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49708565 No.49708565 [Reply] [Original]

>late 2017/early 2018
>btc falls from 20k peak to 8k
>everyone remembered it as the infamous "2017 crash"
>people talking about this moment months or years later, speculating on potential causes or signs

>skip to today
>btc fell from 60k to 20k
>nobody gives a shit
>i don't even remember when the peak was or when the "crash" happened
>everyone treats it like normal volatility

is the average crypto investor getting dumber?
i don't know about you lads but i fear years of browsing this place has lowered my IQ

>> No.49708651

Daily reminder that every single finance asset like stocks,bonds,debt,crypto,money etc are all purely parasitical in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable,unsustainable and exploitative and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite. I sincerely hope every single one of you parasites burns in hell alongside your precious stock market and blockchain

Until every single 4chan parasite perishes bad things will continue to happen. It is God's will

>> No.49708702

they should call it the stoch market not the stock market

>> No.49708709

One eth is still one eth.
I've lost tons with mtgox, bitconnect and luna but you gotta keep stacking your pockets while it's cheap. Bear market will come.
Right now decent NFTs go for so cheap that it's criminal not to slurp from to the bottom.

I repeat the fundamentals for NFTs and eth have not changed dumb niggers

>> No.49708734

Cope and seethe

>> No.49708764

>Is the average crypto investor getting dumber?
It's a greater fool game (Assuming you're in it to boost your FIAT, which is everyone except maybe XMR holders). Of course the average IQ will go down over time.

>> No.49708849
File: 43 KB, 620x437, 75abc-orthodox2bjews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody likes poorfags like you in general
if you wanna larp as faux spiritualists who are tired of greed and chasing money, at least try to hide your immense envy and inferiority complex. betrayed by:
>literal parasite
>hope you parasites burn in hell
>parasite perishes

get it? try some faux positivity instead, it will be more believable to the cattle gullible enough not to immediately disregard you
nobody likes poor people for a reason; your poverty has leaked into your soul and twisted you into an angry, bitter little thing

>> No.49709021

You can try personal attacks but i am still stating facts. Your cancer hellworld wont last long it is mathematically provable it is unsustainable so soon we will be hunting parasites like you on the streets.

>> No.49709094

>we will be hunting parasites like you on the streets.
there, much better!
you already stopped your faux spiritualism larp and showed your true colors (an angry little poorfag incel with violent fantasies)
much easier to communicate when you're honest

>> No.49709105
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>capitalism is inherently unstable

seen so many zoomers saying this these days. Never ppl with real jobs or skills

>> No.49709188
File: 1.31 MB, 250x333, 4chanh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember the peak. It's right here with me warning you fuckers to watch out.


I goes below 20k today.

>> No.49709266

Are you new? Everyone from 2017 knows the crash was just another part of the cycle. See 2013. Today the crash also happened near the same cycle time and we also had the crashing S&P. Lurk moar.

>> No.49709354

I never claimed i am not angry. That doesnt mean i am not moral tho. Financiers and crypto dudebros are literal parasites. Like i dont mean it metaphorically i mean it literally. How am i evil for wanting to kill parasites? For every 1 parasite that dies 1+ life is saved

>> No.49709689

The difference is the slow bleed vs crash.
Boil a frog slowly and it won't notice until it's too late.
This is a good explanation for our current situation...

>> No.49709825
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pick one

>> No.49710072
File: 819 KB, 2048x1678, 1636279667841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based the only purpose humans have is to collect gold for the annunaki who gave us their DNA so we could collect gold for the annunaki who gave us their DNA so we could collect gold for the annunaki who gave us their DNA so we could collect gold for the annunaki who gave us their DNA so we could collect gold for the annunaki who gave us their DNA so we could collect gold for the annunaki who gave us their DNA so we could collect gold for the annunaki who gave us their DNA so we could collect gold for the annunaki who gave us their DNA so we could collect gold for the annunaki who gave us their DNA so we could collect gold for the annunaki who gave us their DNA so we could collect gold for the annunaki who gave us their DNA so we could collect gold for the annunaki who gave us their DNA so we could collect gold for the annunaki who gave us their DNA so we could collect gold for the annunaki

>> No.49710170

>capitalism is inherently unstable,unsustainable and exploitative
There is no chance you know what capitalism is.