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49604907 No.49604907 [Reply] [Original]

So when are you guys going to work hard again?

>> No.49604931

never. why would i?

>> No.49604953

When they pay me more. GFC kikes fucked me out of a good paying job at a young age, and these kikes have continued that same ballgame.

>> No.49604955

Wow you're so above it with your cynicism. It couldn't be that earlier generations worked harder. That's completely out of the question, just because.

>> No.49604983

Never, government just gonna print more money, US will soon completely transition to turdworld India ~ Brazil status

>> No.49605023

can't stand that guy, always pretend he is one of the little guys just because he works with them 20 days a year for his show with his net worth of around 30 million.

>> No.49605053

Total cuck, fake tradesman who made a living in broadcasting.

>> No.49605092

also hard work is for retards. i used to work in a factory and a few warehouses making $16-18/hour on rotating shifts. now i make $100k a year from home and i do like 20-30 hours a week on average.

>> No.49605104

I have spent the last 15 years of my lofe busting my ass in many different jobs just like Mike Rowe, and let me tell you FUCK THAT I AM NEVER WORKING AGAIN. I'd rather be homeless. Go to hell Mike. That shit fucking sucks and fuck anybody that makes a virtuous philosophy about hard work. You are fucking bastards.

>> No.49605106

I worked for 3 hours today sitting on video calls, I make 180k a year USD. Suck it Mike.

>> No.49605138


>> No.49605167

Better import millions of more illegals to further devalue american labor and social cohesion

>> No.49605178

When income tax is 0%

>> No.49605180

>convoluted mental gymnastics debt driven slavery as financial vehicle
>why aren't my slaves working harder?
Must be of them mysteries

>> No.49605181

when is he going to get job laying brick?

>> No.49605285

Never because why should I work hard for a Jewish gynocentric globohomo nigger society

>> No.49605298

Unironically based

>> No.49605302

This guy is the ultimate manifesto of the boomer ethos. They will never understand that we live in a fundamentally different economy than they did.

>> No.49605317

Literal trained ballerina

>> No.49605358

>So when are you guys going to work hard again?
50$ an hour and i will work, otherwise i will just pretend to be working for most of the day

>> No.49605380

I wish I could rape his face. This guy is a fucking retard. Go tell someone that earns minimal wage and works 3 shifts, lives in complete poverty, has no saving to work harder. Boomers could made a living wage by being a mcwage meanwhile in order to not live in poverty with a mcwage you need to work 3 shifts and you still can't save money.

>> No.49605515

>I took a tour of a steel mill and tried some of the jobs for a few minutes under close supervision so I'm basically a steel worker
I hate this faggot.

>> No.49605546

>when are you guys going to work hard again?
I got a cushy office job, so I don't have to work hard.

>> No.49605608

>the workers are smiling on camera this means middle america is running strong!!!

>> No.49605714

corporate techie culture also grinds down on worker enthusiasm i think (on top of all the other reasons stated itt), there's like 0 attachment to the work and no accountability in the lowest rungs of the corporate ladder.
even if I make decent money on decent hours, why should I be an enthusiastic hard worker if I know nothing about the greater purpose of what I'm working on and all the effort would be lost in the pyramid of powerpoint writing managers above me?

>> No.49605980

Go work 60 hours a week, goy

>> No.49606039

Mike talks a big talk about workin hard, but I don't remember him ever talking about raises or wages.

>> No.49606076

Why is a fake celebrity larp being presented as some kind of job guru? No one wants to work hard just to do it. A boomer janitor had a better cost of living than a college graduate today.

>> No.49606120

>work hard
>boss gets richer
>whoops can only afford a 1% increase this year
>here's some pizza though haha

>> No.49606179

When the pay reflects the work done.

>> No.49606244

this is what gets me.
in jobs you’d see them give out shit like pizza thursdays,fridays instead of a fucking pay raise when team consistently beats expectations.
that shit is so demoralizing.
then they’d act like i should be happy the bossea spent a couple hundred bucks feeding the site.

>> No.49606245

there is no reason for my to break my back coding 8 hours a day at my big globohomo corp where I'll end up making the exact same money anyways since salaries are predetermined in the first years anyway no matter the performance. The only thing you get by having a high work output is your manager expecting you to do more and more.

>> No.49606323

god i wish this faggot would shut the fuck up
hey mike, i got a dirty job for you, SUCK MY ASSHOLE

>> No.49606390
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go SWEAT you lazy, ungrateful cunts. give back a little bit of all that we've done for you

>> No.49606408
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Not before 110.

>> No.49606488


Mass immigration is driving down wages increasing the cost of living and lowering the standard of living for the American people. All service jobs are unbearable now, working with low IQ Latino/Asian trash

This does not even factor in all the addictive drugs latinos are being in and selling to the American youth. The organized crime spilling across the border, and of course the blatant cultural criminality idolized by shitty Mexican people.

Fuck Mexicans and all modern day immigrants, including their goblin children who think they are American just because their short fat ass mom farted them out here instead of the goblin hovel they call a country. Try moving next to these shitty Latinos anons, it’s literally bad for your heath.

T. Southern California.

>> No.49606566

So disgusted by this asshole. He could have used his soapbox to advocate for the interests of blue collar workers. Instead he does the opposite.

>> No.49606686
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This guy is a fucking moron and the jobs he speaks of don't actually exist. It's a psyop. Trades are a meme. There are a shitload of people willing to do trades, but the nepotism and artificial barriers keep them out.

>> No.49607217

When are you moving?

>> No.49607305

>just work harder, goy! somebody has to farm shekels for me!
fuck off

>> No.49607572

>yes, be a good boy and bend over for your corporate overlords

>> No.49608290

fake & gay

>> No.49608348

Working hard doesn't get you a raise

>> No.49608369

When wages finally catch up to inflation, you piece of shit. I am not a slave.

>> No.49608438

There is nothing worse than a boomer that larps as a tradesman so he can lecture you from his high horse.

>> No.49608589

peak boomer, this guy has been saying this shit for years. Amazing how out of touch you have to be to think this shit. when this dipshit was entering the workforce you could get a shitty job in a factory but with that salary still be able to buy a house and support a family, while also be able to pay college tuition of the day which was a few thousand dollars at most. Sick new muscle cars also only cost a few thousand dollars and it wasn't a big thing to save up from your summer job to get a new car like that. You also didn't have insane health insurance/medical costs

We truly have inherited a barren and hostile world from this guy's generation. Go fuck yourself Mike Rowe

>> No.49608624


>> No.49608657

He's right but not in the way he thinks he is. The reality is most managers don't respect hard work. If they work hard they'll just demand more but with no actual rewards, so no shit nobody can be bothered to work hard any more.

>> No.49608749

the problem is hard work doesnt pay good, you are a literal cuck if you do back braking work for CEO who makes 1000x money you do

>> No.49608806

delusional schizo, it's called outsourcing. Wages haven't kept pace with productivity since the 1970s because we hired a billion Chinese scabs. When you can outsource all production to a dozen third world shitholes where people work for cents, domestic workers in the US have zero bargaining power for higher pay and there is no reason to keep jobs here. If you think some immigrants in your little corner of the country are responsible for ruining your wages, you are literally delusional or you are a landscaper. Blame late capitalism and the constant search for greater profits and heightened exploitation

>> No.49608864

Mike Rowe is the dumbest sack of shit to ever exist.

>> No.49608892

This is why I know China will win.

>> No.49608980


>> No.49608988
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>> No.49609274

Yeah that's a retarded take. Immigration isn't necessarily bad for the economy, but the immigrants themselves bring a culture of crime and drugs with them and if we even acknowledge these facts as a white American we'll just be outted as privledged racists. It is a rigged fucking game and for that I'm glad this country's lifespan is looking slimmer by the day

>> No.49609344

He is correct, no one wants to go into trades when they make bank are are literally begging people to apply. Neet losers do not understand this.

>> No.49609417


Cope. Mass Immigration is absolutely thee most detrimental aspect of wage suppression you absolute fucking moron. I bet you live far away from the shithole Mexican border don’t you there whippersnapper?

Read my post again your illiterate Mexican peasant. Immigration is the greatest threat to this nation. FUCK Mexicans and Latinos.

>> No.49609421
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Keep it a secret, more money for us

>> No.49609460

>average hours worked per week has leveled off in the US after a consistent 150-year decline
>average debt is 30% of average income, heavily skewed by outlier billionaires that singlehandedly bring the average up thousands of dollars
>Rampant inflation after the only major average pay increase in the past 50 years
>home ownership among youth collapsing
>car ownership collapsing
>fertility rates collapsing
>middle class collapsing
>income gaps exploding
>globalism killing opportunities to work for anything other than pajeet wages

Just work harder bro. I haven't been able to buy my 3rd yacht yet.Get to it.

>> No.49609556

No one is begging people to apply. Spics fill up all the positions because they are willing to work for pennies since they are 30 to a family.

>> No.49609608

>boomer says they lazy
The ones looking down on hard work are the ones paying the wages or hiring illegals under the table. Remeber, they want you dead, but not before they can dump their bags.

>> No.49609625

two can play your sick game boomer.
I would rather rope that do that shit.
You are exit scamming the country knowing you will be dead in 5~10 years

>> No.49609640

how come we dont eat the rich

>> No.49609727

Pay your workers more fuck ya

>> No.49609865
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I just got hired at one of your dirty jobs, mike.

>Apprentice coal miner
>$24/hr to start plus bonuses
>Once i hit black hat and start running some of the bigger equipment the pay jump is huge
>36-40+ an hour depending on the machine and what certs i get
>Some of the old coots that have been around for a few years are bringing home 2400 dollary doos a week after bonuses
>Mfw europe being fucked and the automotive industry going into overdrive after 2 years of no electronics got me the highest pay job i've ever had

>> No.49610745

>landscaper tells boomer cost have to go up because landscaping runs in gas
Ironically my boomer dad worked in a coal mine and at one point was literally paid in company store chuckie cheese tokens. Somehow of the opinion "unions bad"

>> No.49610829

it's not looking down on hard work its companies not valuing hard work and paying them a humane salary.

>> No.49610950

also an opera singer. really.

>> No.49611181

i enjoy working hard for myself. using my free time to write a book right now. just have to learn some business and marketing shit.

>> No.49611301

kek try typing "is mike rowe gay" into google.

>> No.49611950

And compete with latinx theres no fucking way unless one day they too ask for higher wages

>> No.49612032

my willingness to work is directly correlated to crypto prices
not "inversely" correlated
when eth was at $4800, i busted ass all day
now that we're at $1200, i play video games
don't like it? tough, jews. either let crypto pump or enjoy your crashing economy

>> No.49612106
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Boomer is angry you will not work 3 hours overtime everyday for free. Boomer boss wants to be able to call you at 10PM to discuss tomorrows meeting and what you have to do NOW to get ready for it.

>> No.49612159

People have been (((conditioned))) to conflate work with generating currency and theres a HUGE difference. Working exponentially harder for a currency that is constantly losing value is the true path to serfdom

>> No.49613104
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>> No.49613293

When the U.S. stops giving billions of our tax dollars to countries that should solve their problems. Yes, I'm talking about Ukraine.

>> No.49613510

Just eat the boomers instead, it'd be more effective

>> No.49613538

Imagine waging to pay for Juanita and Leshandre's 8th child.

>> No.49613723

When someone notices I just sit at my PC all day and push off my work onto other people.

>> No.49613725

I'll always remember this faggot only for shilling some gay ssri (that later got a blackbox) in some commercial. What a shill pussy. Personification of the absolute state of the 'Kwa.

>> No.49613791

What do you do now?

>> No.49613828 [DELETED] 

This right here, and importing slaves to drive wages even lower. No, its not snobbery that caused this, it was fucking greed. Us slaves have had enough. SO FUCK YOU YOU FUZZY LITTLE SHIT HEAD!!! I HAVE BEEN FUCKED AROUND IN MY TIME BY FAIRLY GOOD CROSS-SECTION OF ILL TEMPERED RULE CRAZY BOSSES. AND NOW ITS MY TURN. FUCK YOU CEO, IM IN CHARGE

>> No.49613964


This right here, and importing slaves to drive wages even lower. No, its not snobbery that caused this, it was fucking greed BY THEM. Us slaves have had enough.


>> No.49614369

Nobody ever got rich by working hard.

>> No.49614734

why work when u can neet?