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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49664198 No.49664198 [Reply] [Original]

How comfy are we XCM chads? Price floor holding my portfolio together right now.

>> No.49664240

technically people can sell below the price floor on the eth pair
those people will probably be kicking themselves that they didn't wait for the market maker instead

>> No.49664308
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21 Bitcoin (Ticker: BTC) = 679,213 Coinmetro Token (Ticker: XCM)

>> No.49664384

Metrochads i have 100k xcm will i make it?

>> No.49664488

How does 60 thousand Euro sound?

>> No.49664533

How does 6 million euros sound

>> No.49664570

Six million is too high. Maybe 250k at most in accordance with the data from the red shitcoin network.

>> No.49664614

how does 6 million euro and 250k a year sound

>> No.49664728

250k a year? What the hell do you need 300k a year for?

>> No.49664769

Holding XCM is incredible, I just can't lose money while everyone else is ruined

>> No.49664936

you need 350k a year to fund your forehead enlargement surgery so you can get into the 100 euro party
no foreheadlets allowed

>> No.49665736
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>XCM Shows Strong Public Trust in Full Bear Market
>Real Value Thrives Regardless of the Circumstances
>Coinmetro’s XCM token currently showcases a strong rebound of 300%, climbing back up near all-time highs, backed by strong investment amid the plummeting crypto landscape.
>Fueled by significant investment, XCM is now sitting above €0.60. Traders who are taking advantage of our agile token have pushed XCM into top assets territory

>> No.49665794

What a time to be overinvested in XCM.
Can't dump it near the ath to buy cheap alts
Can't close your risk free margin longs
Kevin forcing us to sit on our hands watching the world implode and missing all these juicy buy opportunities.

>> No.49665874
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>Kevin forcing us to sit on our hands watching the world implode
The only two possible scenarios from here are XCM developing liquidity and going up meaning we can laugh at /biz/ as we get rich and they watch their net worth melt away or a price floor removal that is basically a soft exit scam and the death of the company.

>> No.49665917

What a time to post this...

>> No.49666300

They're not going to manage to do the first, only retail is falling for the 60c is the bottom, only up from here meme. No serious LP is going to get burned on this, especially in current market conditions.
And yeah the second option, as you said this is going to cause damage beyond repair to their brand and I don't see any way how they can sell it to their clients.

>> No.49666396
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60c is the bottom only up from here!

>> No.49666662
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Kevin is slurping the dip on former Coinbase devs on Twitter.

>> No.49666816

Honestly explain to me what's going on with the market and XCM.
Everything is shitting the bed but not XCM because the holy price floor.
But I'm smelling an economic trade-off here.

Are xcm holders selling to buy cheap alts? What are the consequences

>> No.49666932

Anon the floor is not going to get removed, Kevin talks about it because retards keep asking which is making you think that it's a consideration (i.e. word gets repeated a lot and your low IQ brain gives it meaning) but it's never going to habben
Which is why I'm interested to what the trade-off here is

>> No.49667063

>But I'm smelling an economic trade-off here.
Yeah zero liquidity. Only 50k XCM changed hands in the last 24 hours on the ETH pair.

>> No.49667094

I'm so glad that three arrow capital is dying, I should make my own VC fund and buy XCM and other coins that aren't a scam.
What were they thinking lmao.

>> No.49667173

Unless FTX and Alameda get caught in the crossfire of all these retarded companies going under I won't be happy. As it stands Binance and FTX are largely unaffected by everything that happened.

>> No.49667182

If the price floor has to be lowered it will probably go to what.....55 or .60? So say hodlers are now looking at losing about 10% of their value ON PAPER. As people are saying above, if you can't sell it, you don't have access to whatever numbers are showing on your screen in terms of the value. This is what traders come to understand. You can look at big numbers all day but not have access to those funds (open trade) and you can lose it in an instant if the trade turns the other way.

>> No.49667619

Are you saying I don't have 388k in my Celsius account? I'll get it back eventually though so whats the problem, if it takes a year then I'll even get an extra ten percent anyways from the loan rates.

>> No.49667874 [DELETED] 

How do you break the link between your coinmetro account and your KDA?

>> No.49667918

It's only a price floor if you can actually sell at it.
Without that option, it's just, like, forced hodl mode or something.

>> No.49668098 [DELETED] 
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d-definitely not something like trading xmr / kda on kukoin with fake phone and vpns

>> No.49668288 [DELETED] 

Of course not. But if one was so stupid as to do that, could one send directly from cm to kucoin? And would that incoming deposit be tracable back to your cm account?

>> No.49668367

Can you send crypto directly from CM to other exchanges? Just wondering since you can't do CM to CM transfers.

>> No.49668396
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Hello fellow enthusiasts, what kind of crypto related conversation are we having today?
Anything juicy about criminal activities or tax evasion, haha we love to do that too.

>> No.49668471

You know when you want to pay for something using KDA, or send someone KDA, you don't want to send it from your main wallet so that the recipient can see your holdings. we're talking about how to do that.

>> No.49668481

What good is your 0.60 per XCM if you cant sell it? Because nobody wants to buy it at that price. Your XCM is effectively worth nothing

>> No.49668532

Send Bitcoin from Coinmetro to a dark net market and buy heroin. Sell the heroin for cash outside your local primary school. Buy Bitcoin for cash on Local bitcoins. Send that Bitcoin to an unregulated exchange like Binance and buy KDA there before sending it to a new wallet.

>> No.49668668

He could be some kind of wacko
Waitin' for the chance to heat the pipes like a crack ho
He busted in, blessed be the Lord
Who believe any mess they read up on a message board
If so, I got bridges for the low low
Same bitch a-go dry snitchin' to the popo
Here, orange peel stogs for the whole tier
Feel like I've been gone over a year, came home to old gear
It was the shit when I first scooped it

>> No.49668820

Thanks for spoonfeeding me anon!

>> No.49668897

don't forget the mass shooting to eliminate witnessess and take the heat off you from the heroin selling

>> No.49668926

Now, who's the hater, headline the newspaper
Fate of a fake you out caped crusader
Tied to the tracks, make a damn tram derail
XCM is like scam spam Nigerian e-mail
The man with no beard is more weirder than a she-male
Sucker got bagged on a Temazepam street sale

>> No.49669788
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>> No.49671051
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>pretend working on magic reputation dao for months
>confirmed vaporware scam and never actually deploy anything
>renew scam and pretend working on magic one sided dex
>everybody learns and nobody invests (you)s anymore
i-its ower.. for my heart

>> No.49671097

Explain how your magic one sided dex would work.

>> No.49671223

Price floor raises by roughly 5x every year. Might not happen during depression but maybe will

>> No.49671259

Based? Link please

>> No.49671334


>> No.49671617 [DELETED] 
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i-its a scam anone

>> No.49672038
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t-there is so many ways to do them i dont know which one to pick

>> No.49672556

Is Twitter good for following people like Kevin? No YouTuber grifter retards just sane people, maybe some devs like the KDA guys as well

>> No.49672614

Okay say the first one you thought of then, since there's so many.

>> No.49673516
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Scammer exposed...

>> No.49673684
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t-thanx for the (you) nevertheless

>> No.49673760

>the biggest market manipulators are unaffected
yeah that's how it goes