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49719414 No.49719414 [Reply] [Original]

You bought, right?

>> No.49719435


>> No.49719548

I agree with 14k & 500. That's probably the bottom or very close to it.

>> No.49719567

thats the point dumbass. Women call the top by jumping into bitcoin. Women call the bottom when they start predicting bitcoin will fall more than it already has.

Im not a bear im not a bull. Both are black both are niggers. I'm a human and i make sound rational decisions based off roasties

>> No.49719598

We'll be back to 30k. BTC below 19k as of today is unironically mathematically impossible now that women are thinking BTC will fall even more after a 60% correction.
Don't be stupid and buy now or you'll regret.

>> No.49719696


>> No.49719715
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I think they have solid predictions.

>> No.49719836

Take their predictions and cut it in half. That’s the bottom. And we’ll still wick lower most likely

>> No.49719866

I've never stopped buying.

>> No.49719933

Without achievement at home, but they'll come to your country and start acting like they built it.

>> No.49719951

Wtf I unironically agree with the pajeeta and Kianna is fucking hot

>> No.49719969

anything under 20k it's impossible, since it takes more than that amount in electricity to mine one bitcoin

>> No.49719999

>3 girls

>> No.49720032

cmon 7-9 gibs me sexi goblina crypto mommy

>> No.49720063

>woman in the middle
It's literally Bogdanoff in disguise.

>> No.49720066

See you at $10k

>> No.49720086

i think this means they take turns on you w a strap on

>> No.49720106

you got bogged anyways don't worry about it

>> No.49720154

7-9 and not 1-3 for christs sake

>> No.49720180

right ples pleesss

>> No.49720182

Does anyone else remember that post of "BTC enthusiasts" and it was a bunch of whores drinking margaritas at a table. And that post correlated PERFECTLY with the BTC top.

So funny.

>> No.49720202

I wouldn’t call it impossible (there’s a rule to observe here), just not as likely.

>> No.49720450
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>> No.49720599

>listening to filhty femoids opinion on anything

>> No.49720620

what the fuck is going on with the blonde's boobs

>> No.49720656

thank you, anon

>> No.49720660

You're a dumbass. Femoids cannot be relied on in anything. Even in deciding against them.

>> No.49720677

She's pushing them into the arm of the brunette

>> No.49720709

This. Go look at all the buy orders on all the exchanges .its 14k and 500

>> No.49720740
File: 271 KB, 552x504, Women recking economy finance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women experts

>> No.49720749


Giving it a try.

>> No.49720769

I want Kiana and Wendy's bottoms on my face while Kavita slurps on my cock

>> No.49720832

lmao this made me audibly kek, women have impeccable timing as always

>> No.49720943
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>venture capitalist

No other bullshit meme title makes me seethe as much as this

>> No.49720959
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>> No.49721003

what the actual fuck is wrong with her face? why are her lips so wide?
she looks like a fucking alien.

>> No.49721624

O stands for Ornstein

>> No.49722949

Jew + plastic surgery

>> No.49723027

oh no we never accounted for quads. this anon gets to pick a reward

>> No.49723134
File: 1.47 MB, 236x250, 1634666459587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I hate women. I placed my shorts a while ago, but if I didn't, this would be a good point to get in.
Retarded bitches.

>> No.49723300

What's up with 1-3's fucked up face?

>> No.49723738


>> No.49724003

So this is the bottom anon sempai?

>> No.49724057
File: 240 KB, 890x854, 1552235912444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um, bobros? thinking of winding down my short...

>> No.49724155

ill buy when the lib normies I know start sarcastically asking how crypto is doing

>> No.49724174

Got the best one, nice

>> No.49724293

Bitcoin's bottom will be around 8-10k in the next month or two.

>> No.49724326

Miners will fold selling their bitcoin and assets. Larger mining groups will likely buy up the smaller ones.

>> No.49724440

it sounds like she is in danial

>> No.49724480

I’d make her bottom out

>> No.49724543

>All three Bog out
>All three fuck you to death
>"Activate quantum orgasmortality."
>Spend eternity sliding back and forth between death and life, orgasming during each transition

>> No.49725977

Why the fuck are there so many people touting that they have any realistic idea whatsoever of a bottom $1000s away from where price is now? I smell the same confidence that bulls had at 65k that the top was “definitely 130k”.
Just wait

>> No.49726017

Most stock market analysts are saying the market has 30% more to fall. Calculate 30% of BTC from it's current price and subtract it, you get 14k.

It's a conservative estimate.

>> No.49726078

No bullshit, why would ANYONE predict this shit. The price is completely made up, it's not like stocks where there is actually value behind it.

>> No.49726115

Last Bullrun the ATH was 19k, and Bitcoin never went under the price of the previous bullrun, so if it goes under 19k it's very worrisome.

>> No.49726159

How much bitcoin to have all 3 at once?

>> No.49726188

This bullrun had way more institutional investors who cut and run tail at the first sign of trouble. Also the last crash wasn't happening simultaneously with a market crash like it is now.

It's absolutely possible for BTC to go under the last ATH and I don't think it would be very worrisome for the long term.

>> No.49726246

what kind of retard logic is this

>> No.49726958

BTC below 21k and ETH barely above 1k, ain't no way I'm not buying if I have some stables to spare.

Not just those two but also add FUFU to my buy list.

>> No.49727058

Gonna explain to you something you should know since 2009.
if miners start shutting down operation, there's less competition, meaning difficulty is adjusted, meaning it gets cheaper.
bitcoin isn't expensive to mine, there's just a ton of competition. The less there is, the cheaper it gets.

>> No.49727190
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you buying that anon?
Low caps are risky at this point and it's the easiest way to lose your money if it goes south.

>> No.49727457

That's what makes them Interesting, the fact that you can make so much and also lose a everything when playing around with low caps is the thing.
I'm betting on Fufu to do well long term tho

>> No.49727634

3 Bitcoin, one for each

>> No.49727668

Same thoughts I'm having too, if it goes below 19k then we have a lot to worry about

>> No.49727768 [DELETED] 

It needs better marketing for that to happen, platform is buzzing with number of users going up but it needs people to invest into the token itself.

>> No.49727873

It needs better marketing for that to happen, platform is buzzing with number of users going up.
It needs to get on a CEX first at least since it's only on PCS for now.

>> No.49727932


>> No.49727983

Wendy O was shilling Celsius as a safe investment for all of last year
she's far from an expert

>> No.49729057

I did but now I think it was a mistake and that we'll have at least one more leg down and the bear market will last until closer to the end of the year if not next year because btc is just a tech stock now because that's how institutions treat it and view it so if institutions think "uh oh da fed increasing interest rates so stocks go down, better reduce my tech stock exposure" then bitcoin is going to go down.

>> No.49729150

Going in on low caps has always been a two-way coin as it could go south and leave your funds in shreds or could get really close to a 2x and you make profits. Have my bets on Railgun to do well in the long term as privacy protocols increase in demand with the regulations and all.

>> No.49729195


>> No.49729351

I really can't do mid

>> No.49731244

i'm jealous they have a more manly face than me

>> No.49731473
File: 40 KB, 640x480, hnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiana needs to get on my dick

>> No.49732544

not real people btw

>> No.49732696
File: 271 KB, 463x453, 1655294622299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Threesome, 3 women, wut

>> No.49732755

Based and true. This is the most bullish thing I've seen this year. For any of you newfags still sticking around, this is a HUGE bottom-is-near signal.

>> No.49732803

It's going to zero, either by crashing or being made illegal, doesn't matter how much you try to cope.