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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49646450 No.49646450 [Reply] [Original]

what's exactly stopping you from looking for a real job and using your wage to accumulate before the next bullrun?
you have around 6 to 12 months before that, don't be a lazy socially crippled piece of shit and touch some grass.
>t. eurochad throwing half of his wage on AVAX, LINK and ETH.

>> No.49646557
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I'm basically doing that anon, except for the part of buying eth because i'm a poorfag. desu avax and link look like they're gonna die. i don't know, i don't read shit about crypto. I'm just here for the memes.

>> No.49646659

Half of the lazy retards here want to make it off their parent's money instead of getting a job, learning one thing or two abour real life and EARN their shit. Get a fucking job and make smart investments instead of complaining.

>> No.49646695

not everyone nowadays has the balls to be a wage for a while
true chads go full wage mode to invest in alts and retire in the fastest way possible

>> No.49646794
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>get $800 CAD neetbux /month
>would only get $400 CAD more per month if I worked 3 days every week in the cagey destroying half my existence and soul
>would get $800 CAD more if I worked full time
The money is simply not worth my existence, even the labour jobs pay dogshit, imajin getting paid in worthless syrup bucks
Not to mention the fact that I would get taxed on fucking 50% of it (srs) which goes directly towards white genocide, lgbt, jab mandates, globohomo agendas, importing more pajeets and terrorists, etc
If I don't make it from crypto I simply will not make it
t.rode avax from $4 to $60 to $9 to $140 to present
not selling.

>> No.49646805 [DELETED] 

>you have around 6 to 12 months before that, I rather die than be a wagie that amount of time

>> No.49646860

>you have around 6 to 12 months before that,

I rather die than be a wagie that amount of time

>> No.49647124
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had too google that shit
how are you unironically making $800 a month for literally existing? kek

>> No.49647433

The average biztard is a NEET with no skills, on top of that either autistic or schizo, I mean minimum wage flipping burguers or in general is barely enough for survival, you're not buyimg a lambo or a mansion saving your wage, that's for sure. The most realistic scenario is you may work for 6 months or a full year and all you may have achieved is barely prolonging your existence spending most of the time of the day working for some other guy

>> No.49647508
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I just told them I am depress and want to an hero, said the same to some kike doctor and got diagnosed le depression / schizo. The only annoying thing is that I have to larp to them once a month that i'm "looking for work" and such. A few hours of my time, still significantly better than have weeks exhausted from me
Have proper time to lift, draw, walk around as I please, read history, philosophy, world truths, etc
They'll stop giving me gibs in about a year, by then I hope subnets actually take off and I can start actually supporting me mum properly

>> No.49647649
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I'm literally doing that already and buying tokens that are actually needed. I'm like 12 or 15 steps ahead but it seems I've set a very low bar to begin with looking at this post.

Here's some advice, the next bullrun won't save you even if you make it beyond your wildest dreams. Step away from the trappings of currency as soon as you possibly can.

>> No.49648372
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6-12 months for optimal leverage, but I'd say 1.5-2y years to bag a 10x on some shit because every piece of shit can pull 10x in a bear market.

the problem is anons have hilarious timeframes like making 100-1000x in a single bear run, most people who make it from crypto along are in for at least one bear cycle usually two.

also im absolutely unhinged mentally that there are actually ppl who will sacrifice the outcome of their entire life to steep in mental illness for $800 a month sorry but you're a literal farm animal with no drive to be a freeman and you deserve your eternal slavery

>> No.49649909

Just looking for jobs on the DeFi industry and acoomolating. Easiest 10x.