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49605079 No.49605079 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about the finances of dating. What's the fastest and most cost effective way to find new girls and go on dates? Obviously nobody wants to spend a lot on firstly finding a suitable girl and then going on a first date to an expensive ass restaurant with a random girl you've only known from a couple of messages.

I bet some autists here have streamlined their dating on Tinder. Spill your 300IQ dating frameworks you fucks.

Oh and btw this is not the bottom for BTC.

>> No.49605250

The jews already solved this one. You convince them you're rich and on the run, then make them pay for everything and take out debts to "save" you.

>> No.49605262

Specifically to save money I would advise.

Only go for girls that dont look like golddiggers or massive braindead bimbo types. Best bet is probably to go for leftist hippie types (unfortunately) for your plan.

Take them to the park or something, go for a coffee. Cheaper than restaurant.

>> No.49605389
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The meta now is to find the ones with Snapchat or ig in their bio and slide in the dms. Yes you should be ready to show yourself and actually try to get some. Take her to a restaurant like chick Fil a get some nice hot tendies with your good boy points and try to finger her in the parking lot for good measure. Ranch and chicken grease can be great lube.

>> No.49605430

Here's what I did and it worked:
>Paid for shortest duration sub of tinder premium that allows infinite swipes
>Set radius to max
>Swipe until I ran out of people i.e. everyone in huge area
>Unmatched any matches I didn't like after the fact, didn't even look when swiping
>Set up 5 dates in a week at a coffee shop
>Claimed I had errands if they were a loon and left
>Went on second date at a bar
>Third date had sex
And now I'm here had gf for 4 years. Laugh at me or something idk.

>> No.49605450

i used tinder a bunch three years ago before i found my recently-ex gf. i have been on there a bit recently in the past couple months and there are a lot of actual prostitutes on the app nowadays. if they advertise either an ig or snap profile in their bio, it's almost certainly a prostitute.

if you're into that, you could reach out to those girls. instead of paying for dates or w/e, you just pay for the sex directly.

>> No.49605459

Be good looking

>> No.49605511

I used to do this a lot but now they never open them
It’s a low success rate but still better than swiping for sure

>> No.49605552
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> going on a first date to an expensive ass restaurant with a random girl you've only known from a couple of messages

it's obvious you're either a boomer and/or have never had sex. dates should never be a fancy dinner or dinner at all. it should be a cup of coffee to see if you hit it off with the other person. makes it easy to leave if things aren't working out (vs. sitting awkwardly at a dinner table). here's some tips:

>get fucking fit, unless you have some social status, you'll be mogged by other men and will never get a match. you need to either have social status (attach your IG) or fit (visibly fit, abs etc). only exception is if you are a "pretty boy"
>get a good headshot, hire a photographer to get you some nice shots, make sure you're groomed and dress well (you should also have other good shots of you doing cool shit)
>strike while the irons hot after match and don't chase. if a girl wants to go out with you then she will make it happen. if you find yourself having to chase and unsure where things stand, just exit, its never worth it.
>don't do dinner dates, do coffee dates
>be cautious who you fuck, there's a lot more risk associated with sex these days (see #metoo)

>in b4 that's too much work
then die a lonely loser c u c k or find another avenue that's not dating apps.

>> No.49605585

>What's the fastest and most cost effective way to find new girls and go on dates?

Do live approaches and do "dates" right there. Take em for an ice cream or whatever

>> No.49605599

>finances of dating
thinly veiled incel thread

>> No.49605604

>download hinge
>let’s get a drink

At worst you’re paying for 2 cocktails. If it sucks just leave. It’s that fucking easy. 6’3 and handsome btw.

>> No.49605675

>What's the fastest and most cost effective way to find new girls and go on dates?

You meet them through friends and mutual hobbies. That's it, the app game is rigged and everyone on it is a fucking loser just like you only they can't get dick.

Failing that get on Hinge (and Coffee Meets Bagel if you're into Asian women). Take her out somewhere cheap but interesting/exciting in your local area, never pay for the whole meal unless you're dumping her and once it's over sit down to work out what you did wrong every time and what you liked/disliked about your partner.

>b-but it's only Tinder in my area
>the women here demand you pay for dinner

Then don't live in a shithole. Find a nice rich bitch in a city and make her squeal like a pig.

>Oh and btw this is not the bottom for BTC.


>> No.49605684

>6’3 and handsome btw

i doubt that or else you wouldn't even need to buy drinks cuck

>> No.49605701

how do you do that typically anon?

>> No.49605767

It's been years but hinge was absolute ass. I don't know if has gotten better in the past 3 years. The pool on it was super small and the app made you put in too much effort which felt like a major waste of time. Should be swipe and done. Bumble was full of witch art hos and boss bitches.

>> No.49605781

step1: do not use dating apps. the whole point is to keep you on their app
step2: have friends and be sociable, most people meet others through friend groups
however youre an autist with no friends lmao
step3: due to this, just pray and hope you bump into a real one chief

but really friend groups is the most cost effective and fastest way. but it can only occur naturally

>> No.49605844

Seethe manlet.

Probably helps that I live in a major metro city. Bumble was more popular when I was in college. Hinge is definitely the most active/best quality app at the moment.

>> No.49605868

Fastest and cheapest way is to just hire escorts, had a threesome with two 19 year old russian cuties last week, they played rock paper scissors to decide who will ride me first, only cost me 400 euros

>> No.49605935

suitable girls are so rare. i got lucky and managed to find one of those trad religious girls on the less popular dating apps, and that was out of 70 matches. and shes also from a different country...

>> No.49605938

I have a harder time finding new bros than a gf after college. I don't want to be friends with my coworkers because it feels wrong, I can't explain it. Plus most of them are 20 years older than me with kids, only like 2 are my age.

>> No.49605971

Well, you approach a woman, ideally in a context that she isnt likely to be busy or in a rush (ex: the shopping mall on a saturday afternoon, the beach)
And if the conversation is flowing well and she seems receptive, you could just say like "Hey I was actually on my way to buy some ice cream when I saw you, why don't you come with me"

Obviously though, that won't work if you're ugly or lack charisma. Also it doesn't matter what you say, it's how you say it. If you look good and are one smiling motherfucker, you can say pretty much anything.
Like just look at this guy, his opener is "hey, I like you"

>> No.49606015
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step1: do not use dating apps. the whole point is to keep you on their app

>> No.49606019

is she hot? be honest. dont give me "shes hot to me bro"

>> No.49606038

fuck off with this cringe bullshit kys

>> No.49606055

Pretty much this

>> No.49606153

>just be tall and handsome dude

>> No.49606223

truth is she's average/cute at the most. and shes also filipina. definitely not ugly

>> No.49606239

I mean I know a guy who isn't even a pretty boy, but he autistically watched all kinds of game strategies and what not and started pulling like crazy on Tinder. A lot of it seems to be down on a solid strategy.

I've only hooked up with girls from friend group, but that was simple like just going to the beach or grabbing something to eat in a basic place since we already knew each other.

I went to mexico recently, got good pics with surfing, on a boat etc. Tried tinder there, got like 200 matches, but was impossible to set up dates since I had very little time outside my plans. Haven't tried it yet in my home euro country since the market was too stressful, but now I got my money under control. Solid advice though.

There's unironically only Tinder for my age (23) in my euro country as far as dating apps go. Mutual hobbies thing is great and all, but that's inefficient as hell.

It's not like I'm 17 with 50 "friends" again. I got like a 12 friend group but I don't like the couple of girls there.

Oh and btw Celsius is literally going bankrupt rn.

>> No.49606382

fastest way to get girls is by having staked MATIC anon. I tried it and it works 100%

>> No.49606427

I'll make sure to short it with 10x leverage.

>> No.49606468

>find the ones with Snapchat or ig in their bio and slide in the dms
those are either bots or hoes trying to up their subs

>> No.49606516

I need someone to clean and cook lmao

>> No.49606655

>have friends and be sociable, most people meet others through friend groups
how does that even happen?
isn't it weird afterwards inside the friend group?

>> No.49606684

Oh shit I've never seen a hot flip it's worse than expected

>> No.49606844
File: 282 KB, 1125x2436, 131575D0-A886-4C40-9F18-3A61B2E189AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>create tinder account with new phone number
>upload 3-4 photos
>log into tinder from web browser
>buy tinder platinum
>select age range
>enable tinder platinum boost
>enable auto clicker bot for 1 click (like) every 2 seconds
>only talk with the women that message you first
>invite them over to your place for sex right away

pic related are my results for doing this for 1 month (1 boost / week)

>> No.49606848

based thanks maybe one day i can try this :(

>> No.49606881

> agreed with much of that except all the social network/friends bullshit, no such thing these days

>> No.49606884

You're so pretty

>> No.49606917

that’s what she messaged me lol

>> No.49607069

It is weird and it leads to the group breaking off a bit, but the ideal scenario is that you find friends of friends. Of course thanks to the whole covid bs, literally dozens of parties got cancelled the past years.

>> No.49607073

Why is the only attractive one saying you're pretty? Are you a girl?

>> No.49607129

i prolly intimidate the uglier ones, as they have lower self confidence.

>> No.49607135

Unless all your pics get 8 and above in attractiveness on photofeeler then stay off the dating apps nigga

>> No.49607155

Nives without a doubt a bot

>> No.49607203

How the fuck is this thread not getting nuked but I talk about [redacted] and get a 24 hour ban?

>> No.49607205
File: 103 KB, 540x685, 6F7BE41E-3E55-491F-984B-0F3C3A791D64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a tip for you lonely fuckers on tinder:
MESSAGE THE FUCKING GIRL. Tinders algorithm rewards those who actually talk to the fucking girls.

>> No.49607223

i rarely get bots. i once was convinced this 19yo petite blue eyed french blonde was a bot. i made her send me a snapchat to prove she was real, and then met her the next day

>> No.49607234

A thread died for this

>> No.49607259


>> No.49607269

I'm from western EU. I'm /fit/, not disgusting, have a job and a place to sleep. That's enough to get average girls around here without trying actively to date them.

>> No.49607270

Suspect bulge on the left there

>> No.49607280

Oh okay, sounds like you are in business the man, 200 matches is a lot for a dude. Sounds like you just need to polish things and you will be slaying pussy in no time. Good luck anon. Again, be careful out there.

>> No.49607295

I once shamefully talked for like 2 days with a trap before figuring it out. All off their profile pics were filters. Legit tried to trap tho.

>> No.49607296

cool well as long as you are happy anon, thats all that matters.

>> No.49607317

good post

>> No.49607336

how do you do it?

>> No.49607366

how did you not notice it was a trap from their voice? you didn’t ask for video chat or voice chat before meeting?

>> No.49607394

Tinder isn't an app for finding the one. It's just an app for some quick meet & fuck and there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.49607432
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k I just messaged picrel, wish me luck bros

>> No.49607441


>> No.49607460
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>> No.49607471

be handsome

>> No.49607517

Now that’s a man dayum

>> No.49607683

nice anon, what country are you in? or do you use global?
also, platinum is what makes it so your likes get sent to the top of the queue regardless of how low your ELO is right?
when I make my tinder acct I get 40 matches (all cute/hot I'm selective) first day and it tapers off swiftly. feel I'm not being shown to girls but never paid for platinum

>> No.49607711

Fuck that. Dating is expensive. Like $80 a date

I just invite girls over for home cooked meals now or if we met a park or something cheap like that. But thankfully out of the game but having a gf is also expensive honestly

>> No.49607716

It’s not tho you fucking faggot


>> No.49607722

As long as you don't look like a fucking creep, the best place to pick up girls is Target. Seriously, so many fucking hot 20-30 year olds there, I genuinely don't understand. Super easy to get there numbers and progress from there.

>> No.49607758

pic related was from when i was in france.

> also, platinum is what makes it so your likes get sent to the top of the queue regardless of how low your ELO is right

precisely, that’s why it is so important

> first day and it tapers off swiftly

that’s why you must either buy new boosts or delete / recreate your account every week

>> No.49607790

this has been debunked, nerd.

>> No.49607827

>>invite them over to your place for sex right away
do you have a full blown std/hiv?

>> No.49607884
File: 189 KB, 1080x1182, B176028B-78F4-4ECF-AA9A-D98B20487835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep seething ugly fag. I didn’t message girls that I matched with because I was an insecure incel like you. I would boost and wouldn’t get a single fucking match. Then I actually started to message the girls and then boosted. After that boost, I got like 5 matches. But yeah call me nerd, nigger. Now I’m getting tail like pic related.

>> No.49607885

no but I did get an urinary infection which has been treated with antibiotics, it made me much more selective about who i sleep with

>> No.49607909
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women like a guy who can make them laugh
so tell them you invested in crypto

>> No.49607913

>wall of text

cope and seethe

>> No.49607935

which race has the most awful smelling pussy in your encounters?

>> No.49607948

I’ve only been with white women

>> No.49608073

I found my girlfriend on backpage after tinder and bumble only produced feminist worn out thots.
>inb4 your girl is a whore
So are all the girls on tinder. I got mine off drugs and she treats me like a god. She respects me so much for how I changed her life, I'm like a father figure and mentor to her. Literally the closest thing ive had to a tradgf. I've never had so much love and respect from a woman. Plus she runs all my errands, cooks all my meals, keeps the home spotless.

>inb4 wait until she starts using again

She knows the rules. I find her high or drunk, she is dropped off at the airport with $2k and a plane ticket. She has been sober since November and is the happiest shes ever been. No sane person would give up the life I provide for a high.

>> No.49608125
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met a qt aspie virgin

went to second date today, we held hands

>> No.49608253
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atta boy

>> No.49608269

Big cities have more fucked up people(feminists, leftists etc). I was at Mexico City briefly and there were all kinds of weirdos. I guess US big cities are a lot worse plus the competition is tight.

>> No.49608891

when hostels open back up, that will be the best way. relaxed, alcohol-rich environments with girls on vacation where nobody knows who they are. you can find any type of girl, any type of relationship you want. just be able to hold a conversation, read the room, and be fun/interesting.