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File: 33 KB, 800x400, Flag-United-Kingdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49717416 No.49717416 [Reply] [Original]

How fucked are we, lads? Is it going to get much worse?

>> No.49717447

at least you're not speaking german

>> No.49717568

German is looking more fucked than the rest of Western Europe kek. Their over reliance on Russian fuel could unironically splinter the EU.

>> No.49717635

Yes. The EU is starting to really suffer, so they will stop putting with the endless lying and deceit from the Government and trying to fuck us. Before they were just treating the UK like a stubborn child.

>> No.49717673 [DELETED] 

and both britain and germany have nigger rape gangs, acid attacks, peaceful trucks etc. the faster the eu collapses the better

>> No.49717748
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Don't lump bongisland into Germany's problems. Those mass rapes on New Years Eve were unprecedented and happened nowhere else. The Rochester grooming gang I'll give you though. Anyway, enjoy picrel. The only thing saving the EU now is a union with Africa holy kek lololololol

>> No.49717846

Things are shit but we'll be fine.

It's the Eurozone that's going to be fucked, they're about to find out how badly a one size fits all monetary policy works.

>> No.49717930
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You will live in the pod
You will eat the bugs
And you will pay high taxes for Muhammad and Ngubu to live in the UK

>> No.49717981

those cucks at eu parliament are literally salivating at the thought and coudenhove kalergi kike laid this plan out over 100 years ago

>> No.49718060
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we are now entering a "worst of every world" scenario.
>dogshit currency, who the fuck wants to invest in the UK
>zero manufacturing except for a few incredibly specific industries
>non-financially viable to import or export to closest trading block due to brexit & weakened currency
>non-financially viable to trade with areas further afield because of fuel prices
>labour shortage, can't fill from EU so begin brown_import_x1000.exe
>housing market absolutely catastrophically fucked, nothing being built, only plan is to push 95% mortgages to first time buyers. Cool, you have 20k deposit, but you now need a 120k salary to qualify
>high streets and town centres fucked, bankrupt and inept councils running the show with no braincells to be found

They've completely ran out of ideas, the fucking retard in charge got everyone high on all the hopium for brexit. We then immediately got black swanned with the coof and now a 50/50 brexit outcome has put the UK in an incredibly weak position to recover
>at least we got the goy-juice vaccine 3 months before the EU

>> No.49718072
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It's only going to get worse, mate. There's no way in hell a sane person will be elected and even if, by some miracle, someone does get elected, he'll be blocked by everyone else.

>> No.49718074

It is going to get worse, and what's annoying is it doesn't have to be.
Each year we go further and further into debt funneling money into public services, and year by year those public services still manage to get worse. It's ridiculous.

>> No.49718362
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middle class will continue to get ripped apart due to stagnant wages and ridiculous inflation. BoE is predicting 11%+ inflation in the fall. These are the official numbers.

More and more people are living at home with their parents, homes will continue to be unaffordable, especially with interest rates (slowly) rising meaning that mortgages will be even more expensive. Given this country's undying love for housing, I don't think there will be a housing crash. I do however think there will be a recession with high unemployment if inflation is dealt with (base rates are risen to match inflation).

The real issue with the UK is its massive welfare state and the dependency it has created on millions of families. No job? Free money. More kids? More money! Disabled, minority or trans? Free money! You work and pay rent? Pay 40%+ tax please on your income, then 20% on anything you purchase, unless that's alcohol, tobacco or gas, then it's closer to 50%, oh and if you do invest some of your paltry leftover money, we'll tax you on those profits too.

Don't even get me started on low wages in professions - this is due to a variety of reasons but a big one are pensions. Large corporations have massive liabilties to pay out due to old DB schemes that are underfunded, so rather than using profits to pay employees higher wages they go to retirees who have the golden goblet.

Me? I'm in finance in an industry where I'll be on 150k+ as base, I just have to grind out the early years (now). No investment will yield positive real returns over the next 5-10 years except your own earnings.

>> No.49718376

A lot of people are going to die this winter.

>> No.49718419

The Empire is over, your meme island is irrelevant now.

>> No.49718474

Agreed, the welfare state is crippling this country and has since 1947.
The labour shortage is due to it being more profitable to be on welfare than work, and small businesses can't grow because all their middle class owners are being taxed to extinction to fund the parasites.

>> No.49718636
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>first they said it'll peak at 7%
>then 9%
>then 10%
>now 11%
Just how bad will it really get?

>> No.49718694

interesting thread

t. living in uk

>> No.49718762
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God help deanos

>> No.49718775

Is there any viable profession in the UK outside of finance and medicine?

>> No.49718839

depends what your skills are and where you are (or are willing to relocate to).

Law is obv the other big one. If you have no soul and are willing to lie through your teeth sales is the other big option. Very cutthroat and stressful

>> No.49718856

yeh deliveroo

>> No.49718882

tesco manager

>> No.49718953
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I'll add some solutions, curious to hear other britanons opinions, the only thing the government can conceivable do to half fix the mess is:
>cut VAT 2.5%
you'll either get businesses surviving or able to re-invest more and boost productivity, or at least slowdown inflation as businesses have more room to absorb costs. Or businesses can lower prices and be more competitive
>increase council tax on second houses, double for your 3rd+ house, regardless of put under ltd. or various fund (this will never happen)
this is to increase supply in the market, you can't have an entire economy dependent on ponzinomics of housing. You're basically fucking demographics as people move out later, delay having kids or can't afford to because they are stuck paying 50% on rent for 15 years. It'll also raise money for councils without screwing over regular homeowner
>zero income tax for under 25year olds, half 25-35, 35-45 have -20% income
create incentive for your people to work, instead of scrounging, allow younger generations to increase savings ratio rather. Rebalance inequality.

>> No.49718999

Become a white van man, be your own boss!

>> No.49719029

i live in an apartment but its top floor a duplex in a grade ii listed building next to a canal

>> No.49719204


>> No.49719301

>Don't lump bongisland into Germany's problems
Why even bother trying to defend Britain's honour? We're all in the same boat, whether British, German, White-American, etc.

>> No.49719411

If the government could stop spending so much money, they could stop raising the surplus money and cut taxes.
In 2017 government revenue was £810 billion and expenditure was £838 billion.
Since then they've raised taxes, revenue is £929 billion, expenditure is £1045 billion.
How did they manage to raise £100 billion extra in tax, and increase the deficit sixfold?
Where did the money go?

>> No.49719476

>at least you're not speaking german
I would rather be German, 0% tax on crypto held after 1 year means all I have to do is to dump my life saving in BTC at 12k then wait a few years before it gets to 100k+ and cash out paying no taxes.

>> No.49719486

Revolt. Question your public governments lead through recent time slips.
Time slips are caused by mass public government employees using previously used dates on legal document signature fields like previously used dates are current date. To say this again, there is a current date, but a previously used date is used on legal document signature fields. A public government employee walks into work, looks at cell phone, news paper, and television. The public government employee sees wrong date. Anyone looking at mainstream newspapers, nationally broadcasted television, or syncronized cell phones? You see a wrong date. Mass public government employees use wrong date on the legal document date field.
Public governments can address liability. Here are three options. Public government stop relying so crucially to private companies for calendar keeping, and public government compensate victim loss. Stop time slips, and redress grievances. An other option? Public government stop collecting taxes, and public government stop spending taxes. Cede opportunities to private companies. The third option? Public government employees quit public government jobs, and public government employees forfeit public government job pay. Dissolve government.

>> No.49719501

I already live in the worst area of the UK, so I'm fine.

>> No.49719519
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these cunts will never admit Brexit was a good thing

>> No.49719547


>> No.49719586
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British Pripyat. Milton Keynes

>> No.49719644

Bad luck. Hope you make enough to escape.

>> No.49719649

Imports niggers, pakis and other trash, wonder why the country has gone to shit.

>> No.49719727


>> No.49719759

>create incentive for your people to work
Not going to work, the incentive right now is "work or starve", so I don't see how starving the government of even more money, raising taxes elsewhere will make up for that lost income tax.

>> No.49719894
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>> No.49719929

>MK is worse than Luton

>> No.49719945
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Nigga drop by to Luton if you want some royal ass beating.

>> No.49720011

>not inheriting a house and land

If I didn’t have this going for me I’d kms

>> No.49720025

are you guys doing okay? we’ve been trying to help since brexit but I don’t feel like anything can help. This feels like a grandparent going senile or something

>> No.49720075

>White American
I can't believe this is a term. Call them Europeans

>> No.49720124

stop listening to your nation's new when they talk about the UK, they're almost always wrong and europe is in just as bad if not worse state, although each nation has different problems

>> No.49720140

I live like 5 minintes away from pic taken its souls to this day

>> No.49720152

Tories banked so hard on brexit and a culture war, they had literally no other policies and decided to not improve the economy or even try.

>> No.49720169

they won't do it, but they should abolish fuel duty. It's not just a tax on motorists, it's a tax on every item that needs to get from point A to point B, which includes all your food

>> No.49720175

Problematic mate. You will never get past the diversity quota.

>> No.49720178

lol come to Birmingham

Country is finished though lads, there is no salvaging it. Just try make yourselves comfortable as possible for the remainder of your days.

>> No.49720218

It's not finished, it's still a very rich country, just all the money is being stolen.

>> No.49720251

“Very rich”

Press X to doubt

>> No.49720254

>increase council tax on second houses, double for your 3rd+ house, regardless of put under ltd. or various fund (this will never happen)
>this will never happen
correct, even though it would be the single best thing they could do

>> No.49720269

Europeans don't like it when White Americans bring up their European ancestry

>> No.49720292

>labour shortage, can't fill from EU so begin brown_import_x1000.exe
Lol there's no labour shortage here, I've seen McDonald's ads with 1000 applicants. Employers just want pre trained slaves so they reject everyone from the UK and say they couldn't find anyone

>> No.49720305

Anyone hesitant to do intermediate identity verification on Binance?

Binance sure wants a lot of personal information for a private company

>> No.49720319

money laundering regulations, it's the same most other platforms

>> No.49720343

>Spend 5 years leaving the EU
>Still can't deport an illegal immigrant because of an anonymous EU judge
You couldn't write it

>> No.49720361

I am from EU and recently got my Settlement in UK approved after 5 years.

I've also recently been to France and my own country in the EU.

I can tell you with full confidence that the UK is infinitely better off. Even with regards to taxes. Hell, just with regards to bureaucracy, beggars on the street, food prices.

Food prices in France are significantly worse right now. I've recently begun converting the majority of my euros to dollars and GBP

>> No.49720384

What's the point? Binance has banned us from trading derivatives. Use any other exchange.

>> No.49720398

switch to FTX, unironically.

>> No.49720416

The fact we are not bankrupt with our obscenely high expenditure show it's a rich country.
The problem is the fact that we have managed to mesh the worst aspects of socialism and capitalism.
Most of society functions via private companies, paid by government contracts. This means everything cost 10 times what it should, because the companies know the government will just foot the bill.

>> No.49720419

The UK with a population of like 70 milion has a bigger gdp than india with 1400 million folks.

>> No.49720442
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You seem to be cofusing debt with wealth, please don't do that from now onwards.

>> No.49720502

the NHS is the absolute worst example of this, absolute disgrace
I've had the misfortune of having to go to an NHS hospital twice, the second time I almost died through negligence

Going private next time, which is of course way more expensive because of the NHS existence
but it's unironically worth it

>> No.49720587

I'll explain slowly.
We bring in a huge amount of money, far more than necessary expenditure.
If we did not waste so much money, we would be in a huge surplus.
This surplus could be used to pay back the debt.
There is no reason for this country to be in debt. If we were not run by morons, we wouldn't be in debt.

>> No.49720624


So a private company wants:
1. A picture of your passport
2. A recent mugshot
3. Document showing your address

Just imagine how much money CZ could make by selling this information to China or any high bidder really.

>> No.49720633
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It literally isn't - see attached. The biggest benefits payments are pensions and in-work benefits, not doleies. Fuck, if dolies want to dole then all power to them - getting like £300 a month for doing fuck all is not a lifestyle I would ever want.

The real problem in the UK is taxation in all the wrong places. These companies that make billions and it's all off-shored so they pay fuck all tax while most people are trapped in PAYE hell with the chancellor slurping away enough to pay government consultants billions to do nothing. And then there's the local taxes which appear to fund fuck all if my locality is anything to go by.. filthy streets, potholes, no Police, yet the council tax precept goes up and up and up. Again, consultants at local authorities are absolutely milking it at the moment for doing next to nothing apart from being a political shield.

The whole economy of this country is completely topsy-turvy and just blaming it on benefits is silly. Look to who's sucking the life out of public sector unlimited funding and not paying their fair share, and then you see why this country's in the shit.

>> No.49720641

I think things are bad but the same effect is being felt across all western nations, mutts couldn't even get baby formula last month
it's some sort of weird collapse of the administrative state, felt like everything was plodding along a slow but steady decline until covid massively accelerated things. It's not just public services that do not appear to do anything anymore, I'm seeing it increasingly at work. Feels like the whole operation is being held together by duct tape and a few decent people trying to continue to muddle through. In the meantime, parasites are just feeding on the dying body of our civilisation.

>> No.49720667

housing crash soon? shitty 3 bedrooms going 225-240k when they were 160 last year in west mids FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK I'M PRICING OUT

>> No.49720699

anon that's the same as what any bank wants, any company that deals with crypto is regulated and they have to do "know your client" checks to make sure you're not Jamal trying to launder his heroin earnings through doge coin
of course this only just makes decent peoples' lives more inconvenient and doesn't actually solve the problem, as with everything else in this country

>> No.49720733
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you are all a bunch of pathetic crybabies, living in one of the richest countries in the world and yet acting about it like you were born in nigeria, you pathetic bitches have no idea of how bad things are in some places. atleast you retarded morons can fuck off to a ton of countries with your strong passport and currency conversion rates if you dont like it there. England is among the most beautiful places in the world and full of opportunities and i wish i was born there.


>> No.49720789

Thank god I managed to bag a house this year. Feel like the luckiest cunt rn.
Fuck the mortgage jew.
How long till the fuhrer bros. Fuck this place.

>> No.49720801
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>> No.49720830
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I will reiterate DEBT is NOT WEALTH.

The whole nation is up to tits in debt, there is no wealth generated, you just pass debt up the chain.

You are done, finito, just going though motions in slomo-like convulsions.

But keep dreaming, I'll chuckle as I see more kids getting disillusioned as they experience poverty first hand.

>> No.49720847

problem with a house crash is that home owners will respond to decreases in their property's value by just not selling (unless they're forced to). If people dip into negative equity they will just hodl the house. So don't think that you're going to be able to snap up an overvalued terrace at bargain prices because a) the only houses that will go up on the market will be those caused by desperation and will be few and far between, and b) there's MILLIONS of people like you who are jumping at the opportunity too
interest rates don't change the fundamentals, which is that we've got too many people and not enough houses

>> No.49720886

I hate the NHS with every fibre of my being.
They are the tumour leeching the life out of this country.
Benefits aren't the only part of the welfare state though.
You're quite right about taxation. It's because there are so many different taxes, and so many loopholes. A flat tax rate would help a lot in stopping tax avoidance.

>> No.49720899

>housing benefit
>paying m'bumtu and his six kids to live in a 6 bed property in mayfair

why the fuck does this farce continue, imagine the state paying your fucking rent

>> No.49720918

Yes, this shithole will be South Africa tier.

>> No.49720946
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You are actively becoming a Nigerian nightmare dystopia exceeded perhaps only by Sweedenistan.

Get real, or as they say, touch grass. Preferably on your own property.

>> No.49720948

meant for

>> No.49720958

2 and 3 are good solutions. Increase supply of housing, allow more workers to escape rent traps and allow younger working couples to invest into a secure future.

Similarly option 3 will incentivise more young people to work, which is good for the country over the longer term.

Unfortunately both these things would be political suicide, no boomer would support such policies, and we all know who votes in the UK

>> No.49720964

Hello? The elephant in the room is tooting.
NHS was 21% of all tax last year, more than all welfare combined

>> No.49720977
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how do you cope Brit pals? for me it's drugs and shagging men i meet on grindr

>> No.49721007

my problem with the UK is it could be the nicest place to live anywhere in the world, it's just systematically ruined by the people who run it
no offence but I expect india to be a dump, what's happening to the UK is like watching a family member getting raped

>> No.49721009


Again, look to the real villain of the piece - M'bumtu or the spiv landlord who maxes out the rent to make money from doing nothing which the local authority HAS to pay?

You know what would fix this country - people only being able to own one property. Immediate housing crash, affordable properties, instant regeneration -everywhere-.

>> No.49721011
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US is 134% btw

>> No.49721020

This is actually really fucking interesting information, and what about buying norwegian or danish krona/krone and swiss francs?

>> No.49721025

It's better than other places is not an argument.
England was better than this before, and it could be better again, yet corrupt people are crippling it.
We are not done. Wealth is generated, then squandered. We could pay it back, but we don't, and so the spiral gets worse.

>> No.49721049

Learn mandarin and you'll be fine lad.

>> No.49721051

well done fellow landchad
fucking mental my cashflow advantage now, I'm putting away more money than more senior people at my company because they pay half their salary being a rent paypig

>> No.49721056


Not surprising given the Covid spend. How does that compare to previous years?

>> No.49721061

unironically civil service
They're getting culled because the gov have clocked how fucking useless most servants are but boy is it hard to get fired once you're in

>> No.49721082

it will never happen fren, we will need to get rid of democracy to accomplish this
any system that can get lobbied without scruple cannot enact justice

>> No.49721099
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> We could pay it back, but we don't

Why would you dum dum, when you can inflate it away and crush middle class at the same time having only serfs in the process.

>> No.49721145

How to fix the NHS:
1. Allow people to opt out of NHS portion of national insurance and opt for private health care instead, current system means you have to pay twice
2. Charge 1 pounds sterling for people to make a GP appointment, thus reducing stupid shit like colds that can be solved via a pharmacy (yes I understand that some people may die because they can't be bothered to pay 1 pound.
3. stop this stupid phone your GP at 8am shit and not allowing peopel to make appointments weeks in advance, this is one of the dumbest systems I've ever seen in my life.
4. Allow niggas to have a yearly body exam that will catch problems early likely leading to less niggas dying of stage 5 cancer despite going to their GP with a headache for 2 years.
5. Stop being run by niggas with years of experience in fingering arseholes and let people with management skills take control of all the admin shit.

The NHS suffers from the same issue as every goverment run sector and that is huge misallocation of assets. Try paying niggas less and actually doing shit when you have patients. It's one of the most inefficient medical care systems in the world. More people opting for private healthcare will reduce the price of it. Just privatise the NHS so I can start going to BUPA

>> No.49721152

year before it was 20%
2018-2019 was 20%

I have another newsflash for you. Covid was not really a pressure on NHS, despite what news was telling you, because they just got rid of accepting other patients

It is not a business, anon. NHS gets its money no matter what they do.

>> No.49721171

Because inflating it away doesn't work, and I don't want the middle class turned into serfs.
I want this country to be great and prosperous, and it breaks my heart to see it being slowly dismembered.
It could so easily be so much better.

>> No.49721185

How many people have second or third homes that they're liable for council tax for (i.e. Unoccupied holiday homes, work flats etc.) that this would generate really any money, or act even act as a deterrent to the kinds of people that do buy that many homes for themselves.

If you want to cool the housing market increasing tax on rental incomes and forcing the buy to let landlords to sell or default would be a better plan, though it has it's own issues.

>> No.49721198

Since when was it revelant? Maybe in the days of the empire, today it only seems revelant to those who have this tiny modest isle rent free in their minds for some reason.

>> No.49721201

or switch to a government-sponsored public insurance instead and keep the health sector itself private. Insurance has as its JOB to estimate if money is being wasted by people being idiots.
it works fine in my country.

>> No.49721212

increasing taxes on landlords will just mean renters will pay more
the only solution at this point is to build (and deport all shitskins)

>> No.49721243

Managing public services: the biggest salaries in the UK go to NHS managers, big education institution management (unis, colleges, academies), local councils, 'arts' and NGOs.

There are people with zero ability coasting on £200K + pension throughout these organisations. That's where the money goes. Nepotism is rife though - gay/crypto-commie women mafia in education, minorities in NHS, minorities/old boys club depending on location in local government. Arts and NGOs swept up by jews and queers.

Military officers outside the key command roles live a *very* easy lifestyle too (passed-over cols, etc).

>> No.49721246

my landlord has 29 properties anon.

>> No.49721249

Medicare works well in Australia. And it's much cheaper.

>> No.49721280

>5. Stop being run by niggas with years of experience in fingering arseholes and let people with management skills take control of all the admin shit.

this is not what happens now retard, the NHS is run by retards that have no idea what clinicians do, the NHS has its own management grad scheme and it's run by retards with BAs in english literature

>> No.49721330
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I like the multi house tax but I also want to add multi car tax. Literally look outside and multiple houses have 3-4 cars on their drive/ all over the road. Honestly when I was a kid you could see the actual pavement, now all you see are cars.

>> No.49721329

nope, just make the tax exponential with number of properties. Landlords who hoard properties will be unable to compete with landlords who just buy 1 or 2 and can afford to rent out at lower prices.
NHS also worked well in UK at the start anon.
Because it still had original doctors from the private system. But it becomes a race to the bottom.
Doctors start noticing that no matter what they do they get paid. No matter who they hire they get paid. Nurses getting sloppier with administration because it simply saves them work: they still get paid.

It's a slow, slow system of corruption until it all falls apart. Much like any social welfare, actually.

>> No.49721333
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No one in power gives a flying toss about what you or your countrymen want. Period.

You've been tossed under a bus and they just pillage the rotting carcass.

Are you people boomers? How delusional can one be.

>It could so easily be so much better.

No it can't because those in power and no not the politicians, have UK by the balls, it's a get rich scheme and the whole country is the fall guy.

>> No.49721364

Honesty, if we let that happen we deserve it. When will people snap out of it?

>> No.49721375

How are we fucked?

>> No.49721393

checked and first voice of reason in this thread
we have to get rid of democracy

>> No.49721447

lol I completed the grad scheme and can confirm it was garbage
But now I have nepotism for comfy future band 8+ roles

>> No.49721451

I know what they are doing, but they are not omnipotent, they can be beaten.
No I'm not a boomer, much younger, and there is nothing delusional about not giving up.

>> No.49721454

Kys victor

>> No.49721476

Checked and ultimate based post I’ve ever read. Cash in hand make £1000 in 3 days and go fishing rest of week kek.

>> No.49721501
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my welfare claim amount just got upped. im making more than minimum wage now by simply doing nothing. so why would i kill myself?

>> No.49721533

i literally cannot take living here much longer but I have no escape. i live in the second biggest city and it's fucking awful - watching it die slowly the past 20 years has been miserable. I've been trying to get out for close to 5 years but the field of work I'm in means I'm hard-capped by how much I earn and the countryside basically boomed the properties I was looking at during the pandemic. i don't normally reply but I saw this flag and basically had to because my entire social circle is completely okay as long as they vote red and get entertainment. I'm fucking stuck bros and I have no idea what I'm going to do

>> No.49721630
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Ok bud, but remember when you wake up 15 years down the road in even deeper shit that all your effort and optimism was for nothing.

Find loopholes, exploit the system and fuck off somewhere where at least the weather is nice.

>> No.49721775

same, last 10 years had a serious lack of jobs with massive competition. All the immigrants come here and if you don't believe me look up the 2011 census on wikipedia and see that we're just over 50% white and the 2021 is still not released because they know it's 40% white. Why we don't have an undeground railway yet is beyond baffling as you could connect town, west brom, solihull, dudley, etc and get there in 10 minutes

>> No.49721797

if you only earn £330 a day with a van you don't deserve to even own a van of any colour

>> No.49721907

don't even get me started. I had to stop going on pol because the /brit/ posts were dooming me too much. my job is either crushed by importing immigrants or outsourced to immigrants. I'm holding but barely. Basically aged out of a retrain because who the fuck wants to be 29 and go back to uni to a dead market. my area is completely flooded with brown orcs who seemingly multiply overnight while shops are shutting at record rates. This place is my last salvation of sanity because I lose it fully.

>> No.49722026

don't worry bro I'm here too living the same shite. unmarketable white boy who never went to university and anyone refuses to train up.

In 2017 I applied for an apprenticeship and the guy actually phoned me for once and at the end of the call he said "you don't sound like you want it enough".

>> No.49722106

>Basically aged out of a retrain because who the fuck wants to be 29 and go back to uni to a dead market.
anon, I have 35 year olds doing apprenticeships at my work, changing career at 29 is not an issue. I wouldn't recommend going to uni but look up apprenticeships, multinational businesses do them nowadays

>> No.49722156

The only jobs that pay anywhere close to US wages are high finance, law, and strategy consulting

>> No.49722357

just wanted to vent a little because its been a long time since I left pol and saw a brit post but I hope you make it. it's fucked up but it's kind of reassuring that there is at least another person like me out there. most of my friends are late 20's, fucking the dirtiest smelliest girls and then go back home and zone out to warzone. refreshing to have someone else to share, even for a moment

I would honestly love to do something like that (regret I didn't) but the predicament I'm in is that I'm late 20's and I'm in a career with bills to pay that is being squeezed on both ends. the uni thing has only been on my mind because it would be possible if I did it in my free time whereas being an apprentice would make me restart life from 0 basically as I wouldn't make enough to begin. it's not like my job is bad now but I have a lot of variables to consider. thanks for the reply though, bro

sorry to blog post guys... just a little much for me right now

>> No.49722512

what job do you have at the moment
you're not going to get doxxed

>> No.49722537

Dude apprenticeships are doable if you find the right one. Im 34 now, started my 3 year apprenticeship at 29. Been qualified for 2 years and am already a supervisor earning £60k.

I literally worked another low paying wagecuck job whilst doing the apprenticeship and was fucked by the end of every week. But it was all worth it

In reply to others, yes the countries fucked. But if you had enough to leave here where would you go? Sounds like the rest of the world is fucked too

>> No.49722675
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>> No.49722685

Cunt's fucked, mate.

>> No.49722770

I don't care how bad it gets, it's still worth the attempt.
I quite simply cannot live with the 'I've got mine' mindset.

>> No.49722802

i work in 2d/3d/vfx but small scale studio (mostly advertising and promo). we used to get a fuck ton of jobs a decade ago but recently our little team has been getting raped by eastern Europe and India who work for pennies in comparison to us and we charge bare minimum to land jobs. sometimes we would be contracted by the bigger firms to work on movies and finish shots but that's all been outsourced. we also have hyper talented europoors coming to cities and taking top jobs cheaper or starting businesses. on top of that, weeks can be gruelling. it's not uncommon for us to work 70/80/90 hours a week depending on the project. i loved it long ago and now I'm on the verge of burnout with a mortgage so I keep on going.

these threads have made me reconsider and I'll look into it more now for sure. i don't want an easier job, just something that respects my time with a decent wage and I'm done being at screens all day so thanks bro, I'll consider it an equal option in comparison to going back to uni now.

>> No.49722841
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Thanks lad. Yeah it feels fucking comfy considering the rest of the mess we are all in and the timing of it all.
Good luck my fellow bongs.

>> No.49722881

>2021 is still not released because they know it's 40% white
Theyre coming end of this month, should be interesting

>> No.49722969

got a date bro? I need to see cause it will be the greatest laugh of the year

>> No.49722994


> medicine

That ship sailed a long time ago, now you’re earning 30,000 to work a 45 hour week being spat at by people who refuse to learn English despite having lived here for 20 years whilst some area manager earns more than a cardiologist to change the order of the rainbow on the trust ‘OUR NHS’ logo

>> No.49722997

we are fucked

inflation going to 11% in the next few months and BoE give us a 0.25% rate bump.

Grossly negligent, or otherwise acting in the interests of tories/property owners at the expense of the population at large.

This country is a on its way out.

>> No.49723035

this is abject dogshit

>> No.49723145

Good morning sir

>> No.49723266

>redsign HQ
nope. This is globohomo central.

>> No.49723414

june 28

>> No.49723416

don't do this, idiot

>> No.49723475


>> No.49723491

>dogshit currency, who the fuck wants to invest in the UK
Are you serious? The £ is the 4th most traded currency and London is one of the most important financial centres in the world.

>> No.49723546

Its true I'm British but live in the EU. We're fucked over here on the continent. You get a daily blast of anti-British propaganda from the media in the UK which is designed to make you stop voting for what globalhomo considers racist, non-kosher approved policies like Brexit. There is also a certain class of civil servant or other person leading "outside authority" who are very powerful in the UK through QUANGO work or who work on councils who are generally rabid lefties, and who therefore hate the country and anything reminding them of it or its past - so they actively try to destroy anything beautiful, opulent, which looks wealthy or otherwise, and replace it with commie-style continental shit architecture etc.
Problem you have now is a socialist government whose only instinct is to sticking-plaster any problem by subisidizing it by making tax-payers pay for the failures of others. Its unconservative, and removes the profit incentive - as do the unbelievable (for the conservatives and for the UK) high tax rates. Johnson's government have forgotten what it means to be conservative - they dont have a clue - so they bail out some industries, let the Chinese buy up others, subsidize pointless shit like letting benefit recipients obtain mortgages funded by taxpayers who cant themselves afford to get a mortgage, in an effort to reduce the price of houses, when all it will do is increase that. They're ideologically clueless, and stupid at the same time - a dangerous combination.

>> No.49723581
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Khazarian kikes have already lost. They lost as soon as satoshi wrote his whitepaper. Read up on project looking glass. Anglos will inherit the world and shepherd us to the stars, Baal worshipping red shield parasites will fade away as they can no longer drain the souls of the goyim and innocent children. Only the lake of fire remains for them

>> No.49723640

>Alright guys I know we could just stop importing 1,000,000 parasites into our country each year, but how about we adopt communism instead?
Why is having Britain be for the British people completely off the table for you?

>> No.49723673

>labour shortage, can't fill from EU so begin brown_import_x1000.exe
There is an ongoing problem with investment in the country and its labour force because corpos got addicted to labour laws which allow them to hire and fire at will, keep people on zero-hour contracts and so on - all creating a false impression of "oh great economy - no unemployment" whilst it prevented investment in training and skills - leading to perpetually low productivity. When the Government tried to address that by saying "there will be no more migration" the companies (BP/Shell etc) fabricated a fuel crisis to sow chaos/fud. Other than that - and your point on currency (which is wrong - people LOVE investing in the UK and trading its currency particularly as its undervalued at the moment) - yes these are huge problems for the UK - all the result of no-policy/brain dead policy, a lack of joined up thinking and no industrial strategy because (((muh free trade))). Brexit COULD fix this - but so many remainer types have invested so much in disparaging any new thinking other than continued managed decline that its becoming politically difficult to diverge from established EU models of regulatory protectionism

>> No.49723697


>> No.49723971

Software engineering if you're smart

>> No.49724018
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When is it going to be legal FFS

>> No.49724021

I hate seeing this im my city. You have beautiful Victorian buildings, which give you the sense theat our great grandfathers actually had some civic pride, and tried to improve the country.
Alongside them you have all the post war buildings, which look as if they were solely designed to crush the spirit (because they were). You can see 100 years of decay just walking down a single street.
Look at a British pavement, it's a disgrace.
Managed decline is another philosophy that needs to die.
We have declined enough, why don't we start to rebuild?

>> No.49724023

Being from Australia and living in the UK for a period, seems very grim reading this thread. We have similar problems but many are a lot better, we have the same boomer captured housing market but great wages and decent equity markets mean it is still very possible to get ahead here as a young person.

The problem is always the boomers, get them out of politics and get smart local/state late millennial/early x’er politicians in and it can turn around.

>> No.49724100

Based and true, Britain may have fallen from grace but it's still legitimately one of the top 10 places to live on earth. Instead of lamenting commit to improving the country

>> No.49724229

being a nice place for non-whites is precisely the problem
when you have no standards you eventually end up turning into the place non-white filth are running away from in the first place.

the uk needed mass deportations a decade ago.

>> No.49724244
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hate bobo nonces, simple as

>> No.49724328

North Yorkshire is still comfy.

>> No.49724378
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Germany has a level 3 travel advisory from the department of state

>> No.49724403

until it isn't

>> No.49724455
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Unless you like living in comfy rural villages in Northumberland, things are going to get a lot worse. To be completely honest I have no clue how this generation of youngsters are going to manage.

>> No.49724544

Europe will take the blunt of a bad recession / depression this decade and face some major obstacles to energy and food supplies. It will be pretty bad no doubt but life goes on.

>> No.49724586

Interested in Syscon's zK-rollups? This will implement them fairly soon (Q3 2022)!
Multiple projects being deployed (e.g. @PegasysDEX), ZK-rollups will increase its TPS to an on-chain theoretical 240K, Secure through merged mining and chain locks!

>> No.49724602

This is very true but keep it fucking quiet.

>> No.49724731

I will either kill you and eat you or deport you in the coming collapse

>> No.49724746

>work for a start up engineering company
>company almost goes bust during covid
>business picks up massively and we win a ton of work
>hiring like crazy now, just got a 50% pay rise to 62k at the age of 29

I massively lucked out UK bros. Like noone i know in this entire country apart from my work collegues are doing this well when this country is going down the toilet. How the fuck is everyone else coping though people on 25k must be absolutely FUCKED right now

>> No.49724810

by not dying like you oldfag

>> No.49724813

Use other words to distinguish ur ethnicity

>> No.49724834

Hello sirs, sounds very niceee and needful, I will move to yorkshite tomorrow with my basterd family of 12

>> No.49724864

Based and true, the countryside is still a great place to settle

>> No.49724919
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I'm living on less than £2 and day and it's surprisingly not too difficult

>> No.49724995

I'm planning to go abroad, somewhere cheap, and just limit my workload so I don't get stunk on my ridiculous student loans. I would have a better quality of life on 20k in any other country, since anything above that here gets taxed to death and the rest goes on rent.
Literally any of the main ones you hear about all the time. But if you aren't going into something well paid, you might as well become a train driver, since apparently that is the second best paying job after being a highly qualified doctor, banker, lawyer etc.

>> No.49725021

I'm MK as well, I thinks it's pretty good desu. Other mid sized towns/cities reek of poverty in comparison.

>> No.49725119

>England is among the most beautiful places in the world
Propaganda. It's just Ireland but worse. There's dozens of countries far more beautiful than England, with nicer weather too.

>> No.49725197

Literally untrue Ireland is an ugly mess compared.

>> No.49725228

>It's not finished
I agree. Was just there, and as an American, I am still very impressed by English organizational ability. You have hope.

>> No.49725297

My goal is to buy a house around Milton Keynes.

Any nearby town thats a better alternative to MK?

>> No.49725299
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Any anons been to Royal Ascot this week? I live there and for 1 week a year it's always chaos

>> No.49725328

Is it in central Birmingham? Made the grave mistake of staying there for a night, the centre is full of screeching nogs living in student residences moving from screech sound to the other. Also takeaways full of arabs staring at you.

>> No.49725377

Let's not pretend that Dundee isn't a soulless hellhole, that pic was also taken in Hilltown, easily the worst area in all of Scotland.

>> No.49725398

It's Dundee. I get a bit spooked when I immediately recognise photos of places I've been to.

>> No.49725444

>get locked down for 2 years
>somehow have the largest number of immigrants come into the country since records began during that time period while you couldn't even leave
nigga how

>> No.49725467

i am african
euro hate there is unreal, especially towards france
fuck off, we'd rather trade with china (and already are doing so)

>> No.49725570
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>blocks your path

>> No.49725589


>cut VAT 2.5%

So cut it back to what it was before the Tories, the party of low tax (lol), raised it to in 2011 after it had been lower under labour, the party of high tax? Interesting.


I work in health and safety. It's not gonna net you the absolute mega bucks but it's solid for the UK and it's fucking easy as shit to boot.

>> No.49726609
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>Still living in England
>Despite Scotland being eastern euro tier cheap to live in
>Even the countryside up here too.
>Is completely white outside of Glasgow/Edinburgh, the most browns you'll meet are Indians who behave.

It's not even far from family, my friend semi-regularly visits England to see his aging grandparents it's just a train ride away.
Accents outside of the cities are human english and not the meme shit you see in videos, if you're actually despairing and not just whinging then consider it.
Our hyper sjw government even brought migrants up here and they complained and went down to England instead.

>But SNP will import millions!/implement communism
Not when England exists, they'd rather join the hives down there than create new ones up here. Also the SNP are probably the most incompetent government in the western world, seriously they don't do anything.
>But my wages
Then enjoy niggers lmao.

>> No.49726673


I'd rather live among browns than porridge wogs.

>> No.49726721

Well I do love my porridge, have it for breakfast everyday.
Enjoy being continuously replaced anon, wonder what your country will look like in another 10 years.

>> No.49726733

because you are one.
humans don't generally enjoy living in zoos.

>> No.49726795

if england is fucked scotland will take the brunt because they can't sustain themselves without massive subsidy from england.

>> No.49726869

>"if you're so sad just go outsde"
>go outside
>have to step over junkie beggars sitting on every street corner asking me for money and then saying some sarcastic jibe when you blank them
>have to elbow through crowds of gypsy big issue sellers, a magazine that is supposed to be sold by homeless natives for some spare cash
>look up and down the high street
>swarms of nigger yoots and paki benchod faggots each swarm with like a mini-gaggle of white slags that obviously get passed out and will shit out a niglet before they are 16
>old hunchback grannies and grandads shuffling around dilapitated charity shops
>western union, phone shop, betting shop, pawn shop, charity shop, kebab shop, paki filth slop shop, pawn shop, betting shop
>walk past a historic cathedral, finally, a relic of our better days with its spire and gothic facades
>has faggot rainbow flags drapped on the fucking spire for faggot tranny month
Its over

>> No.49726927


You're from Sheffield aren't you.

>> No.49727013

>welfare ruins Britain

>> No.49727139

congrats anon. However, (and this isn't meant to put down your achievement) I'd say at least half of my friends, colleagues and ex-colleagues have all experienced the same at some point in the past 2 years. Everyone around my age (28-32) has either had a promotion or a huge pay rise during or since covid.
I don't think what you're experiencing is 'getting ahead'. You're keeping up (with the middle).
The exact same thing happened to me and I felt financially secure/positive for about 3-4 months before I realised it was happening to everyone.

>> No.49727157

>Is completely white outside of Glasgow/Edinburgh, the most browns you'll meet are Indians who behave.
Been living in Aberdeen since last year, some parts are infested here too. Fucking niggers and pakis everywhere this far north.

>> No.49727700
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How to fix Britain

1. End external immigration of my sperm (by destroying their sacks)
2. zero gravity bollock extermination
3. death penalty for my nards
4. conversion therapy for my testicles (from whole to smashed)
5. declare having intact scrotums illegal
6. nationalise the rail (so trains can drive over my sack)
7. nationalise energy (so I can dip my danglers into a million degree tokamak reactor)
8. introduce an immigrant tax post-brexit where immigrants must pay 5% to bash my soft testes
9. post-brexit tariff revenue income for the treasury to be put into heavy brown bags and dropped on my testicles
10. tax evading companies have their assets and operations seized by the state until they punch my eggs
11. pressure inside my ballbag to increase to 25%
12. end free schools and invest in a massive state school building (on top of my exposed bollocks)
13. national scrote bashing is mandatory
14. no intact male sex organs in education for anyone from nursery to university
15. massive infrastructure projects, Crossrail 2, HS3 and a London airport linking freight rail, sea and air so as to assault my gonads on all fronts
16. raise chokehold on my aching nards to 15,000PSI
17. end emergency operations on hurt testicles
18. end inheritance (of healthy bollocks)
19. end the smoking ban so pub-goers can stub out their fag-ends on my tender gonads
20. 20% banker bonus for every CEO who flicks my sack
21. increase military spending to 10% of GDP so missiles can be laser-guided to my scrotum
22. Abolish the house in which my sack resides
23. reduce my healthy sperm count to 550 (then to zero with a hammer)
24. remove Sinn Fein from Parliament (but only after they blow my sack with a car bomb)
25. Abolish my testicles

>> No.49728017


>> No.49728287

don't understand why this has become so popular among zoomers. mainly slaggy working class zoomer women to be exact

>> No.49728290

i earn 65k a year and i still can't afford shit

fuck this country

>> No.49728369

>""""funny"""" post

>> No.49728563
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>porridge wogs

>> No.49728757

uk here, 60k/year remote working dev, i feel so poor help me bros, the lords dont want me to afford any land, everything is a jewish leasehold

>> No.49729064
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>> No.49729129

Rise up my good lads

>> No.49729190

back to your gay pol thread boys.....
mebe talk some more about eddie and your sort of bird not bird, and tanks

>> No.49729411

Leighton Buzzard is nice

>> No.49729620

my dad (lives in eastern europe, slovakia) keeps telling me, hey anon, you earn good money, youre a software developer and successful, why haven't you got a mortgage for a house yet?
i showed him the prices since i live in southeast england and he understood. suggesting i buy a house in slovakia, i talked to a mortgage broker when i was on holiday there and they said it shouldn't be a problem. should i buy in slovakia? but i don't want to live there anymore, it would be just to park my money, it's an eastern european shithole and the reason why i moved here

>> No.49729703

ill give ye a tip..... it's 2am in england on Friday morning right now.. not many bongs are actually awake.

>> No.49729738

>be born in 'rich' country
>that somehow makes everyone 'rich'
Dumb opinion, bro

>> No.49729756
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i know anon, it's late and i'm awake and lonely and poor.

>> No.49730088

This made me fucking burst out laughing at 2am fuck me

>> No.49730126

currently on 25K straight out of uni and I still cant logically afford to move out

>> No.49730162

Also an aberdeen cunt here, the amount of wogs/pakis has increased exponentially recently its fucking weird

>> No.49730193

Truth is the UK will be 3rd world in about 20 years. You guys really fucked yourselves. Why the fuck are you voting for the Conservatives? What did you expect?

>> No.49730217

you're fine zoomer, you're much younger and have big opportunities in front of you. keep at it and you'll do good

>> No.49730480

>nothing being built
There's plenty of identical grey brick flats going up around Cambridge

>> No.49730533

Wtf is this schizo shit

>> No.49730569

pretty sure voting in the UK is even more of a meme than voting in the US

>> No.49730583

West mids here - same. That story that 1m arrived in the past year is true and probably an understatement.
I cant tell they are from africa and recent.

>> No.49730611

It’s wild how fast demographics can swing and will swing in the future.

>> No.49730765

>NHS portion of national insurance
Doesn't exist. National Insurance is just a way to have >50% income tax without calling it income tax. All government revenues go into the same pot.

>More people opting for private healthcare will reduce the price of it.
Lol, where do you think the money will come from? The people who can't afford Bupa are going to magically afford to run the NHS?

Your other ideas were good.

>> No.49730818

Yeah, it's coming home

>> No.49730855

Fancy making your larp this obvious

>> No.49731368

I'm looking to move back to Scotland from Japan, can things really be worse there?

From what I've seen my quality of life should just go up. I'll actually be able to own property that I can sell later instead of having it constantly depreciate. Seems there isn't really a concept of starter homes here, so I've been stuck living in a box in Tokyo paying out over £11k a year on rent as I wasn't wanting to buy a place to permanently settle.

Also you come to appreciate stuff like UK supermarkets - you have so much more choice and things seem much cheaper than in Japan.

Any other Scots here have a good place to look for a house? Considering the outskirts of Glasgow as the prices look reasonable while still having convenience (hoping for a 3 bed under 200k).

>> No.49731442

Coming back from Japan and his weakening yen does help

>> No.49731480

Why Milton Keynes

>> No.49731569

I hope the yen does recover before I do move though, all my savings are in it and I've just been watching the value drop for the past year.
I'm also going to be contracting with my current company and be paid in yen, so my salary will also keep dropping with it. Might need to look for something new soon after moving.

Honestly, Japan seems much more screwed than the UK, I don't see it recovering.

>> No.49731632

im just a burger, but can you tell me why slovakia is such a shithole? is it just the lack of jobs, or what?

>> No.49732511

yes. alot worse. Jamal will rob your house with a machete and butcher your family. remember , your roastie wife voted for it

>> No.49733002

If the euro/eu collapses and has to be reimagined like a lot of people are predicting, then the uk can get back in on better terms. It isn't the worst of every worlds with that in mind.