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49621128 No.49621128 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/. I graduated college last month and have 3 job offers, none of which are in my hometown. Where should I move?

>65k salary, 20k bonus if I hit metrics
>have visited twice, enjoyed it a lot
>No family there
>lots of friends in/around the area, large alumni network from my school
>fucking crazy all the time
>the girls there are super fucking entitled

>75k salary, bonus not discussed
>Have visited once, loved it
>From florida so winter will be hell
>Have family that lives in the suburbs + 2 friends from college in the city, 1 of which offered to room with me
>have been told "the crime is out of control but the city is very segregated, so you wont ever really see it

Washington DC
>70k salary, 15k bonus if I hit metrics
>Have never visited
>Zero family, zero friends, no connection to the city
>Dating is apparently super fucking hard here
>Super liberal and taxes very high

Software engineer btw. What should I do /biz/? I'm 22 and have zero responsibilities, but I have to live in a city at least in the short/medium term.

thank you. a thot for your time

>> No.49621158
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>> No.49621194


Have fun keeping a job in the economy

>> No.49621219

Well, not my fault I graduated into a recession. Luckily theres always someone hiring l2 engineers

>> No.49621228

Via the terms laid out Chicago by a mile.

>> No.49621235


The cities are gonna go full mad max later this year.

>> No.49621248


>> No.49621252


>> No.49621282

Pol has been saying that since I was 16, still hasnt happened yet. Not going to hold my breath.

Good to know - Im leaning towards Chicago at this point. VERY worried about the winter though.


>> No.49621305

Easily Miami

>> No.49621314

DC has Chicago tier crime but none of the actual perks of a city imo, never living there again

I'd pick Miami in your situation since you're from Florida but Chicago probably the best earning potential relative to the CoL

>> No.49621333

Chicago, it's a fun city with less degen culture than Miami, all 4 seasons, and apparent family and friend connections

>> No.49621351

>I'd pick Miami in your situation since you're from Florida
See but that's the issue - Miami is like a completely different country. Im from Orlando - a cushy white suburb called Winter Park to be exact - the polar opposite of Miami. Im not sure that would do much for me there. The thing I have going for me is that there are roughly a million UF alumni that live there too

>> No.49621354

New York or LA are the only cities worth experiencing

>> No.49621379

>with less degen culture than Miami
Yeah Im really worried about that. I feel like I'd be even more of a degen than I was in gainesville.

>> No.49621381

I've been to both Chicago and dc and Chicago blows dc out of the water.

>> No.49621397

You’ll live like a pauper in any of them on that salary. I’d take Miami for the women and because DC and Chicago are filled with niggers

>> No.49621424

I'm not sure but it's between Chicago and Miami. DC is repulsive, Northern Virginia has an extremely expensive cost of living but offers almost no benefits for the costs. Unless you're really enamored with the US government there's no point in living there while working for a private company.

>> No.49621440

>not making 100k+ a year
huh????????????? nigger you are making EE tier salary wtf you doin

>> No.49621444

Noted, thank you
>I’d take Miami for the women
Idk about all that though. If the women in Miami are at all like the ones I already know, they're the worst.

>> No.49621459

The listed salaries also convert nicely to your percentage chance of getting shot by a nigger in the first 3 years.

>> No.49621480

That's a latina

>> No.49621483

...I'm a brand new grad at a non target? I feel like those are pretty fair offers given I have zero experience save for a local internship. Should I counter? Given the looming recession I kind of want to just get a job and hunker down for a year or two.

>> No.49621515

Those are mechanical engineer tier salaries, yikes.

>> No.49621563

Not necessarily. At an average of 70k, that leaves me with almost 2k a month for rent. And given Im 23 and just moved out of a fraternity house, I'd be fine with a roommate or two or even three. That would get me a pretty nice condo or apartment in a good area, based on some pretty extensive research. Chicago is the cheapest of the three housing wise by FAR. Northside of course.

>> No.49621613
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Looks like it's right on target with the average. Im fine with that given the economic hurricane thats coming

>> No.49621720

All of those salaries seem pretty trash for an entry level software engineer working in a major city. Did you even try to negotiate any of them higher?
I made that much as a fresh grad 8 years ago working for a local company in the middle of nowhere. I understand wages have underperformed inflation, but its a bit surprising they haven't moved at all.

If you're desperate or in a hurry, you should just pick whatever job sounds like it'll give the best experience, then bail after a year if possible. You can easily make six figs.

>> No.49621851

Miami for weather alone. Going from somewhere warm and sunny to very cold and dreary is depressing as hell.

>> No.49621994

How is this a fucking question? I'm in the airlines and even I avoid ORD/DCA like the fucking plague, and I only have to spend a fucking night there...

Miami by a fucking mile, not even close. Those salaries look similar at first, but you've got to factor in the fact that FL has no state income tax, different politics to both other states you've listed, and if you're worried about CoL, just stay in some whites only suburb to the north of MIA and commute 30min to work if you can't remote. Then there's the weather you've mentioned, you're from Orlando so you can hang during a hurricane party. But Chicago/DC winters are absolute nigger, horrible cities to be in for cold weather.

>> No.49622065

I lived in Chicago my whole life. Winters do kind of suck but they're kind of cool at the same time. You probably don't know what it's like to feel comfy af inside on a cold night, knowing that the snow and chill gives you an excuse to take it easy.

I would give miami a try but at 65k it doesn't sound like you would be able to really appreciate it. 75k in Chicago is pretty decent, you can afford a decent place on the northside for that maybe even by yourself. Don't discount the near south side, like pilsen or briidgeport. Of course I'd avoid anything West of damen or south of 35th.

>> No.49622138


>> No.49622159

> Winter Park
> white
Lol get out of here with that, it's Little San Juan over there. That being said, of the 3, go with Miami and stay in Southwest Ranches or Miami Beach, this state is too based to leave bro. Too bad Tampa isn't an option.
> t. Tampa-chad

>> No.49622195
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I LOVE tampa and used to live there. On davis islands when I was younger; I went to gorrie. Tampa is super fucking expensive. Go bolts

>> No.49622226

DC is satanic and having some friends or family where you live is huge, dont fucking go there. the girls are all the worst social climbing whores who work in government or NGO bureaucracies

despite the chicongo memes chicago isn't too bad in certain parts but it's definitely a city on the way out, it's slowly bleeding citizens and the taxes are insane just like in DC. also midwestern winters are gonna be brutal if you're from florida, i've lived in minneapolis my whole life and still want to kill myself every time February rolls around. having some family might be nice though and with highest salary might be a good bet.

miami is crazy but unlike chicago florida is one of the states of the future, having friends where you live is super nice but for 10k salary cut idk. also depends on where you're gonna live w/ regards to rent and general cost of living.

toss up between chicago and florida based on your preferences. i'd def choose florida if i were you.

>> No.49622297

as someone from Florida that went to NYC for a year, Miami. But if you really have to spend time outside the state to understand why the rest of the country dreams of FL, go to Chicago.

>> No.49622438

>worried about the winter
it's fine, you'll sack up. the key is learning how to dress.

>> No.49622458


>> No.49622517

Stay mad ruralfag

>> No.49623159


For winter, just make sure you dress properly--hat all winter, and boots. People will wear coats but nothing over their hear or ears, and will wear flimsy plastic shoes, and complain about feeling fold. If you do all of those things and are still cold then whatever. I love winter though, maybe you'll find you like it? I like running outside in winter. I had a great run along lake michigan in winter once when I was in chicago while listening to the soundtrack from lost highway.

>> No.49623354

If you don’t pick Chicago you’re unironicaly retarded and I suggest using your bonuses to get tested

>> No.49623457

Okay but honestly if you're from the Midwest you just wear shorts and a hoodie or like jeans and a coat when it's actually super cold. Needing more means just go inside lol

>> No.49623478

I grew up in Windermere and Metro West. I just left at 26 for a SWE gig in NC. The pay was 125 and before that I was making 55. I miss it a lot actually. Winter park was great, super cute date spot.

>> No.49623576

If I was a burger I'd want to live in DC to rub shoulders with politicians and get introduced to their world, also a high IQ software engineer but with a shaaaaarp autistic instinct to powertalk and social dynamics.
You don't want to be 50 and still be that boomer who codes

>> No.49623604

Miami is expensive AF. And you'll never get the full bonus from any of these jobs because they just make up BS high bonus levels to sucker you into taking a lower salary.

>> No.49623689

>so you wont ever really see it
Until you do.

>> No.49623781

yeah agreed, it's a good enough offer and near what I started at. as long as you can advance and get raises I wouldn't worry about the starting number quite as much - you could check what mid or senior level employees at the company make to get an idea. that average is also skewed upwards by the top 1-5% as well, median would probably be 50-60k.
i'm a 2-level doing a hair under 6 figures in moose balls USA, which I would say is an appropriate raise from entry-level. just for what it's worth.
as far as your options - I wouldn't even consider DC given your situation, it's 90% brainless government leeches and you know nobody, the other two options depend on personal preferences. given your situation with family and friends I'd go with chicago as long you can tolerate the job and being subjected to the politics. my 2 cents - you better legitimately have a way to defend yourself or some sort of plan in case the politicians decide to call for violence in the streets again.

>> No.49623827

No one who chooses to live in the country is mad. You’ll never own a house and you’ll never have a family. I have both. I’m going to sell my current house and build an even bigger house on a larger plot of land. Even if you’re a multi millionaire your house won’t be as big and new as mine. I don’t have to hear honking and sirens all day and night. I don’t have to look at homeless people ever. It takes New Yorkers and Los Angelans an hour to get from anywhere to the airport. For me it’s takes 20 minutes and seeing as I live in Dallas I can god to DFW international and go practically anywhere of note without having to connect. LA is packed with useless leeches and NYC is practically a failed state at this point. You don’t even anger me. I honestly feel bad for you.

>> No.49623864

missed your comment about the winter. you'll be fine, that's why you wear warm clothes. go vacation south once a year and stay long enough to remember why you don't live there.
the part that can honestly suck is finding things to do in the winter if you don't know anyone. but it sounds like you do, you'll make it.
t. north dakotan

i'm going to have to say based

>> No.49623924

Easily Miami. Not even a debate. All 3 are expensive

>> No.49623932

DC or Chicago,

DC opens doors to comfy government jobs with good salary and good benefits, but you'll be somewhat isolated, although you will make good money.

Chicago has good opportunity, respected world city, you got social connections so can build from there. You can also move to other big cities if you survive Chicago.

Miami will make you look like loser to serious employers

>> No.49623994

>seeing as I live in Dallas
Damn, I thought you were in a based state at first. Shame. Your grandkids wont resemble you at all.

>> No.49624076

ive lived in chicago area my whole life and in chicago for 6 years. go to miami. the politics suck, the winters are brutal, and the girls here are mostly 7s. The rent in chicago has also gone up signifacntly this year. Ive only visited miami but it does look expensive so it seems like a place where you might be a loser only making 65k, which wouldnt be an issue in chi. if you do move to chi move to the northside by the lake, lincoln park or lakeview

>> No.49624181

Remind me why I don’t live there.

>> No.49624186

Wow sub six fig for a software engineer. Did you have a sub 3.0 gpa?

>> No.49624333

For me it'd be D.C. and it's not close. Miami and Chicago are shitholes.
Pro-tip: D.C. is a commuter city, you really want to be living in NoVA or Maryland and commute in. Some of the wealthiest counties in the country are in that region so plenty of room to grow.

>> No.49624596

Im in a DC suburb but have spent a lot of time there. Based on your salary (with bonus) you could get a really good studio downtown. I can answer any specific questions you want.