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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 147 KB, 1920x1080, 1654839023548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49726461 No.49726461 [Reply] [Original]

Bros this thing is so fucking stable I love it

>> No.49726633

It's actually quite surprising how stable it is. Look at the lil guy go sideways with no care in the world. I only have pocket change in it right now but maybe I'll put more in.

>> No.49726667

At the very least it's not doing any worse than my other bags, pretty much everything I have is down 50% at this point.

>> No.49727516

Burn news will pump and restabilise faggot DK doesn't want to admit his new coin sucks.

>> No.49727593

Sad sad bagholder thread, but hey when it dumps again it'll be "oh noo not my $40 what will I do". Get help you retarded niggercunts. I'll laugh every step of the way down to 0.

>> No.49727725

Silly goose

>> No.49727759
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Rolling for green.

>> No.49728167


>> No.49728268

>Bros this thing is so fucking stable I love it
that's not a good thing, anon. if it dumped we could buy truckloads of it and burn it ourselves, but it keeps crabbing at just high enough a price to make that impossible. I honestly have no idea what keeps it so high, it should've crashed days ago at least another 2-3 decimal places.

>> No.49728285

>endless crabbing
It’s stable alright

>> No.49728334

binance is accumulating. It was 1.5T now ~2.2T


>> No.49728448

>binance is accumulating. It was 1.5T now ~2.2T
isn't that their customer wallet? I'm trying to stop myself from overdosing on hopium, CZ would've pushed for a burn much sooner if he'd wanted it.

>> No.49728499

Any new news regarding the exchanges and the 1.2% burn?

>> No.49728612
File: 349 KB, 759x498, 1653242654747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the crater and have been swing trading it pretty hard. It's be a crab coin for almost 2 weeks now. I need some price action for gains.

>> No.49728680
File: 47 KB, 561x499, 1653243030627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn news you say? Tell me more.

>> No.49728832


look through this guys vids hes following the flow of coins into and out of the wallet.


>> No.49728909
File: 231 KB, 1170x1874, FVXxfU7WYAEMgPm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


check pic

>> No.49728913

Anyone have a realistic price on a burn?

>> No.49729459

Thanks for the update anon. LUNC might just have a future

>> No.49729571

haha anal sex

>> No.49730061

bought more. I might be retarded, nay, I AM retarded but I could be onto something here. Especially at this price

>> No.49730113

Just because your stupid pajeet brain lost the villages money on this and now you've been forced to sell the village to a lower caste set of sewer cleaners, thus lowering your caste even further, doesn't mean you need to sperg out at us for buying dirt cheap. Retard.

>> No.49730253

You'll make it if you're a retard or a genius. Just make sure you're not a midwit.

>> No.49730346

It's a leap of faith anon, that's all. Jump the cliff, or forever live in shadows and doubts.

>> No.49730851

How long will it take for this to go to $1?

>> No.49730959

>random devs not affiliated with terra in any way, make some dumb fork nobody cares about
bag holder cope is just said at this point

>> No.49732237


>> No.49732301

How the fuck would it do that.

>> No.49733403

Trust the burn
Two more weeks

>> No.49733515

As much i would love to see that happens, you have a rational behind that?

>> No.49734432

Sell ASAP only trannys own this coin!>>49726461

>> No.49736634

Oy vey, trust me goyim, It'll be $1 sooooon.
Get the fuck out of that scam, it's dead.

>> No.49736776
File: 949 KB, 768x923, dallemini_2022-6-17_0-1-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopium: Proposal 4080 passed which will implement a monthly burn from the Terra Classic community pool. Unlike the text proposal for the 1.2% burn tax (Prop 3568) which passed last week and still requires implementation, proposal 4080 is a parameter proposal that will automatically be applied in the next epoch.

Ropium: The Terra Classic community pool only has about 10m LUNC in it right now.

>> No.49736825
File: 2.80 MB, 720x406, 1655328885194.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LUNC 1 cent end of month

>> No.49736994

it's going sideways because nobody is buying it or selling it. it's a frozen solid asset where the taxing (why is there a taxing in crypto ?) eats away most of your margins.

>> No.49737095

Crypto eats a lot of ressources, so you need taxes and gas fees.

>> No.49737118

>buy 25000 worth of MemeCoin Express :tm:
>Exchange eats away 250
>every time I want to do something with MCE I need to check gas fees

>> No.49737193

Not to mention the huge government taxes on gains in most countries.

>> No.49737249

that tax is unrealised as long as your chips never leave the casino, though.
which I guess is sort of the point. the exchanges can manipulate your displayed MCE number and value to make you believe you're getting richer, dump more money into it and if you want to withdraw they'll just say there's a ""technical problem"", sorry.

I'm 100% sure the exchanges lie about the portfolios of their holders

>> No.49737470

Pump this shit to $1 already I need to coom in young whores everyday for the rest of my life

>> No.49737863

volume is very healthy, as it happens. try again

>> No.49737936

i need hopium bros

>> No.49738461


>> No.49738553

I'm glad I wasn't there.
Thats just too many people to punch.

>> No.49739579
File: 5 KB, 245x206, apustajj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirs pls no crash coin village civilization survivel depend on it

>> No.49739727
File: 68 KB, 1258x567, 2022-06-17 03_48_37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think something nice might happen.

>> No.49739935

I sometimes think do kwon set aside a slice of his billion dollar rug just to keep a few threads on biz alive.


>> No.49740107

Oh no! That sounds like me.

>> No.49741388


>> No.49741441
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>> No.49742634
File: 1.16 MB, 1254x2202, 20220616_170214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lunatics are gonna be the sole owners of the citadel.

>> No.49743406

this is huge shit , don't invest in it , rather buy FUFU and staker it they are have good marekting platform .

>> No.49743918

SELL YOUR LUNA SELL YOUR LUNA. No baboona I repeat no baboona

>> No.49744134

That honestly looks like a death crab, but then all he coins are in a death crap right now.

>> No.49745067

Drawing schizo lines is not elaborating you fucking rent boy

>> No.49745329
File: 116 KB, 866x505, 1488581998198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh this is NOT stable, not at all man
This is a nonsensical crabbish project

>> No.49745370
File: 81 KB, 890x468, 1665343563714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This on the other hand isn't stable as well, but it's even better because it's at least bullish

>> No.49745423

LUNA (Terra Classic) was never meant to be a stable coin.

>> No.49745526

LUNC is the stable coin now…?

>> No.49746584

Tell me you have no idea what you are talking about without telling me you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.49747657

Last few days I get the feeling that this one is going to slowly crawl to zero as the project gets forgotten and people move on. Out with a wimper, not a bang.

Still holding my gamblebags, no point in selling them now at a loss.

>> No.49747766

Nigga it's just $40 dollars. Are you seriously melting down over that little money?

>> No.49747887
File: 17 KB, 543x565, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally lmao. DUA, backed by ALBT has more potential at being stable than this bullshit. And it's a bloody matchmaking app.

>> No.49748112







>> No.49748780

He's just mad all of his investments he put thousands into have halved

>> No.49748813

At 150$, I'll have 3 billion dollars. Holy shit, I'll be just like that guy who bought 1000$ worth of Shiba at its ATL, and at its peak, he made over 5 billion dollars. That dude was the ultimate Vincent chad,

>> No.49749335

I mean even after the burn there'll be 10 billion coins, you'd need LUNC to get to a market cap of 1 trillion lol. Even a $10 LUNC is pushing it.

>> No.49749431
File: 39 KB, 680x723, 1655055689774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard here. LUNC and SHIB keep dropping, should I buy more LUNC? I have a small amount just in case. Is there any hope for SHIB? It seems to be stable on the bottom, but some pocket change can turn into something interesting if I do.

>> No.49749733

its the beginning. its good news which is what we need to get the engine pumping.

>> No.49750478

>Rumor that Federal Reserve is contemplating adopting abandoned TERRA UST in its plan to create a digital dollar