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4958698 No.4958698 [Reply] [Original]

Why bother investing your savings in Bitcoin? Sure, maybe if you buy like 1k worth from your savings then I understand that, but why put anything more than that?
>can easily crash
>not recognized as official currency globally
>literally backed by nothing
Just invest in gold, holy shit

>> No.4958728

High risk high reward. If you don't got the balls, or you can't take the hit and get back up, don't do it. That's about all there is to it.

>> No.4958730

>literally backed by nothing

and what's gold backed by?

>> No.4958757

Because Im not a poorfag and can afford to lose a lot :^)

>> No.4958804
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>People STILL doubt BTC
Enjoy staying poor you low IQ fuck

>> No.4958820

nigga i gots to buy food

those daily %

>> No.4958821

I don't understand how people don't get this.

The sort of people who don't understand the high risk high reward of cryptocurrencies are the type of people to tell you to store your fiat in your bank and take the <0.5% interest from that each year. mad gains

>> No.4958882

Bitcoin is the most scarce asset that exists. There are a shit load of other reasons, but that one alone is really all that matters right now.

>> No.4958913

Real world need for it in technology. It's beautiful and every wants some. Has so many scientific uses. It's basicly the most useful material

>> No.4958928

Is your house made of gold? Do you eat it?
I'd suggest you research crypto a little before shitting on it.

>> No.4958964

There's no doubt that you can get rich off it but it's still clearly a scam based on what it's supposed purpose as a future currency.

>> No.4959095

Scarcity has nothing to do with Bitcoin's value.

>> No.4959131
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>supply and demand has nothing to do with economics

>> No.4959135

Invested 6k

Now 100k

Hmm why invest

>> No.4959177

>>literally backed by nothing
Anything only has value because people ascribe it value. If everyone decided gold was worth $1/oz tomorrow, guess where it would be trading at? $1/oz
Doesn't matter what the thing is. Speculating on it is only speculating on others' ascribed values.

>> No.4959220

anyone who says this either:
-reads normie magazines bubble etc
-doesn't understand what btc is
-understands what btc to the point where they relise the blockchain has massive scaling issues and btc will essentially become centralised by the late 2020's because of these issues, but some other crypto will rise to take its place

>> No.4959234

I'm 47. 'Hid' a nominal amount of $7k in BTC over 3 years ago. Was going through a nasty divorce and wanted to make some money disappear as my exwife was fleecing me.
That investment is has gone crazy in the last few weeks. If the price hits $22,000 I'll be a millionaire. Would be a great Christmas present.
No idea what I'll do with the money. Still terrified her lawyer may find it and get his hands on in. But also equally scared it's gonna disappear in a bug or get hacked.
Whoda thunk being a millionaire would cause so many problems? I know there's so many guys out there who would want to be in my position. But no one knows I have this money, not even my friends.
Probably gonna withdraw half a million and buy some land. Then just continue living a basic trailer park lifestyle. Just to keep the dogs off my scent. Shit I'm driving a beat up 1996 Dodge and carrying $8k in credit card debt ffs.
I've never been good with money. I just want to make sure this investment stays in my hands and gives my son a good future.

>> No.4959260

I still keep a 401k and a Roth IRA. I don't have any debt to my name. Crypto is a hobby where my I throw my play money at in hopes of skimming a few years off retirement.

>> No.4959261

Just buy Monero, your gigantic moron.

>> No.4959308

>gives my son wife's a good future.

>> No.4959311
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you will be a millionaire and your bitch wife is gone

>> No.4959329
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wife's son*

>> No.4959973

>Scarcity has nothing to do with Bitcoin's value.
>being this dumb