worth 1800 for eternity.

>> No.49738642
File: 120 KB, 640x757, 1538927878267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real isn't synonymous of tangible alone, bladder prayer. As repeatedly saliented above, a trade is subjected to valuation which itself is a direct result of mere thinking, not material tangible entities at all, as even thoughts are not only intangible but most likely an analog of our data clouds (which eventually will be accepted as anything but incidental). Your philosophical illiteracy follows you like a rotten stench of plunder, government asset boomer.

>> No.49738652
File: 85 KB, 1920x1080, oyster-smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now do the same with buttcorns
No reason to, BTC holders don't tend to use "muh collapse" as a reason to hold BTC in the first place. The point is if shit actually does collapse, they will both be equally useless. If shit doesn't collapse, BTC will go on to continue its rise in value and use. Besides, the smartest option is diversifying rather than throwing all your eggs in a single basket. Whether that basket is made of BTC or gold is inconsequential.

>> No.49738655

Yes, but it isn't worth what you think it is. Fiat already does this and better. No one seriously uses buttcorn. Try making a purchase on eBay with buttcorn or any place that actually accepts this abomination. Now try the same purchase with USD, which one was cheaper? It is too simple.

>> No.49738683

>diversifying rather than throwing all your eggs in a single basket.

>> No.49738684

Bitcoin is very much comparable to gold. The only difference is bitcoin lacks use value.

>> No.49738696

Actually no I take that back because exchange value can itself be a utility. Just like money the point is to fucking exchange it for other shit kek.

>> No.49738700

About as real and gay as a unicorn. Have fun with your (coin) green haired faggot before you inevitably rope.

>> No.49738702

holy monkey you are too retarded to even understand how retarded you are. you really are the dunce of the bunch my retarded monkey friend. us humans have an ability to act in expectation of future events. if you werent a retarded monkey man you could too

>> No.49738713

it says 20 dollars right there on the coin retard. Gold shillers are getting delusional.

>> No.49738721

>Bitcoin is very much comparable to gold
its not and never will be

>> No.49738725

You can at least buy shit online with BTC. You can't buy shit with gold coins online or off. It's totally illiquid. The most you can do with it is take it to some jew pawn broker and sell it for less than you bought it for. As to your question in the op, I would rather take the one BTC and sell it in a month for a profit and then day trade shit coins for even more profit. With the gold, there is no chance of profit, it will be 1800 dollars for the rest of eternity.

>> No.49738735

Yes it is. People who don't understand this don't really understand economics. both bitcoin and gold are money.

>> No.49738747

no online payment. cuck kek

>> No.49738748

oh my god you stupid btc wagmi monkey go home you retard

>> No.49738756

It is a literal byproduct of exploding stars and is naturally scarce as apposed to tangentially and artificially scarce, how willfully stupid you are. I'll mint another cryptocurrency tomorrow. Hurr durr it is scarce, yeah if more morons buy into your cargo cult.

>> No.49738764
File: 248 KB, 1200x675, 1655458641411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, you are a simpleton. Infrastructural switches are gradual. Before Space X succeeded their prototypes
to fail.
Failure is merely a transitory block of success. And on that note, you consistently fail to understand just about anything not only of the forcibly manufactured scarcity you boomers name economics but all other relevant aspects of what you persist calling reality also.

>> No.49738765

>literal byproduct of exploding stars and is naturally scarce as apposed to tangentially and artificially scarce,
You don't even know what that means. You only like this shit because there is chocolate inside

>> No.49738779

oh my monkey you are a fucking monkey

>> No.49738783

>both bitcoin and gold are money
gold is old reserve money used by banks and countries
btc is new internet money super volatile
ok unga bunga?

>> No.49738784

The thing is there is a dime of dozen of services that perform the hurr durr online purchasing function, but there isn't enough gold in the world for me to make it feasible to make my roof out of it. Maybe blow yourself up in them fancy muskrat rockets trying to get it for me, yeah?

>> No.49738813

>Both women and troons are pussy
Maybe in your faggot world, not in mine.

>> No.49738817

Cope and seethe and dial8

>> No.49738833
File: 425 KB, 285x190, wobble.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold is old money
>btc is new money
It's a shame because you were so close to understanding everything right now. Read the greentext and look into who is pushing crypto on a corporate/international level vs who is pushing gold backed/debt currency in the same landscape. Who do you think has more time here?
The short version is boomers are on their death bed and we're watching new money billionaires VS remnants of the old money billionaires. I can't rightly say who will win for sure, but again I stress that diversifying is the smartest option.

>> No.49738839

You can literally say that about everything lmao. EVERYTHING came from stars we are literally all stardust lmfao. Including the cpu's that run the bitcoin blockchain.


>> No.49738852

>Diversifying into a cargo cult
Tell me you're a gay retard, without telling me you're a gay retard.

>> No.49738872

Yeah, but that computer can mint an infinite amount of OSRS gold, are ya winning, son?

>> No.49738875

I have various forms of crypto, property and a little gold/silver. Though I suspect my dried spice collection will hold much more value than everything but the property in a collapse scenario.

>> No.49738879

you are a btc newfag retard these are the only people who compare btc to gold. where is your understanding of economics coming from monkey, half an accounting degree? you are out of your depth here 19yr old monkey retard boy.

>> No.49738885

Ok boomer. By the way, why not just ask 'what would you rather have, one BTC or one gold one oz coin'?

>> No.49738902
File: 445 KB, 792x705, d437d7d3d8df032984dcedacc9f980748b314ff8f7741fa1c338fb268ad0ca50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally cannot you retard.

There's a finite amount of bitcoin on the block chain. Do you think every coin is the same or something? Do you even understand the technology you are bitching about?

fucking ludites.

>> No.49738909

10 gold coins.
twrecks rekt.

>> No.49738911

How am I wrong?

>> No.49738916

>but again I stress that diversifying is the smartest option.
Agreed, that's why I own several thousand of both ;)

>> No.49738938

What is the difference between 21 million BTC and .000001 BTC? Some electric potentials in memory. There are better ways to kys than being a BTC bag holder/cryptocuck, just saying.

>> No.49738954

He hasn't been keeping up with the times. Once fusion energy is back in full swing, we'll be able to create gold from mercury, though most of it won't be usable for awhile unless we can find a way to speed up radioactive decay.

>> No.49738967

top kek

>> No.49738968

>fusion energy
wont be here the next 20 years

>> No.49738978

I'll say this one last time because I have a policy of never making more than 10 posts so I don't become an over-invested retard.

Your money isn't real.
Your golds value is not real.
It's all decided by a group of boomers in a meeting table at the Fed building.
You are a 50 year old /pol/ack expecting the world to crash and burn, sitting in your home alone with a room full of stashed food and gold in case the apocalypse hits.

In such a case no one will give a shit about that your gold is now the only thing of value. If your whole point is that in the case of societal collapse you will be able to buy more bean cans than us then you need to take some fucking meds.
Until then you can keep losing money while people a quarter of your age make your whole life's worth of money in one year.
The world is speeding past you while you're making 50 posts per hour defending the way you lost money throughout the last decade.

I don't think it's just crypto. I think your whole outlook on life is completely fucked up.

>> No.49738982

>Calls me boomer
>BTC is the boomerest slowest most expensive piece of shit crypto

>> No.49738998


>> No.49739008

>Until then you can keep losing money while people a quarter of your age make your whole life's worth of money in one year.

Yeah, and you're not one of them faggot. Gee, I wonder what a Ponzi scheme is.

>> No.49739017
File: 44 KB, 518x459, 1651763598071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You laugh, but it's true. Nuclear reactor + mercury/platinum = gold. Even platinum is applicable and it likely the better option work-wise. It's all about blasting it with neutrons until you get the result you're looking for. Here's a fun little fact. Mercury only has one more proton than gold, while platinum only has one less proton than gold. They're extremely close in an element sense.

>> No.49739031

This must be some form of sarcasm. -80 percent in the (fakeshit) isn't making anyone rich. All it proves is that it was even more fake. It is literally a Ponzi scheme riding on the coat tails of the USD fiat Ponzi scheme. Get rekt.

>> No.49739045

I thought it was sarcasm, but I guess in minecraft there is no concept of energy inputs. Great rouse though, it got a kek out of me.

>> No.49739059

Answer the question. Why. Don't avoid the question. Why not ask if people would rather have one BTC or one ounce of gold. The reason you won't answer is because the answer will conflict with your claim that BTC is worthless. One BTC is worth more than one ounce of gold, OBJECTIVELY, according to the market. If BTC was 'worthless', as you would like to be the case, then you could just ask, 'one BTC or one gold coin'. Surly nobody would choose the one worthless BTC over the one gold coin with 'real value'.

>> No.49739060

Ok, now take the same nuclear reactor, a cluster of computer to produce absolutely nothing of value. Top kek.

>> No.49739070

Ask if they prefer 1 btc vs 10 oz, cmon now, don't be a faggot, at least have a fair fight.

>> No.49739084

The science is sound. I didn't say the current energy production was sufficient. We can already do it today, but until more advancements into nuclear power are made it's not really cost effective.
Platinum - 78
Gold - 79
Mercury - 80

>> No.49739091

We are all degenerate autists here, don't act like the world isn't speeding past you either faggot.

>> No.49739101

Nuclear reactor + computer = nothing
Whew, I can do retarded nigger faggot math too! Who would've thought?

>> No.49739109

>buys heavy hunk of metal
>not even worth as much as fake internet world of warcraft gold
I'd sooner own a honking duck than a hunking piece of metal desu

>> No.49739110

speak for yourself retarded monkey man, some of us were born to lead while others were born to eat bananas and throw shit (thats you, the monkey)

>> No.49739131

Then you'll buy my tulips as well. What is mamon?

>> No.49739134
File: 272 KB, 2048x1536, Eejj11RXgAAaRWs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nuclear reactors start running blockchain algos to create gold in abundance

>> No.49739147

Why would one be fair and not the other? After all, one oz of gold can be touched and felt and held in the hand. One BTC can not. The quality of being tangible in the real world is the quality that gives things value, right? One BTC can not be touched or held in the hand while one oz of gold can. SURLY the one oz of gold has more REAL value, right?

>> No.49739148

Muskrat level of retardation.

>> No.49739153
File: 101 KB, 638x788, 1627260225546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take 30 double eagles
>sell them for whatever they are worth
>buy several BTC
>wait until 2025

>> No.49739159

Let's go fair market value, faggot. Yes I would definitely prefer 10 ounces over one faggot troon coin, you best believe.

>> No.49739167
File: 163 KB, 800x453, Truck_system_of_payment_by_order_of_Robert_Owen_and_Benj_Woolfield,_July_22nd_1833_(1294620).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The quality of being tangible in the real world is the quality that gives things value, right?

>> No.49739168

I once convinced my aunt to come with me on the "Slingshot" carnival ride because I was betting on her passing out. When she did pass out, I got a good feel of her breasts before she came to. I even got to put my fingers in her mouth and then sucked on them, just to taste her saliva. Greatest childhood memories by far.

I'm glad I didn't grow up to be some creep that made a hobby of taking advantage of unconscious women, but man was my aunt gorgeous

I still remember going to the bathroom and
scrubbing her toothbrush all over my tongue
whenever I went to her house as a kid...

I used to do sexual stuff with my mom's dirty laundry and used menstrual pads that she left in the garbage for about 2 years to before I started to feel weird about it.

Also, there was this one time my 14 year old cousin was babysitting me and she was secretly smoking cigarettes on the staircase outside. She kept spitting in the same spot while smoking and when she was done, I went to the spit she was sitting and found some of her saliva hanging off the step and a small puddle of her spit. I wiped it into my hand, took it into the shower, and maturbated with it.

I once had to pick up some Chinese takeout for my mom and her friend, and I came in their food twice each and told them it took a long time to get their food because of how many customers there were.

My mom once had a philipino lady baby sit me and stole 4 of her pills from her bottle of meds and came all over them, let them dry for like 3 hours and then put them back in the bottle.

The dumbest, most risky act of degeneracy was when the neighbor from down the street came over to go on an hour long jog with my mom. She left her purse at my house, and I ended up blowing a load into her purse knowing that she would inevitably touch my dried cum.. They came back after like 15 min and she immediately went into her purse and ended up touching my still wet cum. She immediately blamed it on a bottle of sented face oil she had in there

>> No.49739171

No, just mildly amused by your level of stupidity.

>> No.49739183

We'll see who's laughing when the next bull run comes

>> No.49739195
File: 987 KB, 622x776, 1648816325916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ditto. I stated the same but my somewhat arcane means are rarely apprehended properly among the anime infested grounds.

>> No.49739206
File: 10 KB, 229x220, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minus 80 percent
>Michael Saycuck gets liquidated

You Couldn't Live with Your Own Failure, Where Did that Bring You? Back to Me

>> No.49739211

in the long run it's a horrible bet or a great bet. niggas with no bitcoin are brave motherfuckers who have extreme risk tolerance, that's as risky as being 100% all-in Bitcoin, which is also retarded once you have significant levels of wealth.

>> No.49739239

>Not investing into a literal cargo cult is brave

>> No.49739247
File: 60 KB, 397x397, 1653423479890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference is their location on the blockchain you retards. Fucking tech-lets OUT

>> No.49739253
File: 41 KB, 474x474, b91e4e7d64000d2f744ed2f0514d1890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting glowie. Did one of us type it for you to past or that's beyond your security access key?

>> No.49739255

Nigga, when the shit plops it is going to be a Jom Jones murder suicide, but instead of Jim Jones it is going to be some faggot honkey like Michael Saycuck or Elon Muskrat

>> No.49739278

>Location of OSRS gold
Brainlets, BTFO.

>> No.49739280

Sounds like a wonderful opportunity. Don't get me excited, anon. Expensive Bitcoin is a crop to be harvested, cheap Bitcoin is what you plant after you've let your fields fallow from the previous year's harvest.

>> No.49739304
File: 55 KB, 750x422, H3257-L40394613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sounds like a wonderful opportunity. Don't get me excited, anon. Expensive Bitcoin is a crop to be harvested, cheap Bitcoin is what you plant after you've let your fields fallow from the previous year's harvest.

(Who) is this I wonder... Must be a (schemer) or an (earlyadopter). The only 2 people that benefit from this form of (money)

>> No.49739308
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x1024, 8b7d007f-43d2-4508-9c5e-32c8a269b9c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49739325
File: 299 KB, 634x665, 1652065999039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry guys, after this whole thing blows over you might be able to get some hemorrhoid cream for your bleeding asshole.

>> No.49739337
File: 265 KB, 747x525, 9c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Must be a (schemer) or an (earlyadopter). The only 2 people that benefit from this form of (money)
So like gold? Quite literally a first come first serve asset, those that found it first became kings, pharaohs, etc. and ruled over those that weren't "early adopters".

>> No.49739359

>Let's go fair market value,
So value is determined by markets now, and not your subjective opinion of what it should be or the ability to hold in the hand of a medium of exchange? But this conflicts with your posts throughout the thread such as
>I understand it is a fetish, but at least I can literally hold mine. It just isn't the same as buttcorns.
What's going on here. You can hold a single gold coin and not a BTC. The fair market value shouldn't matter. It's holdability that matters, right?
Surly NO AMOUNT of something that can not be held in the hand can ever be worth anything, right? What about what you said here
Are you changing your tune? You said
>I can't differentiate between .0000000001 of nothings and 21 million nothing
so the BTC is 'nothing' right? Why would anyone take a 'nothing' BTC over a something gold coin?
Your theory of value seems to be changing during the course of a single thread.

>> No.49739377

>actually nothing at all
Thr fact people still don't believe digital assets are real is staggering to me. Bitcoin does actually do something.

>> No.49739428

But would you take ONE gold coin over a BTC. If not, why? You can't even hold a BTC in your hand. BTC is imaginary and gold is real, right?

>> No.49739463
File: 798 KB, 112x112, 1638448627573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abandon all hope those who hope to fund reason there. Boomers are metastasis stasis. Ergo, vis a vis, apropos.

>> No.49739487
File: 47 KB, 640x573, 1636376502729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49739624

Yeah, but it actually requires a pack of niggers to go get what is a keyword NATURALLY rare substance as opposed to keywords ARTIFICIALLY TANGENTIALLY scarce buttcorn. There are stronger crypto, that is, if they have any value at all, why would you think the first one with mass adoption would be the best? Doesn't that seem a little stupid to you? Was the first car the best? What about the first computer?

>It is literally just a cargo cult, and any money invested is just some mammon level of cope of "making it" you can stop being a kike wageslave.

>> No.49739645


>> No.49739649
File: 230 KB, 220x210, disgusted-disappointed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, but it actually requires a pack of niggers to go get
Kek. Yeah, all you need is a bunch of slaves and you can be an early adopter of gold too! Weird that you say niggers though, because a lot of white serfs were worked to death in gold mines too.

>> No.49739653
File: 1.77 MB, 1569x866, x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread

>> No.49739680

EXACTLY, and blood money is the only money there really is. Let's just try to ignore the fact that buttcorn requires massive amounts of energy to produce NOTHING and requires mass computer hardware TWENTY FOUR SEVEN to (SECURE) itself.

>> No.49739685

Underrated keks

>> No.49739703

Literally as simple as telling the difference between (coin) and coin. Maybe you need some of those glasses in that one movie.

>> No.49739740
File: 991 KB, 250x250, 1651095744659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you're so oblivious to the fact that you fucked your own argument
You're hilarious anon.

>> No.49739745

>Let's just try to ignore the fact that buttcorn requires massive amounts of energy to produce NOTHING
Would you trade a BTC for a dime? If not, why? Surly a dime is worth more than a nothing, right?

>> No.49739752

You are not a true Sir if you don't own coin. (coin) is literally just a IRL money sink so you retards don't hyperinflate the economy

t. Honorary Kike

>> No.49739781

I would trade BTC for the market value that some gay rainbow cloud retard such as yourself gives me and then use that (money) to buy 10 oz of gold, yes, thank you very much.

>> No.49739793

Bitcoin is not decentralized. Blockworks CW and AB control the source code and have manipulated it against the interests of the users for their profit.
See satoshi insisting block size would need to be increased as the coin became more popular and how blockworks preventing block size expansion. Cryptofaggots are so delusional it hurts.

>> No.49739796
File: 46 KB, 533x539, lipbite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can't even address the point anymore

>> No.49739827

I find it extremely ironic that you're talking about kikes like this while backing the very asset they're in control of on an international level. Who do you think the banking class is?

>> No.49739838

>Food, rent, gas are going way up
>Pedo LGBTQ+ Kike Golem President
>Cucked out of fossil from sand/snow nigger countries
>He seriously doesn't believe society is going to collapse within our lifetimes.

>> No.49739867

Clearly not you with your trooncoin, on some level the ontological evil that kikes do towards your kind is extremely based considering your level of cognition is on par with cattle.

>> No.49739876

Times like these I'm glad I was taught the idea of "hope for the best, but prepare for the worst".

>> No.49739890
File: 28 KB, 648x480, 94MPlOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, me pointing out who is actually in control of your beloved asset really made you blow a fuse there.

>> No.49739898

In which sense do double eagles have utility, purpose or trading volume in real world goods?
supply and demand, faggot

>> No.49739904

My point is, consider why (they) win. (coin) is just a honeypot money sink so their (money) isn't completely worthless. Guess who fell for it? Guess who will remain the undisputed rulers of the world?

t. Honorary Kike

>> No.49739907

>I would trade BTC for the market value
You would trade a REAL tangible dime for an imaginary BTC? So what exactly are you criticising people for? Also, if trading BTC for real money, such as a dime, makes one a 'gay rainbow cloud retard', you just admitted to being a 'gay rainbow cloud retard'. You said you would do this, if only in hopes of a future profit to buy gold. Kek.

>> No.49739914

Shit will get fucking bad, but, capitalism is fucking so good at protecting its profit motive that it will never collapse to the point where you boomer retards have to cart around your 50 pounds of gold. Never, you live in a fucking fall out fantasy, kill yourself.

>> No.49739948

Yeah, in your contrived scenario if someone was stupid enough to give me one of their trooncoin, I obviously wouldn't go out and buy it myself faggot.

>> No.49739967

You just said you'd buy it though. That's literally going out and buying it.

>> No.49739980

>Profit Motive
>Doesn't understand most of the economy is fake faggot shit and slave driving beaners

>> No.49740003

No I didn't, if I did then I take that back. I don't buy faggotcoins I buy realcoin only. If someone gifted me 20k USD of market value, I would buy 10 oz, it is simple, stop trying to fallaciously reason how I could find it acceptable to willing put a BBC in my ass.

>> No.49740030
File: 1.91 MB, 256x192, 1630014167846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one man get so angry from having the owners of his asset class exposed?

>> No.49740043

Why do you think (they) hoard so much of it faggot?

>> No.49740059

Wouldn't it be a better move to hoard the (realthing) than the (fakeshit) they also hoard, but only to dump?

>> No.49740082
File: 99 KB, 284x318, rgergegerg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The economy is fake
>No you can't buy bitcoin because it isn't REAL

>> No.49740102
File: 212 KB, 1280x1008, 1651015554756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shits crazy, I don't think I've ever seen an anon logic spiral as badly as he's been.

>> No.49740106

Buy more then faggot, just letting you know that is a huge mistake to buy into a cargo cult with your wage slaving droolers.

>> No.49740130
File: 54 KB, 640x638, 1653973028769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also it's funny this faggot is trying really hard to ignore price volatility of gold in the wiemare republic during hyper inflation even though it's been pointed out to him TWICE. (Three times now)


Your jew gold is fake too you stupid nigger and will be totally useless in an apocalypse. If you were really that worried you would be hoarding perishable goods not jew gold.

>> No.49740133
File: 94 KB, 680x899, 3a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy more then faggot, just letting you know that is a huge mistake to buy into a cargo cult with your wage slaving droolers.

>> No.49740151

Ok, explain the US economy for me please. I will humor your "superior" logic for a while, even though you think it is perfectly rational to buy a (coin) for 69k USD.

>> No.49740174
File: 34 KB, 500x279, 7285b772e5541a803a086c61a6cac8ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, in your contrived scenario if someone was stupid enough to give me one of their trooncoin, I obviously wouldn't go out and buy it myself faggot.
The scenario was contrived to show the fact that you hadn't thought through your ideas such as the fact that only physical things are able to hold value. The idea was to get you to contradict your own beliefs in real time. To get you to admit that you yourself would pay money for a non-physical thing, thus confirming that you ascribe value to the non-physical thing, if only as a store of value to be used to obtain a future desired item, in this case gold. And it was also fun to get you to call yourself a 'gay rainbow cloud retard'. The lesson is that your own subjective opinion on what has value and what doesn't is largely irrelevant. The market will decide. And also, value does not lie ultimately in objects. Value is something that exists in minds. No human consciousnesses around, then gold has no value. IE, there is no intrinsic value. If minds value BTC, then then BTC has value. That value can be 1 cent per coin or 1 trillion per coin.

>> No.49740177

>Jew gold is fake
Ok, explain why Jews took the US drooler off the gold standard then faggot.

>> No.49740201
File: 111 KB, 754x1158, 1653993208347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US economy is literally a speculative bubble you dipshit. If you haven't noticed that's why everything is sinking like a rock because inflation is out of fucking control because we don't actually produce anything outside of weapons and grain and we export all tht shit.

It's all just silicon valley and wallstreet jerking eachother off driving the value of their investments up and up and up. The whole economy is built on literally.

You're a bitter old man who understands jack shit about the economy and sure as hell doesn't understand how money works in se economy.
All money is like bitcoin: Speculative.

Ask yourself this: What is the utility of money?

>> No.49740208
File: 564 KB, 400x308, 1645648833825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explain the US economy for me please
Take a course in economics then. No, I don't think I will let you try and detract to another topic because I've offended your delicate sensibilities.

>> No.49740209

Yeah, to you, but not to me. In a market, I couldn't care less if you thought a big purple dildo was worth 69k USD, I will pocket the money and buy a kilo of gold instead.

>> No.49740228

Bingo! You said exactly what I said, but in a longer more faggy way, congrats!

>> No.49740229
File: 677 KB, 857x720, 1653985727525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gold standard was abolished because you can't sustain an economy as massive as the united states is on gold backed currency kek. Are you not familiar with the run on the banks that happened in the great depression?
You don't get it. you don't get how money works or what its use actually is or what money is.

You think the utility of gold and the value of exchanging gold are the same thing cause you are retarded.

>> No.49740245

What is the utility of money?

>> No.49740266

Why do you think the (economy) couldn't be sustained on gold? Is deflationary money good for holders or bad? Explain how you are not a coping seething fucking retard. Gold chads always win, they have for thousands of years.

>> No.49740286

All these unaffordable (wars) are a great way to rug the country aren't they?

>> No.49740288
File: 83 KB, 913x1024, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is deflationary money good for holders
>(Who) is this I wonder... Must be a (schemer) or an (earlyadopter). The only 2 people that benefit from this form of (money)

>> No.49740315

Nope, try again faggot. Gold is NATURALLY scarce, so ALL would benefit, why do you think (they) hit Gaddafi?

>> No.49740327
File: 786 KB, 850x933, h97807856t665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it is finite you idiot. Because there is more paper tender than there actually is of physical gold in reserves. DUH. That's why fiat had to happen you brainlet. Read between the lines you moron. But yes it's true even fiat can't sustain forever as we are seeing. guess who saw all of this coming?

Karl, fucking, Marx. Going back to gold isn't gonna fix it either.


>> No.49740349

What is the utility of money?

>> No.49740357

But going to some cargo cult (scheme) is better? Lol.

>> No.49740368
File: 370 KB, 1024x1024, 1653982217572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pussy won't answer what the utility of money is because he knows that it puts BTC and his Jew Gold on the same level, kek.

>> No.49740383

To facilitate exchange and fiat does a WWWWAAAAAYYYY better job of that than trooncoin.

>> No.49740385
File: 515 KB, 639x477, E9DTQRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So What is the utility of money?

>> No.49740403

I just did bitch.

>> No.49740406

I never said the answer was bitcoin you disingenuous boomer faggot but if the utility of money is to facilitate exchange then that kind of means Your gay jew gold is every bit as speculative and fake as bitcoin.

kill yourself you dumb nigger.

>> No.49740424
File: 1.16 MB, 498x498, pepe-apu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gold is NATURALLY scarce
The perfect asset for the dreaded "early adopters". I remember when the newfags were salivating over that word regarding shitcoins too. "Deflationary means I'll be rich!" In reality deflationary currencies hurt the utility of said currency and do not make a good backing for fiat, nothing gets circulated because nobody wants to spend it.

Is it? I always have my phone on me anyway and its as simple as whipping it out. Fiat gained prominence because people didn't want to lug 40 lbs of potatoes 6 miles by wagon to trade for 5 gallons of whiskey. Crypto only further expands on the weightless aspect that made fiat popular.

>> No.49740423

Seethe and cope more faggot. In the words of Muskrat, it just makes a new group of rich people. Based words from a muskrat that is.

>> No.49740452

Cart before the horse, no one accepts trooncoin, because I have no reason to think it is real pussy when it clearly looks like a man.

>> No.49740468
File: 492 KB, 950x855, Who-Accepts-Bitcoin-in-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one accepts
You really think that?

>> No.49740473

USD gained its reserve status by being the biggest gold HOLDER not baggie HODLER which is really just another word for KEK. You can't skip steps. It is just that simple.

>> No.49740478

Your jew gold and bitcoin are exactly the same.
I'm not the one seething here and it's obvious kek.

>> No.49740485

Buttcorn > USD, try again faggot.

>> No.49740490

>USD gained its reserve status by being the biggest gold HOLDER
>(Who) is this I wonder... Must be a (schemer) or an (earlyadopter). The only 2 people that benefit from this form of (money)
Your kvetching is making you go all over the place, it's gotten so easy now that you're starting to bore me.

>> No.49740502

I didn't buy 69,000 BTC. And as far as your statement about pocketing money, you basically just admitted you would day trade BTC for a profit if you were savvy enough to do it. But you are not. Also, another lesson. Value is a slippery word. The bottom line comes down to purchasing power. What is the item which will retain or increase purchasing power relative to goods and services. This is why you buy the gold. You buy it in hopes that it will retain purchasing power or even increase purchasing power. You don't buy it because of the fact that it's a real neat substance that has industrial uses. Whether we are talking about gold, cash, BTC, tally sticks, or what ever else the medium is, the thing stored is purchasing power. This is also largely likely why people buy BTC. So as to offset the price of inflation by either day trading for quick profits in terms of increasing liquidity (cash) to outpace inflation and retain or increase purchasing power, or to swing or hodl more long term for the same purpose. To retain purchasing power.

>> No.49740533

This might be of benefit to your fucking idiots, good night. Don't let the bed whales dump.


>> No.49740539

Kek, no, reserve status was accepted because our economy is fucking massive with the largest GDP by fair of any country on earth. That's why not cause gold buggs are coping about throwing their money away.

>> No.49740546
File: 1.56 MB, 1024x768, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buttcorn > USD
Try again he says. Kek. I think you've stayed in lockdown too long anon, you've been missing the world around you advance.

>> No.49740564

Seething boomer be seething.
Keep holding those gold coins to 0, bug.

>> No.49740569

Holy fuck I have to go to subway right fucking NOW

>> No.49740595
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>250 replies
>23 IPs
jesus h. christ touch grass

>> No.49740602

>It is a literal byproduct of exploding stars
Go back, you know where.

>> No.49740604
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So the nature of the item that represents the purchasing power is irrelevant. The important part is the purchasing power itself. There is the issue of retention of purchasing power over time though. Gold is medium which has an established track record at doing this, no doubt. But it is dramatically underperforming vs USD lately. It should have commensuratly increased in purchasing power relative to the expansion of the money supply in the past couple of years. It has not.

>> No.49740691
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Based buttcoin retard.

>> No.49740755

>100 Kilos
Kek. It's 9 coins about the size of a Kennedy half dollar. It would literally fit in your front pocket. Hahahahahaha

>> No.49740815

monkey thread. monkey monkey monkey niggers all i see. every retarded monkey daft cunt from A to Z

>> No.49740817

11 coins. Sue me.

>> No.49740923

100 kilos of gold is like 200 btc. Binance daily limit is 100btc I think. So in a day you would be carrying around closer to 50 kilos.

>> No.49741102
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