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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49717946 No.49717946 [Reply] [Original]

>be at the gym
>hear someone slamming the weights, dropping bar on the ground really loud, yelling, breathing heavily
>look who is doing this shit
>some fat guy/tranny
Why is it always like this? Why is no one who looks semi-decent doing any of this?

>> No.49717991

>both /biz/ and /fit/ lift heavy bags
makes you think..

>> No.49717995

kys faggot I grunt all I want and just because I have long hair doesn't make me a tranny

>> No.49718046

>be fat
>want to get fit
>go to gym and lift weights
>normies are mad because I'm fat and trying to lose weight/gain muscle
There is no winning with you retards

>> No.49718085

If you killed yourself that'd be great

>> No.49718134

>going to gyms
>spending money on lifting heavy objects when you could lift heavy bags at home instead
ngmi. Also dyel. You look like a skinnyfat rippletoe victim

>> No.49718299

Honest answer:

Slowly/quietly lowering your weights takes a lot of muscle control and conditioning. Lowering several hundred pounds in a smooth controlled manner adds a LOT of effort to your training.

If you are not well-conditioned, you might be inclined to drop/slam your weights. You're literally missing out on a full half of the exercise movement if you drop your weights.

Seems to be common among try-hard 'intermediate' lifters who like to strut that they are past the 'beginner' stage. It's either attention-seeking, or, just ignorant of training principles.

Source: I was considered quite 'advanced' for a few years. Once won an award at one of my region's local power-lifting meets.

>> No.49718311

Fucking idiot op. why you worried about what other people are worried at the damn gym? you probably lift baby weights. go worry about your matic investment and wonder why you don't have one instead.

>> No.49718481

Eccentric resistance induces cellular stress through mitochondrial dysfunction and is inferior health-wise to mainly concentric resistance. While it is good to be able to have full control over weighted movements, and while there are very minimal strength benefits to eccentric resistance in some circumstances, it is not the optimal means of weightlifting.

>> No.49718533

Slamming weights is retarded but if you don't grunt/scream you're not lifting correctly. If you're actually pushing yourself a scream on the last rep is simply proper form.

>> No.49718574

I'm going to keep going to the gym just to annoy you. And not even wipe all my fat-sweat off from the seat, so you can have fat, loser-sweat on you the next time you exercise

>> No.49718587

Yeah great, but it's also a ticket to snap city. Never falling for the slow reps meme ever again. Spent 6 months recovering due to tearing my rotator-cuff and it's still not as strong as it was pre injury. Weight training is explosive. Can't even bench 100kg anymore after doing 140kg for reps.

>> No.49718713

Otter mode bros rise up

>> No.49718855

>Spent 6 months recovering due to tearing my rotator-cuff
How do you even manage something like this? Behind the neck OHP with 100kg?

>> No.49718934

Do fork put downs. No reason to take up space at the gym fatty

>> No.49718936

Wrong board faggg

>> No.49719805
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>You look like a skinnyfat rippletoe victim