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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49660494 No.49660494 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically what can he do to fix this shit?

>> No.49660508

Refund all my money.

>> No.49660533


>> No.49660543

He won't, he'll hand all Bobochads total victory on a silver platter

>> No.49660555

Raise rates by 1% every month until inflation goes back to sub 3%

>> No.49660578

Nothing. The war in Ukraine must end before oil goes to 200+ per barrel. That's why the inflation is so sticky

>> No.49660588

get right with God. ban usury.

>> No.49660599

repent and torpedo the debt-based fiat money system

>> No.49660601

Adjust SLR

>> No.49660608

Nothing. He should announce 500bps for June and July and 200 for August.

>> No.49660612

It’s a crash by design
He just has to save the economy before next election or Biden is gone
War, vax mandates and a bad economy will tank any democrats chances

>> No.49660620

hyper-inflate the dollar to pay off existing debts then switch immediately to a CDBC with a universal basic income feature

>> No.49660629
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Let the things that are to be come to fruition.

>> No.49660632


>> No.49660638

Are you retarded?
they are raising by 75 u faggot
that’s not fixing! kek kek kek

>> No.49660646

Yes madam president…

>> No.49660672

He is not there to buy your beggies cryptotard

>> No.49660674

Peg the dollar to gold again

>> No.49660691

Checked. The ol soft landing.

>> No.49660701

hedge funds need bailouts in the trillions of dollars to prevent them from crashing and taking society with it

>> No.49660703
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>central planning
>fixing shit

>> No.49660704

Nothing. The economy was already on a thin wire before Biden got in, but Biden policies are to blame for the shitshow currently happening. The production side of the economy is being destroyed and the excess money in the system is causing inflation. An interest rate hike will not only tank the markets, but will crank up the mass shortages to global famine levels. The interest rates should have been ideally hiked while Trump was in office, but nobody like paying off their debts during the good times.

>> No.49660712

Checked. Holy fuck the digits have spoken. Lord forgive us for worshiping false idols. I have seen the light.

>> No.49660741

kill all the stocks and crypto apparently

>> No.49660870

>Realistically what can he do to fix this shit?
Stop talking, for a start.

>> No.49660962

Nigger the war in Ukraine has nothing to do with prices of gas in the USA.
>cancel pipelines
>not allowing drilling on federal land
>cancelling drilling leases
>grandstanding about Russia with muh super sanctions
>pushing oil companies away from North America
Hurr durr it’s putins fault

>> No.49660984

abolish anything related to interest

>> No.49661028

Rated we’re hike during trump then dumped when Covid hit idiot

>> No.49661050

he can go RRRRRRRRB
and he has already been doing that with QT and rate hikes
and he doesn't give a shit about asset valuations

>> No.49661311

I never said they weren't. The hikes were in 2018 and the drop was soon after, the even lower in 2020. That's 2 years apart. The difference back in 2018 was that production was high, so an induced recession back then would not have been as bad as the idea is now. Because high product production would have decreased the cost of living.

Production is current being hamstrung by Biden and his regulations and taxes. So any recession will be magnitudes worse.

>> No.49661337

when does he rape the market today?

>> No.49661378

Fix what? Haha, he doesn't fix anything but his own fix (and that of his bosses).

>> No.49661464

Agree to be burned at the stake in the middle of Times Square

>> No.49661522

If the war ended tomorrow markets would rally so fucking hard and global inflation would ease. Go back to /pol/ with your faggotry

>> No.49661524
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>> No.49661561


>> No.49661689

The democrats are ok crashing and blaming everything on Biden. Then a populist “Dark MAGA” (cringe btw) Republican wins in 2024. Then the Democrats get to run another milquetoast empty suit as the “return to normalcy” candidate in 2028. They don’t even need to win to please their donors, all they need to do is continue defending their left flank (Bernie, AoC, etc)

>> No.49661765

>poor performance means democrats lose
Anon you're forgetting niggers and testosterone-challenged man-children. Republicans played the ideas game, Dems played the demographics game. One of those is inevitable.

>> No.49661808

Unironically adopt bitcoin as the official currency of the US

>> No.49661969

destroy the planet and then wait for the new generation to take over this disaster, easy.

>> No.49661997

he has absolutely no power to do anything at all
watch eurodollar university

>> No.49662038

Wow that's a really long winded of saying "great depression" anon.

>> No.49662070

Ah yes, as our ancestors

>> No.49662095

Go back + you‘re wrong

>> No.49662136
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I don't see hope for anyone or anything anymore, I'm going to bet on shit from the metaverse or shitcoins, vinu looks pretty juicy rn

>> No.49662149

He has to crash the markets to save the dollar from hyperinflation.

>> No.49662151

Ending the war won't stop the deglobalization that's happening right now. Countries have seen what is possible with the confiscation of Russia's IMF assets which has literally never happened before. Also, why do you think China and Russia have been buying gold in mass for the last two years? No, bub, the old world is gone and peace in Ukraine won't change that. Ukraine was just the kindling that started a fire decades in the making.

>> No.49662181


>> No.49662202

Bitcoin doesn't scale.

>> No.49662216

This. Volker it the fuck up.

>> No.49662237

The failure to understand that the collapse is intentional and they will own everything and you will be happy (poor and probably lobotomized with ssris) is why you're still losing money.

>> No.49662304

they literally can't. the US likely couldn't pay their loan obligations at 8% rates. 80s US gdp-debt was in the 30's%, today its over 130%.

>> No.49662389

Raising rates doesn't set old debt to that rate.

>> No.49662411
File: 111 KB, 1692x1252, bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They must inflate away the debt. Not only can the FED not raise rates like they did in the past. raising rates doesn't pull oil from the ground, or improve the rigs count, or lower the expenses of the supply chain. Nor does it replace the loss of fertilizer, from russia, nor the lack of wheat from both russia and ukraine, nor does it improve the crop yield caused by the lack of fertilizer, or the cost of those yields due to the increased cost of seeds and of fertilizer, or of oil. The FED CANNOT stop it, and or do they want to, they're going to inflate away the debt. STRAP IN BOYS.

>> No.49662445


Thats funny because sending the dollar into the sky causes hyper inflation everywhere else

>> No.49662453

Lol I know. They're gonna try and hyperinflate the debt away like 98% of fiat based monetary systems through history...if the CBDC was ready, they might've got away with it without the risk of Americans abandoning the currency but even then the world will absolutely abandon the dollar and we'd need to adopt a deflationary currency to facilitate global trade.

>> No.49662476

It does set new debt to that rate though and we need it cheaper and cheaper to prop up the economy.

>> No.49662492

The JPow redemption arc

>> No.49662493

please tell me what this is

>> No.49662500

I think his point is that Trump did try to hike rates but then the coof JUSTed the world and we've been spiralling since.

>> No.49662519

She will be their presidential candidate and you will be happy. The Democrat "left" dies with Bernie.

>> No.49662592

how the fuck do they "inflate the debt away?"

>> No.49662677

Its clear as day there is nothing more the FED can do to stop inflation. Global factors need to work themselves out. Further tightening has reached the limits of what it can do without rugging the economy. The market priced in one last large hike, but the fed absolutely knows they now need to pivot market expectations into neutral.

We are simply in for a decade of 3% target inflation from now on, and it was long in the making. The Phillips curve is not dead, its now back in effect as China is. I no longer cheap.

>> No.49662730

estimated gallon of milk cost 1 year from now? 5 years?

>> No.49662752

shut up nigga

>> No.49662837


By the end of next year inflation levels will be closer to 3% likely already exactly there even if the fed does no more tightening. This is all purely for show now as they have to be seen in control and doing something.

Bond yields already showed that inflation expectations are dramatically lowered for Q4 2023

>> No.49662867
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High rates of inflation reduce the real value of debt, allowing governments to pay off debts using money that is worth less than when they originally borrowed it. The UK successfully brought their debt to gdp down from 250% to 50% post WWII buy sustained high inflation.

>> No.49662879
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crash with no survivors. cash holders must stay with the plane

>> No.49662952

A couple hundred billion at 5-8% isn't the end of the world if it stems our spiraling volatility and inflation.

>> No.49663061
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They would let the inflation run rampant and make the treasuries currently held by the public effectively lose value in real terms.
This is what happened to most of the WW2 debt in US. The government sold a lot of 10 year bonds at 2.9% but after the war inflation was a lot higher destroying their value.

>> No.49663352

you mean the markets that are literally in the middle of one of the greatest bubble bursts in history, that the fed isn't bailing out with money printing this time, those markets?
LOL yea anon, they're gonna have a big rally,
just 2 more weeks

>> No.49663440
File: 22 KB, 632x608, faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the war ended tomorrow the fed could go back to QE by early next year. In fact, rate cuts are already being priced into the bond market next year.

>> No.49663490

You're saying that inflation will be halted? How?

>> No.49663518

Lower interest rates, print ungodly amounts of money, and give out gas checks to people. Also end the war in Ukraine

>> No.49663536

Im not so sure i trust Biden administration to be that competent in fucking people.

Right now they have put all the pressure on the FED. Powell is not dumbZ he knows he is tightening in a weaker and less able economy than 2018 all the while knowing it wont help due to supply/war issues. However he has to appear in control. Thats his only job.
He likely wants to picot and deal with it later when those inflationary factors ease off, while biden indeed gets to inflate away debt.

However its an election year and this inflation is a huge political issue now. The only strategy i see is them doing some form of stimmies again way more targeted instead of cash, then come election time endure the next year of inflation while signalled powell to pivot and ease off the pedal.

>> No.49663543

he can't raise them lol
USA defaults at 3%

>> No.49663582


If oil doesnt rise much from here, its basically impossible for 8% inflation next year. Supply chains should be way better by then too, and people will have exhausted savings which already dampens demand.

The FEd cannot control these primary factors of inflation now. All they can do is try destroy demand but clearly that doesn’t work when everyone has too much stimmies savings to eat into.

>> No.49663603

It is Hillary Clinton cam trail 100% LMFA

>> No.49663669

The fed desperately want to end the hiking cycle here at 1% or 1.5% but their task is to appear in control. They need the government to openly and clearly communicate a pivot for them so that they can just say “government wants it just doing our job”.

>> No.49663686 [DELETED] 

He likely won't do anything. He's proven himself to have only one goal, protect stocks. Which he is now failing at as he protected them, at the cost of the economy. Now that they are reacting properly to the economy he's been pushed to a position where he likely cannot save it at all. One potential attempt will be a fake victory by hyperinflating the US dollar thereby making stocks look good numerically with SPY at $191,045,156,257 per share all while ignoring that a single loaf of bread is worth the same (hyperinflation).

>> No.49663698

Not a whole lot

It's apparent whenever he has an interview where he more or less says "We're going to hike interest rates a bit and see what happens lol"

>> No.49663710
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He likely won't do anything. He's proven himself to have only one goal, protect stocks. Which he is now failing at as he protected them, at the cost of the economy. Now that they are reacting properly to the economy he's been pushed to a position where he likely cannot save it at all. One potential attempt will be a fake victory by hyperinflating the US dollar thereby making stocks look good numerically with SPY at $191,045,156,257 per share all while ignoring that a single loaf of bread is worth the same (hyperinflation).

>> No.49663711

Money itself is debt.
>can I get eggs from you? I promise to give you beef the next time I slaughter a cow.
>don't believe me? here is a shiny rock. keep it now, it will remind me I owe you beef.
Money is a debt token enforced by governments.
Interest is someone asking for dividends on the money he invested in you. Without it, why would people ever lend money?

>> No.49663723

i'd say if he took the sides in a little it would look much better

>> No.49663746

This. The guy is purposefully dragging his feet all the way. But the moment stuff is doing fine he's likely ready to go on air and announce an immediate 500 bps cut immediately no planning it for months out and to immediately fire up the money printers, oops I mean quantitative easing lel

>> No.49663885

Good morning everyone. Love from Canada. I hate cryptards so much it's unreal

>> No.49663933
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