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49723597 No.49723597 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there no female friendly crypto that women are comfortable investing? Crypto is such a male dominated field.

>> No.49723841

Because women cant be parasites and crypto is a purely parasitic asset. Only men would dabble in it. Men have the capitalist cancer in their hearts and brains. They created capitalism purely to reinforce the institution of marriage. Men would do anything to maintain the concept of property because their sole objective is to "acquire" a women who will be their property(slave) and raise their children (little slaves).

>> No.49723875

The problem is they are so fucking dumb they dont even realize the same institutions they use to enslave women (capitalism, marriage etc) are also the ones who enslave them as well

>> No.49723950

This is so sad.

>> No.49724081

Part of the reason why I own ROSE.

>> No.49724163

Brose are just ahead of the curve.

>> No.49725559

women buy btc

>> No.49725973
File: 2.56 MB, 2117x2518, 98FC4ECC-F93B-4146-B61E-57B33A57C1F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy icp you silly whore