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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49698381 No.49698381 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many influential figures in the market Jewish?

>> No.49699012

If you actually want to know.

>le reptillians hivemind zog nwo freemason illuminati

>> No.49699054 [DELETED] 

Clannishness/nepotism, commercial culture with success measured by wealth, focus on education/high IQ.

>> No.49699102

>>49698Jews have high iq

>> No.49699119

You're asking to many questions, goyim.

>> No.49699131

I'm probably the most retarded jew ever tho

>> No.49699136

They own the monetary system and free market and see everyone else as lessers

>> No.49699151

Superior genetics.

>> No.49699167

Benefitting other jews and scamming goyim is their religion. They've been perfecting it for 6000 years.

>> No.49699230

long story but you need to study the history of gold treasuries and banks to know the answer. just search for 'history of money' on youtube.
tl;dr lending with interest was only allowed if a jewish person is lending a non-jewish

>> No.49699251

Jews mastered teamwork, meanwhile whites live entirely by the motto "fuck you I got mine" and wont help anyone outside their immediate family, many wouldnt even help their own family

>> No.49699276

only religious jews the rest have this same boomer mentality

>> No.49699290

I'm white and charitable but I feel guilty any time I need help or get something I feel I didn't strictly "earn". Meritocracy only applies to whites, it's a terrible indoctrination.

>> No.49699314

Well yeah and they controlled banks and have a religion/cult that teaches that

They always sacrifice animals and children to god

>> No.49699317

They're not even the real jews. They even stole that. They are khazarian shitskins

>> No.49699335

True, but jews culturally have a lot of practices which make them prone to success, the biggest is that historically they were all required to be literate at a time when less then 5% of the general public was, all of the highs position jobs required literacy. Also they are very good parents to their kids, they teach them money and investing at a young age, gift them 10k+ at bar mitzvahs, send them to private tutoring, pay for their school, and prioritize higher education.

My white boomer dad never gave me shit, jews are happy to give their kids 5-6 figures as a starter stack.
Trying to get 100$ from my dad was like pulling teeth

>> No.49699430
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Jews have a completely different understanding of money then us, to them it is a spiritual phenomena.
Seriously if you guys are interested to learn more watch the video I posted,
I have been around /pol/ for years yet i am very interested in jews and their culture, just listening to random rabbis on youtube speaking about life and financial advice, the one thing im overwhelmed with is just the sheer amount of genuine wisdom i hear, despite the hate and schizo stuff elite jews may be involved with, they are genuinely smart and have deeper minds then the average pol schizo thinks.

>> No.49699438

>Also they are very good parents to their kids, they teach them money and investing at a young age
You know, this is probably the issue that makes me seethe the most, the lack of economic teachings since our young age, i always found it extremely interesting and useful but no fucking school here cares about it at young age.

>> No.49699541

All Jews are nepotistic, it's more than a religious dogma. If they don't have other Jews to benefit they'll go out of their way to find them. This is particularly striking in places where there aren't that many Jews. If there's four of them in a state you can rest assured they're all friends and helping one another, legitimately or not. It would be admirable if it wasn't exactly the opposite of what they demand from gentiles.

>> No.49699559

Yeah your average american doesnt understand anything whatsoever about finance. Financing a 50k car at 10% when you make 30k a year for example, shit like that is just insane, I guarantee no jews do stupid shit like this.
Or financing an iphone.. Wtf if you cant drop 1k on a phone that means you cant afford it just buy a 200$ phone or save up
Some people get credit card debt and then dont even understand why they it doesnt go down when they make the minimum payments at 20% apy, and they get mad at jews for this stuff like its their fault.

>> No.49699591

jews are just smarter than goy dum dums

>> No.49699628

1. jews are often autistic

2. jews are often rich because they come from a culture that values hard work and many of their families were moneylenders in Europe

Autism + old money = billionaire tech nerds

>> No.49699654

No it's not just americans, here in europe it is also a problem, but anything these retards can think of is either inserting or not muh 1 day per year tranny day or some dumb bullshit with religion.

>> No.49699657

my great grandparents were killed in the holocaust and I was scoring 95% percentile in standardized math scores all of elementary school without tutoring or help. english I wasnt so great at in standardized tests. I played pokemon in classes and after school. I pick up math really easy and have always been drawn to math and logic. not sure if its genetic or my autism or what

>> No.49699669

Why your people hates so much the entire world to the point of destroying everything thats good?

>> No.49699670


>> No.49699680 [DELETED] 
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all jews are inbred pedokikes that literally can't stop gang molesting and killing their little inbreds with herpes
LOL @ the low iq inbred ethnic cult

>> No.49699684

Jews injected that mindset into white culture.

>> No.49699694

Your ID made my day.

>> No.49699708

Jews who drop 10k on their kids are probably very rich to begin with? I assume your dad was middle class.

Not all Jews are religious, baka. Most Jews you see in tech and finance are Jewish by blood only.

>> No.49699753

Religion means a lot more than just theology, especially to Jews who are also a race and a nation.

>> No.49699809

you can apply that same scenario to other races if there were only 4 of them
Yea I agree its far more common with white people but my parents in particular didn't mind lending me money my dad is white and my mom is jewish

>> No.49699933
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Jews are based, goy.

>> No.49700085

Their religion is subversion, destruction of host nations cohesion/history, changing definitions, and pushing communism through their own genetic communion.

>> No.49700165

Nazi Germany was very group oriented, and that was savagely destroyed by the rest of the Jewish controlled world.

>> No.49700528

Jews make a lot of money because money is based and requires intelligence to have and Jews are both based and intelligent.

>> No.49700557

Imagine if Sasha Baron Cohen was a goyim, would you see in the tv?

>> No.49700638

because usury
pack it up boy /thread

>> No.49700748


>> No.49700917
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Circumcision is the catalyst that forge the jewish mind.

Having lost something very valuable, but not knowing what it is exactly, and coping it out by money or power, is exactly what make circumcision a mandatory act to get the future member of the community on the path of money and power.

>> No.49700918
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>> No.49702942


fucking bullshit, working class germans were treated like crap while nazi officials enjoyed all the benefits, merit was a shit show. get your facts together. "le german people" was just a meme, cattle to the nazi manipulators. fucking retarded zoom zoomers, jews dont even have zoomers, they are still the same goal oriented, education above all type of people their ancestors were because they value the family unit.

>> No.49704350

their whole culture is based on becoming influential and important in local economies where these parasites live

>> No.49704884

Nepotism and insider trading.
They also provide cover for each other. A jew will never find another jew guilty of a crime. So when shlomo gets caught in a financial scheme, he will get a jewish judge and the case is dismissed.

>> No.49704964

>explained by a jew
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO cant make this shit up, theyre everywehre

>> No.49704992
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>> No.49705019
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>> No.49705024

Jews were providing loaning services to the roman empire. Them shekels don't come cheap anonberg.

>> No.49705300
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It’s pretty simple, Jews control all of Hollywood and media production and they use this to control narratives, which means manipulating markets for profit.

If you’re not Jewish you’re barely even human to them so they really don’t care what happens as long as it’s in their benefit and the more society is having internal conflicts over things like gay buzz lightyear, the more they can do wherever the want without attracting attention. It’s easy to discredit a few “antisemites” for calling them out on this but controlled opposition is a tool to keep the average majority from waking up to jewish subversion tactics. Everyone is too busy blaming boomers for the housing crisis or arguing about historically white movie characters being gay and/black.

Reminder: any jew with an Israeli passport is obligated to lend their identity, property, and business to mossad agents conducting assassinations and intelligence gathering. The Jews next door to you do not have your best interest in mind

>> No.49706313

>tfw great grandmother was apparently jewish
>tfw pole east german mutt with dark straight hair and blue eyes
Either way if there is one thing Jews have more than nearly anyone else its actually supporting their children/communities. Having a boomer family even give you 20 bucks is like trying to find the goddamn holy grail, meanwhile its not uncommon at all for Jewish kids to get massive support from their families, which enable them to either partake in risky endeavors or use it to get their own shit going on. Not everyone obviously but the cultural contrast is night and day. This also coincided right with the post WW2 boom where boomers being the pampered lead gas brained retards they are had the entire world handed to them on a silver platter, because that fuck you got mine mentality really started to take off in the mainstream with them. Also helps that they actually tend to discuss things like economics and investments with their children.
>inb4 le kike
Fucking hardly outside of that bit. My grandfather was a damn coal mining foreman/musician.

>> No.49706701
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You are retarded if you believe there is a global jewish conglomerate.
However, it is true that jews are people who chase profit regardless of morale and social norms. Their entire value is based on maximizing earnings even if it fucks over everyone else

>> No.49706773

It’s their game. They are a race of rootless cosmopolitan merchants who have been breeding themselves to master the dark arts of usury for 1000 years.
They’ve successfully elevated the merchant class to the highest rung of society, something no traditional society had ever done before. In traditional societies merchants have always remained near the bottom, just above the peasants with warriors, clerics, and nobility all above them. Well they sparked the global revolution to kill all the nobles, corrupted the clerics, and now control the warrior class.

>> No.49706831

Because they won world war 2

>> No.49706845

>6000 years
The Jews of the Old Testament are the Christians of today.
The Jews of today are the descendants of the Pharisees, a minor sect obsessed with inventing rules to follow the letter of the law without following the spirit. After the destruction of the temple which proved beyond a doubt that Christ was the true Messiah their pride forced them to become enemies of God and set themselves against his people(the Christians).

>> No.49706929
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Any ex-retail wagies here know what happens if you refuse to dance?

>> No.49707094

Non meme answer is Jewish culture/religion teaches kids at a young age personal responsibility, especially since boys are considered men at 13.

Compare that to other religions like Christianity, they bitch about rainbow flags, encourage their kids to join the military to "help" foreigners and best case scenario think they are God's gift to the world and become a politician.

>> No.49707109

because they are smart and work hard and tend to help one another

>> No.49707622

>Betrayal genetics
>Whites trusted betrayers to not betray

>> No.49707709

How much Jewish money is spent to encourage/for e rainbow flags in traditionally christian establishments? Is tell Aviv the gayest city in the world? Looks like Christians bitching about trusting some gay peddling betrayers.

>> No.49707905

Manipulation. Always has been.