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49631459 No.49631459 [Reply] [Original]

The crypto payments has taken a step forward! Now it is starting to adopt Web3 and become a solution.
There is alot to explore now in that regards,
Utrust, Depay, Alchemy Pay, Payroll and much more.

>> No.49631898

What do this mean am fucking done with crypto

>> No.49632022
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I think only you can understand it in this way honestly. I'll break it down to you. This means that the crypto payments adoption has grown and evolving. Now it's a web3 crypto payment solution.

>> No.49632037

very organic sounding thread good job boys

>> No.49632078

Thanks for the complement

>> No.49632270

Binance pay will soon be the giant amongst these projects

>> No.49632300

That's true mate it will be huge for sure because it has a userbase already. But is is a web3 crypto payment solution? Like Utrust or other projects.

>> No.49632320
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The bank of America said recently that crypto payments is just a matter of time since many Americans support it.

>> No.49632357

Yeah very well. When US starts to adopt cryto payments ot will be huge for sure. No questions on that.

>> No.49632983

Bitch that's a web3 payment platform don't sound so naive

>> No.49633076

Fuck off Utrust with its over 10k merchants will beat any of them hands down. None comes close to it

>> No.49633300
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Who else is tired of paypal hilarious fees

>> No.49633446
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crypto is the future, though it still early
That's why I prefer making crypto payments using Utrust, it only charge 1 % transaction fees

>> No.49633557

I hope they wouldn't impose a lot of regulation and tax on it like with India.
>Cryptopayment is faster and of course more reliable

>> No.49633841

> it only charge 1 % transaction fees
I'm a merchant, I have wasted a lot of transaction fee using paypal, if this works has stated then you Just made my day

>> No.49634148

I read that it will be adopting crypto services. That will make it more formidable

>> No.49634465

Coinbase doesn't even come close with its number of merchants

>> No.49634649

Good one anon,aside earning opportunities, that has been a frontrunner for traditional payments providers, with crypto settlement from anywhere in the world seamlessly.

>> No.49634657

Been the greatest isn't the aim block head, the aim is for a mass crypto payment adoption
>BTC is the greatest, now its dragging every other altcoins along with it

>> No.49634809

Out of all you listed I have used Utrust and I started using it few days ago when it migrated to Elrond chain, I'm staking UTK too for 28% APY

>> No.49634907

I have no fucking business with that,when I can purchase cars from Autoworld or get airline tickets from Alternative airline,pay for all my shopping using BTC USDT UTK EGLD

>> No.49635060

Staking worth it in time like this, I cant sell because all my portfolio is fucking down. Maybe I will look into this

>> No.49635332

Holy shit why the hell are we paying for service fees when Utrust aim to build a a reliable payments platform that'll enable fast & seamless crypto transactions at lower fees, therefore allowing merchants to reach a large audience of crypto holders.

>> No.49635377

My bad I didn't know that anon! I know Utrust was tye 1st to become the web3 crypto payment solution

>> No.49635424

I have heard about it anon they are now scaling to US as well in a very short time.

>> No.49635454
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How can you be talking of crypto payment when we are bleeding?

>> No.49635485
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Crypto payment could be a good way to get rid of crypto.

And you can get cashback for it

>> No.49635494

This sounds great mate, it will change the way crypto-to-fiat transactions happen forever, by solving existing problems in online payment sector.

>> No.49635512

I understand the situation but still the future and evolution doesn't stop because of this. At this time only Utrust has been acquired by the Elrond network so are they fools? Not at all evolution doesn't stop for anything just adapt

>> No.49635553

If everyone adopts crypto then we wouldn't be bleeding this much plus not only crypto is dipping right now
>Use your head

>> No.49635571

Crypto payment projects will most likely be the ones trending in the next bull cycle, so now is the best to accumulate their tokens since they are on discount
XPRESS is my favorite, and I'm just doing some research on Utrust

>> No.49635606

Yeah it is good. Not only Utrust provides cashbacks even cryptodotcom does. Just that Utrust is pretty old and has weathered a bear market and sustained it pretty well.

>> No.49635631

He still need to pay for his hospital bill when get some treatment anon

>> No.49635668
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Wow it is really nice that you are positive just like me. Do continue to explore let be Utrust or xpress as you said they are the future

>> No.49635690
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Cryptodotcom reduced their cashback. I left them for that reason

>> No.49635753

>The crypto payments has taken a step forward! Now it is starting to adopt Web3 and become a solution.
>There is alot to explore now in that regards,
>Utrust, Depay, Alchemy Pay, Payroll and much more.
Blah blah blah blah pls buy my coins

It's evident your bags are getting heavy kys

>> No.49635768 [DELETED] 

Utrust increased their cashback and added more earning opportunities. Check it out

>> No.49635841

That project look green is make my dick horny, its a leading crypto payment provider which has recently integrated with the Elrond ecosystem.

>> No.49636140
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Are you nuts? Newfag? That's not how crypto works. We are in fucking recession. No amount of adoption can save us

>> No.49636199
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This sounds like another Celsius waiting to happen. Get ready to be rekt

>> No.49636267

getting 1.5% cashback on all the purchases I do through
Recently I bought myself a Samsung galaxy s22 ultra with a merchant and got a cash back on the transaction using that project.

>> No.49636319

Crypto payment platforms are driving adoption. What I love about Utrust is that it is helping merchants receive crypto, as well as buyers to pay

>> No.49636418

>>49636140Go bury your head in some trashy dumbass shit,only the web3 payments platform is building the future of crypto holders and marchant get over 15-35% using UTK2.0.

>> No.49636440

I agree. Over 85% of merchants want to receive crypto, but some factors hold them back. We need more projects that will help on board merchants.

>> No.49636643
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Binance pay is cool. But does it really do on chain crypto payment?

>> No.49636818

I use Alchemy Pay and they are the best. You can't love them more.

That's good APY right there. I love Elrond blockchain.

>> No.49636840

Let's stay positive and let's keep buying the dip, the next bull cycle is just around the corner and WAGMI

>> No.49636889

You can now buy your dream home or make that decisive real estate investment you’ve been seeking and pay in crypto wth that anon

>> No.49636952

Kasta does it better than them all.

>> No.49637012

Apart for PayPal shopify and USDT which can I use to to convert crypto to fiat

>> No.49637190
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Paypal is a great payment platform and now I can send crypto with it

The CEO of utrust is from Paypal. If she is good, it is because Paypal taught her well

>> No.49637224

Are you referring to never selling crypto to a fiat or Literally paying with crypto? It’s easier to spend crypto directly with utrust than converting it to fiat and transferring to your bank account anon

>> No.49637371

I'm new to this crypto payment thing. I'll take my time to research all these. This sounds like the next big then.

Oh. I'll check this out too.

I just need to be able to use a simple API on my website to receive crypto.

>> No.49637522
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Paypal charges up to 11% in fees. When they are nice, the fees cost 5%, but on average, the fees are 8%.

Imagine paying 1% fee and cents in gas fee to send money?