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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49640497 No.49640497 [Reply] [Original]

How are my wfh friends doing today? I’m currently on my 3rd hour of lunch

>> No.49640559

i'm good! wife made me a nice lunch today and I got to wash my bedsheets during the day. rest day from the gym so trying to just eat and relax :)

>> No.49640592

I have to finish something today...

>> No.49640613

I just woke up

>> No.49640973

I went to the skatepark today form 9am to 10:30am, my workday ends at 2 because I am west coast working east coast hours and I have no meetings today. I made 600$ for that. Life is based.

>> No.49641014
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good fren, my boss called me today to tell me that i'm being promoted imminently
enjoying a cozy work day with my dog

>> No.49641509
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>wfh in tech sales
>automate as much of my outreach as possible
>make 20-40 calls a day
>click one button to send 800 emails
>send contracts out
>get paid salary + commission for this
WEW LADS I'm working too hard

>> No.49641651

surely you downplay your technical/industrial expertise

>> No.49641713
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WFH has pretty much fried my brain and I can't focus on anything anymore. As I type this right now I have to go complete some very, very basic tasks that have been in my agenda for literally months and I just can't bring myself to do it. I can't believe how much of a joke my job is and how I'm getting away with it. I was one of the best workers in my office when I still went in and now I struggle to turn my laptop on.

>> No.49641738

I have no tech background whatsoever. I dont know how to code and I didnt go to college.

I've just convinced my CEO what tools I need after doing research. So hes paid for all the prospecting and email cadences tools I asked for kek.

The most manual thing I have to do is Linkedin outreach

>> No.49641828

pretty good i just took a nap, i moved in with my parents for the summer so i can stack a lot of money but im getting bored and out of shape, wish rents weren't so retarded, i can't find a deal i deem acceptable

>> No.49641925

you dont need any technical expertise to do tech sales at all. just need to understand your product and sell it. Everything you need to learn can be learned on the job.

>> No.49642009
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I work from home in America for a European company, so I have almost no obligations after lunchtime when they're all off for the evening. So imagine the typical WFH workload (or lack thereof) and cut it in half.

>> No.49642058

This is my ultimate goal. I’m trying to learn to code (python) but I’m still very new. I actually do enjoy what I’ve learned so far but I’m kinda lost in terms of what I should work towards career wise. What’s the best path to take to get a wfh job doing this?

What too much office environment does to a mf.

>> No.49642060

went to gym, listening to podcast. Training for other interviews/ jobs on indeed.

I was like you. You need to do you menial tasks early in the morning and do stuff that you like during company time. I some times work sunday night, so I don't have to work monday, through wednesday. Now I try to min max every hour of day doing something I like. Being lazy just made my life miserably and stressing out on deadlines.

>> No.49642259

What wfh can I lie myself into?

>> No.49642287

yeah i try to go to the gym in the mornings to kick off the day and frontload productivity in the morning so you dont deal with procastination/guilt throughout the day fucking your mental

>> No.49643242

I want to be lazy but these people will not LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! I swear to god the Slack notification sound is turning into a PTSD trigger for me.

>> No.49643272
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Does buying the dip count as wfh?

>> No.49643435

My gf is sick today so I'm taking care of her. My dog just took a big shit on the floor. Still infinity more comfy than in person work. Pretty slow week and tommorow the 8k pc with a 3080ti graphics card is coming. My company bought it for me and I can't wait to put Elden Ring on it.

>> No.49643555
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Happy to be back in /WFH/ after being absent for a few months. My work announced mandatory RTO so I focused on studying and interviewing.

Lucky enough to get another offer, fully remote written into the job description, gonna be comfy in here with you wfh lords for years to come. Stopped going into work entirely, nobody has questioned me yet, I don't give a shit if they do. Will be taking my income from 160 to 270, I should've done this years ago. Tech is an insane field

>> No.49643606

my fellow jew, wiping your own ass after taking a shit rather than having the shabbos goy do it for you, is work. everything is work.

>> No.49643697

Comfy day so far, haven't done any real work besides meetings.

>> No.49643889

Anyone here a data analyst or in the data analytics field? Earning about $65k wfh but the workload is getting more and more.. Job used to be comfy but it's not anymore.
Thinking of getting a new gig but unsure of what kinda salary increase I should be targeting

>> No.49644269

I like my current WFH dev job but i'm getting offers from recruiters for salaries about $10k higher now... should I jump ship or ask for a raise? I've only been here for 4 months :/

>> No.49644473

sorry anon but you chose the wrong specialty. data analysts are over worked horses in tech. get a sales or marketing job

>> No.49645007

yeah im also a data analyst, what tools do you use?
i use R/Python/SQL/PowerBI
i also make 65k, and I am about to fucking quit, why shouldnt i just do software development?

>> No.49645043

How to get a comfy WFH job I don't want to be a factory slave for 40 more years :(
I'll even settle and go into the office I just want a job where I'm not dying in the summer and standing on my feet all day please god

>> No.49645104

>wfh but my job actually has a constant workload that I have to get done every day
I wish I could jerk off all day, I have to actually work most of my 8 hours.

>> No.49645117

Who double waging chad here?

>> No.49645120

different anon. work for the gov at 88k. use sas/sql. all my major tasks are automated. very comfy.

>> No.49645170

Become a data entry pleb, you might not get paid as much as a factory job if you have no qualifications and are just typing in numbers, but at least it'll be in an air-conditioned office.
Otherwise, start considering either going to school to get a degree or simply research what you think you can do tech-wise and then get the certifications necessary and start bullshitting employers and selling yourself up.

>> No.49645171

Mostly SQL and tableau, some python and pbi as well. I've thought about becoming a dev too but I like analytics and working with data so I want to stay in that career path for now. I think I could get to senior analyst in a year or 2 which should be around 100k (who knows what that might be worth in the future)

>> No.49645202

Based tech sales bro

Nice knowing we're also the last to get fired in these upcoming layoffs as we are THE only way a company actually makes money

>> No.49645246

i work for government and havent done shit for 6 months
i am bored with it, i want to create something and analytics feels dead to me

>> No.49645369

Used to work for govt too, but I was so bored out of my skull that I quit after a year. But now I'm overworked and stressed... I want something in between :(

>> No.49645686

I've never understood the bored complaint, especially if you can swing remote work.
Literally just live your life, pick up hobbies and shit and enjoy not having an actual job sucking up most of your waking hours.
I'd kill to transfer from my current job where I have to work to one where I work like 10 hours a week if that and can just sleep/game/practice skills during paid work hours.

>> No.49645732

not all WFH is nice, sometimes you have an overbearing woman busy checking you every hour

>> No.49645795
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/WFH/ chads I need your help please I am no longer employed with only 4k left to my name how do I go about finding a WFH job I'm real good at typing and numbers crunching I can do other things too but have no idea where to look please help

>> No.49645828
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>rest day

>> No.49645908

You can't, COVID is over and everyone has to go back to their wageslave cuck cubicles.

>> No.49646043

fuck that shit I can't go back not after the 10 years of torture I've put myself through I fucking can't go back I know there's options somewhere god dammit the job I worked for was one of the only jobs that didnt layoff, close down, or offer WFH when that was all happening i'll fucking shoot myself before I go back to the office

>> No.49646172

6:44am here. Emailing my shit in now so it looks like I'm a real go-getter.
I'll be smashing beers by noon

>> No.49646289

rest days very important i don't really care what this thumb thinks. injuring yourself kills your gains worse than anything else.

>> No.49646346

Just started my second WFH job as a tech worker. I'll be pulling down expected $580k/yr if the company stocks don't obliterate. If you're intelligent and good at your job, there's no reason to work just one. Now instead of finishing work in 20 hours per week, I work 40 and get double the pay.

>> No.49646436

when applying for job #2, do you say you are currently working? how did they react knowing you arent planning to quit your current job?

>> No.49646454
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I don't currently work from home but I hope to once I graduate with an associates in IT this semester. I hope I can find something in customer service or tech support.

>> No.49646525

This setup works best if you're self-employed contractor, then you don't have to disclose anything about your second job, and most B2B contracts don't prohibit you from working for other companies, unlike employment contracts.

>> No.49646641

How the heck do you manage conflicting meetings and stuff like that

>> No.49646720

fuck. im thinking of getting another job but not sure what to say during the application. do i say im currently working? what if they asked how much time do i need to submit my notice? do you have some tips for me?

>> No.49646728


>> No.49646753

>wfh in game dev
>literally achieved my dreams and hobby
>from the comfort of my home
>with decent pays
>and some gains from the LUNA fiasco
>and from rerolling those gains to gain more from HEDGE

Literally the most peaceful point in my life. It's so peaceful, in fact, that im kinda scared that this maybe some "calm before the storm" part of my life

>> No.49646770

Just lie, nobody checks that anyway, at least not for jobs below C-level. Even if they somehow find out, the worst thing that can happen is they will fire you.

>> No.49646792


>> No.49646902

They knew I had a job when interviewing. They assumed I quit it. I didn't.

>> No.49646906

For me this rarely happens, but when it does I just make some excuse why I can't attend one of them. In both of my jobs I told everyone that I have kids (I don't) so I always have a convenient excuse, nobody questions or objects to "I need to take my kid to the doctor" or something similar.

>> No.49646924

so don't injure yourself, learn your own body

>> No.49646925


*clears throat

i fucking hate you motherfuckers so much you piece of shit faggots. i hope all of you lose your fucking useless jobs you fucking faggots. clown fucking world. money. market. im so fucking sick of you FAGGOTS getting away with working from home and getting paid astronomical amounts to sit at home and jerk off. you fuckers are LUCKY and i hope this market goes to fucking ZERO so that you faggots start getting laid off.

all of you motherfuckers are complicit with the fuckers pushing that covid nonsense filling out surveys saying you are afraid to come back to the office. YOU are the reason the economy and world is in the state it is today and i CANT WAIT until the time comes to where you faggots get the short end of the stick and know this. the time is right around the fucking corner.
just like those NFT pushing niggers went broke so will you when companies consolidate and cut ties with their useless lazy work force.


(this does not apply to you self employed business chads, you guys are based and i will join you soon)

t. wagie

>> No.49646993

I don't have that many meetings as an individual contributor. When interviewing for teams, I asked about their working culture and meetings times. Now if I have a meeting for job1 at 12pm-12:30pm, I put on my calendar for job2 "focus time" or "lunch" or "personal" out whatever so people don't schedule over it. I don't go to meetings unless I have a contributing part. Make sure to choose 2 jobs that are light on meetings.

>> No.49647052

Doing good, two wfh jobs, double the income, went to the gym.

Anyone who thinks offices are “ le based and redpilled” are incredibly fucking retarded broken individuals

>> No.49647130

Two WFH jobs is the best thing that happened to me, God bless the coof. I will probably retire to some tropical island in 5 years.

>> No.49647156

Nice, I'm also in vidya industry in Canada. But ever since I've worked in gaming it made me hate video games, I never play them anymore. I'm thinking of pivoting into a new industry

NGL this borders on pathological lying bro. I don't think I could be that based

>> No.49647202
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>yes I violate contracts how could you tell?

>> No.49647216

Corpos exploit you and lie to you all the time, why should you be honest with them?

>> No.49647254

how do you guys manage your linkedin presence? or just dont have a LI profile?

i dont think i can pull this off working in tech sales

>> No.49647283

>employment contracts

Oh no I’m so scared on an unenforceable google document.

>> No.49647285

agree you should suck every last drop of blood out of them that you can. They will do the same to you with no hesitation.

>> No.49647310

5th week into my first WFH. My boss barely checks in on me. I keep asking more senior positions for work, sometimes they give it to me, sometimes they dont. I feel slightly guilty, like I dont deserve my salary. But I also work for a 30 Billion revenue company, so they can afford me. And they just hired a newer guy a week ago for the same position. Hopefully I get a little more busy.

>> No.49647319

Also in game dev, I hate these fucks like you wouldn’t believe.

>> No.49647352


what do you guys do? any tips on juggling it or just searching for one in general? I currently work as a PM remote and was thinking about doing this since overall i work like 4 hours a day max

>> No.49647372

So these threads are just a bunch of circlejerking faggots? Nobody here actually cares about helping others find WFH positions, or how to go about searching for them here? What the fuck?

>> No.49647390

My profile only lists one of my two current jobs.

>> No.49647399

>turn notifications off

>> No.49647409

It’s not coming to an end.

Please seethe more.

>> No.49647442

In the event that there's an actual minmaxer who's making like 200k a year and not just larping about it - what do you even spend that money on?

>> No.49647480

>Anyone who thinks offices are “ le based and redpilled” are incredibly fucking retarded broken individuals

redundant, but women too. had to go to the office for equipment and the place was practically empty, but a female worker present. said wfh drove her crazy. single mom. needed work for social interaction. probably dumped her SO. lol.

just browser 4chan.

>> No.49647500

I put it in hibernation and just leave the second gig out of my resume. Also set any public info on The Work Number (which isn’t accurate anyways) to private.

>> No.49647512

Software dev.
My tip is to not look for exciting jobs like startups, FAGMAN or some other tech frontier companies where they will expect you to work overtime and put a lot of effort. Look for "boring" jobs like bank, insurance, big consulting corporations etc., because that's where you can slack the most and it's easy to do all the tasks expected of you in few hours and have rest of the workday for another job.

>> No.49647526

Yes, and the body is telling my I can't work out every day

Post body you fucking loser

>> No.49647569

WFH jobs are the most coveted positions in human history why the fuck would we saturate the job pool with more mouthbteathers

>> No.49647582

Would a software dev boot camp be worth the 12 weeks of instruction?? Been thinking about doing this. Either that or work as a cop or a sales rep for a gutter company.

>> No.49647595

I make over 300k and I save and invest it all so I can buy land, build a house, get passive income and retire early.

>> No.49647602

I took up 3 jobs WFH, and it kinda sucks, been balancing 2 on and off since 2020, and well I'm tired of it all.

I want to quit them all, actually, and do nothing for a while and may just do that.

I do nothing but input in meetings and email tag.

>> No.49647644

helpful. thanks.

>> No.49647657

Only novices can get away with not having rest days. When you start moving serious weight, you need not only rest days but deload weeks.

>> No.49647691

>having photos of yourself
ask me how i know you're never gonna make it, manlet

>> No.49647702

Kids need babysitter, grandpa shitting the bed.. there's plenty of excuses

>> No.49647719
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>tfw company will finally put a nail in the coffin and reduce WFH from 2 days a week to maybe one if the CEO will be in a good mood. We used to have full WFH week and go to office only if you felt like it.

Bros this is even worse then the market crashes happening all over the place. It has been good to be a part of the clique in the best covid times.

>> No.49647723

I'm so sad bro, I waited too long. Can't get a WFH, I'm a salesman but the only thing I'm offered is telemarketing or pure cold calling, can't even find a decent customer service offer for more than $12 an hour.

>> No.49647739

Ask me how I know you bench less than 2 pl8s
Ask me how I know you've lifted, at best, less than a year

>> No.49647771

Don't know much about boot camps, never been to one, but I've heard they are a meme and not worth the money.
If you want IT job without knowing programming look into QA (software testing). You can learn the basics pretty quickly and there are many jobs that will take you for a junior position without experience. It's also a good starting point for a software career, you can learn test automation on the job which teaches you some basic coding and later when you gain experience you can become software dev or business analyst or even project manager.

>> No.49647822

post yours if you work out every day big guy

>> No.49647878


>> No.49647898

I spent the last two days reading and permanently on lunch break, eventually i went to sleep after 3 hours, wake up in the morning, no one even tried to contact me, feelsgoodman.jpg

>> No.49647901

i should be making around 180k this year and my wife 135k. both wfh.

We bought a luxury car and a house and we're having a kid later this year. Retaking the american dream brother.

>> No.49647930

Pretty good.
I cleared out my entire weeks backlog on Monday so I only woke up early to clock in then been chilling the rest of the day.
Been spending my free time grinding out extra certifications and working my second masters degree.
Company I'm at likes to incentivize self improvement so all job relevant certs/degrees get a pay raise once HR verifies it.
Rate of raise depends on what the cert/degree is but my last cert got me a 8% raise, the one before that got a 3%, and the one before that 5%.
I've only been with the company for 10 months.
I'm digging it.

>> No.49647948

>he still thinks 2 plates is the filter
>he thinks lifting for over a year is the filter
tell me how i know you've been lifting for slightly over a year and can't bench lmao 3pl8s

>> No.49648013

>Be me
>Do a masters in Security Risk Management
>Somehow start my career as Cyber Security Consultant right 2 weeks before covid
>Have no idea about how cyber security works
>Just make PowerPoints about obvious risk mitigation strategies to do
>Everyone claps in Teams meeting, especially senior management since I dont talk in code to them
>End up with bank as client full time doing internal fraud work.
>Everything is a dumbster fire, can get no data and no work is done because we are spying on our employees and everyone is upset
>Spend most of my time gaming world of warships WFH
>Consultancy department collapses as everyone leaves for various reasons
>As I am about to leave, bank client reaches out to me to be hired internally, desperately needs me and offers 2x my salary plus banking benefits

Now I am just playing 3-4 hours of world of warships everyday. Got quite alot of Tier X ships now. I also dont have to pay any fees when buying stocks when working for them.

>> No.49648306


>> No.49648385

thanks, anon.

>> No.49648435

Hey overemployed chads: would this work for a junior ux designer? If I understand this correctly one job must be a wagie job where you're able to slack and the other must be self-employed so they cant ask about private clients?
Any Euro bros know how this works regarding taxation and legality ( non-compete clause and other kikery?)

Thanks a bunch bros, wagmi

>> No.49648555

From a tax standpoint it's fully legal (as long as you pay all the taxes of course). As for non-compete clauses you need to either negotiate them out of your contract before you sign it, or just fuck it and take a risk. Unless you tell them you breached it, the chances of companies finding it out is pretty slim, and even then the worst they can do is fire you. You'd have to leak trade secrets or something (and they would have to prove it) in order for them to take you to court, so don't worry about it.

>> No.49648576


If I could sage an individual post I would. Wfh is just getting started, git gud skills and be useful and you too could be comfy

>> No.49648580

>only benching 3 pl8s
Pathetic. Dyels pls go

>> No.49648627

imagine being this retarded, ngmi

>> No.49648628

>he only benches 4 pl8s
pls anon i can only laugh so much

>> No.49648664

Just tell them you're already remote. Also LinkedIn if you're any bit related to tech

>> No.49648741

Today I took 8 hrs of lunch.
Today was a good day.

>> No.49648759
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I make over 200k and I don't spend much of it. Most of it goes into investments.

Spend about 3k a month on necessities.

>> No.49648826

>uses plates instead of trucks as units of measurement

>> No.49649129

Thank you, brah. About the non compete clause: how would you even broach this subject without it implicating you and giving the hr roastie cause for red flag?

>> No.49649221

>doesnt want to cold call
you deserve what you have

>> No.49649243
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I find out tomorrow I imagine what the future holds for me. If I'm gonna survive the vax culling or what. I think if I can, then my boss won't give a shit if I keep working from home and I'll be looking good. But HR also approves it and they're fucking niggers. Since we are entering a recession I was probably just gonna fake vax proof though but I'd rather not do that so we shall see

>> No.49649479

Say that you do after hours side gigs, like websites for small businesses or something. This never raises red flags, can even give you bonus points.

>> No.49649570

>Say that you do after hours side gigs, like websites for small businesses or something. This never raises red flags, can even give you bonus points.
Yes, of course! You are a giga chad, anon. I'm not even being hyperbolic. The balls it takes. I want to be as chad as you in 2023 at the latest

>> No.49649955

Also do research, a lot of non compete clauses are unenforceable. Especially in CA and WA. Confirm with an employment lawyer just to be sure. If the worst is you get fired if they find out it’s worth it, just don’t be dumb.

>> No.49650026

>Search keyword for type of job you want
>Filter for full-time remote roles posted in the last week and filter for your specific location (some companies care about what time zone you’re in)
>For every posting that has job title you’re interested in, immediately check qualifications required to make sure you even have a chance to not waste time reading through description of role you won’t apply
>After 1st day just filter for roles posted in past 24 hours
I did this every day for 30 minutes and probably applied to 50 roles over two weeks
Got interviews for 7
Offers from 2

>> No.49650122

Buy pic related for $25

Download Unreal Engine 5 and do these tutorials:
C++ Fundamentals: Game Programming For Beginners
Unreal 5.0 C++ Developer: Learn C++ and Make Video Games

good introduction to coding concepts

>> No.49650361

Wait software engineers and devs are getting paided over market value by a lot. Market correction will have high paid low experience devs getting laid off first.

>> No.49650416

um based

>> No.49650439

How the fuck are we supposed to do that for you? Since before the pandemic, every job I've gotten has been 99% remote with the occasional office day about once every quarter. I got all of these jobs off indeed applying to industries in which I had relevant skills.

>> No.49650549
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Feeling comfy woke up an hour late, logged in that hour. Made breakfast on the second hour, finally started work on the 3r hour and got tired. Went for a 1hr walk and came back to lunch. Life is good. Logged out of work early today. :)

>> No.49650660

Why do WFH threads always attract so many larping faggots? Anyway, my office is reopening soon and we will have to go in once a week. I'm feeling anxious about it. It's been so long, but I feel like one day actually won't be too bad.

>> No.49650745

suck my flaccid dick anon :)
t. wfh anon

>> No.49650807

>all reddit and discord users

>> No.49650879

Look, I'm really sorry that you're not important or alpha enough to refuse to go back into the office. I moved out of state. I didn't ask my boss, I TOLD him I was moving. If you're productive it shouldn't matter

Never going back, none of my coworkers are either. If they even hint at going back, we'll find work elsewhere, and the managers/c-suite are well aware of this because that's exactly what happened at a consulting firm we work closely with.

It should be a win-win anyway, they don't need to pay out the ass for expensive corporate real estate, etc.

>> No.49650949
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doing this thanks guys

>> No.49651171

For you

>> No.49651222

This is the way to do it. Tell them that you'll be moving out of state and working remotely full time. If they take issue with it, let them fire you.

>> No.49651551

>Boss gets a new office opened in the city
>Asks people to return to the office multiple times a week
>Flat no from management below him, and by proxy their subordinates too.
>Continue comfy WFH, sometimes literally in my bed with a laptop.
Feels good man. Will have to go once a month maximum in the absolute worst case.

>> No.49651564

Make 180k a year.

Today I woke up, had some cookies and eggs. Had a coffee. Went for a 2 hour walk with my dogs. Did some yard work. Got hot so took a dip in the pool. Was tired so took a nap afterwards. Then I played sonic mania and now im on 4chan.

Literally didn't even pop open my work laptop.

>> No.49651889

Love those days. I can access my work e-mail and Slack from my personal PC or on mobile so even if someone messages me while I'm out I can still easily pretend I'm working

>> No.49652059

Im considering taking an extra job. Im hired as fulltime but usually I can finish all my work within 15-20 hours. I might aswell take another fulltime job and make mad money.
Only problem I guess would be if they have some emergency request or meeting both at the same time lmao. Anybody has experience with this?

>> No.49652075

my wfh job is perfect, I setup my entire apartment exactly how I like it. no insane managers lurking around or boring in person meetings. just enough work to make me feel like I’m not a leech
only bad thing atm is that Walgreens, Walmart, and the pharmacies all cut off my telehealth adderall script. so now I have to find a new source before I run out

>> No.49652078

I've picked up a 2nd WFH job (making 56k) and make 80k from my 1st job. I could probably do a 3rd one too, but too lazy to keep applying/interviewing.

>> No.49652143

no commute time. 4 hour lunch today. might be getting a promotion soon. payday friday. feels good

>> No.49652194

Also bros... my WFH job is in crypto. Im stressed as fuck that I might lose it due to bear market. If I have to go back to being a normal wagie I might just jump in front of a train instead

>> No.49652276
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your tears fuel me
i make 52 per hour to sit on my ass doing as little as possible
3k every two weeks take home in low cost of living state
stay mad

>> No.49652346

is it profitable to drive uber 4-6 hours a day on the weekends? i feel it would be worth it if you can average $20-30/hr

>> No.49653429
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I work as a "Fraud Analyst" at a certain big ecommerce firm. I am officially on the clock 7 hours a day (from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, with a 2 hour lunch break). The time I actually spend working is probably close to 3 hours a day though. Got this job in 2020 and I honestly feel like I'm cheating through life.

>> No.49653552

How much salary?

>> No.49653667

>40 calls a day

I did this at one point and I wanted to blow my head off

>> No.49653920

>any tips on juggling it
I forgot the most important tip: AVOID FUCKING SCRUM LIKE A PLAGUE if you want to work two jobs at the same time. Scrum masters are royal pain in the ass during WFH even if you only work a single job.

>> No.49653922
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Office was full WFH during the pandemic, I willingly went in every other week for a few hours to get some stuff done that can't be done WFH.
Brought us back into the office a few months back but only 3 days a week now. WFH used to be really comfy but boomer colleagues were bad at hiding how little work they would do WFH so management got stricter. All I really have to do is answer the phone a few times a day though. Occasionally I'll have actual work to do but it's rare. Most WFH days I can just watch videos, cook, play games, go for walks, all that good stuff. Thinking about taking up gardening.

>> No.49653950

do you want to hear me tell you to go learn 3-5 years of cloud architecture or software development? Is that what you want?

>> No.49654160

WFH chads, what can i do to get a job without any skills? Any basic WFH mind numbing thing that anyone can do out there? I have the time, anything

>> No.49654203

Software Testing

>> No.49654214

Data analyst. It’s comfy, mentally stimulating, and universally respected by managers. I personally think dev jobs look boring as fuck and you have a lot of shit to learn, but being a DA you can use Python to automate your reporting and dab on boomers who only know excel. Also probably the most within reach path if you’re just starting out with coding.

>> No.49654287

learn excel.
you can get so many jobs just by knowing how to do basic shit in excel. for the majority of jobs out there, you're competing against old ass boomers that barely even know how to navigate a file directory.

>> No.49654321

Any tips on how to search for this sort of job?

>> No.49654346

Thats a good point, thanks for the tip

>> No.49654401

Bonus just came in boys. $40k gross for the month and by the time taxes anal raped me I had $20k. It’s not fucking fair.

>> No.49654403

Go to your preferred job offer website and search for "Software Testing" or "Quality Assurance".

>> No.49654424

Thanks kind anon i might give it a try

>> No.49654428

Took a 4 hour lunch today, had a few meetings in which I played Call of Duty. I'll send those critical e-mails tomorrow.

>> No.49654455

what do you guys do with all that money

>> No.49654467

blow it on crypto

>> No.49654486

Job is really easy to get even without any skills nor experience, just make sure you read what it's all about beforehand so you don't make a fool of yourself during interview. There are plenty of resources available online.

>> No.49654498

all our testers are outsourced to india

>> No.49654549

That was a trend around here like 10 years ago as well, but everyone learned that it was a bad idea the hard way. Nowadays all the serious companies either have them back in-house or outsource to Eastern Europe.

>> No.49654564

went grocery shopping at my usual time today, between 12:30 and 1:30 right when people are finished with lunch and before kisd get out and after ASP resets on my street. i used to be religious about turning my laptop on at 8:30am and playing a video to keep it from logging off. today is the first day i barely kept it logged in.

i really want to go back to exercising in the morning, but living so easily makes that kind of change so hard.

>> No.49655800

cuck coworker keeps asking to pair program some issues I've been "working" on for the past 2 months with no progress

jokes on him I'm quitting next week lmfao

>> No.49657247

>Meeting invite to emergency meeting
>Select "tentative"
>Don't show up
>Zero follow up from guy who declared emergency
>Eventually just get email updates
There's no such thing as a work emergency, just work.

>> No.49657914

40 is low. lots of places expect their sales team to do 70-100 dials a day. i can bust out 40 calls in less than 2 hours easily

>> No.49657992

I have people calling me early in the morning every single day. I just wish they would schedule calls instead of ruining my morning sleep.

>> No.49658414

Wtf, how do you sell anything in 3 minutes

>> No.49658418

Big surprise, the fraud analyst is a fraud analyst.

>> No.49658482
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went to a meeting and wrote a few lines of code today to fix a problem. took maybe 1.5 hours total. i feel like i'm cheating bros, is it too good to be true.

>> No.49658803

any coordination/coordinator, its a fucking joke. Need some sort of degree for most braindead office jobs though or the boomers will throw it in the trash