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49701487 No.49701487 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49701498

as expected, you're from ukraine, dirty jew

>> No.49701499

Board full of mongoloids

>> No.49701503

Based g-d's chosen person

>> No.49701524

why even bother? They just catalog your DNA for law enforcement and throw in fake results to make you seem more diverse.

>> No.49701527
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>> No.49701533

haha your prehistoric jew grandma got pulverised by a mongoloid neanderthal. many such cases.

>> No.49701537

now time to become americucks' bull

>> No.49701675

Diversity is my strength

>> No.49702138

Ukrainians are cossack retard .

>> No.49702186

By their admittance, they literally change your DNA results to mess with white people/push an agenda as well as straight lie to their customers like saying they're Irish because they really want to be Irish.
They then claim this is a rarity and they only do it in extreme conditions.

>> No.49702203
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disgusting kike. can't wait until I get to slaughter you parasites

>> No.49702217
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>> No.49702266

In ideal world I would want to do this shit 100% to know exactly where I came from plus all this additional shit like certain genes that might be unique to me that would maybe tell if I'm prone to some disease etc But in reality I'd probably learn that I'm from central/east europe with some jew blood or whatever, not to mention my genome would be cataloged and used in future to fuck me over somehow

>> No.49702340

I got 100% Greek results on myheritage

>> No.49702359

How do I become a multi millionaire?

>> No.49702388

shalom rabbi, please use your jewish magic to restart the bullrun

>> No.49702389

You fucking jewish mongoloid.

>> No.49702414

That sucks anon, I'm sorry they did that to you.
If you have ever had your blood taken or you were born in the USA they already have your DNA


They also don't tell your parents and the only way to stop it is if they know about it beforehand to say no.

>> No.49702448

I was born and I live in Poland, not sure if they have such database here but I did give blood for diagnostic as well as donation. Do you think keep such records here?

>> No.49702469

a board of gullible mongoloids

>> No.49702487

>I got 100% Greek results on myheritage
small dick confirmed

>> No.49702527

I’m shorting on leverage

>> No.49702570


My dad did one and it literally named the Irish provenance his Father was from, and gave only northern European results

>> No.49702597

There are a few companies that deal with dna testing, and I remember at least one of them publicly admitted to it. I don't remember which tho. Which is the one your father used?

>> No.49702626


If they're doing it in two studies you can bet they're doing it in many others. Not to tell you what's not reported.

>> No.49702675

why does it says european ? jewish are semits which isn't european. anyway am i surprise a DNA test company isnt trustfull ?

>> No.49702680

I see they started screening babies for some genetic diseases from 2006 so I wasn't affected. My blood results have been probably used in some studies by this point though.
It's probably nothing major so I don't care much. It's still better than giving this info to some globohomo company that will sell its data to china so they could engineer some virus that targets white people

>> No.49702713

Quit complaining,goy. My people have been persecuted for centuries and you’re crying about conspiracy theories.

>> No.49702745

>My people have been persecuted for centuries
And frightfully so
Additionally stop being antisemitic towards me, I'm from Poland so chances are I have sem*tic blood in me

>> No.49702753

Ashkenazi "Jews" are just Khazar mafia who converted, they're not real Jews

>> No.49703034

That's what the California data was said to be used for at first but now they store it permanently. They also sell that information to others.
If you trust anyone to just use valuable information for the good of the world then I have a bridge to sell you, brother.

>My anecdotal evidence for one company out of many companies means you're wrong
Kill yourself potato nigger.

>> No.49703049

Semitic group should be Middle Eastern.

>> No.49703072

Ashnazi lol

>> No.49703073

I know what I say sounds like cope but what else could I possibly do? I don't think I can demand that they delete all my data related to this, can I?

>> No.49703075

>Anywhere near Ukraine.

>> No.49703077
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Damn 0.2% based and 99.8% not based.

>> No.49703080

Which company

>> No.49703089

This, 23 and me only takes geographic location, not ethnicity.

>> No.49703102

I have immigrant paper work from Greece and my grandparents had photos they would show me oof my family.

>> No.49703104

You can reach out to the hospital you were born at and ask them if they do store information and if they can delete it.
But realistically if they have it, it's been sold and there is nothing much you can do.

No need to cope anon; we're all in the same boat with you.

>> No.49703117

0.2 is like ten to twenty generations aways, my man.

>> No.49703119

>almost pure ashnazi Jew
Shalom, remember to subvert some goyim today and compliment disgusting mixed race children when you see them

>> No.49703153
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is it over for me bros?

>> No.49703212

Look up the Mongol Empire. Turkic nomads settled the area directly around Ukraine and George for hundreds of years.