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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 331 KB, 1009x349, FamilyBetsItAllOnBitcoin_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4958785 No.4958785 [Reply] [Original]

>Normie scum bet sell their fucking house for BTC
Anybody else kind of hoping for another crash?
Post other pics of normies doing shit like this

>> No.4958805

Good for them

>> No.4958813

they will sell when it dips in a few weeks because they are cold and feel shitty

>> No.4958814
File: 27 KB, 720x540, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it's Chad, remember me? So, a while ago I told you guys about this family and how much I admired their bravery, as they were going all in on bitcoin near all time high (that is considered a very low entry now). They are now laughing all the way to the bank, with a bunch of BTC to invest on other crypto, while you bunch of virgin damage control NEETs are very sad and suicidal pink wojaks. HOW DOES IT FEEL, knowing that Mr. "all in" Chad always wins in the end. They get in, take their profits, and leave you BETA MALES nothing but a shadow of your former selves, as you watch them ride into the sunset on their brand new harley davidson motorcycle with "Stacy" on the back.

>I-it can't keep g-oing up

That feeling right there is why you will NEVER be as successful as the Chads. THEY lead, YOU whine and follow (but it's always too late). Weak emotional control is the major trait of the NEETs. Too afraid to take the big risks, they follow the herd and bet against the king Bitcoin (virgin losers buying CHAINLINK) and then get fucking destroyed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH GET REKT LOSERS. You're too pathetic to succeed. You should follow this guy's family example, but you're too pathetic to take the chance of your lifetime. Get ready to live in a digital prison, in the future, watching ads for 0.1 satoshi/day, while Chads like this guy live on floating laputas. BAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA *inhales deebly* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA This is too priceless. Bitcoin WILL be worth 100k in 3 months, but you're all to weak to take the risk and make 10x...again. Meanwhile, more and more Chads come in and go balls deep in it. Even normies are now following Chad and taking their piece of the cake, but the virgin NEETs who knew about it before everyone else are taking losses holding CHAIN-FUCKING-LINK... AAAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH IM FUCKING DED

>> No.4958854

I bet they never even did research into their investment and are just going off the fact that it has mooned in the past. I unironically hope lightning network obliterates BTC value so I can watch that man get divorced and lose his 4 little girls to black people while he's in prison rotting with a Queen named Groetuschka because he can't pay the fee rate on his testicles severance package.

>> No.4958869

At 3k

>> No.4958894

>totally not a bubble guys, normies don't even know about it, it's not delusion, it's a real new paradigm this time

>> No.4958959


These guys did this a while ago. They've already absolutely made bank.

>> No.4959348
File: 133 KB, 1310x873, 1511276156806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In 2010
>Got out and mined BTC and doge over the winter
>Back in with $350k from house @ 3
>Sells all other shit to accumulate more
>Chills the fuck out and trades shitcoins in a tent
>Normie scum

>> No.4959377
File: 46 KB, 552x446, very salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4959397
File: 199 KB, 1156x400, 1510060545185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet they never even did research

You lose, again.

>> No.4959409

He had gotten in when it was $3000+ only, he's already a multi-millionare by the time video got out. Normies who has 0% knowledge about how crypto currencies work or even what they are useful for has made more than the majority of /biz/ within matter of days.

>> No.4959442

assuming cost of house...if they bought at 3k, they prob have ~1,500,00
he could cash out now, buy back his house, and live comfy for the rest of their lives.

>> No.4959465
File: 14 KB, 249x225, 1510583519849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be normie
>sell house for BTC
>BTC rises in price
>sell back for FIAT
>didnt get any profit because taxes
>act like everythings OK

>> No.4959483

Old news he's fucking rich right now, you dipshit.

One of the first articles:

5-10-2017 Price: 3200$

Keep hoping

>> No.4959487

>being this fucking retarded

>> No.4959490

>16th october
Nice gains desu.
They could cash out like half right now and they'll still have made good gains and go back to living normally. Should put the rest in bitbeans.

>> No.4959506

>Oct 16
They've already made it

>> No.4959533

u fucking idiot

>> No.4959549
File: 31 KB, 680x477, 2343245trgtew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand anon, he is the absolute madman

>> No.4959594

Normies don't do that shit. They're normies cause they're a family, is that what you think?

>> No.4959812

We have a normie on the loose.

>> No.4959821

fuck. he's going to get so justed over the next 6 months. maybe even next 1 month.

>> No.4960775

He's not a normie, he went all in when btc was below 6k, so that means he AT least started buying at 2-3 k and knew about it way before. He made the right decision at the right time and now will be free from the jew banking system forever. ggwp

>> No.4960800

he won't cash out because he can't.

>> No.4961071

holy shit thanks for the laugh hahaha go good

>> No.4961147

Holy shit thanks for the laugh hahaha

>> No.4961157

>didnt get any profit because taxes

this is the kind of retard that posts on this board

>> No.4961273

he willl cash out when she divorces him, he will need that cash to pay alimony

>> No.4961703
File: 4 KB, 165x115, IMG_1577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the virgin NEETs who knew about it before everyone else are taking losses holding CHAIN-FUCKING-LINK...

>> No.4961735

its a beautiful white family, you should be ashamed that your family does not look like this

that picture should be every white mans dream

>> No.4961748

>didnt get any profit because taxes
Shit you're right, I forgot about the 110% tax rate on crypto gains.

>> No.4961764

No;. I'm ugly and therefore everyone else should have to fucking suffer

>> No.4961793

Father is probably an MDMA junky. look at his tongue, you see how bite the shit out if it.

>> No.4962062

of course only a neanderlands can be this mentally retarded
I swear to god, dutch people have a genetic disposition to mental retardation