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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49695746 No.49695746 [Reply] [Original]

>If you earn more than $100,000 per year you're earning more than 95% of Americans
Feels weird. Americans are really high median per Capita income too. That's not even that much money how do people survive

>> No.49695771

In 15 years of working I've never made over $20,000 in a single year

t. Kentucky

>> No.49695808

Do you own anything/Are you happy?

>> No.49695834

In 15 years of not working I've never made over $10,000 in a single year.

t. Basement

>> No.49695877

In 15 years of working I've never made over $5,000 in a single year

T. Sir

>> No.49695912

Fuck. I'm just in the 90s now, by the time I break that 6 digit line inflation is going to have made the achievement fucking hollow

>> No.49695924

I make 85k and my wife makes 35k and we still feel like broke asses despite living and a double wide and both driving 20 year old cars

Still owe like 100k on mortgage, 18k student loans

>> No.49696488

Most people have literally zero savings. Every dollar that comes in on payday goes out the same week. There are levels of realizing you're poor. one when you have to skip meals or your lights get shut off because you let the bill go a week too late. One when you're fed but you have nothing left to blow money on stuff to have fun. One when you've managed to save up here and there over years and it's all wiped out in an instant due to some accident. One when you start putting away 1k a month and find out just how long it can take to get any kind of comfort. One when you hit six figures and realize it's still fucking nothing. Not everybody starts at any of these or reaches all of them but I'm sure basically everyone has hit at least one. It's because everyone isn't gonna make it, the dream is dead, the easy money is dead. You're not going to walk straight up to the boss with a firm handshake and buy a house and support a family on one income. That the good days were just a glitch in the matrix, a preview of a time many years away in the future, accidentally released early, a euphoria bubble that popped, and now back to reality of slow gains over lifetimes not within them

>> No.49697232

Where do you live?

>> No.49697300

Started making 6 figs at 23 and I'm 27 now. It feels weird and I feel this strange sense of guilt and imposter syndrome because every man in my family before me was in blue collar work and never came close to what I'm making. It all feels unearned desu.

>> No.49697309

>you can live happily on a tenth of that, so you save/invest the rest of your income so you can retire early
Thank god for: 1) not being Anthony Burch and 2) not being a stupid fucking retard like OP

>> No.49697394

by not living in nyc/sf and blowing all your money on funkopops/drugs

>> No.49697438

Not sure why desu was thrown in there at the end.

>> No.49697458


>> No.49697461

t,b.h. = desu

>> No.49697470

In 4 days of holding a shitcoin in 2021 I made more than that amount of money.

>> No.49697487

>tfw make 25k euro every year after taxes, and save most of it because I live with my parents who provide housing and cooking

>> No.49698059

Not a newfag, just haven't posted here in ages.
Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.49698124

I make 140 and I still feel broke af.

>> No.49698165

You are a nig desu

>> No.49698186

i believe it. i just recently broke 35k. don't ever work for a family-owned company or a place that always say shit like "we treat you like family here". are always the worst places when it comes to wages.

>> No.49698211

faggoty 4skinz inside joke. just like c u c k = kek....you fucking cuck

>> No.49698222

oh wait a minute

>> No.49698234

I make 150, which felt like a good salary in 2020, but now I feel broke too.

>> No.49698238
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most people just don't understand investing or math. The biggest blackpill I ever had was seeing people struggle in college with basic statistics. college kids are supposed to be like 115 iq average

>> No.49698293

Low cost of living in most of the country. I make $40/hr but don't need to work full time because it is plenty of money for everything I want plus savings. Usually make somewhere in the $50ks where full time would be $83k

>> No.49698310

You have a mortgage on a double wide? Aren't those maybe 50k max?

>> No.49698450

>He thinks anything is cheap
Le plot plus land taxes plus tip plus tax

>> No.49698594

Nice digits, I think it used to be all boards now it's only a few. I'm pretty sure it's still active on /a/ and /jp/ I don't know if there are others

>> No.49698689

it sometimes depends on capitalization

>> No.49699336

There's only so much knowing math and investing can do for you if your problem is you just don't make enough money, and in the good old days our wages relatively speaking were 3-4x higher than they are now

>> No.49699633
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ramseyite detected (based)

>> No.49699764

I made like $240k from my job in the last 12 months. I guess that's the top 5% or so but it doesn't feel like it.

How do normies even live?

>> No.49700037

>Glitch in the matrix
>Tolerating Jewish behavior/representatives
Clearly a glitch in our reality and not a repeating pattern

>> No.49700310
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I've made 300k in the last year just by staking. The initial investment was the money from my wages (part time mcdonalds) but that was only during the first six months or so, once i staked enough i basically made enough from the apy alone to resemble a wage (switched to loveloot, i used to stake in symbiosis at the time, dunno if its still that good) per month. I literally don't know how normies survive

>> No.49700760

I am at 400k, making partner next year, will go closer to 1 mill. Still don’t feel rich, am in cash, will go all into crypto to make real money.