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49600867 No.49600867 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you know the mess we're in is all Trump's fault. If he hadn't pressured Powell into lowering rates back in 2019 and 2020 this inflation crisis would never have happened and we would be in a normal economic growth phase right now.

>> No.49600907

Will Amerilards ever stop talking about Trump

>> No.49600919
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Sure homo whatever ya say.

>> No.49600946

you are anti-AMERICAN

>> No.49601001
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Biden could have gotten rid of Powell, so not he get 100% the blame!

>> No.49601009

Maybe we should have banned chink bat eaters from re-entering the country. At least then there wouldn't be any excuses for the money printer.

>> No.49601048

So sick of talking about trump
Did you know Abraham Lincoln literally started all this by giving blacks freedom

>> No.49601075

Trump is the new Reagan. It took Trump becoming president for people to shut the fuck up about Reagan, and people will likely not shut the fuck up about Trump until some other chucklefuck like Nick Fuentes or something hijacks the party (again).

>> No.49601096

DJT was intending to crash the USD so he could orchestrate NESARA and peg USD to a gold/oil/SPX standard

>> No.49601109

No bro
We'd still be riding the wave into the most prosper time in American history. Biden and democrats are simply terrible at business and pretty much everything other than being crybabies and victims

>> No.49601193

The central banking system, the fed, and the jewisu cabal is why we're in this mess. What do you expect when they centralized the global reserve currency and all markets are tied to the hip. Biden however is worse than Trump.

>> No.49601197

The damage was already done, retard.

>> No.49601259

this is actually true but untrue. he was doing what he was told (trump). it didn't matter who was the president, they would've done the same.

>> No.49601291

People are kind of already disillusioned with Trump desu, the only reason he might get nominated again is because of the absolute state

>> No.49601329

Why are burgers like this? You do realize the whole world is experiencing inflation, not just your country? Please tell me you get this. It is neither Trump nor Biden's fault, nor even the Fed's. What the hell is wrong with you guys? How do you not understand such simple concepts?

>> No.49601362

few understand, but this anon is right, trump desperately tried to make markets go parabolic when the state was supposed to rake in corporate tax after having provided years of tax payer liquidity, he is as low IQ as the upcoming cascade of kushnerbots not able to understand what I just said

>> No.49601436

>slash corporate tax after years of QE when everything is up and running
>pressure fed which pressured the ecb and other central banks
you‘re a low IQ faggot, ngmi

>> No.49601474

He wasn’t intending to do that. He is doing it, right now at this very moment and we are witnessing it.

>> No.49601505

Yes it was beyond retarded of Trump to slash corporate taxes and harmed the economy, but inflation is primarily caused by supply chain issues (which were caused by COVID) and the shit in Ukraine.

>> No.49601568

As soon as negative interest gets announced, I take every penny out of the bank immediately on payday and buy physical gold and silver bullion with it.

>> No.49601620

Ask me how I know that you think it’s okay for men to suck each others dicks.

>> No.49601653

true, but raising rates earlier would have eased that pressure, now it‘s too late

>> No.49601701

Don't care, the buck stops with Sleepy Joe (except for when he blames the CEO of America, Putin!)

>> No.49601745
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You're wrong and enjoy your transition to fake woman, faggot

>> No.49601783

dude everyone runs on usd and chases after us
the most you could excuse it with is 'everyone made the same fucked up economic decisions that led to inflation and supply crises' but that doesn't excuse trump and biden also making those mistakes

>> No.49601809
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>> No.49601850

I don't see how America will even last that long at this rate

>> No.49601898

Since this is the designated Trump thread, what do you think of the trade war with China? I was reading up on it, and it seems that Trump got some concession in terms of legislation from China that is meant to provide more protection for foreign companies, but the trade deficit with China now is the same as it was before the trade war and that's with the supply chain issues.

>> No.49601929

America is a third-world country propelled to the status of global hegemon in the wake of European catastrophe. The American Age will not come into being until it returns to its status as a third-world country and balkanizes.

>> No.49601951

Economy was growing gangbusters before Ukraine, way faster than inflation. All boats were being raised before Ukraine, except pensioners ... but fuck pensioners. Oil supply shock would have hit just as hard, but there'd still be mass unemployment without Trump.

You know what makes gas really hard to afford for poorfags? Not having a fucking job. There's worse things than inflation.

>> No.49601967

Trump was succesful presisent on the international stage, he woke up people about chyna and didn’t create a new war.
Domestically he failed to reverse the decline however but it’s not like he could ever do it in the first place.

>> No.49601995

Ukraine would be one step from a nothingburger if the GAE didn't immediately start screaming and crying about it.
The sanctions are the problem, not the fact that Slavs are killing each other.
Next we should start sanctioning the Saudis and blame the massive price spike on the war in Libya.

>> No.49602050
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>100% energy independence
>lowest jobless numbers ever
>slowly removed US from globohomo groups and deals

Reason line always went up under Trump was because he laid the perfect foundation for the country to financially benefit on trade for the first time in recent memory. But because the DNC (and RINOs like Romney) couldn’t stand the thought of someone that actually gave a fuck about the country and not total control, they blew the meme flu way out proportion. When that wasn’t really fooling anyone, they frenzied up the country to riot over a dead drug addict that. DNC literally created this problem and have no idea how to fix it.

>> No.49602239
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was overall a good thing but wasn't enough. there's still plenty we need to do, for example the extreme protectionism china has for their entertainment industry under the guise of "haha it's just standard communist censorship :)" is ridiculous and we've let them get away with it for too long.

also i want to say that trump is a keynesian kike that wants to lower interest rates to get richer at the expense of people who don't already own assets

>> No.49602252

fucking retard, inflation has been caused by years of covid lockdowns causing never before seen levels of disruption in global supply chains and energy costs. The sanctions on Russia have made that energy crisis worse. More expensive energy means that every step of collecting raw materials, manufacturing and transportation become more expensive. This inflation problem has been caused by supply problems and high energy costs driving up CPI. Stop being a retarded little baby

>Twump caused Infwation

>> No.49602285
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Biden is a puppet.

Donald J Trump is the greatest leader we have ever had. Without his selflessness in service to the nation, his love of the USA and his business acumen, Operation Shadowprez would never have worked.

All the things Biden is doing are for show. DJT never actually handed over power. Biden's inauguration was a farce. His EOs will never actually go into effect. Haven't you heard? WE HAVE NOT LOST. IN FACT, WE HAVE WON.

Donald J. Trump is STILL PRESIDENT.


The plan was enacted over the weekend… Only you never saw it.

Biden, his cabinet, and tons of both Dem and Republican senators and other officials were arrested. Proof of their vast crimes was shown. They were court martialed and found guilty. However, it was decided this was too much for the American people to accept. Overturning the election and showing the crimes of these politicians could lead to Civil War.
So an agreement was reached: Biden and other deep state elements will be allowed to move freely and serve their terms. President Trump would "concede" and leave office. But this is all for appearances. Behind the scenes, Donald J. Trump is still President.

This plan, known as Shadowprez, was seen as a last resort. But it worked. Anything that happens in the next 4 years is actually President Trumps doing.


>> No.49602397

more like he lifted the veil on how much of a disaster the US are to everyone in the world
internationally speaking of course

>> No.49602564

I haven't really seen this in the wild, most boomers and rich people I know still love him, though like I said it really would just take some actual far-right person to overtake him. Even most anti-maskers seem to forget that Trump is pro-vaxx

>> No.49602589

Or course he wants he's probably holding assets instead of money

>> No.49602720

Things were 100x better under Trump than under obongo or biden

>> No.49603497

>internationally speaking of course

I travel a lot. you are speaking of Europe. people in the middle east, African countries, India or South East Asia weren't seething about Trump like you europoors.

>> No.49603620

The bell curve meme does not even apply here. Someone with an 80 IQ would not be capable of understanding basic macroeconomics.

>> No.49603700

Economic context matter, commie redditor. Low rates are fine during a recession and economic turmoil usually and terrible when inflation's already high. You biden-voting retards are too dumb for politics. I wish you could realize that.

>> No.49603778

No, you braindead marxist dunning kruger example. Inflation only became a problem during your commie reign. And you killing supply with vaccine mandates didn't help, either.

>> No.49603817

Trump didn't make any mistakes, you "liberal," unamerican commie faggot.

>> No.49603819

>lowest jobless numbers ever
That's easy to do when you keep interest rates very low, but there is a price to pay for that - overproduction and overinvestment. Trump thought he could keep the interest rates low and bully other countries into buying American shit. He was a very bad president from this perspective, unless someone can point out how this could work, beyond his administration or if other countries just said fuck you.

>also i want to say that trump is a keynesian kike
That's my thinking. He ran as the second coming of Raegan, but everything he did economically was a continuation of the policies of 2008. He also lowered taxes on top of keeping the interest rates low. The only way this makes any sense, and we consider him a rational actor and not retarded or insane, is that he was gearing the country up for a major war.

>> No.49603860

You leftist retards are truly fucking moronic npc subhumans. Economic context matters. Spending and low rates aren't a big problem during some circumstances, like pandemics.

>> No.49603892

I’m sure the midterms will validate this anon!

>> No.49603906

Biden and your traitors greatly harmed supply with vaccine mandates, which got millions of people fired, and harming oil production. You know jack shit about economics.

>> No.49603943

Go back to red-dit or leftypol, commie retards. And shut up about economics until you can pass high school classes in the subject.

>> No.49603977

You're not supposed to cheer for Biden's next campaign when he's failing you lad.

>> No.49604020

Transparent shilling thread.

>> No.49604034

i choose the he's retarded explanation. also im sure he understands that that type of economic policy makes his assets more valuable so it's also coming from a selfish place

>> No.49604130

>i choose the he's retarded explanation
He was like "How come no one else thought of this?"

>> No.49604139

Unlike biden, Trump didn't go out of his way to harm aggregate supply, especially aggregate oil supply, and he didn't spend like crazy during an inflationary period. He was enormously superior to biden.

>> No.49604173

>unironic putin price hike
>what really harms the economy are supply side economics and promoting growth and investment
You truly are braindead.

>> No.49604175

Where is the one where republicans voted against capping fuel prices so they could say “LOOK WUT BIDEN DID LOL”

>> No.49604226

Covid, dumbfuck. The thing was rigged from the start.

>> No.49604241

>you lower prices with price controls
retarded commie

>> No.49604243

>overproduction and overinvestment
Lmao. More like malinvestment into nonproductive enterprises.

>> No.49604484

>it didn't work 50 years ago or any other time in his history but it's different this time

>> No.49604498

Trump is the one who pressured the Fed to print trillions of dollars in new money supply, you stupid sack of shit.

>> No.49604550
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>Anything that happens in the next 4 years is actually President Trumps doing
somehow, this isn't going to age well...

>> No.49604554

He's probably one of those facebook boomers that came over from /pol/.

>> No.49605961
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>for example the extreme protectionism china has for their entertainment industry under the guise of "haha it's just standard communist censorship :)" is ridiculous and we've let them get away with it for too long
kill yourself, i cant believe i have to say this but showing children being anally raped on television is not fucking normal and any sane country takes measures to stop these abominations from existing