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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49714195 No.49714195 [Reply] [Original]

To me it would be around 10k usd.

>> No.49714223

enough gas money for a week is life changing?

>> No.49714247

Quit drinking gas bro

>> No.49714255

that's gum money
today i lost $13k for holding ETH

>> No.49714275

Enough money to never have to work again, that's the sole reason I am on this board.

Nothing special, just an average salary would be enough for my kind of lifestyle.

>> No.49714281

500k to have a solid source of dividend income for life.

>> No.49714322

What's it like not having to pay rent?

>> No.49714344

Two chicks at the same time.

>> No.49714357
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70k to pay off student loans

>> No.49714440

I want buy a 200K+ house in cash with a couple years of property tax stored away. As a human you only need shelter and freedom from bills to win the game.

>> No.49714455


>> No.49714459
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Why are people this poor posting here? This board is always a good signal that we have further to fall. JUST wage & stop losing your money on internet money ponzi schemes.

>> No.49714571

What are you a poorfag or something?


Yielding 5% and after government taking half should give me £10,000 per month.

That would be a very lovely existence.

>> No.49714622

About 200k would give me the push to get out of the city and plant an orchard in the middle of nowhere

>> No.49714627

Um, sorry sweatie but Biden forgave all the debts. What are you a white male?

>> No.49714628

I pay rent and my bills it's why 10k would be live changing I don't even have 200 dollars left over every check just from paying to live.

>> No.49714666

How would your life change if you had 10k?
To me, 1 million would not even be life changing: I would continue to work and have my same daily routine. 5-10 million would be.

>> No.49714702
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Crypto was always for people with less money, it's attractive because of the high possible returns. Stocks and gold are for people who're already made.

>> No.49714728

Probably like 2 million

>> No.49714803

Because Satan if I had 10k now It'd go 100% into Link and have generational wealth.

>> No.49715037


If I had that, I'd put it in CD's high yield savings accounts only. While continuing to work. 500K is a baseline security net that few will ever experience in their lifetimes.

Any amount over 500K, I would invest. And by that I mean SPY DCA'ing.

>> No.49715466

100K would help me immensely - I'd pay off mortgage, and finally finish renovating the apartment I bought so I can move out from my parent's place and start regularly fucking my gf.
Hell, even 10k would help me to finish the renovation process to an acceptable stage.

>> No.49715488

20 million USD

>> No.49715738

back in the day i'd probably say 300k. with 5% APY, it would be enough to sustain a middle-class tier lifestyle for the area i live

but now with the stagflation threat even 1 mil doesn't feel enough; it's like there's no refuge from clown economy. you can never truly settle down and take it easy with savings, you must constantly invest and be up to date with financial news

you would get 100k and waste it paying off your mortgage (which presumably you are already able to pay off, being able to borrow in the first place) instead of investing?

>> No.49715790

>solid source of dividend income
Such as?

>> No.49715809

10k unironically. im fucked

>> No.49715918

this is the real question
if i had 100 million right now i'd be doing the exact same thing as having $100. i'd be infront of a computer screen looking at a squigly line

the only difference would be the trade sizes

>> No.49715926

Fuck paying debt I'd invest.

>> No.49716049

>and waste it paying off your mortgage
Yea, peace of mind is important to me. I see it as an investment into my sanity. Besides, the actual mortgage I have to pay off is 38k, I still have plenty to spend on making the place livable and invest.

>> No.49716107

That guy is Jewish, crypto isn't a pozni you're a faggot nigger.

>> No.49716119

Patrick crussius is Jewish.

>> No.49716139

400k, can pay off my mortgages and relax knowing whatever shit happens in the economy that I won't lose my biggest assets.

>> No.49716204

1 mil USD. I live in a 3rd world shithole so that should be more than enough for generational wealth.

>> No.49716267

Life changing for 10k?? Do you live on like $5 a week?

>> No.49716301

Again 10k invested rn would net you easily 60k in a year.

>> No.49716462

Sent ;)

>> No.49716577
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500.000 would get me a dutch copypasta shed instead of the stacked shed we live in now so we can get kids.