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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4958441 No.4958441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Time to swim in vag

>> No.4958460


God this is so fucking cringey

>> No.4958463

trying to get pussy and all you talk about is potential money
youre not getting any dude

>> No.4958480

You poor thing

>> No.4958481

jesus fucking christ this new normie wave is unbearable

>> No.4958484


yarly. what a beta cuck. OP is a fag.

>> No.4958493

This is the saddest thing I've seen, kek

>> No.4958498

Show don't tell brah. And when you show it shouldn't be overt. Just nonchalance towards any little expense. Nothing overt other than some low key designer threads with no labels. But don't look like a dork.. Ahh.you probably can't pull this off.

>> No.4958504

pajeet detected

>> No.4958507

fuck. normie genocide now

>> No.4958508

This is so pathetic

>> No.4958510

I know.

>> No.4958525

id rather be a shut in neet as opposed to a failed normie. fuck this is bad OP, your only option now is to kys

>> No.4958539

holy shit dude you suck lmao

>> No.4958549


She's going to be really into you now, well played OP.

>> No.4958630

Women couldn't give a fuck about investing.
They're interested in fiat money only

>> No.4958638
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this...this can't possibly be real

>> No.4958658


This is excruciating. I hope this isn't you. I hope this isn't anyone. Please tell me you mocked this up in some sort of fake chat app as a joke.

>> No.4958659


sounds ideal

>> No.4958690

OP never fucking post again, even biz autists find this super cringe

>> No.4958713

This is making my face contort with cringe and im the type of guy to say "If anything, I'LL be doing the dishes. =D"

>> No.4958714

lmao i didnt even read the first message. sub 10k? then 12k the next week?
this chick is going to forever laughing at the retard who tried to pick up with horribly wrong investment advice

>> No.4958762

sure is a lively conversation in there. you seem to have alot in common

>> No.4958766

just sold every last bitcoin because of this thread. I don’t want to hold the same coin as someone this gay

>> No.4958769
File: 2.82 MB, 320x240, bloodbreath.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP on suicide watch

>> No.4958795

"See what you do babe, is you buy the news that BTC is mooning- and then when it's dropped a little and there's rumours of a big sell off, that's the time to cash out"

>> No.4958798

> talking on tinder about bitcoins
> not seeing the signs

op gtfo out here you ugly motherfucker

>> No.4958837

charge your fucking phone beta king

>> No.4959031

Why am him a blood fountain? Luke died because Rey was being fucking edgy and the she decided to go with Kylo Ren. Leia dies after getting sucked into space when the ship bridge she is on gets attacked.

>> No.4959046

Go die faggot

>> No.4959052
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kek please hope this is shopped OP

>> No.4959064
File: 72 KB, 406x390, 97987984443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm getting tired of fucking retarded normies pretending to know how crypto works in public

hoping for the big crash just to get these faggots out of here for good

>> No.4959072

This is legit. Fuck that overhyped sellout saga.

>> No.4959075
File: 138 KB, 350x350, Naamloos-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, maybe you BIT off more than you could chew with that conversation Op!

>> No.4959088
File: 114 KB, 500x640, teal'c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will still watch it because i enjoy futuristic/alien worlds

Anyone who watches star wars for the plot is the worst kind of normie and should be necked

>> No.4959454


>> No.4959589
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>> No.4959669
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f these dummies.......keep up the good work OP

>> No.4959679
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Stupid app never works or something