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49666589 No.49666589 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone notice? They commissioned a re-review a month ago onto the feasibility. There is estimated 50 years of shale gas in the midlands but its been cock blocked by green activists and tesla driving faggots worried about muh noise.

>> No.49666610

wouldnt it be useless to restart process?

surely it'd take more time to spin up than gas problem is likely around

>> No.49666643


Its not about increasing current supply and easing inflation. Its about energy security. People and governments never worried about it till this russian fiasco.

>> No.49666675

We should be fracking and ramping up north sea oil production.
Fuck the SNP and fuck the Greens, the country is being held hostage by young faggot student activists and old former faggot activists who are already leading a cushy middle class lifestyle.

>> No.49666696

Because it doesn't return a positive EROI. It's a scam.

>> No.49666740


Says all the green activists trying to cock block it. The government already commissioned a new report likely to find out the truth now that the green noise has fucked off temporarily thanks to the crisis.

>> No.49666770
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Indeed. Tories doing such a great job on the economy. Enjoy your trade war with the EU.

>> No.49666792

What does party politics have to do with homos stopping us from being energy secure?

>> No.49666798


>> No.49666832

I'm not a britbong but isn't that a complete strawman? Topic is gas and energy production, why are you whatabouting Tories?

>> No.49666874

>Poster giving about about greens and SNP cucking the economy
>Respond in kind
>"why you bringing up politics"

>> No.49666951


Literally 0 economic downsides to extracting energy.

>> No.49666987

Didn't claim there was.

>> No.49667131



>> No.49667133

>why aren't britbongs energy independent
>brings up reason what is blocking them
>ree ree what about the nazis

>> No.49667198

>with the SNP in charge

Independence could work if it wasn't for the SNP.
And don't give me the "you're not voting for the SNP, you're voting for independence!!!" shite, those cunts would wreck the country completely if given even a few years of free reign.

>> No.49667209


>> No.49667220

>worried about noise
Lol go ahead and extract the shale, I promise there are no real consequences.

>> No.49667319

Imagine wanting Liverpool. I remember walking through there where here was a bike locked to one of those bike parking things and every day I passed it a bit more of it was gone until only the handle bars were left.

>> No.49667354

>Wanting to separate Scotland
>Not wanting to separate Kent and London and make fucking bank importing to the UK as part of the EU common market

>> No.49667378

>There is estimated 50 years of shale gas in the midlands but its been cock blocked by green activists and tesla driving faggots worried about muh noise.

its useless, the fields are too small and fractured. doesnt matter how much there is in total there.

>> No.49667383

why are cewtic brainlets so dumb?
scuckland is a failed state under the snp

>> No.49667396

What other straws are you planning on clutching? Fracking isn't done in Britain because it's not economically viable and an attempt to kickstart it would involve a massive overhaul on planning law.

>ramping up north sea oil production.

North Sea oil is at end of life

>> No.49667408

I don't know much about England, but based on what the rest of the west is doing, I suspect your government will never allow your country to be energy independent. Goes against what they desire

>> No.49667417

>We should be fracking and ramping up north sea oil production.

how exactly? we used all the good oil fields there already.

>> No.49667421

I'm catholic you dumb cunt.

>ferries fucked
>railways fucked
>virtue signalling green and tranny agenda number one policy
How the fuck can you defend the SNP? They do the same shit that the Tories and Labour do but worse and with a tartan coat of paint.

>> No.49667423


Wasnt even viable in the US for shale till 10 years ago. Its a matter of time till technology makes it possible

>> No.49667441
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>Britbong specifically brings up specific parties claiming they are holding the country hostage
>omit this point for some reason.
>Also pretends I mentioned nazi are compared anyone to nazis

>> No.49667460


Imagine sending all the pakis into the shale mines

>> No.49667477

>pumping massive amounts of cancergenous chemicals to the fucking soil
i'm not even a vegan and this idea is shit, just buy russian gas dude

>> No.49667511


The UK doesnt even use barely any russian gas in the first place numpty

>> No.49667533

That's his point. Buying more should be easy then instead of sanitising the English countryside.

>> No.49667554

We are turning to Qatar for liquified natural gas

>> No.49667560

Don't care, fracking is fat boomers retardation, same as eating ze bugs for the fucking environment

>> No.49667574

Everyday I wake up I thank God that I was not born in Britain

>> No.49667579

It's still going up due to the global market share having less gas to buy from.

>> No.49667611

This. It might make more sense in someplace like the US that has endless amounts of desolate wasteland that no would care about. But great Britain is one of the most population dense regions in the western world. There's no vast gas fields far away from population centres who can vote.

>> No.49667625


You don’t understand how tight the energy market is then. Plus its basically sanctioned at the moment.

>> No.49667634

>The UK doesnt even use barely any russian gas in the first place numpty

it does, it gets it via the interconnector to mainland Europe. it just calls it 'european gas'.

>> No.49667644

The thing I find funniest about Scottish independence is that the only people who could run an independent Scotland want to stay in the UK.
In regards to energy, we should go nuclear. Import the uranium from Canada.

>> No.49667707

>In regards to energy, we should go nuclear. Import the uranium from Canada.

theres no more time for that. takes 10 years to build nuclear power stations, plus the enormous cost of them plus all the supply chain problems.

>> No.49667709

I've never dealt with a country more skitzo than Scotland. Anyone half political is in a constant state of conflict between "proud scotsman" and "but being ruled by England isn't so bad I guess". Large amounts of copium needed to avoid mental breakdowns occurring at any time.

>> No.49667722

>it just calls it 'european gas'.
are you sure? all the UK gas imports by country have Norway as thre #1 supplier followed by the US. Aside from Norway there isn't any other notable imports from another European country

>> No.49667765

>are you sure? all the UK gas imports by country have Norway as thre #1 supplier followed by the US. Aside from Norway there isn't any other notable imports from another European country

as i said, it comes from the interconnector. on top of that, Norway is now going to be sending gas directly to Poland. so there will be less available for the UK.

>> No.49667803

>it comes from the interconnector
which one? you talking about the Langeled pipeline from norway to britain or something else coming from russia?

>> No.49667834

The funnier part is that they pretend they're an oppressed colonised nation when they literally joined the union as equals.

>> No.49667850

I'm not into Scottish poltics at all, and cba to google, but how the fuck is the independence party not heavily in favor of oil?
Isn't oil the only thing Scotland has that's worth a damn, the only thing that can finance your independence and that's worth protecting from thieving royal imperialists?

>> No.49667893

>which one? you talking about the Langeled pipeline from norway to britain or something else coming from russia?

The Interconnector is a natural gas pipeline between the United Kingdom and continental Europe. It crosses the North Sea between Bacton Gas Terminal in England and Zeebrugge in Belgium. Construction of the pipeline was completed in 1998.

It provides bi-directional transport capability to facilitate energy trading in both the UK and continental European gas markets. Gas export from the UK is termed "forward flow" and gas import to the UK is termed "reverse flow". The UK export capacity of the Interconnector is 25.5 billion cubic metres per year.

>> No.49667894

>joined the union as equals.
lmao. The UK is absolutely not a union of equals. No unions truly are, but the UK is more misbalanced than any I can think of. Scotland would never have joined if they weren't bankrupt and were basically doomed to be cucked one way or the other.

>> No.49667899

I know, they are not occupied by England, they are a region of the United Kingdom, like the Midlands or Wales.
The thing they complain about is that their 5 million people aren't able to outvote the 60 million people in the rest of the country.

>> No.49667938


theres not much oil left. production has been in decline since 1999.

>> No.49667940

Short version is UK governments tend to be quite conservative especially recently, so there's reason for an independence party to try to appeal to liberals. Same thing in northern ireland with sinn fien.

>> No.49667970

>The Interconnector is a natural gas pipeline between the United Kingdom and continental Europe. It crosses the North Sea between Bacton Gas Terminal in England and Zeebrugge in Belgium. Construction of the pipeline was completed in 1998.
Alright thanks, but unless the charts are full of shit then we get very little gas from mainland Europe.

>> No.49668013

>Alright thanks, but unless the charts are full of shit then we get very little gas from mainland Europe.

we do when its cold, it comes from the interconnector as i keep telling you.

your charts are obviously a bunch of shit if you didnt even know this pipeline existed.

>> No.49668040

Mate, the election winners are determined by MI6.

>> No.49668090

Why do MI6 keep putting the most incompetent people in charge of the country?
Could MI6 appoint someone to fix the deficit?

>> No.49668153
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>muh interconnector

>> No.49668289

>muh interconnector

where is this chart from?

the USA is not the second largest source of gas imports to the UK.

>> No.49668385

We're neer rejoining the EU so fuck off Remainer

>> No.49668388
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>> No.49668411

UK is finished though

>> No.49668419
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imports from the netherlands are on the wane

>> No.49668473

>theres not much oil left.
Doesn't Scotland own like half the North Sea? Surely there's plenty of oil plays that are viable, especially now with elevated oil prices.
IDK. Something still seems off. Independence is inherently prideful, protectionist and isolationist, which doesn't jive well with modern day liberals.
I need to educate myself on this. The first wikipedia article I found was SNPs old slogan "It's Scotland's oil", when SNP used the massive oil reserves as a reason for independence in the 70s, much like I described in my other post. I have no idea how and when they turned 180 degrees on the matter, but something is fucked up here.

>> No.49668522

>its been cock blocked by green activists
That's what they want you to think. The tories just haven't got their positions ready to profit from it yet and want to remain "statistically" renewable until they have loaded their bags.

>> No.49668545

>Independence is inherently prideful, protectionist and isolationist
It's really not. Especially when being independant enables you to be more globalist, liberal and pro open markets.

Ireland is independant, and is a very supportive EU member. We also enjoy higher standards of living and higher GDP/GDI per capita than the UK. Not hard to Scotland to look at that and see it as a better deal.

>> No.49668560

>Doesn't Scotland own like half the North Sea?
England keeps stealing more of it every ten years or so. Besides, the contracts aren't beneficial to scotland so we'd have to wait for them to run out and renegotiate.

>> No.49668602

Oi m8 u got a water loisence?

>> No.49668618

In fairness, if you're trying to leave, you can't blame the English for trying to secure as good a deal for themselves as possible.
Current plan for leaving is to turn Scotland into a refugee camp, which being in the Union is preventing.
Frankly if they want it that much we could just funnel the refugees from the south up north.

>> No.49668659

>which being in the Union is preventing.

>> No.49668665

Oh, and the 180 turn is because SNP is in a semi-coalition with the greens who don't want oil, or nuclear, or anything really. It's the nonly way we could keep the dumbfuck tories and labour out. The greens have no doubt loaded their own bags on solar and wind like the stupid fucks they are so we can't go nuclear. Scotland could power itself on renewables though so it's not as bad as other countries who have no hope for non-nuclear green energy.

>> No.49668673

anti-tories and wokefags always do. tories could cure cancer and some blue haired fat fuck would still bitch about how they didn't do it sooner

>> No.49668689

That is their argument, I know it's not true..

>> No.49668711

They've been doing it for a lot longer than scotland has been trying to leave. Basically since the union formed they've moved the line up almost exactly every ten years to get our oil and gas without paying us appropriately.
I say england but it's fucknig london. I have no problem with england. In fact i'd vote to stay if it was also a vote to kick london out.

>> No.49668768


I got a good supply of british gas if u kno what i mean

>> No.49668805
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Indeed. Any statistics that imply that UK isn't stronk can simply be dismissed as anti-british. The trick is to not assess statistics based on how likely or unlikely they are to be accurate, instead assess them on how politically incorrect they feel to you. if they imply something you would rather not think is true, simply tell yourself they are biased.

You might feel anxious about this, because deep down you feel it may cause you to lose your connection to reality. But don't worry, simply project this insecurity onto others.

>> No.49668827


The entire reason Scottish independence is a big stupid failure of a movement os because its nothing more than populism.
Unlike brexit there is actually no benefit(and the scots tried to prevent it remember). Its main idea is “a better future” and that’s literally it. No plan, no detail, no reality. Green energy! Immigration! Happy together! That is literally it summed up.

>> No.49668832

>the 180 turn is because SNP is in a semi-coalition with the greens
allright, that makes sense. Not the first time that a political party changes their stance to appease some other bullshit party

>> No.49668853

Did you even read the whitepaper?
Stop watching the news.

>> No.49668974

>Unlike brexit there is actually no benefit
Rees Moggs number 2 Brexit benefits was louder vacuum cleaners.

>> No.49668973

OK I don't really know the UK dynamics but you guys seem as divided as the murrifats

>> No.49668978


>> No.49669010


Hahaha! You made a funny lampoon!

>> No.49669046

UK and US have very similar politics as they both are essentially 2 party systems. It's not quite as retarded as the US, but the UK parliament is elected by FPTP vote counting, which means having more than 2 parties is not easy as voting for a third party is usually just throwing your vote away.

So you get the same "Vote tories because labour would be even worse and you don't want that do you!??" type campaigning.

>> No.49669051

>The transformation from sarcasm to satire.

>> No.49669071

It's real though. That's the sad part.

>> No.49669112

Fracking increases the release of radon gas. Something to be aware of.

>> No.49669158

>Use other countries' energy reserves first
>Save your reserves for later
What's difficult to understand here?

>> No.49669201


And what if we were still in the EU? 0% interest rates, bailing out club med in the next euro crisis they are holding and emergency meeting over for today. Sure would be better than quiet hoovers

>> No.49669217

Do you really think it's the greens blocking it? The party with like one seat in Parliament? The people cockblocking this thing are the NIMBY boomers who vote conservative. It would take years for the wealth from shale gas to have a significant impact on people from job creation, and another few years for those same people to consider voting for the party that enabled it. At the same time, the downside would be immediate. All the old farts would simply not turn up to vote if their precious suburban constituency was spoiled by any meaningful industrial operation taking place there. These are the people who had their homes given to them for free by Margaret Thatcher and they cling on to property value as if they had to work hard and save their entire lives for it. Conservative voters are the reason why nothing gets built in this country. The tories can't build a fucking airport runway without risking electoral defeat. Nothing will change until boomers die and even when they do, young people will only start shifting to the right once we hit rock bottom. It took daily blackouts, mountains of rubbish and a three day work week for Brits to even consider voting for Thatcher and she would've lost her second term were it not for the Falklands war.

>> No.49669246


Ftr i was not even talking about the green party. I lewnt the general political climate of green energy carbon emissions etc. some random person started going on about them

>> No.49669258

>0% interest rates
UK isn't in the eurozone. GBP down 20% on the EU since it's creation, so odd point to make.
>bailing out club med in the next euro crisis
Same deal. UK would likely be pulled into the next euro crisis anyways to protect it's own interests. Same reason they gave Ireland a large bailout loan previous, to protect UK investments in Ireland.

At least rees's points were actually real.

>> No.49669278

on the EUR rather

>> No.49669728

>There is estimated 50 years of shale gas in the midlands
Wait England had oil/gas onshore reserves this entire time? How did it never get exploited even back in the good old days before environmentalists? Hope you guys get it, would be really good for England.

>> No.49669758

hehe ERO

>> No.49669762


Same reason they were not extracting the shale in the US till the past decade or so

>> No.49669819

cost of extraction