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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4968660 No.4968660 [Reply] [Original]

>Bought 50 LTC @ 38 - HODL
>Bought 10 ETH @ 125 - HODL
>Bought 1,500 ARK @ 0.69 - Sold @ 4.50
>Bought 55 LTC @ 125 - Sold @ 175
>Bought 70 LTC @ 135 - HODL
>Alert set @ $200, sell @ 180, buy @ 125


>Realize I purchased BTC fairly early on
>Waiting all weekend for support to restore old email connected to purchase accounts
>Roughly 2650BTC transaction history
>Restore old laptop, little hope since HDD has had 4+ overwrites
>Find 8 LTC/BTC wallet files, 3 seed files, 2 encrypted banks of passwords ranging in age from 2010-2013, and some mysterious file of an unknown type that I can't find any reference to anywhere simply called 'bitcoins'
>All corrupted to some extent
>tfw spending all day smoking meth and manually surfing/restoring hex.


>also restored an excel workbook with the crypto related files
>pop into it looking for references to addresses through the transactions
>nothing listed, just dates/quantities/what was purchased
>a few minor LTC purchases for trading cards and random garbage
>only one BTC purchase
>800BTC spent on heroic ICC 25 full title run + gear little ways after world first HLK25
>tfw my death knight is worth >$13,000,000
>tfw one or multiple of these butchered files contains ~30million USD.

This weekend has been a comfy one, lads, perhaps even the comfiest. My eyes need a fucking break from mulling over conversion tables. Give me the best of your comfy crypto gains

>may we all make it one day

>> No.4968692

Too long, didn’t read

>> No.4968723

I've smoked 500mg+ of pure dextromethamphetamine in 48 hours what the fuck do you expect, anon

>> No.4968759
File: 189 KB, 484x484, ssswe32r32r32r32r23r23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyy whats good my nigga

>> No.4968994

>tfw the crackback is paper-thin and uniform

thank god for the superpowers of drug use, because I would fucking kill myself before prying through the hex, base58, and various garbled junk in these files sober

>> No.4969098

maybe you are just too fucking high on DXM that you are seeing shit. dumbass

>> No.4969212

op wakes up tomorrow.. he went all in on bitbean and it crashed

>> No.4969264


pure, undiluted aspergers. god you are cringey

>> No.4969426


absolutely pleb tier dissociative choice.

>pure s-isomer ketamine
>mixed meh-tier ketamine
>literally any other research chemical

hello, mr nowallets