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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49595559 No.49595559 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49595578

Thanks Biden

>> No.49595605
File: 54 KB, 640x578, 1630940898818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He isn't eating human meat to save money

>> No.49595816
File: 66 KB, 940x627, 7637104-3x2-940x627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

priced out

>> No.49595841

I paid €6 for a full roasted chicken (france) , anon you got scammed

>> No.49595864

how much for 1kg of bugs? I'm sure they're cheaper.

>> No.49595873

veganCHADs win again

>> No.49596226

Not when you die of malnutrition

>> No.49596300

Costs around 31 (actual) shekels here. For a change we don't have it worse than EU.

>> No.49596531

That should last you through a week at least if you eat balanced food with proper amount of carbohydrates. Also eggs are the best source of nutrients and they are much cheaper.
You know, if the globohomo agenda was not to enslave people they would have promoted chicken and eggs instead of bugs.

>> No.49596697

And you can thank the PPH (Putin Price Hike) for that. Write to your politician press him to arm Ukraine and protect democracy or he will go after another country.

>> No.49596783

You can get a mealworm growing starter kit setup for like $20 OP. It pays for itself after like 3 months.

>> No.49598690

>meat eating animal mass suffering causing trannies receive the vegetarian or eat ze bugs treatment
very based, medieval people rarely could afford le cheap mass meat novadays spoiled entitled dumb retards have daily

>> No.49598750

if your enemies kill you, you win

>> No.49598801

weird its 8eur here and a whole chicken goes for 3.5 which is like 4.5 if you count only meat

>> No.49598867

Is that a lot? I don't follow third world currencies

>> No.49598936

Multiply it by 2x and you get the price in dollars (because we earn so little)

>> No.49599042

Meat eaters are almost same as cannibals, the only difference between them is that cannibals eat better quality meat

>> No.49599055

Fucking retard with all the variety of today there is no such thing as malnutrition you aren't living in the dark ages nigger too much meat gives you toxins, purines, clogged intestines and overall bad health stupid goblin

>> No.49599113

Good thing I don’t eat meat, rice and beans cheap forever. Stored in a cool dry place they essentially last forever too

>> No.49599176

10€ for 1.2kg of chicken breast on the market here. Supermarket prices are a scam.

>> No.49599271


>> No.49599292

Packaged roasted chickens in supermarkets are cheap but very low quality, from chickens in cage

>> No.49599368


vegans are brainwashed retards

>> No.49599545

Do you live in Switzerland, op?

>> No.49599622

qrd on mealworms?

>> No.49599668

how many sats is that?

>> No.49599719

>Yuro fags blame Biden for their prices

>> No.49599751

hmmm been eating only meat fish and dairy for 4 years and am doing fine
yeah covid didnt kill me either
or global warming
really activates your almonds

>> No.49599817

I just got like 3lbs of chicken breast for 12$ usd lol from Walmart lol

>> No.49599930

Was it at least boneless? Here I pay like $8 for that and $5 with bones.

>> No.49599975

What do you mean, "at least"? Use the bones for soup stock, boneless is a far inferior form of chicken.

>> No.49600104

>he thinks medieval peasant diet is aspirational

>> No.49600291

I see your point and I always buy it with all its bones for that same reason. But at least where I live, a boneless chicken breast it's the most expensive form of chicken (probably because of the work of deboning it and because you're getting more meat for the same weight)

>> No.49600463

You guys didn't learn from the last time to stock up on any meat you wanted and freeze it? I have zero sympathy. Enjoy spending $10/lb for chicken or eating rice and beans for the next couple months.

>> No.49600513


>> No.49600524

at least he didn't pay 18 euro for it kek

>> No.49600746
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>bro medieval paesants didn't eat meat, you should be just like them.

>> No.49600785

>buys the top

>> No.49600876
File: 117 KB, 500x390, 1634932112640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because Putin did not invade Ukraine while Trump was in office as he could not guess how Trump would react and Putin was simply afraid. Putin was never afraid of Biden.

>> No.49601068

What is that weird symbol next to the numbers?

>> No.49601174
