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File: 105 KB, 887x756, 1_0MIAo4q2Ms5uK78NURUVyg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49671985 No.49671985 [Reply] [Original]

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be
thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our
daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


>> No.49672041

Glory to God in the highest

>> No.49672074
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>> No.49672215
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Uh-oh the religitards have awoken. Reported to mental asylum for mentally ill cringe.

>> No.49672362

I recite this and my fiance recites the hail mary every night, and then we pray together before we go to bed. No matter what bitcoin does, I truly feel like I have made it in spirit bros.

>> No.49672415

You forgot the,
>For yours is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever.

>> No.49672432

Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.

Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven. Especially those in most need of Your mercy.

>> No.49672597
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Even as a never baptized atheist, watching Beyond Human made me appreciate that prayer a lot and recite it daily. It's on Vimeo, check it out.

>> No.49672700
File: 42 KB, 334x506, PepeSuit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most based thread ever to have come to /biz/. Christ is King

>> No.49672757
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I only pray to be worthy of my ancestors’ deeds when my time comes.

>> No.49672841

Hail Christ

>> No.49673865
File: 167 KB, 960x1664, 1631794986222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So your text is christcuckery and your daddy is Yahweh. Got it.

>> No.49673914
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>> No.49673987
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>> No.49674424
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>t. Cohen

>> No.49674620

Spotted the faggot
Sodomy is a grave sin

>> No.49674931

this man is more based than you will ever be, kissless faggot

>> No.49675084
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>t. other side of the psyop

Religion doesn't matter so long as Europe is united against the Jew.

>> No.49675212


>> No.49675217

I will take my crypto money, and use it to build a cathedral to the glory of God.

>> No.49675313


cringe, imagine being so stupid to aggressively shill the lie that the Holy Bible is judaic.

shite like this made my path to becoming Christian again a lot harder because I believed the kike slander and knew nothing about the bible vs talmud. edomites always screwing up the narrative. Christ is King!

>> No.49675435

Unfortunately, some anons have decided that Christianity is too mainstream and to be extra unique and special they need to pretend to worship Woden instead.

>> No.49675440


Do you have any proofs of that?

>> No.49675488

Scientists and experts.

>> No.49675489

thanks man I needed that. Praise the Lord

>> No.49675518

Friendly reminder that YHWH = Satan and the OT worships a desert spirit that asks for blood sacrifices.

Jesus Christ didn't say much but his message was basically: This world isn't my kingdom, it's Satan's kingdom, loving this world is wrong, and ascending above the physical is what we should focus on.

>> No.49675535

Q: How many Protestants does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: The don’t because they prefer to live in darkness.

>> No.49675682

It’s literally written by Jews and half of it (the bigger one) is a holy jewish book you pathetic nigger

>> No.49675717
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Greetings, Cohen.

>> No.49675729

>it’s because it’s mainstream, not because history of unnecessary disasters and divisions caused to Aryans that almost got them extinct in their own land
literal sjw/jew tier pilpul

>> No.49675788
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Stoos Switzerland

>> No.49675872
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Friendly reminder that God (ᚷᛟᛞ) is the stolen name of Godan (ᚷᛟᛞᚨᚾ). Jew missionaries originated the idea to steal Godan's name in order to eradicate the native Germanic religion by tricking the Native European people into signing over their souls to the jewish god Yahweh (יהוה). Early Christian converts were told to use Godan's name (God: ᚷᛟᛞ), in order to supplant their Native religion with the new Judaic sect that worships Yahweh.

God is not Yahweh and Yahweh is not God. Yahweh's name (יהוה) isn't God (ᚷᛟᛞ). Godan is the only god whose name is God (ᚷᛟᛞ). Yahweh and Godan are two very different gods from two different continents. The Middle Eastern Yahweh (יהוה) is not a god of European origin, unlike Godan, who is. Neither is Godan the god of the Bible, the jewish god Yahweh is.

Godan/Goden (which is what the Lombards called him) comes from Wodan/Woden (which still today is Oden in Swedish), which is Odin. In proto-Germanic it's Wodanaz. In modern German it's Wotan. "D" and "T" are very close in many European languages, and the "d" in "Odin" is the Nordic letter ð (as in Óðinn) which is a mixture of "D" and "T". For D=T see also: archive.is/nck73 -- which is why it's Wotan in German, and hence why it's Gott instead of God (so Gott Mit Uns = Odin With Us).

Curiously when the name of the jew-god Yahweh is spoken in Japan, it sounds similar to "Yabē yo" (ヤベーよ) which means "it's bad/dangerous".

>> No.49675921

he's right though, unfortunately.

OT tells the story of an angry, petty and vengeful childish "god" that needs blood sacrifices.

NT tells the story of how Jesus Christ's sacrifice overcame (NOT renewed/supported) the laws of the OT created by YHWH/Satan.

But the NT is a twisted interpretation of Christ's original message.

This is a /pol/ JIDF shill >>49675872

>> No.49676028
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Or people are reading it wrong because of Jewish mistranslations. I agree the bible is no longer safe to follow, but it's because of subversion. Find God but not organised religion.

>> No.49676059
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>> No.49676098
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>> No.49676191


small brain takes.

the jews you think you're talking about aren't even jews. I'd bother trying to educate if yalls attitude wasnt so peepeepoopoo

I'll just say the jews of today are literally edomites, many terms in the bible don't mean what you think they mean. I bet yall think israelite means jew. really, the best weapon the kikes ever pursued was subverting Christianity. those who hate our lord and savior are spiritually zionists and frankly doomed unless you get right with God

>> No.49676255

Our Father, who art in the heavens, hallowed be
thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our
daily bread and forgive us our debts as we
forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.


Only Eastern Orthodox Christians will be saved

>> No.49676274
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>> No.49676314


>> No.49676326

Please learn how to state your points concisely. Otherwise I have to assume you're a jew.

>> No.49676351
File: 749 KB, 1079x873, 1629917532505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero arguments against the information contained in the images so pretending I didn't even post them. Learn to read.

>> No.49676363


>> No.49676372
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>> No.49676504
File: 27 KB, 802x212, 1636514898779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you oppose the jews and their poisons, then you are a faggot
Hello JlDF.

> Himmler: "I recently said to a Hitler Youth leader: "You're usually so un-Christian ... The entire substance of the priesthood and of the whole of Christianity is an erotic union of men for the erection and maintenance of a 2000-year old Bolshevism ... The Roman emperors, who eradicated the first Christians, did exactly the same thing we're doing with the Communists."

> Himmler: "We do not have it as easy as our ancestors .. They sunk homosexuals into the swamps ... In ninety out of a hundred cases when a body is found in a swamp, it's a a homosexual who with his robe and all was sunk in the swamp. That was not a penalty, but rather just the extinction of an abnormal life, that had to be removed. As we pull out nettles and throw them in a pile and burn them. There was no feeling of revenge, but the person in question had to go."

Full speech in English: https://archive.is/JlkBd
Full speech in German: https://files.catbox.moe/5v3ypy.pdf

Picrel related.

>> No.49676520

No, learn how to be concise with your thoughts and arguments instead of image dumping.
Surely you're not so stupid that you don't know how to paraphrase?

>> No.49676568
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And here is the Hitler Youth pic featured in that screenshot, plus others. This is the Hitler Youth.
> Himmler: "I recently said to a Hitler Youth leader: "You're usually so un-Christian"

>> No.49676741
File: 1.28 MB, 1544x5888, 1639426138346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the pro-Christian pro-Islam YHWH tranny jew.

>> No.49676744


Saved all. Good stuff. Anyone who is of good character and wants to seek the truth cannot argue these facts. They will either come to our Lord or continue to slander through blind hatred. Their thoughts are of the devil and their memes stale and gay. Forgive them for they know not what they say. Christ is King!

>> No.49676784
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Note that these screenshots were put together by a Native European Pagan, as is highlighted in this pic.

>> No.49676819
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>> No.49676953
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Regarding the jew practice of Scheinkampf, as mentioned in this pic: >>49676741

>> No.49677024
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>preventing the racial awakening of the peoples

That is the reason behind the Christianization of Europe by the jews and why they so fervently promote Christianity on 4chan.

>> No.49677134
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>> No.49677193
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In pre-semitic aka pre-christian times, when our culture was still fully native, we Europeans used to punish people engaging in unnatural sexual acts by stripping them of all their belongings and drowning them in swamps.

And why specifically drowned in swamps, why not buried in the ground? Because that's how dishonorable and disgusting it was seen as. People didn't want to contaminate the soil with the flesh of someone who had engaged in such dishonorable and unnatural acts. And they thought such an individual deserved ONLY a dishonorable death and a dishonorable burial - since he had lived a dishonorable life.

There was also an important religious reason: all Europeans believed in reincarnation, and the purpose and function of burial mounds were that the individual who reincarnated would in his new life find his grave and open it and see his remains and to touch the items (the weapon and the clothes etc) which he used in a previous life, and from that experience awaken the memories of his past life. That's also why faggots were drowned in swamps. To make sure such he would not find his grave and recall his life. Because what good would it do for someone to remember a life so dishonorable and worthless?

The idea acts of faggotry could be seen as "okay" was introduced with the arrival of christianity, a jewish religion. Faggotry was very common amongst the priests and monks. For some related info, read Himmler's 1937 speech about faggotry: https://archive.is/JlkBd

Throughout history, jews have always spread, popularized and "normalized" sexual degeneracy and perversions, in order to weaken the fabric of the society of their enemies. Undermining society and destroying the strength of families by attacking human sexuality and distorting and corrupting it is one of the most commonly used tactics the jews employ in their war against the goyim.

>> No.49677262
File: 331 KB, 810x810, 1647216025877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O Blessed Father Yahweh! God of the Jews! How many baby foreskins do you demand we sacrifice to you this week?

>> No.49677336
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>And why specifically drowned in swamps, why not buried in the ground?
"This difference in the methods of execution is not meaningless, the idea being that crimes should be made a public example of, but that abominations should be buried out of sight."
—Tacitus, "Germania"

>Also Tacitus:
"Though repressed, this destructive superstition (Christianity) erupted again, not only through Judea which was the origin of this evil but also through the city of Rome to which all that is horrible and shameful floods together and is celebrated."


>> No.49677379
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>> No.49677566

Lmao that’s the complete opposite of the truth. Paganism embraced faggotry and and the Semitic religions have always been and will always be super anti-faggotry

>> No.49677613
File: 1.28 MB, 1064x1500, 1643509022497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jesus character (son of the jew-god Yahweh), if he ever existed, was clearly not named Jesus. He was named Yeshua, a jew name. The name Jesus was invented to make it all seem less jewy. Same reason why Jesus is depicted differently throughout the world; the jews adapt their poison to the culture/society they spread it to, in order to increase the likelihood the native population swallows it. Extremely related (video showcasing the various international depictions of the Jesus character): https://files.catbox.moe/fw56fl.mp4

>> No.49677652
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Hello Greenberg!

>> No.49677731
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>> No.49677786
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>> No.49677820
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>> No.49677877
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Here is a German 1942 edition of Kurt Eggers' "Thoughts of Great Heretics", which contains quotes from Nietzsche: https://files.catbox.moe/rm6kyx.pdf

>(the only English translation, picrel, is completely messed up and looks like a computer translation)

>> No.49677924
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And these are the Nietzsche pages from the book.

>> No.49677968
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>> No.49678047
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>> No.49678123
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>> No.49678156
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>> No.49678199
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>> No.49678244


>On the Genealogy of Morals
>A Polemical Tract
>Friedrich Nietzsche

>First Essay
>Good and Evil, Good and Bad

>Second Essay
>Guilt, Bad Conscience and Related Matters

>Some Observations on Nietzsche

>> No.49678393
File: 3.71 MB, 1200x3568, 1629023368212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only Eastern Orthodox Christians will be saved
Translation: Coca Cola and RC Cola are bad for you, but Pepsi is good for you. Most flavors of cyanide is bad for you, except this particular version I'm shilling right now; that one is good for you.

>> No.49678439
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>> No.49678505
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>> No.49678592
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Christianity is the eternal protector and enabler of the jews.

>> No.49678638
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Always was, as it's what it was designed to be.

>> No.49678693

Then our ancestors found God, and rose above the infighting of high-time-preference barbarism and achieved the highest heights of European civilization. The Oak is felled, the traditions are dead, the chain broken, you have not been Initiated into them and never will be. It's over.

>> No.49678715
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> How to defeat Jews and how not to:

> Short documentary about the spread of the Jews before and during the Viking age:

> 16 Facts about Christianity

> The Spread of Christianity from Year 314 to 580

> Servants of Satan

> Family Values in Christianity?

> About Christianity as a Wall against Islam

> Interview with a Christian Nationalist

> Europe Unified under Christianity (Deus Vult!)

> "Welcome Christianity!"

> About pre-Christian European Morals

> "Christian" Values

> Has Europe really ever been Christian?

> A video addressed directly to Christians and Muslim Turks

> When Christians Shat themselves to Death

> Hebrew vs European Worldwiew

> About the European Worldwiew

>> No.49678771
File: 97 KB, 1080x1080, 867399da5f45de70e32a1a5d285b58b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao Its always internet nerds that are the ones who physically recoil at the sight of someone mentioning our Lord Jesus Christ. You see it everywhere. It just hits them where it hurts

>> No.49678887
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>absolutely justed Abrahamic cucks

>> No.49678958

Protestantism is not Christianity, anon. It is glorified atheism

>> No.49679003
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>it's over goys, we conquered you and you have nothing left, you can't listen to the voice of your blood, you can't connect with your roots

All of our current traditions are European in origin. They've merely been painted in a jewish paint. Simply scrape the paint off.

>> No.49679107

Get off our board, normalfag.

>> No.49679315
File: 60 KB, 857x681, 1646465126379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon: Christianity is a jewish poison.
Jew: Uhhh, that's Protestantism, that's not Real Christianity - only Catholicism is the Real Christianity.

Anon: Christianity is a jewish poison.
Jew: Uhhh, that's Catholicism, that's not Real Christianity - only Protestantism is the Real Christianity.

Anon: Christianity is a jewish poison.
Jew: Uhhh, that's Protestantism/Catholicism/otherflavor, that's not Real Christianity - only Orthodox is the Real Christianity.

Anon: "Our" politicians are jew-puppets.
Jew: Uhhh, that's a Rightist/Republican! Leftist/Democrats are good guys.

Anon: "Our" politicians are jew-puppets.
Jew: Uhhh, that's a Leftist/Democrat! Rightist/Republicans are good guys.

Etc, etc, etc.


>> No.49679370
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Example: Jul / Winter Solstice, painted with the "Christmas" paint.

>> No.49679438
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>> No.49679483
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>> No.49679587
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>> No.49679642
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>> No.49679675

ugly subhuman jew mutts go straight to hell when they die

time to buy the dip

>> No.49679708
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