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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49593590 No.49593590 [Reply] [Original]

that this place is filled with actual retards and not smart people pretending to be retarded

>> No.49593719
File: 283 KB, 800x1000, E5D0EED7-1736-4BA5-B27D-829507C3B086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit?! I literally deliver pizza for a living and you assholes took financial advice from me.

>> No.49593732


>> No.49593974

what do you expect? it's just teenagers and zoomies posting about their "investments" of fake internet money from parent's money, this board is dead

>> No.49594020

there used to be intelligent people here, fr fr
but once they got their bag they left

>> No.49594195

I'm glad you've got it now.

>> No.49594260

This board has consisted of 90% people trying to manipulate you into buying, selling or holding since day 1. Because that's the kind of game crypto is. "wagmi" is a meme, it's literally impossible for everyone to make it in a zero-sum game.

>> No.49594359

>weak hand cope

buy now. I know you prayed for prices to go down

>> No.49594420

Retards here are more interested in emotional hysterics and posting stale memes than making money. Most of them are too stupid to even realize it.

>> No.49594588

if you can't spot the sucker in your first half hour at the table, then you are the sucker

>> No.49594702

The board has always been like that
I came here in 2019 and bought the top of Lition because that was a heavily shilled coin back then

>> No.49594736
File: 342 KB, 750x669, 1620134911295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this

>> No.49594755

It's full of LINK fudders with heavy bags

>> No.49594757

The only smart people left are ICP Maxis and they get mocked endlessly by /nubiz/ aka reddit.

>> No.49594802

biz is only like 40 people who never made it
everybody else left already

>> No.49594836

I periodically post insider information threads that generate heated discussions. I work at mcdonalds.

>> No.49594889

Stay Poor.

>> No.49594898


>> No.49594915

what you have to remember is that a hamster has proven itself to trade better than the average investor. Whether you take advice from a genius or a retard, you're still gambling. At least the retard makes you laugh while you lose money.

>> No.49594930

i was merely pretending to be smart anon

>> No.49594941

This. ICP is the "make it" coin. If people haven't realized that by now, you unironically can't be helped. I'm not saying it won't drop to 25 cents or something, but you should be continually buying until the next bear market.

>> No.49594985

>it took me way to long to realise that this place is filled with actual retards
that's because you're a retard.

>> No.49595645

i'm not interested in making money. i'm in it for the technology.