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10-year up 6% today. If this continues it's the literal end of civilization. This is worse than a nuclear holocaust.
Oh, and this.
>>49597866>>49597893this 2008 bad or something worse ?
>>49597932you will be here to find out
lmao how can this be worst than a nuclear holocast like nigga just log in the white house computer and edit it to 2% like nigga just left click and press the number 2 lmao nigga
3% aint shit
>>49597932How does the United States government no longer being able to pay its debt sound?
>>49598026Ok now post the debt chart you stupid nigger
>>49597932Way worse than 2008. There's no historical precedent for how bad this will be because debt has never been this high across the board.
>>4959786610yr will rise again on news of rate hikes. I know someone who knows someone and they think prime rate is gonna go up to 15. That's one five, not basis points, but 15 %.Enjoy we're all assfucked.
>>49598035Been talking about this with people for awhile. The conclusion that has been kicked around is what would stop the US from just hyper inflating the dollar and then minting A new kind of dollar and leaving it behind.Other countries cannot do this because of US force. First soft them medium sanctions and shit and finally they will find a reason to invade if only to fix shit so your countries resources make it to market.I think a new currency is inevitable.
>>49597866Not my problem, maybe next time you burgers stand up from your fat lard burger ass and rise up against your slavers. Maybe, or just be exit liq as always and happy wo anything owned.
>>49598126Full deflationary collapse followed by hyperinflation and a new currency
>>49598082I can only get so hard. I hope you're wrong tho and it's actually 50%. That's FIVE ZERO. Would love to see this bullshit grind to a halt. Kekekekekek. Sure I might die of starvation, but watching it would be worth the hunger pains and distended belly
>>49597866>10-year up 6% today. If this continues it's the literal end of civilization. This is worse than a nuclear holocaust.when government going bankrupt?
>>49598126>what would stop the US from just hyper inflating the dollar and then minting A new kind of dollarNothing at all, so long as they can get people to trust the new dollar and not violently murder the government for nuking everything they owned (lol, lmao). Let's see how it goes for them. Also Russia has proven that the sanction machine is no longer as effective as it used to be. Also since a lot of other countries will not want to use the nuDollar as a reserve since the trust was broken, what is the US going to do? Sanction half the planet?
can't wait for (((russian sleeper agents))) to fly planes into US towers and biden shitting his pants on the podium while announcing world war 3: total war. alll because some yiddish people couldn't stop being greedy
>>49598188Checked the most sacred of digits
>>49598207I think @ 50% a thanos snap happens and half of us get dusted.
Just brr more money already
>>49598367Kek! Shit would be so lit fr fr, to feel my body discipate to nothingness. No cap mein ninja
>>49598431They will do a few more hikes, shit will start to get really fucking hairy and then pivot for QE infinity to the end of the dollar. Plan accordingly.
>>49598035Not just the government. Everything goes bankrupt. Corporations go under. Banks go under. Money markets freeze. Repo markets freeze. We get ass blasted back to pre-Medici European dark ages.
So how fucked are we boys? When is the fed going to turn on the magic money printers again? Of course the USD is doomed within the next decade or two, but theres still a chance for anons to make it and buy some land somewhere after the golden bull run which will lead to hyper inflation and collapse. One more big run left
>>49597893dollar milkshake bros..
>>49598035The us government can mint new currency, it's basically a loophole to print infinite money if they want. They can make a coin out of plastic and say it's worth a trillion dollars if they want and use that to pay off the debt.
>>49598509>next decade or twoBrother if they can nurse it along a whole more DECADE from this point it will be a Talmudic miracle. 5 years is my outside time frame, but we will get another run when they turn the printers back on. You better make it then and flip it all into precious metals, guns, land and commodities or you are grade A fucked.
>money costs moneyFinally, back to normal
>>49598126>other countries cannot do this because of US force.Alright dude
>>49598702No, the FED can do that and LOAN the trillion dollar coin it to the US government AT INTEREST.
>>49598630Brent Johnson slurping a milkshake today boys
>>49597932It's going to be worse. See what anon writes:>>49598035>How does the United States government no longer being able to pay its debt sound?I also agree with this anon:>>49598730>Brother if they can nurse it along a whole more DECADE from this point it will be a Talmudic miracle. 5 years is my outside time frame, but we will get another run when they turn the printers back on. You better make it then and flip it all into precious metals, guns, land and commodities or you are grade A fucked.Stay strong, frens.
>>49598494Can the government go bankrupt though?
I have 140k saved up. What do I do with it before it becomes worthless?
>>49599049Why wouldnt it be able to?
>>49598035Literally impossible if the debt is in USD
>>49598871lol the fed can do that but an article was posted here about a week ago, that the the us government can mint new coins and just declare them to be worth some arbitrary amount.https://www.businessinsider.com/mint-1-trillion-platinum-coin-debt-ceiling-2021-9For whatever reason in the 90's a law was passed in which the treasury secretary can mint platinum coins and peg them to literally any amount, so that you can print infinite money as long as the amount of the coin is way higher than the actual metal value of the coin.
>>49598730That's generally what I think as well, agreed 10 or 20 years probably ain't gonna happen unless we actually get a ron Paul style motherfucker to save the world. When are you planning on buying the dip? I've taken quite a bit of profits over the last year, this will be the first huge dip where I've actually got some money to deploy. I've been selectively buying a tiny amount, but I figure another month or two until we reach peak capitulation. Then perhaps some crabbing, and eventually printers go brr
>>49598035Pretty fucking neat. De-dollarize
>>49598035lets leave aside the fact that US can potentially print as much of its own currency as it wantsand lets look instead at the real interest rates. which are -5%
>>49599057Wait until the thought of buying any investment makes you feel physically ill and every fiber of your body says not to. That's when you buy some gold/silver/uranium miners, whatever tech stops are super cheap (I'm watching square and a few others), and whatever crypto looks good.
>>49599127Isnt that almost like not paying the debt back or worse?
>>49597866i mean this was going to happen at some point. the more worrisome part is global food shortage and this crash happening at the same time. fun times ahead.
>>49597866Japan similar today
>>49599344The debt gets paid back at the expense of inflation. Basically it's a tax on everyone like inflation normally is.
>>49598026It's broken the 4 decades downtrend very recently, it's actually a great cause for concern if for nothing other than the uncertainty that's going to come with this.
>>49599299They can't print shit. That's the Fed. All they can do is load up more debt. How much do you think markets are going to charge them for that now?
>>49599389I honestly don't understand how Japan has survived this long. They will be the first domino to fall. The Bear Stearns of countries.
>>49598188Is that what happened with LUNA? Was LUNA the trial run?
why did governments think shutting down the economy for two years over a cough was a good idea?
>>49599517Yeah the race is on between Japan and us (EU). I am 100% in 2y US trasury bonds right now. I won't go down with the Euro, fuck these commies!
>>49599517Weeb suicide soon
>>49599682>everyone got cough>hospitals overloaded>get into car accident>die since all emergency units are fullBe glad you are a dumbass that didnt have to live through this anon
>>49599682The central banks wanted inflation because the alternative is even worse (fucking huge depression) from their perspective. At this point I can't even exclude the possibility that Coronavirus was part of this plan, but I don't know.
>>49598302>just fork the $ lmao
>>49598126Yeah, just like Russia couldn't invade Ukraine because of it...LMAOYou are the kind of person that makes people like me rich. Thank you.
>>49599813You're a fucking retard
>>49598126I like this take because it makes me glad I didn't cash out for worthless fiat. Even if it's copium I'll take it
>>49597866>number go up is...LE BAD!
>>49598082Is that persons name retardo?
>>49598126>depend on china for everything>"hurrr we'll just destroy our currency">imports stopYeah, that will work out just great.
>>49598494This doesn't make sense to me. That money has to go somewhere. There will always be people that will want a good or a service for something else that they have.
>>49598818>when you have to enlarge the image to know which time america was running tail between its legs
>>49601662Back to cash?
>>49600020Dollar Classic and Dollar 2.0Coming soon
>>49601379Fuck off you easily impressionable asshole. I live in Queens, NY, and it was a nightmare situation over here. The world fucking laughs at people like you and you can cope and seethe and plug your ears and pretend like nothing bad actually exists because you're too scared to deal with it. You're weak, and your weakness caused the shitstorm we have today.
>>49599682Because it paid off the debt we accumulated, while also letting the rich sell right before they turned the printers off.
>>49601788I don't think you understand that more people across the planet are going to die as a result of the "cure" than they would have if we did literally nothing
>>49600020>>49601726Literally Digital Dollar
>>49597866Looks basedCash is king retards
>>49601930lmao you're a fucking idiot and an example of our shit educational system catching up with us 20 years later. I'm sorry you were failed at some point.
>>49597866nah i'd think being vaporized alive along with all my friends and family and millions of others is at least a tiny bit worse than the S&P dropping to 200
>>49601964>I don't think you understand! If we didn't force you to give up two years of your life a bunch of boomers and obese people would have diedNot my problem>The response to the plandemic is going to cause global hyperinflation and that's a good thing
>>49598035well no, realistically it could just cut funding from other programs and buy all that debt back. But that would mean actually lowering government funding to all the bullshit spending
>>49602014Idk man it seems a bit faster than scrounging around the ruins and getting shot in the middle of the street for your sack of canned food
>>49601662The majority of the money in existence is debt. When everybody goes bankrupt the party is over.
>>49597866World is bigger than your school shooting simulator of a joke country
>>49598630Yeah the world is about to be very fucked
>>49601788>cut hospital capacity>furlough nurses>fearmonger about ventilators that end up killing more people than they save>when hospitals get "overloaded" by people coofing and your heart surgery gets cancelled, say "OH MY GOD IMAGINE HOW MUCH WORSE IT COULD HAVE BEEN"holy christ I wish I could be so bluepilled I would unironically be much happier.
>>49598104Sqqq for the win
>>49597866Zoom out.
>>49601788>I live in Queens, NYYour fault, negroid.
>>49602042Except it was your problem because humans don't work the way you're suggesting, by just telling everyone else to fuck off and die, who cares. You're thinking up a situation that would never have happened the way you wanted it.
>>49601726>tfw baghold dollar classic and dont get chance to redeem for dollar 2.0 forkliterally not fair
>>49598035Sounds like they're going to turn the printers back on.
>>49599813>emergency units are fullNo you idiot. Hospitals were stuffing people who didnt need to be intensive care to ger coff bucks from the government
>>49602120Europe, Japan and every U.S. sycophant is fucked even worse than the U.S.. Only China, Russia and countries cut off from the globohomo feudal system will survive.
>>49601788Oh that makes sense now. I live in florida, we literally just carried on like normal and nothing ever happened. I got covid twice, it is the flu. I dont know anyone that had to go to the hospital for it, or died from it. Look up how many people die from the flu each year, and compare some numbers. Also, good luck not getting killed by minorities in queens lol. You are so absolutely fucked, the next few years will be fun for you mate
>I I ITS GONNA HAAAPPPPPOOOOON>ME AND MY /POL/CEL FRIENDS HAVE BEEN PREDICTING THE CRASH EVERY WEEK FOR A DECADE BUT ITS REAL THIS TIME GUYS>TWO MORE WEEKS!!!!!!!!Reminder that nothing ever happens and your Doomer predictions are projection of your psychological state of being a broken human that wants everyone to be as miserable as you are because you fill your mind with garbage constantly and have a negative inner monologue/behavior of speech.
>>49602195>by just telling everyone else to fuck off and die, who cares.that's exactly how humans work, fuckwit. there are 50% MORE excess deaths by non-covid causes than excess deaths from covid since the beginning of the pandemic. Everyone who missed routine checkups and surgeries, everyone who lost their shit in isolation and killed themselves out of despair, everyone in the third world who starved to death as supply chains froze up, they all got told to fuck off and die, who cares, wealthy first world boomers are scared of a coof.
>>49602195The pandemic measures did literally nothing but cause economic collapse. They saved precisely ZERO lives. If you haven't realized this yet then you're too low IQ to survive this decade.
>>49597866Good for anyone holding cash and not scared of banks... So boomers win again.
>>49602279>nothing ever happenszoomers with a two-week time horizon are unspeakably retarded. you were born at the tail end of a stable period and have lived through the blink of a world-historical eye. read a book you stupid nigger.
>>49598126>Other countries cannot do this because of US force.Other countries can not do this because they have external debt in foreign currency.
>>49597866Yes, jewish economy dying is worse than all living beings dying lol
>>49602082>realistically it could just cut funding from other programs>realistically Omega kek, 34% for nigger gibs is not negotiable unless you want them to ape mode torch the cities, 18% military is not negotiable because murika, 24% Medicare is not negotiable because of pharma kickbacks for politicians and boomers will instavote them out. Doesn't leave much to trim desu does it.
how can we profit from this? i got 210k in cash 60k in USD 150k in CHF50k in Gold 25k in Silver and like 50k in stocks in a fund that i can't really sell - some company stock bullshit it's locked. I know that most people are broke now nobody has cash everybody got shilled to buy a fund because you have no yield in the bank will cash be king again?
has anyone be having trouble accessing this thread kept getting error 400, I think (((they))) are trying to cover this up.
>>49601788>I live in Queens, NY, and it was a nightmare situation over here.Wow, it's almost like cities are naturally huge disease cesspools and that's part of the economic and social tradeoff for living in one. Nope, better shut down the entire fucking country so some faggot brown plague monkeys can keep using the subway
>>49599397But masive inflation on a coin that third world countries use in order to have a stable price signal is like ... bad yk
>>49602569>50k gold>25k silverHonestly, you are pretty much set for a currency collapse. Get yourself a bunch of food just in case, things could get real ugly.
>>49601439Cash is on the throne and the town criers don't even know.
>>49602850that was my suicide stack in case a currency collapse happens i don't want to start from 0. i used to be at 100k sold some silver last year i got most of it in 2019 so i got a good price. But i got so much cash now idk if this is the right choice i got food and even a gun with ammo. Maybe i should get a Rolex but the prices are over inflated too to its bullcrap.
>>49597866Fucking good. Accelerate
>>49598026It was at .5....There's been a 600% increase in only about 1 year...We have been in a recession for three months.There are no words to describe how over it is...
>>49598126Sounds a lot like LUNAC and LUNA... Turned out great!
>>49601575prime rate hit 22 points during great depression, 15 would be nothing given what is about to happen to us
>>49602195please don't appropriate the based frogit's bad enough we have pajeets shilling scamcoins using the frenfrog we don't need bluepilled govt shills using him thanks
>>49601662>it has to go somewhereyou mean the money that was invented out of thin air that didn't come from anywhere? No it doesn't, it just went poof.
>>49601575how much did Volcker raise interest rates to?
>>49602422we should rejoice, the end of the tunnel is upon us soon. Hail Victory!
>>49597932Only house scammers lost in 2008. Even in the darkest days food was cheap.
>>49601654if the imports stop so do the food exports, china needs our food a lot more than we need consumer goods
>>49602569honestly you can't. I thought about transfering cash to yuan or shekels (literally hoping it would be safely insulated from the collapse of the west) but the dollar is too strong right now. We are basically fucked no matter which way you go. >food>lighters>guns>ammo>alcohol>antibioticsthere's your safe assets.Gold is going to be useless no one is going to be trading gold to survive.
>>49603502oh you think China uses your food? lol.
I just want normies to get rekt
>>49598035>United States government no longer being able to pay its debt>year 2022 of our lord and savior>he doesn't knowhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6vi528gseA>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6vi528gseAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6vi528gseA>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6vi528gseAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6vi528gseA>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6vi528gseAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6vi528gseA>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6vi528gseAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6vi528gseA>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6vi528gseAthe game was rigged from the start
>>49603502here moron I'll spell it out for you. Now you spell diversification, midwit.
>>49603499What was gas price in 2008 dumb cunt>>49603515>no one will use goldYeah, out of the six thousand year history of humanity no one has ever used gold as a common item of value to engage in trade with.
>>49603541are you retarded? you cant just deny reality that china doesnt have enough arable land to feed its people and imports over 100 billion dollars in food every year, a significant portion from the US and most of the rest from western europe or other american aligned nations
>>49597979what a shockingly gay posts. why does everyone on this childrens cartoon forum need to pretend like they know something secret. youre a loser and we all know it, retard. have yet another big day poooooosting
>>49603764better buy something to cut up your coins then because nobody has change for you.
>>4959793280%+ market wipeout
>>49603654lol idk what you think your showing here, that china imports 50% of its food from the US and US aligned nations and somehow you think that means china isnt dependent on friendly us relations?
>>49603842Like, a hacksaw? Where could I possibly find one of those? Or simply trading my coin/s for a large sum of goods/property? Truly, you are dumb as fuck. Besides, silver will be for smaller transactions anyway you imbecile, pick up a fucking history book.
>>49603796lol ok buddy keep thinking that you hold something over the chinks when in reality they hold your debt and your fucking entire production of goods. They will eat buckwheat porridge from Russia and let 20 million die of hunger before they'd give in retard. You'd be long gone by then, feral noggers will have you, your family and anything you own that might interest them. And then your spicks will pick your house and dead bodies clean for scraps.
>>49603928yeah ok, keep looking over your shoulder when you buy maxipads in silver or gold for your tranny son with a line behind you oogling your coins.
>>49603942lol you know nothing of chinese history if you think they will take starvation. they are a bug people, they will take any offense as long as they are fed but if they arent fed they will literally depose their government and eat them and it has happened multiple times before in their history. China imports an insane amount of food, russia cannot sustain them in the slightest, you cant just hand wave away starvation. this is a pointless conversation, you are retard
>>49599299>and lets look instead at the real interest rates. which are -5%can you even pretend to try to elaborate on that?
>>49604010No argument detected. You think the local shoprite will be accepting bullets as currency?
>>49598489So, when BTC hits sub $10k and people have started jumping out of windows is when it’s time to DCA then?
>>49598126there is no need for a new currency. only thing that is needed is an international monetary/trade system reform. but the US deep state will never agree because this would weaken the international status of the dollar and would make economic warfare and coercion against other countries less effective, the politicians will never agree because boomers will lose their 401ks and will stop voting and the bankers will neveragree because they need the strong dollar.
>>49603796>are you retarded? you cant just deny reality that china doesnt have enough arable land to feed its people and imports over 100 billion dollars in food every year, a significant portion from the US and most of the rest from western europe or other american aligned nationsnot even grain either, Portugal started exporting Pork to China a couple of years ago, and their market is like a huge vacuum, they will buy anything you sell them, literally.. source: i work as it for a couple of slaughterhouses in Portugal, the only problem these companies have is finding land to produce more pork
>>49604059Correct, just don't end up like them.
>>49602990Arable landIf you dont want to farm it yourself, rent it
>>49599682Hey, at least it got Adolf Blumpf out of office! Now finish your bug burger before our electricity ration ends, Billy.
>>49604059I will probably buy back large around the time of the pivot, probably DCA down some low cap shitcoins over the next few rate hikes too.
>>49604057scenarios like muh fallout 4 are retarded anyway. But a deep deep depression which makes the thirties look like a walk in the park is definitely ahead of you and us in Europe. People with gold will keep it in the floor boards like before, nobody will show they own anything and suffer like the rest. That's what gold is for, to jump to the front of the queue when the shitstorm is over.
>>49598035Who cares? It’s not like the US was making any progress towards paying their debt anyway
>>49604059I started DCAing down last week. small buys for now. Inflation is burning in my pockets though, 10% 'offical' here already.
>>49598082>I know someone who knows someoneNone of you know shit.
>>49597866>the trend, in this case, is not your friend
>>49604205Yep, correct. Painting people who hold PMs as some kind of apocalypse preppers is a verified shill tactic. As if there is no in-between of status quo fiat printing and mad max lmao. Absurd.>>49604244Making no progress and large scale defaults are two very different things anon.
>>49604301the trend is your friend, till the end
>>49601788jew detected too many multi-syllabic words for a monkey
>>49603869Sauce on pic?
the US dollar reigns supreme i shilled this millions of times on biz nobody ever believed me. the dollar is the strongest fiat on earth b-b-b-b-b-ut muh crypto revolution! shut the fuck up kiddo. its over
>>49603827Would he not be here to find out? Its finance forum. Yall niggas act more goofy everyday.
>>49599712Japan goes first. You or the UK goes next. USA will be the last to the fall since it’s in the center.
>>49604270If OP is right and TYY continues spiking then we have a long way down from here anon
>>49604058Real interest rate = nominal interest rate - rate of inflationnominal in the OP ~3%inflation ~8%real interest rate around -5%this of course cannot last so either inflation has to come down or interest has to go up and Fed is actively working on both sides
>>49601788Your hysteria has guaranteed the deaths of billions of people you myopic fuck. I look forward to killing people like you in the collapse.
>>49602014You’re wrong. At least that would be quick. Instead you get to starve before getting your head caved in by a pack of feral niggers, with the last thing you see is your loved ones getting gang raped by your murderers.
>>49604893>and Fed is actively working on both sidesAnon, tell us, approximately where do you think they will have to raise rates to balance things out? Answer; enough to make the United States government massively default. Now go away.
>>49603764Gold isn’t useful during the collapse. I’m not trading you shit for your shiny rocks. It’s useful once things stabilize enough to trade the gold in for the new standard currency.
>>49597866The same thing happened to the Soviet Union's bond market during its collapse. Perhaps this is a repeat of the 1991 USSR sovereign debt crisis and Ruble hyperinflationary period.
>>49605073Gold IS useful in a collapse. Gold is the only financial asset standing, beside physical goods. Currencies, bonds, stocks and crypto are all useless.
>>49604893>inflation>8%LOLTry 15%+ and redo the calculations as to how high the rates are going to have to go.
>>49605186If you offer me gold for my food I will laugh at you.
>>49597866I've been sitting on tons of cash like a retard. what should I be buying in this situation?
>>49605240Nothing yet. We have months to go before the bottom.
>>49605233Trust me, you're going to run out of food without access to fuel. If you have no land or real capital, you're NGMI.Sacks of rice will only buy you time.
>>49598005this. We can do whatever we want. We could do a debt jubilee if we wanted to
>>49605270That’s what bullets are for.
>>49605295>we>It's another episode of Americans thinking they control their monetary system
>>49605186>be you>be starving>have gold coins>be me>have food>need to cook itYeah I'm not cooking my food with your faggot gold coins nigger I'll trade food to the guy with fuel and he'll trade fuel for ammo. And the ammo guy will trade for medicine to disinfect his wounds. No one wants your fucking memecoins or your gay as shit gold coins until there is an established system back in place.Stupid spergs never understand this..
>>49598035>>49598076>>49598126>>49598730Give me more reading material for this doom mongering, I don't see anyone else talking about that.
>>49605305Your bullets are not going to help you either. You will be the first to die when everyone around you knows you have food and ammo.
>>49604067after decades of war on [insert cause here], why would the rest of the world give a fuck about what the us wants? >Inb4 muh militaryRight, couldn't beat rice farmers, couldn't beat goat fuckers, couldn't and can't even beat drug Lords from the next country fast enough.
>>49605445This. Anyone trying to trade me shiny rocks for actually useful supplies is liable to be shot.
>>49605489When fuel runs out, you'll see a navy stranded in the middle of the ocean with nowhere to fill up, drifting around aimlessly.
>>49605445>>49605496>ITS MAD MAX OR NOTHING BROgo away
>>49605472>somehow this doesn’t apply to you with your gold thoughLmfao the goldnigger cope. Ain’t nobody coming to kill me because I’m willing to trade supplies for supplies. You’re trying to trade nothing for something and so you’re the first one that’s going to get killed.
>>49605496Do you think people will use guns. You are a gullible gun faggot aren't you.Try IEDs, drones, improvised explosives and booby traps everywhere. COD gunfags are the first to die in real modern warfare.
>>49598818>US got tired of slaughtering sand niggers after 20 years so it means they are weak
>>49605186>hello welcome to Grug's Trading Post, where Thieves Are Always Shot (TM), how can we help you?>yes I'd like to trade these shiny Real Gold rocks for food please>how do we know that's real gold anon?>erm... I have the receipt from JM Bullion?
>>49605466A history of Central banking and the enslavement of mankind is a good read for understanding the cycles of fiat currencies. Now compare those historic cycles to now, looking at the M1 supply (chart discontinued because it was so fucking bad lmao) and the massive bubble of everything thanks to nearly a decade of unlimited free money.
>>49605570This doesn’t change the fact that nobody is giving you food or fuel for your shiny rocks, you dumb faggot. If you try you will be sent away or killed. Nobody is interested in giving you something useful for a rock that they then have to try and sell to some other dipshit that doesn’t realize gold is nothing more than a shiny rock.
>>49605472>just kill the guy who knows where the fuel is buriedsee? this is why I said you guys are fucked. You don't even understand how reality works.
>>49605542>>49605577>>49605584>>49605621>more mad max fantasiesDon't you guys ever get tired of this strawman? Would you like historical examples of people using precious metals in hyperinflationary situations? Probably not because you will just keep sending strawman, thanks for playing.
HERP DERPMUH GUNSMUH AMMO>no gun press>incapable of fixing their own gun>incapable of making their own black powder from spent shell casings>thinks he's prepared for the boogaloo.>doesn't have a single camera on his property>can't program drones>can't even walk a mile
>>49605542No one is going to want gold, it has as much real world value to 99% of people as an equivalent piece of iron. Plus the issue of having to physically store and move it around
>>49598702Didn't they already mint a trillion dollar coin?
>>49605660he said collapse you illiterate monkey ooohh oooh aahh ahh banana
>>49605665Yeah moving around a few tiny coins is truly difficult. I wonder how people managed for thousands of years.>>49605679No argument found.
>>49605660Hyperinflation is different from the complete collapse that everyone in this thread is talking about. I am not taking your gold in a collapse. Nobody is.
>>49605466>Yes, hello, this is your daily news show.>This is the end. I repeat: this is the end. Try not to panic.>Now sports
>>49605445>established system back in placeIf only would could make a system that was peer 2 peer that was truthful and accurate that wouldnt repeat the mistakes of the past. They we could divide up the liquidity of valuable things without having to waste product.Oh well such a thing will never come.
>>49605720wow you're a stupid little ape aren't you, I was responding to the premise he set. little slow aren't you?
>>49605679Everyone who has purchased a gun from a firearms manufacturer has their name on a database. Wouldn't it suck if a government that is tired of their own people suddenly decide to accidentally dox all gunowners during the collapse!?!Oh, that would suck so bad.
>>49598035Inflation makes it easier for the us to pay its debts
>>49605489the world doesn't care about what the US want, but the world is literally addicted to the US dollar. they are addicted to running surplusses against the US. of course the countries holding USD reserves also feel the pain when the US decides to print more worthless IOUs. so what it comes down to in the end, is whether an alternative payment system to the dollar can be created. here is a quick solution: right now there is a trend where small countries band together to create regional currencies like the Euro. the US tries to prevent such efforts from succeeding. in any case the world will not get rid of the USD overnight.
>>49605731>I am not taking your gold in a collapse. Nobody is.>meanwhile literally dozens of posts of>I AM GOING TO SHOOT YOU FOR YOUR FOOD AND FUEL GOLDBUGok>>49605755No argument found, keep throwing insults please.
>>49605784is this some sort of boomer sperg revenge fantasy? what you said has nothing to do with what i said. can you shut the fuck up please? you've contributed nothing besides>y-you'll all see one day!I don't think you even know what this thread is about baboon>>49605819shiny rock boomers are genuinely the stupidest people on the planet, you don't even have basic reading comprehension. how does it feel to know you'll always be a retard nobody takes seriously?
>>49598035The US government was planning to pay its debts?I was taught that I they paid it back the system would collapse because the entire financial system runs on debts.
>>49599813this is classic victim blaming lmao
>>49598035Just print more money
>>49601788Good, I honestly wish it was worse.Hell Hitler Get checked
>>49605750>if only it didn't rely on electricity when we are talking about collapseyeah bic lighters are more reliable and thousands of times more useful than faggots with memecoins.
>>49605819The goldbug has the advantage in that they can pay a PMC to protect and extract them to safety. How do you think White people in Africa live? They hire PMCs all the time.
>>49598494We can't go back to the dark ages, we have nukes.
>>49605819Correct. We are shooting you for things OTHER than your gold because your gold is useless. I’m glad you finally understand. You should consider that if the majority of responses to your assertions about gold are hostile then you can expect the same from the average person in a collapse scenario. But don’t worry, I’m sure Cletus will understand after you explain the concepts of sound money and economic fundamentals. Lol
>>49605923I can charge my cellphone in a day with the panel on my portable speaker.Im not saying this is what everyone will do. It's just proof of concept. There are ways to come back from the mad max scenario.
>>49605946yeah they definitely won't just remove you and take in a collapse scenario. Watch Jericho.
>>49605731>there will be no trade or barter in a collapse people will just shoot you for your gold and silver>except they will totally trade and barter for food and ammunition and lightersyou're absolutely retarded
>>49606214how will they know the gold is real monkey?
>>49606184>>49606184that's solid and good stuff for when the grid works even if irregularly, but you can't eat it.
>>49602116>implying im not the dreaded bean bandit
>>49606228Gee I wonder how peasants figured this out for thousands of years
don't care, not my problem.
>>49606270so no answer, good job retard. enjoy your shiny rocks.
>>49606214I will barter with you for useful goods or services. I will trade you water for food or fuel or bullets or batteries or lighters, for example. I will NOT trade you for shiny rocks and I will laugh at you for trying and shoot you if you become too insistent and then just take your shit. I would prefer to NOT shoot you and just trade useful items like a normal person but since you seem insistent on making me take useless rocks for my useful goods, I can only assume that you are a bad actor and will act in my own interest by removing you from this earth. There are plenty of other people willing to trade me food for fuel.
>>49606355I will, thank you violent sperg
>>49605859>>49606161you retard nigger commando raider LARPers would get blown the fuck out by the first community you come across that uses the literally pre-historic strategy of strength in numbersanyone who has PMs would just need to lie low for a week until all you "THE COLLAPSE IS JUST LIKE MY VIDEOGAMES" faggots have shot each other and markets of people bartering with diverse goods start to form
>>49606254You werent supposed to eat it. It was an answer for the scenario posted here:>>49605445Eventually markets always re-emerge. Lets not let the (((bankers))) take us for another ruse cruise.
>>49598126Absolutely retarded. Amerifats have already started making themselves irrelevant in global markets, Absolutely raping only credibility you have left is just going to leave you in poverty. How would it even solve your problem? They would need to inflate the new dollar just as hard as the old one to maintain status quo
>>49606423Lmfao you assume so much. No community is taking your gold. You’re trying to sell people on taking some shiny rocks in exchange for their food. You are nothing more than a common Jew. Nobody is trading you useful supplies for shiny rocks no matter how much you scream it. All the average person is going to think is>why does this asshole think he can give us rocks for our foodThen they will send you away or kill you. There will be no COD LARP raiding you. You will simply just be barred from these communities for trying to scam people with your shit rocks. Or maybe they will kill you when you try because fuck you for trying to give them rocks for their limited food supply.
Funny thread. I like how the only real fud against gold and silver is some larpers saying they will kill you.
>>49606385Come up with your own comeback retard. I'm not violent at all, just you with you incel boomer revenge fantasies. Touch grass.
>>49606371>will>will>willyour mad max collapse isn't happening retard. all your fuel and batteries are going to expire and become useless before muh epic battle royale collapse ever happens.>since you seem insistent on making me take useless rocks for my useful goodslmao as if, I'd just trade with other people who understand the value of CURRENCY until you finally come around and realize "hey, maybe fungible, durable money is actually useful after all, all of these farming communities are perfectly capable of growing potatoes and turning them into fuel and it sure would be nice to have a common medium of exchange"again, all you LARPfags would get shot in the first week anyways
>>49606545>no community is going to settle on a common item of globally and historically agreed value and scarcity to trade withOk. Enjoy getting killed when you try to raid for some cattle. By the way that level of collapse is not happening and if it does 4chan larpers like you will be the first to die. Meanwhile PM chads will enjoy riding out the shitstorm to cash into the new system while you sit on your (fake and larp) pile of prepper supplies.
>>49598104Youre living in scam world so nasdaq will pump 3% tomorrow.
>>49606545I bet you're 350 pounds, on insulin, and can't even pass basic training. You won't last a week without insulin, and you'll rot in your home.
>>49606628You keep assuming I’m raiding people and not just part of the community myself. You need this to be the case because in your delusional fantasy the average human being actually cares about economic principles and isn’t just trying to survive. This whole thread is about complete collapse but you keep needing to change the scenario to fit your boomer rock mindset. I have no intention of raiding anyone. Stay out of my community with your shit rocks and we won’t have a problem, it’s that simple. Ain’t none of us taking your gold for useful supplies unless you’ve got the muscle to make us. (You don’t)
>>49606545>No community is taking your goldright they'll just barter with volatile goods forever. nobody in the ancient world used gold or silver, they just HODL'd their grains and oil and killed anyone trying to "scam" them with scarce metals.Your fantasy acute phase of the collapse would last weeks or months until people actually started wanting money again.
>>49606628The same thing happened in the soviet union. The Russian oligarchs who are billionaires now held onto assets like gold and raised personal armies with them. The locals (including the ones with guns) were powerless when the Russian mafia (who owned all the gold) broke down their homes and strung up any competition (aka "heroic gunowners") in their homes.
>>49606676Your anger won’t change the fact that my community has no interest in your shiny rocks.
Most of the major cities will be replaced with vast pleasure-domes used exclusively by the Excelceites, who are the neo-upper class, while the displaced hordes of lower-classed depth-grovelers will live underground in tiered cities, endlessly toiling away for nuggets of neoplasmin
>>49603515Are you aware that antibiotics have a shelf life? Way to out yourself as a fuckwit though
>>49606652>ILL TRADE WITH PEOPLE THAT UNDERSTAND SOUND MONEYyes, unironically, have fun trying to pawn off your bics and threatening to shoot anyone who doesn't take them because they have a still full of flammable 150 proof liquor back home
If a hypothetical collapse occurred (it won't), gold wins. Gold buys you an army, gold builds mafia like structures who end up having the monopoly of violence in this scenario.Maybe I can hire one of you to defend me, but you'll need to pass a basic fitness test before you can qualify.
>>49606745You’re not going to make it that far, dipshit because you only have rocks and everyone else has supplies. By the time markets stabilize and a medium of exchange is needed you’re already fucked. And THEN I can trade my supplies for the medium of exchange. You have to survive with your gold up until that point. I just have to barter with my community and act in its mutual defense. You’re at the disadvantage.
>>49606764Can care less what your "community" does. If you can't produce your own food or fuel, you are fucked.
>>49603499Yeah but there were no jobs
>>49598035It never was able to pay it’s debt off, all that matters is it is able to make the interest paymemts
>>49606877>because you only have rocks and everyone else has supplieslmfao at this retard-tier assumption
>>49606885Couldn’t care less*. That’s the actual phrase.
>>49603921Do you think "us friendly" nations are going to halt exports to China because burgers wanted to rug their dollar? No cunt is going to be economically friendly with america after that
>>49598818Someone post the tranny escape edit
>>49606877Even if most people don't personally have a use for gold, (((gold merchants))) and (((moneychangers))) have, and will. Picture how it was in Europe in the Dark Ages: the average European had no practical use for gold, but since he knew that (((merchants))) and the monarch did, that made gold and silver coins and pieces a legitimate method of payment.Take a real life example. Say I am a peasant in a relatively backward place, like an obscure corner of the Russian Empire in the 18th century. I don't have any personal use for gold or silver, but I know that the traveling merchant does buy it, and sends it to Novgorod or St. Petersburg where it is used to pay for European imports.This is how gold and silver works: You don't need to have a personal use for it, but the fact that someone does (even at a great physical distance from you) makes it a good medium of exchange.
>>49602381let me guess when the shit goes down youll be the warlord king of your neighborhood, right?
>>49602839the inflation isn't even the real problem. The actual meat of the matter is that this move formalizes the president as head of the executive branch as the de facto authority on fiscal policy until congress takes that power away from him. Effectively pushing the country closer to a president with dictatorial powers.
>>49607136But the year is 2022...
>>49597866i am literally a baby please explain. goo goo gah gah, and so on.
>>49605186you can keep your yellow rocks, i'd rather have my farm grown veggies, fruits, fresh cow milk, eggs and pork
>>49607230And there are still dealers in precious metals and jewelry. There is probably one in your town right now, and he is probably Jewish lol.
>>49597893US Dollar stocks are going UP...UP you fucking idiot. Thats a good thing
>>49607213>I'll be warlord, YOU won't be warlord dumb gold stinkyLMAO
>>49597866>worse than a nuclear holocaustDon’t threaten me with good times anon
>>49606877>ou have to survive with your gold up until that point. I just have to barter with my community and act in its mutual defense. You’re at the disadvantage.You are both skitzoid and clinically insane. You don't even have an imagination you get your fantasies from people marketing you water filters, recast aluminium 80% lowers and tiny silver and cold coins. Your dreams of 'shtf' are the dreams of ridiculous failed loosers and in any and all circumstances that what skitzo retards are, the bottom rung of life. 'My community' would you listen to this fucknugget.>>49606745> Nobody in the ancient world used gold or silverCorrect. You are a stupid badly educated retard who only get's things right by accident trying to be ironic. Coinage arrived relatively late and the main currency was clay tablets of standardised measures of barely or other agri commodities. Neither was gold a currency in inca civilisation
>>49607274I also don't understand, someone pls explain wtf happened today
>>49603921>Australia is going to stop selling to China because Amerisharts decided to rug everyone with USDlmao, no, you're on your own with this one
>>49604893holy shit a real answer, youre a king bro. id say inflation is quite a bit higher so the real rate should be even lower
>>49607425>I also don't understand, someone pls explain wtf happened todayEuro divident arristocrats went down 0.14% in dollars while oil went up 0.13% in dollars. Some ponzis like crypto and gme rugged further. Otherwise not much.
>>49599106>Just print more money Self defeating. Destroying your currency to pay debt has the exact same outcome. Printing money is not a solution, you've been listening to economic retards.
>>49607409>Coinage arrived relatively late and absolutely BTFO'd retarded forms of trade like clay tablets of standardised measures of barely or other agri commodities, FTFY
>>49607213>>49606877Lmao what kind of collapse are you even talking about, global liquidity crisis or all out nuclear war? You're the most masturbatory, delusional retard ITT, assuming that PMfags don't also have food and guns, assuming that there is NO surviving civil order or market economy, assuming that you WILL be warlord king of the neighborhood on account of your boxes of 5.56 and lighter fluid while poor PMfags are left begging and bartering door to door, assuming that farmland all dries up, nobody is able to grow anything, and your tinned sardines are suddenly priceless.You've created some retarded fantasy where anyone who holds PMs have lost the ability to do anything but rely on bartering PMs as a result of opportunity cost, while you've managed to position yourself perfectly for survival because you never spent $5k on bullion in the "before times". So retarded I don't even know why I'm wasting energy responding.
>>49607506EUR/USD1.0411-0.0115(-1.09%) SPDR S&P Euro Dividend Aristocrats UCITS ETF 17.45 -0.20 -1.14% Crude Oil121.09+0.16(+0.13%)Sorry...sorry make that euro dividend aristocrats went down 0.06% when denominated in dollars and oil went up 0.13%. Chicken littles said the sky is falling because they kept having ponzis dropped on their heads like high PE crap and crypto
>>49607585You said ancient civilisation, ancient civilisations did not use standardised gold or silver coins. First use was about 500BC. You are wrong. Now fuck off
>>49598035>How does the United States government no longer being able to pay its debt sound?Sounds likes its good to be the global reserve currency>inb4 ruble and yen shillsYeah, people are going to trust governments even more corrupt than the US. lol
>>49607730>hurr 500BC isn't ancient now fuck off 2500years of history is invalidated because I think I've won on a technicality now leave ok?!?you're autistic and not the good kind
>>49605186>Gold IS useful in a collapse. Gold is the only financial asset standingSilver21.02-0.91(-4.15%)Gold1,820.20-55.30(-2.95%)Crude Oil121.09+0.16(+0.13%)
>>49597893up your meds, now.verification required...
>>49607847Could be worse I could be a retard to sups doomer porn and sits fapping about mad max, small gold coins and poverty tier ARs
>>49607918Yeah I agree, do you think that was an ebin btfo of my position or something?
>>49607883He wrote "in a collapse" retard
>>49607847The ancient sumarians were trading futures 2500BC you poorly educated vegetable. No gold coinage involved.
>>49607949>He wrote "in a collapse" retardSo like 'in a bullshit'. I see.
>>49607987Do you have a point? You're acting like anything you've mentioned changes the fact that gold and silver have had exchange value for thousands of years.
I just wanted someone to explain the case for hyperinflation or a debt crisis in the west and all I got was faggots sperging out over gold. Dumb niggers.
>>49608062So has tin, copper, barley, bronze, arsenic, fish, feathers, marble, cattle, seashells, sheep, wool and slaves. In fact many of these were used as a medium of exchange for longer than gold.
>>49608022Yeah exactly. Try reading before waste time with current ticker numbers though.
>>49606792shelf life of antibiotics is much more conservative than active ingredient lifetime as long as you store away from sunlight. You can usually go years past the expiry date. This is true for almost all drugs as long as they are stored stably. t. used to work in pharmacy .
>>49608167wow yeah all of those things are just as suitable as money as gold and silver, great point anon you should tell the bullion exchanges that they should stop trading gold for $1800 an ounce and get into the lucrative feathers and seashells trade
>>49597866>worse than nuclear holocaust Maybe for jews
will americans finally wake up to the impact of judaism on civilization?
>>4960342620%? But he didn't have $70 TRILLION in debt.
>>49608265A skitzo posting a screencap of skitzoposts. I suppose it is art or something>>49608221You must be on some of those drugs you stole right now if you think you are going to be in a mad max world where you trade penicillin for bullets before the slavers come with the gold guy strapped naked on their bonnet dildo. You are all gayretards which is the worst kind of gay and the worst kind of retard
>>49606657nasdaq will pump hard if hike is 50bps. enough media massaging and we could get a pump on a 75 hike
>>49608464i feel like 50 bps is priced in while we will go even lower if its 75
>>49608399>in a mad max world where you trade penicillin for bullets before the slavers come with the gold guy strapped naked on their bonnet dildSorry, I just realised these >>49608265>>49608308>>49608362are Russians. In which case it is actually possible that they will be trading penicillin for bullets before the slavers arrive with the gold guy mounted on their bonnet dildo. So no real change for them.
>>49607136But silver IS useful, it's something you want to have.
>>49599389what charts even show this why dont people bother to double check this garbage tradingview has it peaked at .262 now at .249 investing has it peaked at .313 but not at .250
>>49607779Yeah, pretty sure its hard to be corrupt more than the US lol.
>>49603152Never in history has the USA been anywhere near 30 trillion in debt.
>>49599682>>49599813WEF the great reset, holy shit get with it captain bluepill
>>49598630someone explain this pls
>>49604583>being such an attention starved loser that you start arguing with yourself on 4channel
>>49604583>b-but muh denarius is strongest currency ever romans rule europe so what if denarii are debased we will send a legion and fuck you up if you don't use it, we pay our legions in denarii, everyone wants denarii
>>49605073Ok but I'll be willing to trade food with him for gold and vice versa. Now he and I have an economy going and you are left out of it.
official inflation is like 8.5%fed funds rate is still 0.75-1.0%lets say they raise it a "whopping" 100 pointsnow the fed funds rate is 1.75-2.0%does anyone see the problem here? do i need to call in a fourth grader?
>>49597932Like this guy said the only people that lost huge in 2008 were scammers. Now the entire economy has been taken over by scammers. The smart money is investing in ammo and tractors. >>49603499
>>49607108I need it too
>>49610016jusst admit it there is no where to run no where to hidewe all gonna have to see what happens next. dont get too scared yallremeber stocks were trading all time highs in jan...
>>49598035Lmao how is not being able to pay debt real nigga haha just like raise the debt ceiling bro
no country ever had any intention of paying off its debts. When everyone is in debt to each other, nobody is.
>>49610439This.In all honesty debt doesn't exist. It will just continue to climb until we reach the hundreds of trillions.
>>49610619problem is, eventually servicing the debt consumes 100% of taxeswe're not that far away for it, that situation could happen before the end of the decade
>>49610585They're paying interest on the debt every day. I have some bonds in my portfolio. They are in debt to me. I'm not in debt to them. Your retarded logic goes out the window.
>>49610767And they are getting paid interest on the loans they've given.
>>49601722poast gif
>>49610928What loans?
>>49609988so what happens when the gold you spent 30,000$ gets you like 9 loaves of bread and a bottle of whiskey, while the guy who stockpiled 20,000 rounds of ammo trades 10 rounds for the same thing? "everything" will hold value, but 10 bullets is 10 animals bagged.i dont think it would hurt to have a few bars of gold stashed away, but if its apocalypse world ending people shooting at eachother for cans of meat tier stuff, a bag of medical supplies is going to be worth more than the same bag full of bullion. any situation where its SO bad that "gold" is going to be the final method of currency is just so bad that i doubt itll even really mean anything either.hell, theres about a buck fiddy worth of gold inside an iphone, are we gonna start using those as gold coins?
>>495979322008 there was no actual risk of societal collapse, the system still had the ability to bail itself outthat can’t happen hereunless…
>>49598126tfw you don’t realize bitcoin was made by the CIA as a FIAT system bailout