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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49649946 No.49649946 [Reply] [Original]

People are overly bearish. Thats a buy signal

>> No.49650080

No, not overly. We're in bear country now and people have realized they better damn listen to the Bobo. So it's just that more people are doing that now, listening to the Bobo, than before.

>> No.49650601 [DELETED] 

just crash it to 4k then, what's the difference

>> No.49650628

boomers and normies still have no idea what's going on. lots of bleeding to continue.

>> No.49651787

You might be right

>> No.49651881

Kinda. Assuming this is a real crash and not that weird flash thing from 2020, prices are gonna drag along the bottom for a while. I don't think there's any hurry to jump in right at the start of the bottom, better to wait for a little sun

>> No.49651975

People are BEARISH because they're discovering that nothing is a HEDGE anymore. People don't have the kind of cash to drop on rental property to hold any semblance of value.

You do understand, every single fucking corner of the "financials" is in a negative spiral?? Not even fucking art or antiques are holding value at times like this. Gold is about to crater. Silver is being manipulated. Maybe buying 20 acres of land and starting a farm MIGHT be something, but how many can pull that off?

Yes, the "Market" is BEARISH all around because everything is fucked, even Crypto