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4966993 No.4966993 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't anyone ever talking about day trading crypto? Is it to stressfull, is it not worth it?

>> No.4967033
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day trading is meaningless sub 1btc~

better off hodling a shitcoin and waiting for a moon

>> No.4967069

because /biz/ a shit

>muh memelines
>muh bagholding

>> No.4967089

because its a competition dumbass

>> No.4967099

Just fucking hodl. they are smart, you are dumb. at the end of the day BTC is jumping 20% in a fucking day - you cant beat that.

>> No.4967100

Heh, just re-iterating my story. Day trade btc. Its consistent with its swings *hey bull market*.....started with 3k and a few weeks later im sitting on 14k.

Indicators I like to use: Stoch RSI / TomDemark 9 and classical chart patterns.

I scalp so trade on 15-30minute windows and sometimes just buy on gut feeling when we 'dip' hard enough because bitcoin bounces hard.

>> No.4967116

I listened to /biz/ and sold every loss so I don't go down with sinking ships. Lost almost everything.

>> No.4967129

Forgot to mention I use margin x3 ...that obviously helps.

>> No.4967130

Day trading crypto is difficult but can make you a lot of money. It needs to be emotionless with stop loss and possible take profit. If you don’t have a lot of money you can use leverage, although I don’t totally reccomend it due to increased fees.

>> No.4967134
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>Day Trading
>No gains

>> No.4967144

Its pretty hard to daytrade crypto unless you have inside info, because when there's no pumping or dumping going on, you're trying to play against bots.

>> No.4967154


I day traded with 300 € and made about 10 € everyday before the BTC debacle happend. Started a month ago so im still kinda trying to figure things out.

>> No.4967178


Because all the people who make significant money in the crypto game did so by playing the long game and holding.

Day trading is time consuming and very volatile.

Don't get me wrong it can be fun if you're disciplined but go to the /biz/ discord and talk to the people who've been up for 30 hours + micromanaging/day trading and see if they're having fun.

>> No.4967180

/biz/ treats their coins the way most people treat sports teams.
They also think the second they sell the peak, said coins will 100x.
If you are good at it, go for it, it can be insanely lucrative.

>> No.4967211

Its the most stressful thing you will ever do in your life. You wife giving birth will add days to you lifespan by comparison.

If you are just trading to make money, its fucking nothing. But its not money you are after, its more cryto, which makes it a fucking nightmare.

>> No.4967241

DESU, if you watch the graphs you can see a pattern.
The max oscillation is around 10% mostly, so you can wait till it dips to around 2% over the daily minimum and sell when it starts to reach the daily maximum.

You'll start to develop a bigger btc wallet, just need to watch out the transaction costs, else you'll just be giving money to the jews running the exchanges.

>> No.4967325
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Thanks for your input guys

>> No.4967329

3 displays help

>> No.4967337
File: 101 KB, 1101x871, hopethishelps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make significant money in the crypto game did so by playing the long game and holding

BTC is jumping 20%

when btc jumps 20% it goes it does it in

enjoy your 20% ill take 50% entering and exiting on the wicks

>biz a shit

>> No.4967365

I like to work 30 day patterns but theres been no 30 day patterns lately. This market has been complete fucking shit since 8k.

>> No.4967437

Holding a shitcoin hoping for it to moon while it's bleeding sat is the dumbest thing you can do, but you'd be surprised just how many people on /biz/ measure in fiat rather than in sat.

The same goes with altcoins, not a single altcoin can keep up with BTC and that makes diversifying a huge fucking meme, even LTC that saw a huge pump doesn't even come close to the July ATH.

>> No.4967624

>he thinks he can time market perfectly
top kek

>> No.4967688

Go suck some dick to see if they'll tell you when they're printing more tether

>> No.4967756

daytraders autisticly watch charts instead of shitposting

>> No.4967860

sorry you cant into charts

even if you miss you are still closing the gap and getting more gains. sell 25% of the way down the drop after positive confirmation and buy after the bottom rises 25% and the RSI tips up. its not even hard

>> No.4967900

not even ta made by god himself can predict perfectly tops and bottoms you dumbass

>> No.4968034

>what is fibonacci retracement
>what is laddering

stay mad ill be catching wicks

>> No.4968055

haha sure good luck

>> No.4968400
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>muh golden ratio

>> No.4968506

are you just trying to trick new ? or

>> No.4968971

>He didn't make €2000 with a €20 investment on XVG and then buy and sell while it was going sideways to earn another €700

>> No.4969247

the risk and amount of tax record keeping it creates makes day trading cryptos suicidal. you will do much better buying and holding good long term coins, or buying cheap alts/ICOs and then selling at top for short term gains.

>> No.4969348


>what is expectancy
>what is probability distribution

>> No.4969429

> tax record
land of free

>> No.4969459

when you start making 100k+ in profits there's really no avoiding it

>> No.4969492

i would gladly pay my flat tax and buy a lambo if i ever make it

>> No.4969494

it's just too risky. i have 0.04 btc and i worked up to 0.062 btc and then lost back to 0.042 btc.
to get some little gainz you basically have to always go ALL IN. it's pure luck. and you cant just take little gainz because of fees.