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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49630142 No.49630142 [Reply] [Original]

You do realize it's going to $18,000, don't you?

>> No.49630161

at that point liquidation cascade will dump it under 10k

>> No.49630174

I want it to go to 1k

>> No.49630180

more like $18
and that is just short term
long term bitcoin will just die out as it becomes prohibitively expensive to mine with the rising electricity prices

>> No.49630196

Not closing my shorts until a trend reversal, probably after $17k

>> No.49630210

If by 18 you mean 15, yes.

>> No.49630228

18k? try 18 dollars.

>> No.49630234

More like 9k and im a mumu

>> No.49630239
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>I want it to go to 1k
I want it to go to zero. I want every smug cryptotard to literally have him tearing his hair out and/or anheroing.

>> No.49630258

Today it is

>> No.49630261

Kek you're stupid. It'll survive. Same as gold, Costs alot to dig up, is still here

>> No.49630263 [DELETED] 

18k is a number on the way lower, so yes of course it will be 18k at one poin.

>> No.49630284

18k is a number on the way lower, so yes of course it will be 18k at one point.

>> No.49630292

there is no cost to keep gold aboveground and it has an actual value
when electricity prices > money earned by mining then they will all shut down
you can cope all you want but it is the truth

>> No.49630326

lmao at fake bobo
learn to tell fake bobo (bullish bhenchod posing as a real bobo by deliberately underestimating the true bobo state of the market) from real bobo

>> No.49630353

I'm just being realistic. I expect it to bounce off the previous ATH. That was at 18k. Is this not a reasonable expectation?

>> No.49630354

Bobos are euphoric right now

>> No.49630412
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Bobos have been euphoric for like 6 months and the feed and sneed index has just alternated between fear and extreme fear but it doesn't really seem to matter. I guess this time it's unironically different huh.

>> No.49630682
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I wonder why people are buying BTC when ETH and the blue-chip altcoins outperform it.

>> No.49630721

eth and scrt, its privacy default version have a lot cooking, the merge and shockwave omega upgrade.

>> No.49630727
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At this rate we’re going even lower than that. Again, the recession hasn’t even started.

>> No.49630728

It's going much lower than 18k, if that was the bottom I'd buy in already

>> No.49630753

Many alts will make you more money, but they are all likely to fail except BTC.

>> No.49630984
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I now have 10 ETH since the price dropped to 1,300, I also got about 500 SCRT.

>> No.49631018

retard, we dig it up because we need it for stuff.
nobody needs crypto. like all gambling instruments, it is just a fad.

>> No.49631123

>what is difficulty adjustment

>> No.49631226
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Last Thursday I remember seeing a post from someone who tried to argue it was mathematically impossible for it to fall under 28k. I still wonder if he was some kind of shill or just a retard.

>> No.49631276

It is not going to that level, 20k is the new support line>>49630984
I love their Kevin smith event too. The after-party was really lit

>> No.49631303

I think scrt is a good buy after they upgraded their mainnet

>> No.49631344

he must be retard, I think the next support line is 15k now
I am holding them to get some airdrops , I made some solid bags from their airdrops

>> No.49631353

This is how pathetic the life of a bobo is lmao

>> No.49631394

Enjoying your own life and some additional seethe from cryptotards for personal entertainment? Yes, truly pathetic kek

>> No.49631397

You will burn in hell my friend, your time is coming too
I got some shade airdrop too

>> No.49631446

breached 22 and went to 21.9 momentarily
this is very worrying

>> No.49631452

I am betting on $14,88.

>> No.49631497

>very worrying
More like very boring.

>> No.49631533

people dont have money. theyre forced to sell for cash to pay for food and gas. what will they do next month especially if the fed hikes rates up again? btc will go to 8k or even less

>> No.49631543
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unironically yes, it shows just how sad and pathetic you are. You're clearing some assblasted seething troon who had 12 years to secure generational wealth but was such a fucking subhuman retard you not only fucked that up, but fucked up making it in the easiest year of all(2021). Boy, you must REALLY hate yourself! I think that in of itself is a good balance against your anger towards crypto. tl;Dr stay poor and stay filtered, faggot.

>> No.49631565

Did u open a short at 20k Bobo faggot? It might go to 0.0000002$, you never know, you might lose on 3 gorrillion dollerinos

>> No.49631579

/biz/ is filled with retards that still think crypto's bear-bull cycles are predictable. he probably wasn't a shill tbqh

>> No.49631837

>W-we'll recover from this!!!

>> No.49631886
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too generous my fren
we are about to witness historic numbers
how about we fill the gap?

>> No.49632023

that's pretty hopeful

>> No.49632100

Seethe and cope, you failed to make it during the greatest wealth transfer in history so you try to take it out on those who did. You will kill yourself when the real recession hits, and the world will be better off not having subhuman double digit IQ retards like you around.

Once again, get filtered and get fucked, poorfag.

>> No.49632334

Niggerr. Bottoms are made by retarded hodlers, you underestimate retards hodling

>> No.49632553

i just want you to know that i didnt read any of your posts

>> No.49633020

So? 22k, 20k, 18k, what's the difference? Your fud is not relevant anymore

>> No.49633270

>So? 5k, 2k, 1k, what's the difference? Your fud is not relevant anymore

>> No.49633341


>> No.49633782
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>> No.49633798
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Didn't read never selling

>> No.49633805

if it goes to $1 im buyign the dip

>> No.49633807

Why? Think it won't happen? :)

>> No.49633908

That's my prediction. The forecasted moving average put's it right between 17-19,000. I'm just patiently waiting to buy the bottom.

>> No.49633965

Once it drops below $20k there will be a liquidation cascade down to $17k, where Celsius' liquidation price lies.

And when Celsius' gigantic position is liquidated and they lose all their customers funds, there will be another cascade down to 12-14k. Simple as

>> No.49633990

buy high sell low

>> No.49634194
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Mitch Schedlock, "resident financial advisor" on coast 2 coast last night says its going to


> captcha TAPAA
> AAAAaaaaaaaaaAAAAaaaaaa

>> No.49634278

>nobody needs crypto
god you are so fucking STUPID
people WANT it because its factual data regarding financial movement, which is used to create marketing plans, open new markets quickly and efficiently, disrupt the black market, and trace taxation/public spending - just to touch the tip of the iceberg
its similar to how facebook or twitter is worth billions because of the information upon it, and that data is 99% false, misleading, or meaningless
so imagine twitter (which was recently valued for tens of billions of dollars), but the information is 100% reliable, integral, and useful
this is on top of the fact that the technology is in its infancy and has only begun to explore its utility, let alone implementation
crypto is not going to usher in a new age of decentralisation like spergs believe, it will result in the opposite, and thats why it will be implemented, once the normies and autists are squeezed out of the market
the writing is on the fucking wall

>> No.49634356
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When you learned that CRYPTO itself WAS THE GREAT BUBBLE of our times
> has literally no inherent value, in fact is a deficit since it cost gargantuan amounts of electricity to solve the hashes
> only had value as an anti-counterfietting tool due to the blockchain, it's actual worth was always arbitrary and as bouyant as wile-e-coyote over the grand canyon

At this point can you even make purchases with Bitcoin and other shit coins?

Probably better just to buy shit with it if you can instead of trying to get the money out

>> No.49634366

The tech and the profit pays at the end. I'm concentrating on P2Es now as they're gonna be the best ways to earn passive income. Civitas and Honeyland are my picks. Gonna be playing for a pretty long time

>> No.49634477

Was it hosted by George "Pizza roll" Noory? Yeah him and the rest of the Blippi squad need to go back to shilling multi-dimensional yetis and Missing 441 shit and leave financial advice to the bobos and mumus of biz

>> No.49634501
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Don't care never selling