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49589581 No.49589581 [Reply] [Original]

i just want to make sure everyone is totally clear about what is really going on in markets and geopolitics.
the reason for all of this is our trade conflict with china, it is the centerpiece and practically everything going on in these realms is related to this conflict, and practically all the bad things happening are caused by the western elites.
the russia ukraine conflict was started on western urging, and the results of this fake war are the thumbscrews we are using to get at china, what is happening to your assets is somewhat collateral damage, but it is part of a full-court financial press: ramp the price of commodities, diminish the value of assets, and ramp the dollar.
by upping the price of commodities, which are traded in dollars, you create a surge in the need for them precisely at the time where assets are most diminished in value, simultaneously constricting access to food and energy and you get a massive squeeze on china who is a net importer of food and energy and typically sells assets to access dollar liquidity.
a similar thing happened in 1985, the dollar was ramped and oil was dumped and supply ramped, the target was the USSR whose main export was oil. in march of that year the dollar hit a generational high and oil prices were cut in half, and gorbachev emerged as the premier at the party congress and he eventually dismantled the soviet union.
the u.s. wants a chinese gorbachev and they are willing to set the world on fire, kill thousands, possibly millions of people, and destroy your savings to do it.
i want you to take this all in and ask yourself is it worth it? are you happy to trade your standard of living for a regime change in china? its happening before your eyes, your leaders are gambling everything on this and you have absolutely no say in the matter, and everything continues to dump until our leaders get our way. they don't give a shit about you.

>> No.49589707

*surge in the need for them (meaning dollars not commodities)