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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49735348 No.49735348 [Reply] [Original]

While the stock market and crypto tanked yesterday, silver was up 3%. This is the first time in a long time it hasn't followed the market. It is happening!!! It is starting to become a hedge. Do what you will with this information.

>> No.49735365
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>tfw holding Silver and LINK

Feels good man.

>> No.49735394
File: 14 KB, 256x256, PepeCoin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is happening!!!
An example of hedging, possibly. But it's not "happening" in the actual happening sense. It's a long road ahead of us.

>> No.49735413

This is the first time I can recall this happening. Especially with such a brutal market day. The game has changed.

>> No.49735422

don't care, didn't read after first sentence

after your collapse happens, the one you fags keep masturbating over you will be holed up in your little bunker creaming your pants thinking of all the bartering you are going to be doing and how you will have finally made it, how this is a new chance to really BE somebody in life because you were prepared.

Yeah. No. Kek. I don't want your faggot rocks and no one else does or cares. You will be culled by someone like myself, who possessed the intelligence to not dump his entire savings into an "investment" with worse returns than literally any other god damned thing to ever exist. Go fuck yourself and die.

>> No.49735442
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Cope & seethe, unironically.

>> No.49735456

It used to be called saving. Now due to kike fiat magic it's "hedging".

>> No.49735511

>I don't want your faggot rocks and no one else does or cares
Obviously, when the collapse happens you and all the suckers will give me the few faggot rocks you can get your hands on in exchange for a can of beans. After it's over I will have enough faggot rocks to buy your houses.

>> No.49735521

how far will my 10oz bar get me?

>> No.49735540

I care.
Not that I'd ever buy silver, I'm not that retarded. I do enjoy laughing at them though.

There are so many actual commodities or other assets you could hold if you wanted to speculate or protect against inflation, but these dudes decide to pick the same overpriced shiny rock that many others are already hoarding because...?

>> No.49735545

Absolutely seething.

>> No.49735548

You really wish. You really do lol


>> No.49735571

Kek land is the best

You know it's true.

>> No.49735573
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new pickups

>> No.49735614

>Kek land is the best
Depends on the tax rates. Not much stopping some local government from just taxing the fuck out of your land.
Or claiming eminent domain.

Diversification is the best.

>> No.49735704

Silver price 1980: 50$
Silver price 2022: 20$

Silver is the chainlink of metal kek, even shitmetals like copper are up way more

>> No.49735716

Precious metals are useless bubble like internet money.

>> No.49735730

boomer rocks
will not go up because govt does t want competitiors

>> No.49735913
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hey just wanted to drop this off, have a nice day

>> No.49735916

Besides highways and powerlines what do they claim eminent domain for? My intuition tells me if you are outside of a city you will be fine.

>> No.49736044

Stay on /pol Finkelstein
Only /pol is dumb enough to fall for silver.

>> No.49736083
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I curse you will future regret.

>> No.49736982

Half a year.

>> No.49737011

Whoa so silver isn't permanently going down after all? Great news for our Middle Age Fanatics friendos

>> No.49737048

>you'll die in my exaggerated Fallout scenario
Every time

>> No.49737072
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Zoom out faggot.

>> No.49737314

How is he any different from silver bugs though?
>You'll be poor when the entire financial system forever collapses this time for real guys!
A lot of people here and on /pol/ seem to think that cynical views are always correct and that's false. Cynicism is truth but you must have the correct kind of cynicism.

What's actually going to happen is that America's dollar will remain the world's reserve currency we will continue to have 2 to 3% a year inflation probably more, and the cattle class will continue to eat the bugs. Knowing this fact you should prepare accordingly and look into traditional finance and crypto.

>> No.49737494
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You can't have a containment thread if its constantly deleted.

>> No.49737634
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Yeah, it's very handy during a civil war or meteor driven apocollapse. Unlike my cold wallet that's so awkward to transport amidst urban chaos and infrastructural meltdowns. I could trade that one million USD valued silver bar for a whole sardine can with that black market armed to the teeth gang of niggers when the bad times come. Thefuck my thinking carrying XMR in a keychain?! I'm buying a whole five kilos of that boomer shine right away!
>kys yourself OP

>> No.49737879

>constructs a hypothetical scenario of urban chaos and infrastructure meltdown
>thinks his digital currency on a usb will be worth anything
how retarded are xmr fags lol

>> No.49737907

Fuck this piece of shiny shit.
> t. 400 toz holder