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File: 5 KB, 541x102, 20K IS INSANE DELUSION !!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49615667 No.49615667 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49615755

~7k is the bottom.

>> No.49615833

There is no bottom. It is electronic fiat.

>> No.49615866


>> No.49615905

zero is the bottom

>> No.49615906

>illiquid market
>heavily overlevered crypto exchanges
>balance sheet is dogshit and only have 1% of reserves on hand


>> No.49616079
File: 321 KB, 448x443, arkies are so precious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose 8k value in a 13 hours.

It's 2018 all over again. How long until pajeets and the swiss start shilling new wundercoins that deluded biznessmen can add to their bags?

>> No.49616279
File: 272 KB, 633x1280, 1621778121623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long until pajeets and the swiss start shilling new wundercoins
Sar pls to not defame India sar!

>> No.49616416

I think it’s 8k according to the charts.

>> No.49616515

Its below 5k anon

>> No.49616628


Bit pin would actually be over 100k right now if it weren’t for the fucking scamming exchanges and rehypothecated BTC. If you’re levered fucking kill yourself.

>> No.49616782

If there was a bank run on the exchanges Bitcoin supply shock would cause like a fucking 50k god candle

>> No.49616805


>> No.49616840

At what price is mining no longer profitable

>> No.49616879

$3K is the bottom. WW3 is about to begin. No need for shitty digital money

>> No.49616977


>> No.49617002
File: 107 KB, 624x959, golden pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the needful, sirs.

>> No.49617024

Proof of Reserve is desperately needed and by extension the LINK token

>> No.49617025


infinite support at $420.69

>> No.49617056

Seriously how stupid are anons who said it would never drop below 30?

>> No.49617164

$0 is inevitable. BTC was shit tech from the beginning and was never going to make it.

>> No.49617522

You mean a real fucking bank that shows it owns all the assets it claims?

>> No.49617572

Cope harder 0k is bottom, crypto is dead. Only cbdc’s will exist

>> No.49617598

Insider here. $10 is the bottom. Coming tonight. Thank me later.

>> No.49617635
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Bottom is the market cap of all the btc on those ash drives in the land fills

>> No.49617654
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 1588386664953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question, can BTC go negative in any scenarios? plznobuli

>> No.49617721


No, but close. $10 tonight. Screencap this.

>> No.49617722

>There is no bottom.

Oh there's a bottom all right. *unzips dick*

>> No.49617780
File: 236 KB, 634x650, 1641495892122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon it will be...heh

>> No.49617842


>> No.49617855

>1% of reserves on hand
what the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.49617902

Reminder we have a 3k cme gap to fill

>> No.49617900

Hokay :3

>> No.49617908


thanks OP for saving this

bless your heart

>> No.49617985

she's right

>> No.49617997

i wonder who is posting this screenshot over and over

>> No.49618001

In a decentralized fashion

>> No.49618093

Lmao fucking imagine

>> No.49618116

Yes anon, summon it.

>> No.49619426

Near/around 10k is likely but it will take a while until it gets there. Expect a bounce and a little rally soon.

>> No.49619476

Lmao I remember this, HOGE shilling was next level insufferable

>> No.49619541

So like bitcoin goes negative and then when you buy bitcoin it comes with some extra free cash along with it too?

>> No.49619606

>green ID
Oh fug

>> No.49619623

Please, I lied to everyone saying I own one bitcoin and if it drops to this I can not be lying anymore.

>> No.49619888

That's because $15k is the true price of btc.

>> No.49619919

based angry schizo bobo

>> No.49619957
File: 62 KB, 547x547, 1651905962424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49619988

It's not fiat because the free market determines its price. The fact that it's free falling with no support is a good thing

>> No.49619999

Ty sir, sieg heil also!

>> No.49620053

I see you retards are finally getting it.

>> No.49620064

That's my prediction too. It's going to bottom out at 15k-17k and then the panic will die down and it will stagnate for like a year and moon again a year-half a year before the halving. Screenshot it and call me a faggot in like a year if this doesn't happen.

>> No.49620069

>Ty sir, sieg heil also!
What did kek mean by this?

>> No.49620079

Would you ever pay someone to take BTC off your hands? I can't imagine it getting that bad, but in the midst of hysteria and pink wojaks anything is possible.

>> No.49620077

>buy something
>it becomes worthless
>you now owe more money
If it was run by the US government they would find a way

>> No.49620306

Literal blood in the street.

>> No.49620455

>That's my prediction too. It's going to bottom out at 15k-17k and then the panic will die down and it will stagnate for like a year and moon again a year-half a year before the halving. Screenshot it and call me a faggot in like a year if this doesn't happen.
Sorry friendo, but it's going to zero

>> No.49620456

btc has no utility, bottom is zero

>> No.49620475
File: 671 KB, 2732x931, A56FEE72-2541-42FD-ACD3-5D2E5574C52B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49620551

Of course it won't go negative but as an exercise, an asset goes negative when there is a negative cost to keeping it, incentivizing the seller to cut their losses by paying you to take on that burden. in a BTC scenario, this would only occur if there were something like a baseline tax associated with BTC, a % fee to have a wallet, things like that.

>> No.49620556

Zero is inevitable. There really is no practical future for btc since it has no utility, no intrinsic value, and tons of competition with better tech. It's just a question of how fast everyone can dump btc and move to other coins.

>> No.49620571

> 16 Mar 2022
Pure pottery

>> No.49620576

he probably lied in that interview, provided he has any brains at all. he's aware that other billionaires are sniping and controlling the market to try and break people like him, and that data point would be very valuable to them. then again, throwing out a false datapoint that the greedy would chase (at great expense to them) would be pretty clever.

>> No.49620623

we will have a cat bounce to 25k or even 28k

those retard enough not selling their bitcoin at 28k deserve pretty much whats coming to them

>> No.49620674
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>> No.49620967

Miners will do a massive sellout at those prices. It's basically impossible to mine bitcoin with current rising electricity prices and at such low pirces.

>> No.49621061
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>> No.49621122
File: 137 KB, 1080x1432, 4chanDontCareSoLongAsYoureRacist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty fren

>> No.49622479


>> No.49622533



>> No.49622628

OP is del-ACK!