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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49673655 No.49673655 [Reply] [Original]

to save the jobs and the economy?

Well that worked out great, didn't it?

>> No.49673698

Yes turns out /pol/ schizos were right and redditor cultists were wrong

>> No.49673731

pol wins again

>> No.49673828

>Remember when we shut down the world for 2 years
I never wanted that shit!

>> No.49673834
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4chan sisters, how do we keep getting away with it???

>> No.49673837
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>2 years
say what now? everything opened back up July 2020

>> No.49673850

Many such cases!
Don't forget thousands in free gibs for everyone. Also,
>remember $600/wk unemployment benefits for retards who never even made that much at work and the democrats trying to say "nah it won't de-incentivize people from returning to work."

>> No.49673873

Nothing really shut down where I live. Stop living in shithole cities. Covid is real though and you're fucking retarded if you think it's not.

>> No.49673878

We shut everything down to save lives, not to save jobs or the economy. Those were the price we paid. Was it a good decision? Hard to say in retrospect, Covid was much more deadly in the beginning.

>> No.49673884

It was only to save fatass boomers for the 100th time, expect it again with bailouts

>> No.49673892

>Well that worked out great, didn't it?
For (((them))) yes, it did

>> No.49673896

no, no I don't seem to remember anything like that
feeling a bit sleepy tho

>> No.49673930

Yes but we made sure that Murial and Grolice lived to see 81 instead of 80 when we protected them from the new flu, so it is all okay. Now shut up and eat the bugs.

>> No.49673964

LMAO, imagine still believing this

>> No.49674009

I told everyone it was insane and retarded and would deeply hurt america.

I lost 99% of the respect I had for humanity over this covid shit.
>yay we don't have to go to work
>yay we can get "free" money from the government
>in fact many of us make MORE staying at home watching Netflix
Its like people have absolutely no idea how anything in this world works
>free money
No such thing. Even printed money comes at a cost (paid for by everyone already holding fiat)

The world we see today is what happens when 95% of people go full-retard

>> No.49674080

bro lets shut down the economy again

>> No.49674087

It accellerated the already enstablished shithole that is corporate america.
>just let the government handle it bro
EVERYONE is like this nowdays and t won't end well.

>> No.49674261

>nah, it won't disincentivize people to work
I was calling this shit out on day 1 of gibs.
>how can anyone possibly say that people getting a RAISE to NOT WORK will have no negative impact on the workforce?
People are so fucking stupid. Of course everyone who was making more on gibs was going to stay on gibs.

Every fucking action our government took in the name of "covid" caused damage to our society.

I know people hate landlords, but implementing policies that make it illegal for landlords to kick out delinquent tenants just made things worse as well.
>you mean....I don't have to pay rent, but I still get to stay here?
This kind of shit tears apart any sort of social contract people had
>all bets are off
>deadbeats are protected
>deadbeats are given free shit anyway

There are so many Americans with poor work ethic, bad morals, and bad planning who OF COURSE took advantage of every scheme that rewarded their bad behavior, and here we are 2 years later and they want us to feel bad for them because they are in a bad spot
>I don't have any money
>I don't have a job
>my health has gotten worse in the last two years
Maybe these fat fucks should've tried to live NORMALLY instead of "new normal"

>> No.49674291

somehow i feel this was the retail money pumping up the market

>> No.49674326

most of europe, australia and asia shutdown fucking amerimutt faggot

>> No.49674333

>covid is real
No it isn't. You're retarded.

The "covid tests" show up as positive even if you just have a common cold caused by a coronavirus.

The testing was always fake and gay, the treatment was always fake and gay, and the "vaccines" are fake and gay

>> No.49674364

Democrats are insane, they used it as an excuse to ruin Trump’s legacy.

>> No.49674438

>we shut everything down to save lives
No we didn't. We shit everything down because boomers are deathly afraid of anything bad ever happening to their generation, and shutting everything down to make boomers less fearful was worth it (to them).

The only people who died of "covid" were fat, unhealthy fucks who were already at risk of all sorts of causes of death. They were knocking on death's door already from being unhealthy.
So the unhealthy fucks died from the flu, while healthy people had their lives upended for 2 years.

nothing about "covid" was ever real, and 100% of everything you've ever heard about it from MSM is fake and gay

>> No.49674443

How is this controversial? Or is this another /pol/ thing where you are contrarian because your life is devoid of meaning?

>> No.49674460

It was. The market rally, the crypto rally, the inflation we now have....all funded by gibs.

>> No.49674500

Remember when the whole world shut down again in late ‘22 because of a “monkey poks”?

>> No.49674501

also everyone """working""" from home, just sitting and using binance and RH as live casino

>> No.49674516

Wait fuck what year is it??

>> No.49674529

Checked trips of truth. Even the CDC announced last August that the PCR tests threw a positive for "COVID" if you had the flu.

>> No.49674533
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Trump was in power when the shutdowns and handouts started......

>> No.49674570

Oh fuck I forgot all about the anti-eviction laws. Yeah that was shit. Like listen nigger, youre making $600/wk in gibs which is twice what you were making before and now suddenly you cant afford your rent? Get the fuck out of here. Maybe next time people will learn to save for a rainy day instead of blowing all their money on Starbucks, Funko Pops, and Marvel merchandise. I know they won't learn their lesson, but it's nice to think they would.

>> No.49674581

look, im not a vaccine fan or something but covid was real as in people got infected and some long term

HOWEVER This did not justify shutting down anything, but being some poltard about it isn't right either

>> No.49674631

And Biden came in, stole the thunder and increased everything exponentially while Blaming Trump for everything.

>> No.49674658

It has nothing to do with contrarianism, you retard. It has everything to do with covid being fake and gay.

Same as this "transgender epidemic" going on right now.
We don't actually have "transgenderism" going on; what we have is adults psychologically abusing children and using their power as adults to steer kids towards what they think will make their mentally ill parents happy
>mentally ill parent insists their boy wear dresses and play with dolls
>shows obvious disappointment every time the boy does something boy-ish
>shows obvious approval whenever the boy does something feminine
It's abuse.

You were convinced of something that isn't real so they could abuse you. Covid is as fake and gay as trannies

>> No.49674674

>unhealthy fucks
Are you including your parents, grandparents and predisposed friends and family in this group? Are you saying they should have all died so we have more money to buy netflix subscriptions with? I know you just want to be contrarian for the sake of it, but your line of reasoning is pretty weak.

>> No.49674689

it was a state decision to shut down

>> No.49674706

It's funny how Florida kept low infection rates even after opening back up earlier than anyone. Almost like the pandemic was a complete scam and planned.

>> No.49674738

and who was the executive of the states...?

>> No.49674796

>incoherent rambling
Ok, I see. I hope you can make peace with yourself, the world isn't as terrible as you might think.

>> No.49674837


>> No.49674899

>incoherent rambling
No part of that is incoherent, you drooling retard.
My target audience is people with an IQ above 100. You are not my target audience. Move along, retard.

>> No.49674965

....are you....are you retarded? The executive of a state is a governor..... let me guess.... europoor?

>> No.49675151

Yeah, I went from 50% distrust in the government/media to 100% distrust and nothing will change my mind.

>> No.49675322

Giving older generations' prosperity at the expense of younger generations is stupid and a philosophy that leads to societal collapse every time it's done.

>> No.49675357

Ah, so you are either very alone, a psychopath, a liar or any combination thereof. Try working out, it'll give you an outlet for your anger.

>> No.49675402

but you allowed it, which makes you a culprit

>> No.49675429

None of the above.
I live with my parents and just passed 200k saved up for a house. Their unhealthy choices are their own.

How does it feel to be a retarded faggot who is wrong about everything? You haven't even come close to being right about anything in this thread. Not even close.

>> No.49675437

Fuck boomers.
Fuck kikes.
Fuck niggers.
Fuck bankers.
Fuck politicians.
Fuck kikes.

>> No.49675444

Rich boomers did it to save other senile boomers hamstringing every other generation financially for the next decade+

>> No.49675469

Corona is a common cold, retard.

>> No.49675480

wonder when people will start questioning why the economy was shut down over a virus that hardly kills anyone. then forced people to take an untested vaccine that doesn’t work.

>> No.49675485

Remember when you posted this stupid fucking thread and wasted everyone's damn time? How did that go for you? I could have bought more HBAR in these 2 minutes I spent shitting on you. Someone had to do it. Look into the HBAR foundation boys.

>> No.49675487

>try working out
Been working out for over 20 years. It's why I've never been fat and have no respect for those who are. It's almost like you would die if you typed a single sentence that didn't make you sound like a retarded faggot

>> No.49675496

Kill yourself.

>> No.49675511

If it was only about money, I'd agree. But we had to weigh lives against money, not an easy call to make. If your parents got sick today, how much money would you be willing to spend to give them a fighting chance? $1000? $10000?

>> No.49675515

>your life is devoid of meaning?

>> No.49675522

It doesn’t matter though because Florida is still part of the US economy and the US economy fucked itself. You’re still dealing with the inflation, energy shortages, and food shortages like everyone else. Also, your gun laws are dogshit.

>> No.49675552

Hoy shit are there really people that still think COVID was some serious deadly virus? Flu disappearing and "health experts" backing protestors didn't clue you retards enough? My governor literally violated all of her COVID orders to march for George Floyde

>> No.49675555

I for one don't care about America.

>> No.49675571
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>> No.49675597

I still have my $1500 stimmy in the stock market and it went up to $3k then down to $1200 after taking profits. Now it’s at $2500.

Get fucked

>> No.49675605

>corona is a common cold, you retard
Holy shit, you're a fucking retard.

>me: coronaviruses include the cold/flu
>you: corona is a common cold, you retard
Call your mom and see how proud she is that her son woke up retarded today.

I'm the one who fucking said coronaviruses are colds/flus.

People tested positive for "covid" because they had a flu/cold.

"Covid" is fake and gay. The cold/flu is not. Be smarter next time

>> No.49675625

My 85 y/o obese grandfather with diabetes caught the China flu and recovered. So I'd spend $0, tell my parents to exercise, go outside and leave it up to their immune system.

>> No.49675631

Are you fucking stupid? If I was 63 years old and my options were "risk getting sick and having a 5% chance of dying, or ruining my kids and their kids financial futures" the decision would be easy for me NOT to support lockdowns

>> No.49675663

I got covid twice, it's a fucking flu bro..
>Muh pol.
Kill yourself.
>Are you including your parents, grandparents and predisposed friends and family in this group? Are you saying they should have all died so we have more money to buy netflix subscriptions with?
Yes, my grandmother died anyway, she was born in 1945 anyway.
Dumb fuck. Fuck my mother and father too.

>> No.49675680

It was always the dumb choice. Once we knew who was at risk, a small minority of the population, they should have been advised to self-quarantine while the rest of the world went on with their lives. Some people will always be at bigger risk of disease, it's just life.

>> No.49675699

No, it was like 900 plus a week, meanwhile I was working 50 to 60 hours a week manual labour.

>> No.49675706

>the world isn’t as terrible as you might think
It’s significantly worse. You’re a fucking retard that should kys

>> No.49675707

>wonder when
People are too stupid and too much time has passed.
What do you think the Russian "war" is about?
>distracts people from all the shit going on in America
>economic problems in America can retroactively be blamed on Russia
By the time this Russian shit is over with there will be 0% chance of the population giving a shit about the covid bullshit.

They just drag us from one psyop to another. No downtime. No lag. Just psyop to psyop.

>> No.49675720

Better get some new buzzwords because that one is getting old.

>> No.49675746

Are you saying that because I support the actions taken by most developed nations I am contrarian myself, because I disagree with your poorly constructed narrative? That doesn't make any sense, a property shared with your arguments.

>> No.49675749

They didn't do it to save jobs and the economy, they did it to "save lives".

>> No.49675757

More people die to alcohol, cigarettes and cars than any flu ever did.
Don't even get me started on abortions.

>> No.49675763

No we didn’t. The same people died. More people will now die and the economic futures of multiple generations are ruined. Fuck you. Die slow.

>> No.49675768


Northeastoids still invented fanfiction about how they were really all dying and imploding down there even as they booked their vacations to Disney and the beaches. Some people are really strange.

>> No.49675793

>I support things that didn’t work and had a net negative impact because other people did it too!
You are so fucking stupid.

>> No.49675803

>very alone, a psychopath, a liar or any combination thereof.
You're such a fucking beta male.
I used to work out, I stopped because it was boring.
Still angry as always, lifting did nothing to help that, made it worse actually.
My fucking God, slice your fucking throat.

>> No.49675844

Literally "I am a sheep and I trusted cable news"

>> No.49675853

>it was more like 900
People use the 600 number because its the only one that is the same.
Federal = 600
State = ?

So people say 600 knowing that there is also an amount from the state being added on

>meanwhile I worked manual labor
I worked throughout "covid" and never got gibs.
You want to know what the most insulting part was, that no one talks about?
At the end of 2020 or beginning of 2021 congress retroactively made all gibs tax-free.
So normally those gibs would've at least been taxed just like if they had worked for their money. So not only did these people get free money, they paid no taxes on it while the people who actually worked still paid taxes.
People still don't understand just how horribly our government treated workers during covid. We absolutely got shit on in every way

>> No.49675867

You actually sound like a bitch that has no sense of the worth of life. You either never felt real pain or too much which in turn wrecked you.

>> No.49675978

>Johns Hopkins confirms 0.2% change in death counts from lockdown policies
>"Unintended" consequences, from developmental issues in children to impending total financial catastrophe, pile up higher and higher every day
There is no mystery anymore. It was a terrible idea. We told you it was a terrible idea. We told you the upside was dubious at best and the downsides would be legion. You did not listen. You have no right to be surprised or feign ignorance. Just admit that you were dead wrong in a horrible way, and atone by turning on the schemers who led you astray.

>> No.49676254

The economy isn't real

All these make believe made up jobs just fuel the problem

You need a car so you can go and buy l you're fake clothes to work in your fake job to pay for the meals to work your fake job... Etc

>> No.49676430

This. The whole thing is tragic, but everyone for fell for the covid psyop should keep their mouth shut until the day they die.
It was an obvious scam, and anyone with a brain was against it. There should be no mercy for those who supported covid policies.

>> No.49676502

It was a beta/stress/shit test. Literally every country cucked

>> No.49676683
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Never going to forget the people who supported shit like this. Or let people forget that it happened.

>> No.49676722
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>> No.49676738
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>For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: "/pol/ was right again"

>> No.49676880

pointless comment before impending doom

>> No.49677055

Forgive them if they wise up. You'll only push them into the arms of the "leaders" who are "on their side" all the harder if you don't.

>> No.49677081

Fuck up the """supply chain""" for decades to give senile old boomers 5 more years of burning their child's inheritance on vacation, what could go wrong?

>> No.49677104

Not only that but there are 50% MORE excess deaths from non-covid causes than excess deaths due to covid since the beginning of the pandemic. So faggots like this >>49674674 are saying "fuck all those people who missed checkups and surgeries, fuck all those people who lost their jobs then lost their shit in isolation and killed themselves, fuck all those people who starved in the third world, my HECKIN GRANDMA was at risk of getting a cold that had up to a 5% chance to kill people like her who have already outlived the average life expectancy!"

>> No.49677111

Agreed. Forgiving people that realize their mistake is good. And be open to letting people admit their mistake later. Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across, etc.

>> No.49677352

Why not stay in your echo chamber where everybody agrees with your opinion? I get it, if life passes you by while you wither away in front of your screen then nothing affects you all that much, so a pandemic must be a great inconvenience. It probably even was a gift in disguise, as it provided another rallying point for the unwashed edgy horde of /pol/. If you think being part of that will make you happy, then feel free. But don't bring your (merited, I'm sure) self hatred to other boards because you can't even stand your own community.

>> No.49677436
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>> No.49677633

no need. he can stay here where the vast majority also share his opinions. you are the only exception since you have sub 70 iq

>> No.49677706

>Why not stay in your echo chamber where everybody agrees with your opinion?
indeed, go back to r*ddit

>> No.49677714

now i'm mad

>> No.49677834

Is John Hopkins part of the unwashed edgy horde of /pol/? Is that why they came out denouncing lockdowns unambiguously as a bad policy move that should be "rejected outright" in their words? Why don't you trust the Science?

>> No.49677852

>Echo chamber
I'm not sure you know what that word means. Also it's ironic considering I'm sure 100% of your beliefs surrounding COVID were aligned with "Facebook fact checkers"

>> No.49677903
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>> No.49678022

Well when you say it like that...

>> No.49678066

Did I talk to you? Ah, you are coming to the aid of your friend in need, very noble of you. Maybe you can wear some of the third reich memorabilia knockoffs that you hide in your closet so mom doesn't find them when you make out, if they still fit your deformed bodies that is.

>> No.49678144

you do know this board has IDs right plebbitor?

>> No.49678177

>Why not stay in your echo chamber where everybody agrees with your opinion?
hohoho the irony here

>> No.49678180

did I talk to you? 1pbtid phoneposting retard

>> No.49678183

Yeah anyway I'm glad I'm not a dumbfuck piece of shit that demanded lockdowns

>> No.49678307

wouldnt be surprised if more people died due to shutdowns than got saved, aftermath will get worse with every passing year too cause a lot of people will end up much worse economically and mental state because of those retarded lockdowns and recession it caused

>> No.49678472

>Uh sweaty that’s incoherent because I said so OK!?

His point is clearly laid out is his post you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.49678560

I quit going to /pol/ after I realized 90% of the threads are blatant shilling of unvaxx narratives to no end.
I was there a lot in the summer and the unvaxxed community was a major factor in my decision to not come here anymore. Vaxxtards did to an extent as well but UNVAXXEDtards are worse.
Someone could give a long drawn out and factually accurate explanation of what would have to happen for the Vaccine to even kill a hundred thousand and why it was fraudulent. The post would get a dozen responses of
>stay vaxxed
>when you know you know
>he doesn’t know
>keep coping faggot
>you'll drop dead by next month
>100% eoy everybody dies
Or some equally long schizo post explaining numerology, using bible scripture and random posts here explaining how by the end of year deaths we'll be in the billions.
Here we are.
After seeing the dump in cases today I went there just to watch the seething and suicide letters. It’s beyond EOY, the vaxxed didn’t die (fortunately), no more use cases and all the dirty laundry is out in the air now.
It’s not the AIDS apocalypse, it will not be the End Times Zombie apocalypse. The world will not be dropping dead (as was obsessed over for months/years) it will be going on as usual with no major happenings or events.
I will enjoy watching unvaxxtards burn every step along the way.
Because those fucking idiots deserve it all.

>> No.49678578

No doubt life expectancy will take a big hit from the added stress alone

>> No.49678615

IFL science trannies are a scourge on humanity

>> No.49678650
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>Vax companies try to hide findings through the courts for 75 years
>still believes what he sees through media

>> No.49678663

I didn't take the vax and I am still alive, let me tell you something, literally all institutions, businesses etc dropped the mandates, it was all a an act.

>> No.49678711

Life has been slavery for decades, may as well take advantage of the slavers as much as possible.
Who will the populous rage at I wonder.

>> No.49678796

Not even the most insane ramblings of the extreme vax-skeptic fringes are as intellectually egregious as the mainstream literally re-writing the entire sales pitch for the drugs *after* they were already in everyone's bodies imo. Those people had an actual responsibility, and they utterly failed to fulfil it.

>> No.49678836

Red alerts were going off in my head the second that it became apparent that home leechers were making more money off free gibs than the supposed "heroic front line workers" keeping the grocery stores etc running.

>> No.49678966

Most people are retards and will not understand the consequences generated by the lockdowns. The price for saving grandma and grandpa is going to have an impact of 30+ years and millions of deaths.

>> No.49679018

>/pol/ is just far right chuds, sweatie

>> No.49679020

I loved it. It let us WFH. I was hoping munki pocks would bring more of the same but, alas, not yet.

>> No.49679145
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For letting us work from home....THANK YOU CORONA-CHAN!
For McDonalds and KFC starting home deliveries...THANK YOU CORONA-CHAN!
For less annoying people on the streets and trains, and everyone keeping their distance....THANK YOU CORONA-CHAN!

>> No.49679613

The human cost of lockdowns will always be greater than any benefit.
Kids are stunted. They are also disillusioned or brainwashed. Either they got blackpilled about retarded adults while still kids, or they followed in their parents footsteps and became little bootlickers. They can't talk, they don't know how to play. They are scared and anxious. They are behind academically.

There are tons of people in their 20s who lost all work ethic and have decided to go the parasite/leach path and will vote accordingly.
There are tons of people in their 30s and 40s who lost accumulated wealth and had careers stall.

Just imagine the whole country as a board game, and (((someone))) comes along and gives it a good shake. Absolute fucking mess.

>> No.49679828

holy shit, look at the size of that honker.

>> No.49679836

Those leaches also got a special tax exemption that workers didn't get.

>did you stay at home and collect benefits while watching Netflix?
If yes, you didn't have to pay taxes.

>were you a heroic front-line worker who kept showing up to work while your friends and neighbors stayed home collecting gibs?
If yes, thank you for paying your taxes and being a good citizen. All work must be taxed.

>> No.49679917

>save the jobs and the economy?

>> No.49680300

For a fuckin cold.

>> No.49681569

Undefeated. Leftists hemorrhaging their portfolios is literally my brains go to dopamine hit everyday.

You'd think it would get old but it's been like half a year and shits like crack b.

>> No.49681608

>I left /pol/ after I got the vaxx despite knowing it was a rushed and poorly tested product and they kept triggering my anxieties
>antivaxx people are mean so I hope they burn they deserve it!!!
>red deer picture was wrong so the vaxx was ok after all!

>> No.49681679

Remember when people had their doors kicked in because they dared have friends or family round?

Remember when you all got 3 "vaccines" for the flu like a bunch of willing guinea pigs?

But do you remember why? Do you remember what you were being distracted from?

>> No.49682289

i remember and i won’t forget.

>> No.49682639
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It was the worst thing that happened knowing that covid is not that lethal in reality, just some media hyping them like morons. I'll just gamble the rest of my money with the upcoming Equilibrium's orderbook DEX with 20x lev in the future burn some funds.

>> No.49683756

It will be forever in my memories, only if some influencers just used their money to donate on charities we won't get this poor. But in crypto, micro influencers are the best bet for promoting projects which could get 4x better than normal ones according to KOLnet.

>> No.49683833

Japan STILL isnt open (for foreigners), cant enter burgerland without vaxxpass either

>> No.49683886

At least your parents are alive dumb ass

>> No.49684361

It worked for most people acutally
>Deffered student loans
>"Essential workers" got a pay raise
>Bitcoin spiked
>Corona relief checks paid atleast 1 month rent on average
>Restaurants pretty much gave food away and started delivering alchohol.
>Gas was cheap due to no one driving
>Poor people couldn't get evicted and the government paid landlords
>Everywhere was cleaner
>Small business got a years worth of revenue in one check (PUA and PPP)

Rich people saw poor people winning and wanted the money back. We didn't fail organically.

>> No.49684534


>> No.49684688

>Killed work from home while gas prices rose
>Some landlods refused the government money to increae rent
>Created new IRS branch to get PPP loans back and investigate small business
>Crypto regulations and crash
>Essential workers fired for not getting forced vaccine (lower wages for new hires)
>Biden gave junkies needles and made it dirty again
>Blamed PUA and corona checks on low hiring rates
>Student loan defferment ended with increased interest rate
>Increased property tax Jan 2022

Rich people hate us.

>> No.49684738
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Kinda tiring to see that these politicians are just making their countries like a board game. Why they just not support NFT community and mint their ugly faces. Lol, or even join on Honeyland Honeyverse and put themselves into 8 different universes.

>> No.49686228

>Kids are stunted
I get this impression on here as well

>> No.49687286
File: 63 KB, 798x244, 089080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW /pol/ being right wasn't just a meme

>> No.49688177

>>Student loan defferment ended with increased interest rate
No it didn't.

>> No.49688674

nobody dies because the market is going down, covid is deadly however

>> No.49688957

This was a good thing. It accelerated the inevitable. This upcoming crash has been a product of 60 years of globalist policy making.

>> No.49689005

>Japan STILL isnt open (for foreigners), cant enter burgerland without vaxxpass either
No one cares about nuked land.

>> No.49689028

Here, let me post it again...
>there are 50% MORE excess deaths from non-covid causes than excess deaths due to covid since the beginning of the pandemic. So faggots like this (You) are saying "fuck all those people who missed checkups and surgeries, fuck all those people who lost their jobs then lost their shit in isolation and killed themselves, fuck all those people who starved in the third world, my HECKIN GRANDMA was at risk of getting a cold that had up to a 5% chance to kill people like her who have already outlived the average life expectancy!"

>> No.49689095
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I’m tired of being right, especially about what happens next. I hope you faggots got /fit/ or trained your body to survive on minimal calories.

>> No.49689218

all investments went up for 2 years so in a way yes it went great

>> No.49689593

>Japan STILL isnt open (for foreigners)
Who cares?
>cant enter burgerland without vaxxpass either
You can, but stay the fuck out regardless

>> No.49689744
File: 207 KB, 1200x1114, 1630702640942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is always right, save the scizoposters

>> No.49690054

This is why I was unironically on board with retards supporting covid lockdowns, it's just accelerating the inevitable demise of this horrible system we're enslaved to

>> No.49690246

please anon, tell me how the world works. because all i saw was "essential workers" (minimum wagies) having to work during a pandemic while getting underpaid...

>> No.49690294

>accelerating the demise of a system you hate
>is mad about that
i think you're confused anon

>> No.49690313

>tell me how the world works
>because all I saw is what you mentioned
What a weird reply.

>> No.49690410

Acceleration is a shitty meme.
>let's just make life more miserable indefinitely
You don't understand just how bad and for how long things can stay shitty. You think you are supporting the end of a shitty system, but you are actually just supporting increasing how miserable everyone is until they die.
Things can continue to get worse for many generations and you can easily die 100 years before the system collapses. All you'd end up supporting is your own suffering and that of others.
>let's make things worse so they'll get better
How about we skip the making things worse part and go straight to making things better. So far accelerationists have been 100% wrong

>> No.49690493

confirmed retard. ngmi

>> No.49691090

See, here's where your retarded logic falls apart. We supposedly locked down "for the greater goot" of these people, but the result is now that everything is literally worse for everyone, negating any "greater good" benefits, just like every single other time in history.
You're retarded and should feel bad.

>> No.49691108

Many such cases.

>> No.49691130

its the other way around newfag, it's the schizoposters who are right

>> No.49691754

no the flat earthers are literally just well-poisoners

>> No.49691835

"Making things worse makes things better."
- You

When you want your food heated up, do you stick it in the freezer? When you want food to be cooled do you throw it in the oven?

When I made shitty choices my life got worse, and when I made good choices my life got better. How fucking retarded do you have to be to think the opposite is true?

>> No.49692336

Epstein Maxwell Mossad pedo blackmail of influential politicians, judges, ceos, royalty, academics and media figures

>> No.49692456

>to save lives
Wrong, the original pitch from government was to "flatten the curve", remember that? I do. It wasn't to save lives, it was to not overrun hospitals. The amount of people (mostly elderly) who died were always going to die, there was no fight to win, or battle to be fought, only an attempt at mitigating spread.

>> No.49692735

Thank you for saving my 93 year old COPD grandfather. Because of your efforts he lived 4 months longer and died of smoking instead of chinese bat rabies. God bless you.

>> No.49692801

i rented an apartment last year in miami that was $2.3k/mo and is being listed for $4.8k now, you got problems down there

>> No.49692998
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Yes, after that Biden and his army of trannies came and destroyed everything

>> No.49693071
File: 48 KB, 447x458, 1645151861987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't live in Miami and I don't rent
If jew yorkers want to pay $4,800/mo, then let them
Florida stops at the Bee Line

>> No.49693127

the schizoposters have the intelligence to make the most profound connections and are literally always right

>> No.49693137
File: 293 KB, 780x537, 1654462134593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the moment Walter White became Heisenberg.

There are actually real people who are brainwashed, not even by ((them)) but by themselves. I do think people like this user one day (probs from reading this board) will unwind from that thinking & will have a unique insight into their tactics.

>> No.49693544

As always

>> No.49693609

Who types shit like this? Get laid loser

>> No.49693657

I remember. I will never forget. My parents grew up during the Cultural Revolution in China, growing up I never really understood how people can discend into insanity like that until now.

The last two years have hardened my soul and resolve. Before 2020 I was content to live the rest of my life, comfortable but without purpose and meaning. I now know what I believe in and I know what is right and wrong with this world.

I never had much respect for normies even before but now that feeling is crystallized and articulate. Most people really are just chattel to the authority. Lacking even rudimentary volition and spiritual strength. Milgram experiment was absolutely right.

>> No.49693971

I want to burn car tires again

>> No.49694071

cryptoberg invests in memecoins again, big deal

>> No.49694216

The bastard is investing in qom wanting to take revenge against Gustav shib, he's the real man who provides.

>> No.49694461

The more I think about the more I think this is the correct explanation. Boomers are the only group it's a little dangerous for. they literally sold the youths future to extend their retirement and control for a few years.