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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49627905 No.49627905 [Reply] [Original]

Bears thread

Made a lot of money shorting to 20k anons how about you?

>> No.49627914

Give it back.

>> No.49627918

What a bad anime that show was.

>> No.49628102
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Show tits

>> No.49628268

I wish I had the confidence to trade on longer than 15m, 30m, and 1h Fib timeframes.

>> No.49628290

you are 99% down on ICP

>> No.49628330
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No I'm not

Kill yourself, faggot, its a good show

>> No.49628407

spongebob is better

>> No.49628499
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Right there with you anon. I just wish I had more money to bet on this. I could be making thousands rather than hundreds.

>> No.49628516

This is a shitty anime
>haha cute girl make funny face
Fuck this anime and fuck its popularity overshadowing better shows.

>> No.49628524
File: 160 KB, 277x447, [SubsPlease] Spy x Family - 10 (1080p) [B5A6E7A4].mkv_snapshot_22.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but she makes funny faces

>> No.49628698
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b-but muh based pink haired esper loli

>> No.49628703

>Fuck this anime and fuck its popularity overshadowing better shows.
like what

>> No.49628713

go die in a trench

>> No.49628730
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i've just found out that my predictions were correct and my bags are safu, all according to ryoshi's plans

>> No.49628734

This show sucks. Reddit x family

>> No.49628760
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attack on kinovengers

>> No.49628769

i have yet to see one unit of a good argument come from the haters

>> No.49628775

anon, what a man you are

>> No.49628783

ryoshifags, we did it?

>> No.49628792

I'm going to drop some redpills on the show. It isn't bad, it's generic. Everything in the story is very forced. Animation and colors are nice. Nothing at all happens in half the episodes which make it very boring.

>> No.49628819
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They ruined it dude. They deserved the chad and made him a 15 year old bitch again

>> No.49628829

so that's it? that's your argument? How is it forced, exactly? "Nothing at all happens" The way i see it, the show is progressing at a steady pace with good character and story development
Save from the plot of the incest secret police brother, that one is cringe as fuck

>> No.49628912

I can smell the reddit on you, please tell me why redditors take such an issue with incest but will gulp all the other bullshit down
Other bullshit episodes: dodgeball, the stupid castle one, probably other don't really care enough to think about it more

>> No.49628937

It's a story about how being a salaryman and having a family is great.

Unfortunately Abe-san's efforts to get men in their 20s/30s to breed seems to have missed the part where the japanese economy has basically hoovered all the money that would normally go to getting jobs for young men into pensions for 90 year olds, so it's kind of boomerish for him to think it's just a matter of 'being yourself' and making a kid, you need to actually be paid enough to support a wife and family. Which is weirdly something boomers never seem to 'get'.

>> No.49629041

>It's forced
>Nothing at all happens
Keep throwing those buzzwords in there. Maybe something will stick.
>It's a story about how being a salaryman... is great
Lloyd is a fucking spy. The closest to a salaryman is the wife, and her coworkers are sort of bitches. Did you even watch the show, retard?

>> No.49629073

You don't have to be rich to have kids. Jamal and Tyrone can have them just fine

>> No.49629097

Based retard absolute

>> No.49629205

In a very ironic twist, you used "buzzwords" as a buzzword and failed to address any of my criticism. I will elaborate because I am a man touched by god.
>Nothing happened: dodgeball episode
the end of the episode shows that all the training in the beginning was for literally nothing, they lose, and it ends with the stakes being absolutely nothing to begin with. No characters changed. No goals changed. Nothing happened, and nothing was affected.
>Forced: essentially the entire show
The three very very special characters all meeting up is already forced, it feels more like their relationships are more forced along than progressing naturally. Gives a very contrived feeling. Yoru is by far the biggest weak point of the show, and funny enough is usually only used for gags in most episodes.

>> No.49629246

Is this how the "le epic quality /biz/ during bear market" threads are in reality? Manchildren arguing about cartoons?

>> No.49629257

Welcome to 5chins faggot, until next time

>> No.49629755
File: 138 KB, 1014x1564, IMG_20211207_025541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staking plug to pre-mine otto and getting rewards in otto and plug. That's the game plan. A big one if you know