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49579293 No.49579293 [Reply] [Original]

>so yeah, I was rich, like, 6 months ago

>> No.49579323

hey that's me except i'm to much of a reject to even go to that kind of place or be this close to a femoid

>> No.49579353


>> No.49579432

I hate that the only way to get a woman by normie standards is to go out and put on a clown suit and act like an absolute fool in the hopes of getting some attention. I'm good-looking enough and I know I could pull women if I had a better personality, but what little dignity I have left prevents me from participating in this horse and pony show.

>> No.49579478

oof, that hits a bit close...

>> No.49579532

that's me:(

>> No.49579572
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>> No.49579661
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>> No.49579874

What is he looking at?

>> No.49579902

He's being hypnotized by the spiral shaped stove coil

>> No.49579936

that webm would be 10x funnier if at the end the coil turns on (as if hes gonna suicide by burning his hands)

>> No.49580002

Yeh babe blew through 100k haha lived the wild life you don't even know I don't even want to go there it was insane!
>Sat in my computer chair on /biz/ the entire time

>> No.49580019

(((record scratch)))) yep. that was me

>> No.49580042

This is me.

I got the degree
I got the job
I got the car
I got the long-term investment portfolio
I bought the house
I married my loving girlfriend
I have a bright and healthy young son

And I'm absolutely fucking miserable. It feels really bad when you find out that marriage and having a family is yet just another layer of empty consumerism that doesn't actually fulfill you on an emotional level.

I'm starting to think that happiness is just a myth and that everyone in the world is just LARPing that they are happy, including every billionaire, philosopher, scientist, priest and every other conscious human being.

>> No.49580055

When you say something like this imagine how you sound to a girl and then ask yourself if a girl would find this attitude or personality appealing or if you sound uptight, antisocial, delusional and resentful and your answer is why you don’t have a girlfriend

>> No.49580120
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>so yeah, I was rich, like, 6 months ago

>> No.49580175

happyness is not and cannot be a constant state, moron
it's just short bursts of emotions to activate dopamin and endorfin production in your brain to motivate you to do things

>> No.49580219

What? Paying all that student debt back amounts to nothing? Wagies are ungrateful pricks

>> No.49580241

You're just a spoiled faggot that stopped having aspirations just because you've "made it". Here's a hint: Your next goal in life is to raise your kid as best as you can. Also if you commit suicide while raising a family I will legitimately hope you burn in hell forever

>> No.49580262

I'm generally always happy. Why not be? It's your choice.

>> No.49580354

His problem is thinking life is a checklist. Adding another item isn't going to solve the problem. But yes he should raise his kid well. The best he can will be better if he solved the cause of his unhappiness.

>> No.49580411

I just don't tell anyone im rekt now

>> No.49580467

Exactly. If you're not constantly working to improve yourself in some way you'll stagnate and eventually become depressed. Things can seem rather pointless after awhile if you feel like you've achieved everything you've wanted in life

>> No.49580836

he can just skip directly to suicide and do all of us a favor

>> No.49581388

>I don't even want to go there
kek, using this one already

>> No.49582042

I just told you my personality is probably not appealing. I didn't ask you why I'm not in a relationship prick, I told you it feels humiliating to go to clubs.

>> No.49582736

No bro what I do is not try and not give a fuck. I wear jeans and a t-shirt. They need to fit well. While the other guys look like try hards I'm the one the girls are having fun with and fucking at the end of the night

>> No.49583379

based answer

>> No.49583502

I like how he says he's not going to be subservient to women and you fault his attitude for not being subservient enough to women like it's an inherently bad thing to not please and serve women at all times.

>> No.49583533

>he doesn't go out and get fucked up having fun with his boys
Getting pussy is just a bonus

>> No.49583538
File: 106 KB, 1024x1017, FEFE0627-0DAD-46BD-B154-385BF1626B35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and based

>> No.49583608


>> No.49583707

you are mistaking treating women like normal people with being subservient to them. enjoy being alone.

>> No.49583778

I’m just being honest in the hope you might reevaluate your mindset. Maybe your personality will improve if you lose the hang ups

>> No.49583817

They HATED jesus because he told them the truth

>> No.49583882

ahahahahah now being not an antisocial delusional complaining lil freak is considered subservient behaviour? jesus the bar is below the ground. You just gotta be charming and good looking man, if you are not too bad, try to be better and stop whining.

>> No.49583970

>just treat the king like a normal person by dancing and singing for him, paying taxes to him, and serving in His Majesty's army

>> No.49584022

A girlfriend is not a king. You are asking another person to trust you and find you enjoyable to be around and be intimate with. Starting from a position of being angry at women or society rules you out as a candidate on both counts

>> No.49584070

>that kind of place
Only really fun if you are full of cocain or other stimulants.
Same as above.

>> No.49584175


>> No.49584209


>> No.49584220

>full of cocain or other stimulants.
that's the best part

>> No.49584311

go to therapy unironically. happiness is thre, but something about your approach on it is blocking you from finding what you need.

>> No.49584328

I'm glad his majesty enjoys your performances. You're such a good servant.

No one even said anything bad about women. You just see someone who's 99% simping instead of 100% and feel the need to attack because that's what you were trained to do. Now you're playing all innocent with this "she needs to trust you for a relationship" bullshit despite the fact that we're not even talking about that; we're talking about men acting like clowns to try and pick up girls.

>> No.49585197

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy hanging out with my friends and having a few drinks and whatnot and just talking on hikes or at the gym or whatever, but I feel extremely uncomfortable around women outside of structured environments unless I get clear validation that my presence is wanted. Otherwise I just feel like I don't belong and attempting to flirt feels like I'm just asking for trouble. I was in line at to get drinks and asked a girl behind me what flavor her vape was that she had just hit, and she just looked at me and said "no thanks". Sometimes I say things and nobody seems to acknowledge me and I don't know if I'm speaking too low or they just don't want to deal with me. I can remember one time I commented that one of my friends wasn't in class and I said "damn I miss my nigga" (I had just played san andreas) and everyone suddenly could hear me and gave me shit for it. Anyways I'm just not gonna beg for attention anymore. If people like me they will talk to me.
This is what it feels like at least, so thank you anon for saying what I couldn't really put into words. I know women won't respect me if I'm nice to them and treat them like I would treat my male friends, but I don't know how else to interact with women. When I try to be more confident or passionate or something I just end up coming off as a spaz and feeling worse for having tried. I don't hate women, I just wish I could be with someone who actually liked me for who I am instead of only liking me if I fit into a generic mold of someone who says the right things. Changing my personality and behavior to get women feels so degrading and fake and seems even less respectable than just being who I am.

>> No.49585305

I have no idea what this means, unless you're implying that you think women are on the level of monarchs?

this anon makes sense and if you can't see that I don't think you have much hope.

>> No.49585326

If you are bagging UTK, you need not worry retard.

>> No.49586976

Fag, UTK is falling. If you had bought it a few weeks ago at 9 cents, you'll be at peace right now, but I'm pretty sure you bought at 31 cents burj.
> Use crypto payments, you get cashback and faster transaction

>> No.49587334

> Changing my personality and behavior to get women feels so degrading and fake and seems even less respectable than just being who I am.
This having to put on an act and be a woman’s court jester to entertain them is soul crushing. That’s why all this PUA tinder shit is awful for guys that aren’t social butterflies that enjoy pointless convos about the latest consoomer products your screen tells you to be excited about. You have to meet a woman that you click with randomly doing something you actually want to be doing so they don’t smell it on you that you’re desperate/just at a place trying to get laid. Might be a cooking, yoga, martial arts class etc. the point is you should be there for yourself improving your life and if the stars align and you don’t sperg out to hard/have a horrible attitude seem like a doomer eventually you will meet someone. Just don’t expect a 10/10 if you’re an average guy.

>> No.49587913

get your own thread, incels

>> No.49588206

>Changing my personality and behavior to get women feels so degrading and fake and seems even less respectable than just being who I am.
stopped reading here

>> No.49588211

incels are hilariously pathetic. it's really not that hard to find a woman. need to stop putting pussy on a pedestal and you'll not act like weird repellent freak anymore.

>> No.49588347

I’m happy and content, you’re simply cursed. Blame your brain chemistry.

>> No.49588478

So basically it sounds like you're and ugly autist who doesn't know how to talk to women, wow what a shock

>> No.49588602

Yeah that's possible. Why are you acting like a woman with your gay little reply? Do you think I'm unaware of myself?

>> No.49588719


>> No.49588798

Because you said in your first post that you're 'good looking enough' when from the sounds of your anecdote you're really not. Unless if you're a handsome chad you're actually going to have to put effort in if you want to chase tail or be ready to be a rich sugar daddy, sounds like you're not going to have many other options honestly.

>> No.49589075

You realize there are looks between handsome chad and ugly incel, no? I'm not some kind of gutter trash. What is "good looking enough" in your book?

>> No.49589204

Your personality is horrid

>> No.49589392

I know my personality is poor. But your continual avoidance of any cogent points I try to make does nothing to change my mind and only reaffirms my views. Insulting me is only you being self serving and as such I really don't think your criticisms are legitimate. With that said, eat shit faggot.

>> No.49589792

Yes of course there's more than just ugly and handsome, but you can only get away with having a shitty personality if you actually are handsome. Do whatever you want buddy, but at the end of the day, if you don't work on being a more likeable person, you'll be the one who grows old alone.

>> No.49590115

This no such thing as a normal person. Humanity is bimodal. There are normal men and there are normal women, but there is no normal human.

The point is, you don't treat women like "normal people", you treat them like women.

>> No.49590344

You're right here but you just called me ugly before. If you can't develop a consistent criticism then I think you don't really have anything helpful to offer. I know my personality is poor, but it's not so poor that I don't have plenty of irl close friends who I trust deeply and who care for me. So I think it's just that you see me as rude right now because I'm not making artificial social concessions to a faceless anonymous audience. All that said, I think I have some hangups around trying to flirt women in non structured settings, but I feel really disingenuous and fake trying to act in the ways it seems I'm "supposed to" to get women.

>> No.49590441

>not behaving like a cunt
>"artificial social concessions"

>> No.49590532

all you had to do was eat healthy and do cardio
and yes I am not happy but I am not miserable either

>> No.49590576
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NFT bros....

>> No.49590578

Could elaborate on how exactly I'm behaving like a cunt?

>> No.49590657

you think everything should be handed to you on a platter

>> No.49590806


Find Jesus. Seriously, soon.

>> No.49590954

No, and I don't understand where that's coming from. I feel like the game is rigged for someone like me, and trying in spite of those odds feels humiliating and degrading. My criticism comes from a place of experience. I would rather preserve my dignity and self-worth than continue to do something I know will not be successful.

>> No.49591052

Go to Church and find Jesus

>> No.49591088

>everyone in the world is just LARPing that they are happy
MOST people are larping that they're happy because it's a status symbol. Rich people are often miserable for a variety of reasons, mostly due to narcissistic fragility.
With what you have though, you should be happy. Unironically seek help anon. Your attitude will have you lose it all, then you'll have a real reason to be miserable. Maybe you need creation in your life. And no you retards reading this, having a kid does not count. Rats in a sewer reproduce and have successful offspring it's not a grand life fulfillment. I'm talking about philosophical and structural creation. Producing a lasting thing which will be useful for 100 years. There's some long term satisfaction in that.

>> No.49591229

To be truly happy you need to realize that you own nothing

>> No.49591359

You literally said that a girl turned around, saw your face, and said 'no thanks'. That's how I know you're ugly. I don't really have anything helpful to offer you because I honestly don't give two shits, but the way you write absolutely oozes 'i'm 2 smart for the normies I'm a special guy hee hee', no well put-together person says shit like artificial social concessions. Woop de doo you don't like nightclubbing and picking up girls, get a hobby and meet people who share your interests, you do know that there are other ways to meet people right? You constantly moan about dignity and shit but I very well suspect in reality you come across as a massive goof.

>> No.49591462
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You're fucking shit. My young healthy son is awesome. Trying being a based dad you fuck turd

>> No.49591538
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This is me.

>no degree
>no job
>no car
>sold nearly all investments
>no house
>no gf
>no children

>I'm starting to think that happiness is just a myth
You have everything that most people wish they had, be happy and grateful you miserable cunt.

>> No.49591581

Happiness does not exist in this life. But we can have peace. Try going to an Orthodox liturgy sometime

>> No.49591737

You ever abused drugs or alcohol? What are your testosterone levels?

Feeling happiness is mostly about chemical reactions in your brain combined with hormonal levels. If you hit the genetic jackpot you can feel incredible by default and if your genetics are shit or you fuck up your brain/endocrine system with drugs, you might feel like shit all the time

>> No.49591813

Loud clubs are not fun and alcohol is disgusting. Roastoids need to give up liking shitty things

>> No.49591939

M power logo. Definitely NGMI

>> No.49592017

A kike typed this. Don't listen to this rabbi, and have children and get married to someone you truly love

>> No.49592023
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i'm right back to where i started with crypto...