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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 220x275, 1655161841510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49610152 No.49610152 [Reply] [Original]

>*mumbles incoherently*
>*sharts in front of the pope*
>*triples your gas bill*
>*sinks your investments*
>*lowest approval rating ever*
bros... how does he do it?

>> No.49610190

It's actually amazing how shitty it's gotten since he got elected

>> No.49610234

It truly is adorable seeing all of the r/faggotstonk tourists coming here to cope over this shit head as well

>> No.49610256


>> No.49610260

Still better than Trump

>> No.49610291

I like how idiots think we would be any better off if Trump won.

>> No.49610294
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>still better than trump
>he wanted to build a racist wall

>> No.49610311

What do you mean? Like this >>49610260 ?

>> No.49610380
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>> No.49610383

gas alone would never hit those levels if he got elected

>> No.49610415
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biggest transfer of wealth in history
(Parasites) feeding on a corpse(UsA)

>> No.49610479

I'm still shaking.

>> No.49610489

>Buy oil from Canada through Keystone
>Better Afghanistan withdrawal
>Oil Drilling permits handed out like candy
It would be an immediate improvement

>> No.49610490

Yep, right on que.
Redditors cultists are the dumbest animals on earth

>> No.49610589
File: 551 KB, 1067x1116, 1652981015831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unreal how burgers elected an 80 year old man to presidency. Have you ever dealt with someone that old irl? They don't even know how to use the fucking tv remote control, how can anyone think they can run a fucking country?????

>> No.49610612 [DELETED] 


Putin probably would have never invaded with Trump president. Probably would have worked a deal with Ukraine not to join NATO

>> No.49610621

who says we elected him?

>> No.49610651

>Burgers elected
Why do you suppose only one party wants to push mail in votes while simultaneously pushing open boarders and "using an ID to vote is racist." Every single Dem voter is a scumbag that needs to have their heads caved in

>> No.49610661


Putin would’ve not invaded Ukraine with Trump in power. They would’ve worked something out

>> No.49610712

Inflation is just as high in western Europe and Japan though.

>> No.49610727

i like how this is the go to cope of those who played by democrats once again, literal niggers

>> No.49610755

I wonder why that is
oh wait were colonies of the USA

>> No.49610773

brotha that keystone has been in development since 2010 and was less than 10% complete when he left office. You really think that thing would be done and operational right now?

>> No.49610794

You can literally just remember how much better it was when he was president. Like we had a coof so what? We had money.

>> No.49610796

Are any of those countries oil independent?

>> No.49610801

trump and biden both put jpow in lol

>> No.49610812
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Its the essence of americans

>> No.49610819

how so?
there's more kids in cages than ever

>> No.49610845
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there wouldnt even have been a war if trump was in office

>> No.49610848
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>not my fault
>trumps fault
>I dindu nuffin mayne
>best economy ever
>just buy a Tesla, bro

>> No.49610863

based. Republicants are only holding back the collapse. Let the dam break already.

>> No.49610871
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> and Japan

>> No.49610884
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>> No.49610887

Wars, school shootings, crashing economies, worldwide tensions at an all time high. It's like Obama never left!

>> No.49610906

>trump: gas is 1.6$
>Biden: 8$

Fucking nazis. You failed ww1, ww2, and pre-k math

>> No.49610992

Kinda based in a Mr Magoo way. However instead of comically avoiding dangerous situations he actively creates them. He's basically fiddling and diddling while Rome burns.

>> No.49611010

No Trump was a little bit better but not really
>national socialism
TOPKEK essential america education

>> No.49611024

'Inflation' in Japan is only for imported items, and entirely tied to the weakening yen, which is a result of bank masures taken to combat inflation in the -United States-. Inflation only exists in Japan if you price things in USD, locally produced things are the same price in yen. Thanks for fucking everything up. I hear you did the same thing for yurop too.

>> No.49611044

And yet the dems are the ones who cant get orange mans dick out of their mouth…

>> No.49611077

If your political system continually puts you in the position of apologizing for your choices with: "At least he is better than X", your system is BROKEN!

And, in another layer of hilarity, your defense of the broken system will be: "At least it is better than X system".

>> No.49611096

dont care voting for biden again

>> No.49611154

every leftard woke faggot nigger needs to get the firing squad. and let republicans and maga boomers be the firing squad. they refuse to shoot? shoot them as well. after all it's their inaction that got us so far.
>yeah they stole the election we just gonna march and get arrested, gonna vote red again next time, that'll change everything

>> No.49611194

some one voted for this hack

>> No.49611215

America is looted. They elected biden so they don't have to bribe him since hes blackmailed already. The nigger cattle will be fucked before they get off their fat ass to do anything.

>> No.49611221

>and was less than 10% complete when he left office.
Libshit headcanon

>> No.49611254

Embarrassing as fuck. Unless you hate America. Or having money.

>> No.49611401

China was leaking comped photos in the election run up from a stolen laptop (or what ever the official story is idgaf) with Biden's son in all manners of weird situations. How on earth did that all get swept away and he still got elected? Did no one pay attention to his Son driving government vehicles smoking crack or fucking his dead brothers daughter? Crazy world.

>> No.49611430
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>> No.49611711
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facts hurt redhat feelings

>> No.49611798

Yeah well God hates faggots

>> No.49611862

but no hateful tweets

>> No.49612001

It's really adorable how redditors truly think Wikipedia is an arbiter of truth

>> No.49612427
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>> No.49612483

I think blacks and Mexicans still like him alot because of the extra gibs

>> No.49612506

all least the trump admin had a functioning economy

>> No.49612526

>Fact check
Damn you cultists truly are unselfaware. I mean as an actual adult I couldn't imagine googling "fact check" while expecting to be taken seriously

>> No.49612559

theyre not allowed to say anything about biden on their home site

>> No.49612647

the old POS started that war.

but fags only see bullets fly and blame putin

this world has turned into a huge toilet run by a dementia patient followed by emotional activists

>> No.49612659
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so sad how dumb you redhats are and cant except facts.

>> No.49612664

That's what I mean about unselfaware. These faggots spend all day on a website that prides itself on censorship and they wonder why they look fucking stupid at the end of the day

>> No.49612665

Was it supposed to be built in a day retard?

>> No.49612702

>bros... how does he do it?
kike majik

>> No.49612739


>> No.49612760

I run reuters, I create facts. if you dont like the facts I created you are dump,ignorant, racist and white.

>> No.49612772

Derangement syndrome.

>> No.49612803

Facts like what? Females can have penises?

>> No.49612860

this is the great filter if your voted for this retard and don't change your mind you are a lost cause.

>> No.49612889

Dems want mail in votes and no voter id. Think about that one.

>> No.49612890

they both print money like no tomorrow

>> No.49612896
File: 35 KB, 508x540, 1651835775836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Jackson is one of the most based men to have ever lived.

>> No.49612906

no which was the entire point of the post you dumb cuck

>> No.49612932


>Fact check

lol everyone look at the retard

>> No.49612941

guess what nigger, the entire world is paying either higher or lower gas regardless of trump or not.

are you honestly that stupid to think that the president of america actually makes a difference in what the establishment does? these are big ass decades long geopolitical moves

>> No.49612998

i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about biden. u wouldnt say this shit to him at the white house, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and sniffs the hottest children. yall are pathetic lol.

>> No.49613009

USA isn't geographically reliant on this shit nigger brain. The high gas here is self inflicted

>> No.49613038

This, the time for redpilling is over. Most people are npcs

>> No.49613059

>and don't change your mind
They won't because they fundamentally do not understand what they voted for an do not understand the causes and effects of his actions. No evidence will make these people question their unwaivered loyalty to their chosen puppet because they fundamentally do not understand. Until the people on TV announce it you may as well be telling them the sky is green.

>> No.49613110

most of them are just very low IQ retards who were manipulated into voting for him by the media and social pressure. they really thought climate change and racism is the main issue. now biden shows them what real problems are.

these people prefer the end of the western civilisation over trump any day. they love to be lied to. trump was honest. they hate it. they want to eat vegane food, save the climate, see muscular woman and black people. they hate themselves.

>> No.49613213
File: 206 KB, 1920x1152, FUxShe3WAAEUIwp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Trump is a shrewd businessman, a solid negotiator and every world leader respects that he grabs pussy, even the female leaders. Biden is like ozzy osbourne. Brain is mush and has to read dialogue from a teleprompter by his press secretary

>> No.49613249
File: 1.14 MB, 852x854, 1652067665995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ, how fucking awful was the last one that this is still a better option

>> No.49613256

looks like it would've been done right around now, retard

>> No.49613284

>Unironically elected

>> No.49613296

>this is still a better option
However you shills have convinced all the NPCs of this, I'll give credit there. Unbelievable accomplishment.

>> No.49613338

in russia you pay 40 cent a litre.
also gay porn is banned.

>> No.49613369

You should see a doctor about that. Sounds like Michael J Fox syndrome.

>> No.49613402

considering he tried to strong arm ukraine in 2019 to do his dirty work, he absolutely would be fucking around with ukraine on russias behalf right now.

>> No.49613444

I think biden would start a nuclear war just to get gay porn unbanned in russia by now. reddit will probably support it.

>> No.49613481

You mean Biden right? When he threatened quid pro quo if they didn't fire the prospector investigating the gas company his son was getting paid $80k a month to sit on the board while simultaneously getting busted for smoking crack. That's what you meant, right?

>> No.49613517

You're going to need to provide proper sentences, context to "he", "strong armed" and "dirty work" and also perhaps just post a timestamp with your foreskin so I can know I am talking to someone worth listening. And also explain how what you made up leads into a certainty that he would "be fucking around with ukraine on russias behalf right now" and what you even mean by this?
Are you human?

>> No.49613612

bidens not stupid enough to hop onto twitter and say "take that ukraine for disrepecting my son". trump absolutely would shit on ukraine in a public forum like a mong saying russia is doing gods work, when i blocked that 400 million deal because you wouldnt find me pictures of hillarys panties

>> No.49613712

>Trump would do something benign like say something on social media instead of fucking your life up

>> No.49613714

As opposed to giving Ukraine billions of dollars to needlessly prolong the murdering and displacement of white people while average Americans slip into financial destitution. Ok shit for brains.

>> No.49613720

He literally went on TV and gloated about forcing them to stop the investigation.

>> No.49613761

Biden was significantly more belligerent to Putin and infavor of a expansive NATO, while also being simultaneously predictable and docile. Afghanistan is a microcosm of his retardation, he refused to leave the country the set time Trump and the Taliban set, deluded himself the ANA would hold, and as the Taliban intensified attacks, fled with his tail between his legs, at the mercy of a Taliban controlled Kabul. Retarded geriatric policy all around.

>> No.49613764

>muh trump and russia
go back

>> No.49613793

Jackson was Scots Irish, don't insult him like that

>> No.49613802

>*sharts in front of the pope*

>> No.49613826

biden doesn't tweet his own tweets and gaffs all the fucking time so the WH has to walk it back. just like the said he would defend taiwain against china militarily. if trump would have said that he would have been impeach the 4th time.

>> No.49613827

why didn't you smart magats short and profit?

>> No.49613845
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Yeah man, remember when gas prices were $1.30 because no one was driving anywhere during 2020. I remember. Thanks Trump virus.

>> No.49613878

Hahahahahaha holy fucking shit these retards unironically think mean tweets are worse than going broke

>> No.49613881

>gas prices were $1.30 because no one was driving anywhere
fucking kek

>> No.49613899

Biden bragged on tv about stoping the investigation into his son by threatening to with hold funds. Trump called a ukraine official and asked them to restart said investigation in Hunter. Your a hypocrite and a retard.

>> No.49613907

The lack of mean tweets are worth it

>> No.49613912

>Thanks Trump virus.
I seriously hope you're trolling, because that excuse is certainly not going to save you irl

>> No.49613934

We have enough resources to not give a fuck of the world like the Founders wanted, to be fully gas sufficient like Russia.

>> No.49613938

yes those tweets and the words behind those tweets ment nothing, dont worry about it. he was just being friendly with russia, no biggie.

>> No.49613966

>Dude, words like, hurt man

>> No.49613990

I think it's fitting this country is led by a senile retard

>> No.49613994

This biden went on TV and threatened Putin with Regime change while tbe Europoor where trying to negotiate with him causing the white house to come out and disavow the president.

>> No.49614016
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>>muh trump and russia
>go back

Pretty sure Russia is selling cheap oil if you want to cuck the US. Buy from them. Pic related.

Didn't Trump salute North Korean military generals? https://static01.nyt.com/images/2018/06/14/world/14vid-salute-screengrab/14vid-salute-screengrab-facebookJumbo.jpg

>> No.49614046

>Screen grab Facebook

>> No.49614079

he didn't get elected

>> No.49614102

I'm not sure if you're a real person or a bot but I am amazed either way.

>> No.49614116

do you ever look in the mirror and ask yourself why you post on this shithole for money? Where did it go so wrong?

>> No.49614127
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>bidens not stupid enough to hop onto twitter and say "take that ukraine for disrepecting my son". trump absolutely would shit on ukraine in a public forum like a mong saying russia is doing gods work, when i blocked that 400 million deal because you wouldnt find me pictures of hillarys panties

>> No.49614134

Things were bad and getting worse, but Biden really turned out to be the accelerationist candidate in an unbelievable way.

>> No.49614137
File: 1.15 MB, 4604x2975, YEEOODHVWEI6TOHSSNY7URDNG4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks Trump virus.
>I seriously hope you're trolling, because that excuse is certainly not going to save you irl

If you don't think we are still recovering from the Trump Virus on the economy, I don't know what to tell you. Then there is World War 2.5 going on right now. Just minor shit.

BBC Maggot

>> No.49614146

>Unironically not elected
It was called Election Day for hundreds of years for a reason, not Election Week
>b-but pandemic mail-ins!
Fuck off

>> No.49614174
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amen. trans rights are human rights.

>> No.49614199

>Trump virus
This cultists truly are unselfaware animals

>> No.49614238

jews get these positions becuase they're smarter. so make your race more intelligent or stop complaining.

>> No.49614241
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Just look at the UM stats. there are more encounters with the CBP in 2021/2022 than say 2019. wouldn't count 2020 because duh covid.

>> No.49614358

Seriously. I still see daily videos coming up on my YouTube feed from Jimmy Kimmel talking about Trump. Plus the whole January 6th bullshit. It's kind they're trying very hard to distract from their own failures.

>> No.49614362
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The best part is we haven't even had Black Monday yet where the stocks market goes down by 20% and they have to flip the circuit breakers. Like we have so much worse shit coming down the pipes and every policy move by these out of touch dipshits will make the shit tsunami 10 times worse than if they just left things alone. Kek.

>> No.49614411

It's pretty obvious now that the media is an enemy to the people

>> No.49614460
File: 2.77 MB, 4820x4960, s3dirufe0zw81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who was President when when the US first got the Trump Virus, I forget?

Encounters equal "kids in cages"? Anyway, looks like Biden is tougher on the boarder. Weird, Fox News told me different.

>January 6th bullshit
Jan 6th was a very normal day to Republicans.

>> No.49614486

he's unironically going to win reelection in 2024 in a massive landslide victory. democrats will win in a landslide in the primaries too. anyone who doesn't realize this is completely blind

>> No.49614499

Why did republican open states do better than shut down states?

>> No.49614511

They don't have anything good they can run on this year, so they need to use the typical hate approach (hate trump, hate gun owners, hate white people) it's really become their main thing

>> No.49614514

I voted for Biden because I'm an accelerationist and I'll vote Trump in 2024. It's really that simple.

>> No.49614618
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yes? what do you do with unaccompanied children? catch them and release?

>> No.49614636
File: 106 KB, 320x330, Biden-I-Would-Transition-From-the-Oil-Industry-YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me. I completely forgot this crazy bitch existed, let alone moderated a presidential debate. What were they thinking?

>> No.49614657

Most popular president ever "elected".

>> No.49614666
File: 1.23 MB, 1350x690, Screen_Shot_2020-05-12_at_12.57.55_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accelerationist set themselves up. What if you get beat up for you beliefs when your belief is beating people up?

>> No.49614672

>Trump wanted to open the economy and kill grandma
>Trump is responsible for the COVID recovery!
Which one is it again?

>> No.49614695

>What were they thinking?
"A colored bitch? Perfect."

>> No.49614699
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fuck joe biden

>> No.49614776
File: 348 KB, 447x668, Gonna Buy So Much Vodka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump let the Trump Virus, I'm sorry but it's true.

>> No.49614792

Sad thing is the democrats had the one time opportunity to nominate ANYONE to become president. And they wasted it on Biden. Like, they could have picked Sminem and he probably would’ve won. Especially with the mail in votes and trump hate

>> No.49614951
File: 162 KB, 821x615, Kristen-Welker-kristen-welker-•-Instagram-photos-and-videos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kek, yeah pretty much

>> No.49614965

>I am okay with people doing bad shit so long as they obscure it
This kind of mindset is very scary to me

>> No.49614977

The one big consolation prize is that the majority of the people that voted for Biden are going to get hurt the worst by his presidency.

This recession is going to set so many woke millennial faggots back from ever retiring. I get a bizarre sexual thrill knowing that their own hubris will cause them to have to work until they die, unable to retire, unable to own property, renting all of their lives in some miserable big city.

>> No.49614978

Those guys have literally no content to talk about because they tow the line for Biden, so back to Orange man it is, ratings be damned.

>> No.49615047
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>so back to Orange man it is, ratings be damned.

>> No.49615098

So has Biden actually been doing things?

>> No.49615109

lmao underrated

>> No.49615164
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Trump's tweets were not even "bad." I have never understood this line of reasoning. What bad outcome ever arose from his tweets? Angry lib articles is not a bad outcome

Under him we had global peace, middle east peace, nork peace, economy booming, literal paradise on earth. What was the problem with the tweets. Fuck off

>> No.49615191

Ehhh too much, too obvious

>> No.49615224
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these basedcucks have so much money they dont care about gas prices rn

>> No.49615252
File: 652 KB, 1500x1125, Trump-1082818598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the best

>> No.49615319

Americans are mentally ill

>> No.49615382

Not one of those posts is from an American. Let that sink in.

>> No.49615423

It's even better when the "pro worker" class talks shit about construction workers in pick up trucks

>> No.49615466

Well I hope they are mad at their countries leader. I am mad at mine.

>> No.49615518

the media complained about it non stop and simpletons took that to mean what he was saying was really bad/inflammatory

>> No.49615524
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>all these coping mumus blaming a senile old man for things that were inevitable and set in motion a decade ago
Stay poor kids.

>> No.49615661
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>everyone who has a gas guzzling pickup truck are construction workers who use the flatbed 5 days a week

>> No.49615957

Remember when Trump called out shit hole countries for being shit holes and then the media used it as an excuse to say shit hole for a week?

>> No.49616003
File: 2.22 MB, 3878x2513, biden-i-did-that-stickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b--bb-b-but he restored decency and democracy to the whitehouse

>> No.49616310


>> No.49616312

Leftism is a disease

>> No.49616396

Inflation we’re seeing today is driven exclusively by gas you idiot

>> No.49616558

He also never even said it iirc. They basically made up a quote then repeated it themselves forever

>> No.49616567
File: 109 KB, 1088x413, dsfgdfsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Trump Virus was very healthy for the US oil industry I tell you what.

So Russia, an OPEC member being basically banned from the West.

>> No.49616571

Are you sure i heard on the TV that those are the putin Price hikes. Nothing to do with biden bro.

>> No.49616675
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the new cope is that he's doing it on purpose, controlled demolition of the country and current economy so certain people can stay in power

could be true but I think this administration is also just negligently retarded. They're so fucking stupid it's unreal

>> No.49616687
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>He also never even said it
Trump did, you have access to google and instead you filled out a verification instead of just looking it up yourself.

>> No.49616750


>> No.49616789


It's on purpose.

>> No.49616804

He’s based for doing it. The hero we deserve.

>> No.49616824
File: 206 KB, 962x1065, 500days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*lowest approval rating ever*

Crazy to think after Donald Trump completely smashed the all-time record for lowest approval rating for any U.S. president at their respective day 500s, the very next president would come right along and top him.

>> No.49616836

fuck you

>> No.49616856

get your prayer warriors going. i'm sure they'll get the market back up.

>> No.49616869

look at this mentally ill tranny spamming this thread to defend the least popular, shittiest president in history. Dude literally has dementia. fucking kek

>> No.49616885

At least he’s presidential
I love getting ass raped as long as my rapist is presidential

>> No.49616900

The thing that pisses me the most are these fucking libshits on twitter that everything is going great under him and defending him for free, not to mention defending the most degenerate shit possible because muh democracy.Goddamn I really want to Uninstall minecraft for these fuckers.

>> No.49616902


>> No.49617037

>Gas guzzler
Wasn't an issue during Trump admin

>> No.49617097

Bruh I watched my local news and an "expert" said gas was expensive because the economy was booming

>> No.49617098

Nah, everyone in the meeting denied that he said it on the record. It was a made up quote attributed to an "anonymous source," a media trick that was one of their go-to tools during the Trump era.

>> No.49617103

post proof. the supposed "shithole" countries comment was made behind doors and trump denied the making that comment.

>> No.49617110

You mean steal the election

>> No.49617133
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cry moar

>> No.49617223
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Its so fucking tiresome

>> No.49617306

Again, redditor cultists are so fuckin unselfaware lol

>> No.49617323

pf is based

>> No.49617439


Ain’t that a dem shame. Get it?

>> No.49617544
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Big claims need sources

Yeah man, I remember Trump Virus 2020 prices. They were nice, thanks Trump.

Thanks for the (you)s

>> No.49617604

>Big claims need sources
Yeah, so we're waiting.

>> No.49617650


>> No.49617661


unaware of what? rupert murdoch got vaccinated in 12/2020?

>> No.49617768

Biden must be doing something right if he's triggering all the right-wing racist incels on 4chan

>> No.49617784

It’s actually incredible how bad Biden is. How many years did he accelerate the collapse of America? 50? 100?

>> No.49617993

Oh you're right. It was another case of someone close to Trump's inner monologue might have heard he said a bad word. The four years of trump really opened my eyes to just how corrupt the media is.

>> No.49618037

They opened up congress under him and the first thing they did was mock God. The plan was always to destroy this country.

>> No.49618064

>Trump's comments were first reported by The Washington Post
>Trump said, according to these people, referring to countries mentioned by the lawmakers.
>hearsay = proof
do you ever just i dont know... read?

>> No.49618082

>all he had to do was sit there and take credit for a covid recovery that was going to happen anyway
>decides to completely fuck that up by heavily restricting oil production in a country where driving everywhere is basically a requirement
Why do people keep voting for senile retards? Even other dems would've just waited for the economy to recover before fucking everything up so they don't get btfo in midterms. This doesn't make sense any point of view besides being senile and not understanding how badly this would go.

>> No.49618109

What specific evidence do you have that the president is responsible for gas prices or investments?

>> No.49618144

your faggot country voted for this mfer ruining the entire goblal economy, congratz on that

>> No.49618183

Do you have a source on that?
A source. I need a source.
Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.
No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.
You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.
Do you have a degree in that field?
A college degree? In that field?
Then your arguments are invalid.
No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.
Correlation does not equal causation.
You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.
Nope, still haven't.
I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

>> No.49618215

I will gladly vote for him again in 2024

>> No.49618236

He is the punching bag Obama puts between himself and us. Joe volunteered for the job.

>> No.49618246


>> No.49618276

>>decides to completely fuck that up by heavily restricting oil production in a country where driving everywhere is basically a requirement

You know gas is more expensive now than when it was $145/barrel in 2009, right? What specific evidence do you have that these "restrictions" as you call them, exist? What specific evidence do you have that those restrictions, once proven, contributed to current gas prices?

Also, if you're opposed to high gas prices, you do vote democrat, right? The law that would limit gas price gouging was sank by Republicans.

>> No.49618290

Only way it makes sense if the democrat party think it's at risk of the election being overturned. That's the only reason I could think of to accelerate their insane energy policies.

>> No.49618315
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Thank you Trump for cutting OPEC oil output, the same OPEC+ deal which is still in effect.

>> No.49618364

Given that there isn't an oil shortage, please provide evidence explaining how cutting oil output would contribute to gas prices.

>> No.49618374

Trump didn’t want this shit in his lap. He boogied the fuck outta there. He will come in to clean this shit up and play the hero role. You are watching a scripted Political/Economic Movie. All the World is a Stage.

>> No.49618422

The one big consolation prize is that idiots like you who voted for Biden are going to get hurt the worst by his presidency.

This recession is going to set so many woke millennial faggots back from ever retiring. I get a bizarre sexual thrill knowing that their own hubris will cause them to have to work until they die, unable to retire, unable to own property, renting all of their lives in some miserable big city.

>> No.49618469
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>>*mumbles incoherently*
>>*sharts in front of the pope*
>>*triples your gas bill*
>>*sinks your investments*
>>*lowest approval rating ever*

>bros... how does he do it?

By still being better than Trump, despite all that.

He's not that good, Trump was that bad.

>> No.49618529

Don't care. I'm Asian. As long as Republicans are white supremacist Nazis, I'm voting blue no matter who :)

>> No.49618556

This. So much this.

>> No.49618594
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Supply go down, price go up? No?

>> No.49618605

I admire his courage to take the fall for western civilization. Of course he’s corrupt, jacked up on meds and completely demented, but still a little courageous. Id also take his granddaughter and wife to pound town.

>> No.49618679

wish retard crayon eating president was pipeline friendly


>> No.49618680

How's ccp cock taste

>> No.49618688

Inflation is lower in Mexico, under a socialist government

>> No.49618697


>> No.49618723

What pipeline?

>> No.49618734

That’s a BINGO!!!!! And fucktards will eat it up.

>> No.49618779

>just blame it on Biden rather than Trump!

>> No.49619003
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>He thinks the democrats have a chance in hell next election
I personally don't give a fuck about voting, but you're delusional if you think people are this golemized. Democrats have done literally everything to hurt the common man this year on both a financial, job and economic perspective and think that gaslighting people into thinking "It was trumps fault We're cleaning it up" is going to work alongside the blatant media distractionary measures on gun control and abortion.
If Biden gets re-elected or another Democrat does, people will immediately realize something's up and that their vote holds no power whatsoever. They're on thin ice and know they could be fucked six days from sunday any minute.
Ivory Tower knucklehead, look it up.

>> No.49619119
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America is a mess, America is a waste, America is a big fat mistake.

Please clap.

>> No.49619226

Im fit, non white, not american and not a nazi. I still think everyone who voted for Biden and still supports him is a massive retard. What now.

>> No.49619234

thou baitest

>> No.49619325
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>Americans are mentally ill
people are still arguing whether an old, millionaire faggot is better than another old, millionaire faggot

>> No.49619352
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>By still being better than Trump, despite all that.
>He's not that good, Trump was that bad.

>> No.49619376

at this point i wish he won

>> No.49619453

it’s okay. His wagie voter base isn’t suffering anything other than gas price

>> No.49619486

Now imagine DeSantis

>> No.49619526

Have you been to the grocery store recently? Lifelong union Dem voters here in Detroit are struggling to pay for their shit

>> No.49619637

>Trump removed 10 million barrels a day off the world market, a deal which is still in effect.

Imagine never being above 50% for 4 years.

Maybe we can get a few more Trillion in free Trump Bucks sent out for everyone.

>> No.49619645
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This chart shows the major anti-gas moves made by the Biden administration. Mainly just cutting down on gas leases, and causing domestic oil producers to retract their production and investment, because nobody's gonna go out and invest in major drilling locations if it means Biden's gonna fuck them over

>> No.49619797

>Maybe we can get a few more Trillion in free Trump Bucks sent out for everyone.

Wait I thought that Trump wanted to kill Grandma by opening the economy by Easter 2020. Which one is it nigger?

>> No.49619840
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Wow dude, it's like the instant you drill it reaches your car's gas tank. Amazing. Oh wait.

But something that did instantly remove supply was when 10 Million barrels a day removed from the world market by Trump.

>> No.49619847

I'm more amused Democrats were retarded enough not to just focus on the Uniparty and let trump hang himself over 2020 to 2024. This sort of petty power absolutely destroys them

>> No.49619914

spend 1 minute and look up the profits of domestic oil and gas producers in the last 6 months, fucking moron

>> No.49619951

>Trump removes 10 kajillion barrels and yet gas never breached anywhere anywhere close to $4 a gallon

What a miracle

>> No.49619987

>Spend 1 minute using Google
Redditors everyone. These children believe they are informed

>> No.49620013
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lol so if this guy doesn't wake the NPCs up to the jew mafia. nothing will. it's the most obviously puppet shit i've ever seen. I can see this niggers strings without even clicking ops jpg.

btw anons. I love you all and after seeing ufos. don't trust anything you've been told or shown on jewtv. they lied to everyone. everyone.